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Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three)
Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three)
Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three)
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Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three)

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About this ebook

This book is intended for readers ages eighteen and over.

Join this engaging cast of characters as you read about their past cheating spouses, unstable childhoods, and the love that comes out of it all in spite of everything.

In this volume, learn more about Bryce and Erin's past and what that will mean for their future. Watch as Jesse finally breaks through Marie's tough shell, and find out more about why it's there at all. Enjoy more of Ginger and Desmond's antics. Find out the surprise Pamela has for her husband!

Life starts to look a little sweeter for most on the island, but not everyone feels content. Forces at play work to destroy the lives of the happier ones around them. Who are they? What do they want?

Release dateMar 31, 2014
Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three)

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    Book preview

    Learning to Love (A Story With No Title series book three) - Erin Lancaster

    A Story With No Title

    Learning to Love

    by Erin Lancaster

    Published by Erin Lancaster at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Erin Lancaster

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this independent author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the writer's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events, or locations is purely coincidental. The author recognizes the various trademark owners of the various products referenced in this work of fiction which have been used without permission. The use and publication of these trademarks are not associated with, authorized or sponsored by those trademark owners.


    In this eBook, the character named Erin Lancaster is not me personally (we just share a name). The character Jesse Gillespie is merely the inspiration for the Jesse Gillespie in Guardian Angel, so he's a bit different.

    This story centers around a few main characters with secondary characters sometimes taking the focus for a moment or two, and the point of view changes occasionally. I point out these changes by putting their name in larger, bold print when it switches. Occasionally, as these point of view switches are made, I may back up in time for a moment or parallel the time before bringing the story back to the present.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Revelations

    Chapter 2: Trick

    Chapter 3: Serious Discussion

    Chapter 4: Ton of Bricks

    Chapter 5: Puppy Love

    Chapter 6: You Hurt Me

    Chapter 7: Pandora's Box

    Chapter 8: Addictive

    Chapter 9: Beyond the Boundaries of Friendship

    Chapter 10: Leftovers

    Chapter 11: Good Behavior

    Chapter 12: Barely In Control

    Chapter 13: Shocked

    Chapter 14: Good Boy/Bad Boy

    Chapter 15: Baby Love

    Chapter 16: Blackmail

    Chapter 17: On the Phone

    Chapter 18: Speaking of Torture

    Chapter 19: Stark Raving Mad

    Chapter 20: Fantastically Terrible

    Chapter 21: The Question

    Chapter 22: The Answer

    Chapter 23: Magic Words

    Chapter 24: Your House

    Chapter 25: Noah Jones

    About the Author

    Other titles by this author

    Connect with Erin

    Chapter 1: Revelations


    Bryce had to go to work early, and I feel like I'm a chaperone for Marie when the two of us go ahead and go to Jesse's house.

    I think if someone walked up behind Marie right now and said 'boo!,' she'd die of heart failure. She's so nervous! Back home, we'd say she's 'as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.'

    Marie decided to make an apple cobbler when she found a Dutch oven and some apples. I guess she wanted something to do. Jesse told her to go right ahead. He looks a little lost in his own kitchen with the two of us in here doing stuff.

    I look over at him and say, Jesse, why don't you go find something to do outside. You're making me nervous just standing there with nothing to do.

    "Isn't there something I could do in here?" he asks pathetically.

    I look at Marie. She looks around the kitchen and dining table where we have set up everything but food, and she shrugs.

    We've got everything covered in here, she answers.

    He looks like he's trying not to pout as he shuffles out of the kitchen and the backdoor. I get the strong suspicion that he'd hoped to get Marie alone. I feel like a third wheel, but I also feel like she silently begs me to stick around.

    I decide to make a little small talk. So, you're from Bergerac? I ask.

    Oui, she answers with a small grin before turning back around to do something or other with the stovetop.

    I have a cousin that grew up there. I wonder if you knew her.

    The city isn't terribly big, maybe I do. What's her name?

    Cristina, I answer.

    Marie freezes, facing away from me still. Then she turns around and looks at me very critically.

    Did you know her? I ask again.

    Cristina Haynes?

    I smile. "Yes! That's her! So you did know her!" I'm happy. My cousin is a little spoiled, but she's also a lot of fun to be around. I think Marie is her age too. Cristina went to live over there when my uncle got a job teaching English.

    You're her cousin?! Her voice raises. Then her hand covers her face as she mumbles, The one who's fiancé cheated on her. Why didn't I put this together? Small world.

