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The Law of Natural Manifestation
The Law of Natural Manifestation
The Law of Natural Manifestation
Ebook93 pages1 hour

The Law of Natural Manifestation

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So, you have read ‘The Secret’? You have gone through the words of many modern Law of Attraction writers who taught you that you can attract a bizarre feather, live a gay-style life, write a best-seller book, and go dating with scores of women just by muttering some ‘affirmations’, creating a ‘vision-board’, thinking positive, suppressing your genuine feelings by labeling them as ‘negative’, signing a fake bank-note as a strategy of ‘make-believe’ and sticking a thousand-dollar note to your ceiling to see it the first thing in the morning!

Ah, if life could have been such a playful fun! Far ... far they have dragged you from the true path of manifesting your core desire! And you wonder why the Law of Attraction is not changing your kismet!

Know the truth ... because only ‘truth can set you free’, not your ‘make-believes’. Know that something is manifested when it is natural; things become natural when they are subconsciously accepted; only such things are subconsciously accepted which one deserves; one rightly deserves that which is akin to his soul's path.

Read this book to release your true potentials and for self-emancipation from the passions of mind. This is the secret beyond ‘The Secret’!

Release dateMar 22, 2014
The Law of Natural Manifestation

Suniti Chandra Mishra

Suniti Chandra Mishra has been involved in writing poems, novels, stories and other useful books since his early youth. After graduating from Mithila University (India), he adopted his career as a language teacher and served at several schools. He further served as Office Secretary of the Continental Board of Bahá’í Counsellors in Asia (Gwalior office) and, during the same time, on the Translation & Review Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India. He has translated a number of books including the ‘Most Holy Book’ of the Bahá’í Faith (by Bahá’u’lláh), ‘Covenant’ (by Lowell Johnson), and ‘The Bab: The Herald of the Day of Days’ (by H.M. Balyuji) among others.He also served as Feature Editor (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh) at the Times of India, Response Team, Bhopal, and is presently collaborating with a number of reputed translation agencies of India and abroad as a freelance writer & translator. He has served scores of reputed international clients and companies of Australia, Canada, India, UK and USA. His books “Did I Exist Before and Will I Be Born Again?” published by Pustak Mahal ( and “A Writer’s Manual” published by V&S Publishers (, New Delhi, are carving out a niche in the market. In addition, several of his e-books are published at

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Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Although I don't agree with many of the opinions or beliefs in the book, the author's ideas are well presented. Yes, if the suggestions in The Secret were so simple, we'd all have it all and yes, there are rules to the Law of Attraction. The author almost seems bitter at times.

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The Law of Natural Manifestation - Suniti Chandra Mishra

The Law of Natural Manifestation

The Secret beyond ‘The Secret’

Suniti Chandra Mishra

Copyright © 2014 Suniti Chandra Mishra

All rights reserved (Except for the Holy Words used in this book)

ISBN: 9781310511356

Published by Smashwords, Inc.

Cover: Mayank Lodhi

Something is manifested when it is natural; things become natural when they are subconsciously accepted; only such things are subconsciously accepted which one deserves; one rightly deserves that which is akin to his soul's path.

- From this book

Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these.

- Luke 12:27

To My Reader

My purpose in writing this book is not to discourage you from following your lofty dreams and aspiring for the best. It is not my intention to refute the very existence of a specific law of nature called the ‘Law of Attraction’ or to advise you that positive thoughts are of no avail. Rather, my purpose is to free you from the erroneous and misleading explanations offered by the protagonists of the so-called ‘Law of Attraction’ who glorify it to such an extreme level that they call it ‘the Secret’ for achieving ‘anything’ you desire. This book does not only clarify your misgivings and misconceptions that some of the latest writers of the Law of Attraction books have implanted in your mind but it also sheds light on the truth of the Law of Attraction as one of the many ‘Laws’ created by God for a sole spiritual purpose. My intention is to give you a hint of your soul’s path which will lead you to your true destination.

