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I Am a Middle-Earther: Subterranean Lives!
I Am a Middle-Earther: Subterranean Lives!
I Am a Middle-Earther: Subterranean Lives!
Ebook139 pages1 hour

I Am a Middle-Earther: Subterranean Lives!

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In a mysterious subterranean land many miles below the Earth's crust, lies the fabled cities of Agartha & the people known as Middle-Earthers! Many of these men & women have now incarnated to the surface & are living amongst us as Ex-Middle-Earthers. They are gentle, strong men & women who have a deep connection to the Earth & Gaia but are often confused about their current roles here on Upper Earth. They may find romantic relationships difficult as well as finding work & spiritual activities that inspire them! The Abbotts, paranormal specialists explain why they feel so different to other people & how they can find happiness & fulfillment in their lives. Special channelled messages from Higher Beings & Middle-Earthers. A 'must-read' book for those readers who have an interest in interdimensional and off-planet lives.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateMar 30, 2014
I Am a Middle-Earther: Subterranean Lives!

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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    Book preview

    I Am a Middle-Earther - The Abbotts

    I Am a Middle-Earther

    Subterranean Lives!

    The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014, The Abbotts

    This book is available in print from

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

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    Table of Contents


    The Authors


    Chapter One - History of Middle-Earthers

    Chapter Two - Past and Present

    I try to create a rising of Spirituality each day through my respect of Gaia by?

    Chapter Three - Middle-Earther Love

    The Four Aspects of Life, The Physical Body, The Emotional and Thought Processes, Spiritual/Religious Beliefs

    Chapter Four - Middle-Earther Work

    Exercise to discover Your personal Life Plan, What is Meditation? Guides for Meditating, Basic Meditation, Divine Plan Work Exercise

    Chapter Five - Middle-Earther Health

    Foods and liquids high in pranic energy include? Health Ideas

    Chapter Six - Middle-Earther Relationships

    Forgiving someone is easier than you think, Forgiveness Meditation, Q 1 My family, A 1, Q 2 My body, A 2, Q 3 My parents, A 3, Q 4 My brothers & sisters, A 4, What have your brothers and sisters, taught you?

    Chapter Seven - Middle-Earther Finances

    Manifesting Exercise

    Chapter Eight - Middle-Earther Spirituality

    Tip, Recommendations, Poisonous Elixirs, Being a Tree Meditation

    Chapter Nine - Middle-Earther Future

    Chapter Ten - Earth Meditation

    Earth Healing Meditation


    Other book titles by The Abbotts

    Who Are You? - Discovering Your Cosmic Origins

    A Year of Meditations - 52 Meditations to Change Your Life for the Better!

    Psychic Powers - Telepathy, Astral Travel & Manifesting

    Future Lives - Psychic Visions of the Future!

    Henry’s Ghost Stories - A Spooky Romp!

    Other book subjects by The Abbotts

    Subjects include?


    The Authors

    Tony Abbott is a former clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, healer and self-development teacher and is now a writer and independent electronic publisher. At age eighteen, he had a vivid near death experience that changed his life and sent him on a quest for spiritual and psychic knowledge.

    Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister, clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual and psychic self-help books.

    The Abbotts have published over 145 books on the paranormal and self-development subjects to their credit and operate a huge, free New Age web site at that is full of spirit!


    Hi, we are The Abbotts, counsellors, writers and paranormal specialists. Many people have asked us to write a book about the Middle-Earthers. Do they exist and is there really a city below the Earth’s crust?

    No doubt, our ex-Middle-Earthers clients’ attempts to acclimatise to life on the Earth’s surface are similar to your own and so we will mention many of these scenarios but of course, for our clients’ privacy, we will change the names! We will add channelled messages from spiritual beings such as the Ascended Masters and Archangels to add their own particular wisdom to our thoughts. They are often wise, loving, understanding and humorous beings! We have channelled them for over twenty years and they have always enriched our lives with their higher wisdom!

    We hope that you will read this book with an open mind and heart for that is what a Higher Self does!

    We offer our solutions with much Love and Light.

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott

    The Abbotts

    Eden Park, 2013

    Chapter One - History of Middle-Earthers

    Middle-Earthers are also known as Hollow Earth dwellers. They have been known to Above Surface humans for millennia and have been the source of much wonderment and inspired many great myths and stories.

    They are believed to live below the Earth’s crust in caverns and spaces below the ground, many kilometres down. In ancient days, the Surface Dwellers and the Middle-Earthers interacted freely and exchanged goods. The Middle-Earthers would offer mined jewels, copper, tin, silver and gold for meat, vegetables, dairy products, hides and clothing materials.

    The friendship between the Surface Dwellers who lived in the third dimension and the Middle-Earthers who lived in the upper second dimension and lower third dimension existed for many years, until the Surface Dwellers greed for more gemstones and gold and silver caused them to try to invade the Middle-Earthers’ kingdoms and take what they wanted forcibly!

    Many of the Surface Dwellers had married with the Middle-Earthers and had to choose sides. Go and live beneath the ground with their spouses and cut themselves off from the surface or break contact with the lower realms and live permanently above ground. This of course, caused many hardships and heartbreak!

    Many of the great portals to the lower realms were shut off permanently, though a few remained opened

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