    I guess it makes sense that you know her since you're-

    I hate her, Marie says icily and leaves the kitchen after turning off the burner on the stove.

    I'd been about to say that they might know each other because they're the same age, but after Marie storms out, I stand here with my mouth agape, not understanding. She hates her? ... Is Marie the 'bully' that Cristina talked about?

    I can't imagine Marie being a bully, but then again, I don't know her that well.


    No! No! No! How can it be that I'm making a friend and she has to be her cousin? I think angrily as I storm out of the house.

    Jesse stands at his mailbox and looks up, surprised to see me.

    I've had it! Coming here has done nothing to help me! My problems followed me!

    I try desperately to keep the tears from falling as I storm off towards the road. I don't mind walking back to my apartment.

    Whoa! Where are you going? What's wrong? I hear Jesse say as he trots up behind me.

    I want to go home, I say, and some tears escape. Back to France! Everywhere I go, my problems show up!

    What?! No! he cries out, and his arms wrap tightly around me like he thinks that simply holding onto me will keep me from leaving.

    I easily break his hold, but he obstinately keeps getting a hold of me in one way or another, preventing me from getting any farther no matter how many times I physically hurt him.

    Stop. Please! Tell me what happened! he begs.

    Erin is Cristina's cousin!


    Daniel's ex that he cheated on me with, I let out in a hiccupping cry.

    I hear the cousin of that evil witch say, Marie, wait!

    Why should I? I snap. Who's to say you're not exactly the same! I momentarily give up on getting Jesse to stop trying to hold onto me.

    I'm not!

    I don't know why I didn't see it before! You look just like her! I snap. In the very back of my mind, I realize I'm losing it and not making much sense, but I don't care. All I see is Cristina in glasses in front of me.

    Marie, at least explain to me why you're so mad, she asks of me.

    Do you know what your cousin did to me?

    Not really.

    When she was done visiting you in your home town, she came back to steal my boyfriend! I pant. "I moved here to get away from the mess she caused! I take a breath, and my anger takes control. And I arrive to only find her in another form!"

    Wait... you're that girl that was always hanging around Daniel? she asks, and I'm seething.

    Only because he was my best friend! I answer, feeling a little defensive as well. "She would try to say I wanted to steal him, but I had a boyfriend already!" I yell into her crumbling face. Yeah, Armand, who turned out to be an abusive jerk.

    Whatever happened, it's not my fault! she cries.

    The red in my vision slowly clears as I stand here while Erin cries. She's not Cristina. It's just she looks so much like her that the second Erin mentioned her, Cristina was all I could see. I feel like such a bitch.

    I'm sorry, Erin, I say lamely as I stand here, numb, not moving. I have no idea what Jesse is thinking of the scene in front of him. I think that it's possible he hasn't gotten past me saying I was leaving. I can feel him watching me like a hawk.

    Erin dries her eyes and looks at me like she's trying to understand.

    I decide to continue with my apology. I don't know what came over me.

    What did she do? Erin asks.

    I take a deep breath and prepare to tell her. I fully expect her to try and contradict me. When she got back to Bergerac, she got overly friendly with him. He assured me nothing was happening, but then his brother brought me out to where they'd agreed to meet, and I saw with my own eyes he was lying. I do my best to avoid saying Daniel's name because I hate doing it.

    Erin wipes a mildly-shaking hand across her forehead and says, She said she wanted to get him back when I left, and that she was going back home to do just that.

    Well, it worked, I snap.

    If he'd moved on so easily, she shouldn't have gone after him again. I'd wondered before, but this Daniel sounds like a real piece of work, she says in a steady voice. I knew what she was going to do, and I told her it was a bad idea, but she can be pretty stubborn.

    You're not going to stand here and try to defend your cousin? I ask, surprised.

    She shrugs. No. I believe you. She's spoiled. And it matches up with what I know of her and what you've told me, she answers.

    I need to go sit down. I'd expected a fight. I was prepared for a fight, and now that the adrenaline rush is over, I'm exhausted.

    You're not still leaving, are you? she asks earnestly.

    No. I don't know what I was thinking.

    She nods and says, Well, there's an apple cobbler that needs finishing.

    I look at the ground and say, It doesn't need anything. I need to sit down for a while.

    Okay, she says, turns around, and heads up the stairs to enter the house.

    Apple cobbler now feels like a strange thing to fix for a pool party, but I needed a distraction while in Jesse's kitchen.

