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The Christian Malfunction
The Christian Malfunction
The Christian Malfunction
Ebook59 pages1 hour

The Christian Malfunction

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The Christian religion is one of the most powerful organizations in the world; it is certainly a force to be reckoned with in the United States. Most people in the west know something about Christianity; many people in the west were born into Christian families and raised as Christians. Many were not.
Regardless of your understanding of the religion itself, it is important to understand the truth rather than what some people simply believe. The greatest truths that exist in life are so simple that a child will understand that it is real. The greatest truths in life are evident in some form or another throughout every civilization of men that has existed. The fact is, whether you are a believer in one religion or another… truth should hit your soul so thoroughly that it cannot be denied and it cannot be altered.
I will not attempt to convert or promote religion on the following pages, instead we will explore what I am calling the malfunction of Christianity, but which is the malfunction of all religions on the face of the earth at some time and even still today.

PublisherDeacon Weeks
Release dateMar 31, 2014
The Christian Malfunction

Deacon Weeks

Deacon Weeks wrote his first book "Christianity in a World that is Antichrist" in 2009. He has since written and published numerous books on various subjects such as faith, success, and love. His life and work are an inspiration to any who have had to overcome difficult situations. He now resides with his wife and four children on their gentleman's farm in Upstate New York.

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    Book preview

    The Christian Malfunction - Deacon Weeks

    The Christian MalfunctioN

    The eternal struggle between Christians and the world they inhabit.

    Deacon Weeks

    Copyright 2014

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Understanding Faith

    Be a Christian

    Live the Law

    The Forces in Power

    The Struggle Inside

    The Struggle Out There

    Knowing God

    Live the Word

    Love Your Neighbor


    The Christian religion is one of the most powerful organizations in the world; it is certainly a force to be reckoned with in the United States. Most people in the west know something about Christianity; many people in the west were born into Christian families and raised as Christians. Many were not.

    Regardless of your understanding of the religion itself, it is important to understand the truth rather than what some people simply believe. The greatest truths that exist in life are so simple that a child will understand that it is real. The greatest truths in life are evident in some form or another throughout every civilization of men that has existed. The fact is, whether you are a believer in one religion or another… truth should hit your soul so thoroughly that it cannot be denied and it cannot be altered.

    I will not attempt to convert or promote religion on the following pages, instead we will explore what I am calling the malfunction of Christianity, but which is the malfunction of all religions on the face of the earth at some time and even still today.

    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

    Understanding Faith

    The auditorium filled slowly with fidgety teenagers one late Wednesday morning. It was a common assembly at Valley Christian High School, nothing out of the ordinary really. Chatting could be heard along with the rustling of plastic chairs as everyone took their place wondering who would be saying what in the next hour or so.

    There was always a guest speaker. Sometimes they were really entertaining. Other times it was the same old noise that most of us had been accustomed to hearing our whole lives. It is tough for a preacher to break in on some new and fresh way of promoting the message of the Bible. They are held to pretty strict standards by most. If they just preach the word they are accused of not being relevant to the audience. If they entertain too much they are said to be mere performers rather than messengers from God. I think most of us just wanted to be entertained though. We had to sit here for an hour or two and so we wanted something that would allow us to enjoy the time. Of course, even if they rambled on about the same old stuff we knew by heart, we were still getting out of class every Wednesday at 11:00a.m. And somehow that made it all worthwhile.

    Today the speaker would be a man in his mid to late 20s. He was the sort of speaker brought in to relate to our generation. He would tell stories about his High School years and then crack a joke about how old we made him feel when we pretended not to understand the style of his day. Then he would talk a bit about college and how great that was in order to get us all excited about our future out in the real world at college. Of course he could not bring any of this up without talking about the temptations and the sins that some of us in the audience may be experiencing right now.

    When he found this line of thought he would exploit it to no end. He would list a few particular sins like the dreaded sexual depravity rampant among High School and College kids. Maybe he would comment on alcohol and drug use and all of the dangers found here. All of this would be followed up by a reminder that our sin was destroying our hearts and worse it was damaging the hearts of our God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, we were allowed forgiveness but if we continued sinning or simply did not accept that forgiveness then God would be saddened over this. Even worse He might return today and we would be caught in this sin life and there could be no saving us from this. We had to choose now while it seemed there was still time.

    The image of the cross would shine from the painted wall behind him and a tear could be seen forming in the speaker’s eye. Next you would notice the uncomfortable stirring in the hall as people were beginning to think about the sin in their own life and how they had been hurting this God who loved them so much to send His only begotten son to suffer and die a horrible death on the cross. The same sort of cross that we looked at every day as a reminder of this punishment and suffering that was ultimately our own faults. We were to blame, we put him

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