This book will not tell you that the ‘Universe’ will yield at your feet anything you want but it will let you know what you must demand. It will not give you the ‘secret’ which will enable you to flirt with a half score of women but it will surely give you a clue to attract your own soul-mate. This book is not going to show you a short-cut for becoming a millionaire in three weeks but it will shed light on the road to your destined prosperity and bliss.

The book is divided into several chapters but, in fact, they are in a progressive and inter-linked fashion so that after reading the first chapter you naturally proceed to the next level of understanding. So it is better to read the book in that sequence. It is also important to note that this book, like any other book, is purely based on the author’s own experiences and perspective of life. Therefore, the author does not claim that his explanations and conclusions or his tips or advices are the final ones and have no errors or conceptual flaws. Life has always been a complex creation of God and everybody has his or her own experiences and interpretations.

I have refrained from using too many quotations in this book, yet, in some instances I felt imperative to corroborate my ideas by quoting – under fair use -- some Holy Words from the Baha’i, Christian, Hindu, Islamic and other religious sources. Nobody can interpret the true meaning of the Words uttered by the Messengers of God. Such explanations should, therefore, not be taken as official or authoritative. They only represent my limited understanding.

All that I can claim is that this book is written from my heart, after my own first-hand experiences which have led me to honestly believe that the way many modern writers have explained and glorified the Law of Attraction and have created an ambience that it can be used for attracting a feather, girls, men, women, dollars, jobs, houses and such petty pursuits of life, is not only wrong but also unethical.

Read this book to know yourself, know your own true destination and track the trail of your soul.

- Suniti Chandra Mishra, Gwalior, 17 January 2014

Chapter I: My Unforgivable Sin

In the year 2011, I did something which I consider to be a grave sinister act on my part. A relative of mine in Patna, who was my wife’s brother-in-law but meant to me more than an elder brother and a friend in my need, suddenly fell ill. His kidneys stopped functioning and transplantation was the only remedy. However, this diagnosis came later, after he had suffered a lot with the hands of quacks and ‘inhuman’ doctors as there are many. He was the only earning member of the family and, naturally, his sickness meant a complete disruption of his source of income while his medical expenses were on the rise. He needed to be on the dialysis at least twice a week. The condition was deteriorating and his poor wife and children were begging money from all possible sources. I, too, extended my meager contribution and, moreover, wrote to some of the translation agencies and publishers I had been working for. The help generated through these charities hardly sufficed for his two weeks’ medical bills.

I was in Gwalior, far away from him, and when I could get leave to go and see him, he looked like a human cage of bones with a shrunken, pale face and an emaciated body bed-ridden twenty four hours. It was he who, only a few months back, was an energetic adult with a lot of humour in his nature, bubbling confidence, a sturdy body and an overwhelming love for his family and relatives.

He always reposed a great confidence in me. As he was not highly educated, he considered me to be a man of wisdom and my words on any issue were almost final for him. As I sat near him, he looked grimly at me with his dim eyes brimming with tears. I pressed his hands and said in a solemn voice: Nothing would happen to you. You have been a man of strong will. See your children, they need you. They love you as you love them too. Affirm that you are fine, you will come out of this trouble as did Morris Goodman.

Man becomes what he thinks?

And then sitting close to him, as he lay on his bed – staring at me as one looks at his Messiah – I told him the story of Morris Goodman – the Miracle Man – as I had read it in Rhonda Byrne’s ‘The Secret’. He listened with great fervour how Morris survived from a plane crash, broke his spinal cord, lost his capacity even to breathe, was cursed to spend the few remaining years of his life on artificial supports and yet – by the sheer exercise of his dominant will-power to live and stand on his own – he walked out of hospital on a promising Christmas morning. Man becomes what he thinks I assured him in the confident words of Morris Goodman, and I saw a firm resolution shone on his withered face. As always, my words were a final decree on his destiny – Man becomes what he thinks.

Those days I was an ardent reader of ‘The Secret’. My own life had met a deplorable fate and

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