    I walk inside and flop down on what Jesse says is a new couch and stare at my flip-flops. Jesse follows me in and sits down next to me. I really wish he wouldn't. I just want to think, and I can't think with him sitting next to me.

    I'm going to have to talk to Erin some more later about this, obviously, but I can't right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Cristina is her cousin and that she didn't try to defend her cousin at all costs.

    Are you alright? Jesse asks me quietly after about a minute of silence goes by.

    I sigh exasperatedly. "Jesse, do I look alright?"

    Just asking, he says defensively.

    I'm sorry. I just had everything hit me in the face like it just happened again. I guess the shock that I didn't actually run away from it.

    That's really annoying how crap will up and 'hit you in the face,' like you said, without warning. he says, I guess trying to be helpful.

    I sit up and close my eyes as I ask, Jesse, can I just be alone right now?

    Please don't ask me to leave, he begs quietly.

    That does it. The raw emotion in his voice breaks through, and I start crying. I double over from the pain around my heart.

    Jesse makes attempts to grab my shoulders to, I guess, pull me up to him. I fight him off several times.

    Dammit, Marie. Would you just let me help? he finally asks.

    I let out a pathetic, whining sound and stop fighting him off. I'm as floppy as a rag doll as he pulls me up.

    My best friend, I say simply in between little cries.

    I know, he says like he finally understands.

    He thankfully doesn't try anything, although by the time I've calmed down, I can tell he doesn't really want to let go. I can't decide if that's sweet or annoying. For something neutral to do, I guess, he switches on the TV, and Erin comes in and sits on the other side of me. We sit and watch some cheesy romantic comedy. My why-did-I-fix-this apple cobbler finishes, and Erin asks me to go over to Bryce's with her for a second so she can change into her swimsuit.

    On the short walk over there, I ask her, We're wearing swimsuits? I don't have mine.

    She bites her lip for a second before she answers. You could borrow one from me, or if you want, I'll loan you my scooter so you can go get yours.

    I opt for the scooter plan. I'm glad Jesse isn't around us when Erin offers the options. I can just see him jumping at the chance to drive me over to my apartment and back.


    Erin and Marie go over to Bryce's for a minute so they can change since it's about five now. I wonder where Marie is when I see only Erin walk out of the house and down the stairs to my backyard.

    Where's Marie? I ask her, hoping I'm not too obvious.

    She picks up one of the glasses of drinks I made and answers, I let her borrow my scooter so she could go and get her swimsuit.

    Oh, I say. I could've driven her over there if she needed a ride.

    Erin smiles a little, knowing smile at me and says, She was also curious about driving my scooter since she's thinking about getting one herself.

    People start trickling in, and I honestly forget whatever it was Erin and I were talking about when Marie shows back up.

    Oh holy shit, she's wearing a bikini! I instantly become irritated that I have to calm down the wild animal in my trunks as she walks down the stairs. What am I? Fifteen?

    She stops at the bottom of them and stares at the ocean. I can't help but wonder if she's thinking about that other guy, what's-his-name.

    Erin watches me and starts acting weird. She's trying not to laugh when I look back over at her.

    Are you going to stand there drooling, or are you gonna go talk to her? she asks me very quietly.

    I scowl at her. She thinks she needs to tell me what to do? She's got another thing coming if she does. She probably doesn't want me to run over to her... yet.

    Yes she does, Erin answers unexpectedly, and I look at her suspiciously.

    I hadn't realized I said the last bit aloud. I know if I go over there now, I will probably make a fool of myself because I feel like some kid who doesn't know what he's doing... almost.

    Grinning, Erin walks over to the hot tub to talk to Lynne and Troy. I hadn't even noticed they had arrived.

    Tonight. Please tonight before I go mad.

    Marie turns her head and looks at me, I guess because she can feel me staring at her. Her eyes narrow slightly, and she cocks her hip. I grin. Game on.

    She eyes me suspiciously as I walk over to her.

    Nice suit, I say.

    She shrugs and says, It was the first one I could find that matched.

    Translation: All or mostly all of her suits are bikinis.

    Down boy!

    Well, it looks good on you, I say. Want a drink? I ask, and the irony hits me that I'm asking her what she pretty much asks everyone at the bar all the time.

    She nods a little. Yeah okay. One.

    One. I've heard that before. Hm, really don't want her drunk though. I smile, turn, and take her hand. As I pull her along, I put it behind me and hold her little fingers up to my back. There's a slight tug to get her hand back like there was this afternoon, but I tighten my grip just a second before letting go on my own once we reach the bar.

