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How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes
How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes
How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes
Ebook22 pages11 minutes

How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes

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A 'Factional' (based on fact and fictiion) story about the cats of Africa and how the Leopards lost their stripes Suitable for children from 3years and upwards.

Release dateFeb 17, 2014
How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes

Felicity-Ann McInnes

A compassionate, gentle spirit, born far too early in an era overcoming WWII.Born 6th April 1943 in the then Union of South Africa, she found it difficult to relate to the conformity of the society of her up-bringing, coming from what was then termed 'old money' and brought up as an upper class individual with decorum, dignity and integrity. And having to converse to the family in four different languages, (English, Afrikaans, High Dutch and French); as well as a stern Nanny who only spoke Zulu, possibly gave her the gift and love of languages.At the early age of three years it was discovered that she possessed natural talents and gifts; able to draw, write and make crafts, with a wisdom far beyond that of a normal child of her age.The local Africans of the then Provinces of the Orange Free State; Zululand and Natal would ask if they could ‘borrow’ this Child of The Universe, in order to help them hunt for the tubers and plants needed for the making of Natural Herbal Medicines.They loved this strange auburn titianed haired 'fairy' child with her huge dark red-mahogany eyes ringed with a grey halo. Who seemed to know exactly what was needed even before it was asked for.Starting school at the very tender age of Four Years, her first illustrated poem for English Literature, was called “Snow” depicting a Mountain and the Sea with snowflakes drifting gently down. Unfortunately the original art work has long gone, but the words still linger.What made this more remarkable is the fact that as a child she had never seen snow nor a Mountain with the Sea in the foreground.Still actively involved in creating and writing and still nutures the adventurous spirit of travel.

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    Book preview

    How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes - Felicity-Ann McInnes

    How The Leopards Lost Their Stripes

    A ‘factional’ story about the Cats of Africa

    By Felicity-Ann McInnes

    Publisher Smashwords

    Published by FelicAn Books at Smashwords

    Copyright 1997 Felicity-Ann McInnes

    ..A Child is God's precious gift;

    and the way of giving us

    a second chance

    for a better tomorrow..

    - Felicity-Ann McInnes


    Educational and Fun

    This Story was written especially

    for Sophia Rebecca Lewis

    As a gift for her 6th Birthday 12th June 2010

    A Story of the Cats of Africa








    Pussy Cats


    Once Upon A Time, in the lands of so Many Long Agos, all pussy cats were called Moggies and were grey with stripes along their bodies.

    There were Fat Grey Striped Cats, Skinny Grey Striped Cats, Short

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