    I'm going to make you beg.

    I take a drink myself, and we stand here as I try to convince her to teach me taekwondo. That whole 'don't date the teacher' thing is a load of bull. It has to be; it's completely crazy.

    That's a square knot around her neck.

    I thought you were going to introduce me to your friends, she points out, irritated from our discussion/argument.

    Oh yeah, sure. I smile in an attempt to keep the peace.

    She already knows Desmond. Apparently, he knows her dad too. I get a little annoyed at the way he looks at her, although I can't say I blame him.

    I remember that she'd already met a few of my friends, sort of, as their waitress but never in a situation like this one where she could actually talk. We stand around and mingle, and I honestly try not to hover.


    Jesse's hot tub calls to me, and I decide to go over and soak with Lynne, Troy, and Belinda. I put down my drink next to where I decide to sit while the three of them greet me.

    Once I'm seated, Belinda turns to look at me and say, You'll never guess who I ran into the other day.

    You're right. I'll never guess, I agree. Who?

    Your ex-fiancé, Sean.

    I go instantly on alert.

    Calm down, she says quickly. He's left.

    Huh? I ask, surprised.

    He left the island and went back home, she clarifies, still not really helping me.

    Lynne speaks up, He won't be bothering you anymore.

    How did this happen? I ask, my shock still in control.

    We had a little... talk, and I convinced him to leave, she answers with an almost-smug expression on her face.

    "You just talked to him?!" I ask, incredulous.

    Lynne can be... a little intense sometimes, Bryce's voice echoes in my head from the other day.

    Yes. Don't worry anymore about it, she states and leans back with her hands behind her head.

    Troy sits quietly and listens to the three of us. I realize I've never even said a word to him ever -- not that I know what to say now.

    I make the decision to just go with it.

    Sean is gone. He left the island. He gave up. Thank God. I take a deep breath and relax back against the edge of the hot tub. I'm free.

    I spend some time getting to know Belinda a little. I like her. She's got a quirky sense of humor.

    Troy and Lynne start getting a little more friendly. It gets harder and harder to ignore them.

    Belinda pipes up when she can't take it anymore. "Would you two get a room?!"

    The two of them laugh a little before going right back to what they were doing before.

    A little breeze blows Marie's conversation with Jesse over to me.

    I keep forgetting to ask you. I left some clothes in your car the other day, and I was wondering -

    He interrupts her. Oh, yeah. I found them and washed them. They're upstairs.

    Chapter 2: Trick


    My mouth drops open in mild shock. I didn't expect you to wash them for me.

    Why not?

    I don't think I need to tell him I'm surprised he even does laundry. Uh, okay. Where upstairs?

    I put them out of the way for the party. They're up in my office. C'mon, he answers me, and I numbly follow him into his house and up the stairs.

    We get up the stairs, and I walk into his office. I see a little shopping bag, maybe even the very same one I'd used, propped up against the wall near his desk.

    Here they are, he says and holds the bag out for me to take. When I move to take it, he quickly pulls it back out of my reach.

    What? I ask and look up at his face to see him grinning at me. Oh no. Jesse... I say in warning. We're alone up here, and most of the guests have already left.

    You know, he says, still grinning, maybe I should keep them.


    I could make an exchange... He leaves the possibility hanging. What will you give me in exchange for the clothes?

    I cant help but laugh a little at his boyish expression. Keep the clothes then, Jesse. I'm not bargaining with you. As I move past him to walk towards the door and leave, his arm pops out and stops me.

    The shock from the feel of his warm hand on my bare skin makes it nearly impossible to stop him from pulling me towards him. I feel irritatingly weak from a feeling of excited trepidation.

    Not even a little bit? he asks almost teasingly.

    Pull yourself together, Marie! Arm's length! I think rapidly and push at his naked chest. His other arm whips around me after it throws the bag on the floor, and he pulls me flush against him, shocking me further.

    Let me go, I say quickly, unable to mask my slight fear.

    Why? he asks, and I don't answer him. Why are you afraid?

    I'm not, I answer stubbornly.

    Yes, you are. You're shaking, he states in a calm voice.

    I try to use a move to get his arms out from around me, but I can't get the right leverage, not to mention I have no strength at the moment, to pull it off. I could always knee him, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I will if I have to though.

    "You're afraid of me? I'm

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