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The Widow's Walk: A Novel
The Widow's Walk: A Novel
The Widow's Walk: A Novel
Ebook304 pages4 hours

The Widow's Walk: A Novel

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In the spirit of The Notebook and The Time Traveler’s Wife comes Robert Barclay’s haunting and romantic novel of passion, destiny, loss and an eternal love that will bring two people together across time.

His name was Garrett Richmond and he had always wanted to live by the ocean. So when the opportunity to buy—and renovate—the old home known as Seaside arrived, he leapt at the chance. Never mind that his friends and family thought he was crazy, he knew he could return this lonely mansion, worn by time, wind, and neglect, to its former beauty. But Seaside was more than just a project; it was spot that had called to him his entire life.

And then one night he saw her . . .

Her name is Constance Elizabeth Canfield and she tells him Seaside has been her home for over 150 years. But Constance is no ghost; rather, she claims that she has been somehow magically trapped between this life and the next. At first, Garrett can’t believe her crazy story—the woman had to be lying! And yet, there was something about Constance that was from another time . . .

Soon this mysterious woman and flesh and blood man share a closeness they cannot deny. But just as their love begins to bloom, Constance’s presence starts mysteriously fading away, soon to be gone forever. Is their love doomed—or is it strong enough to transcend time, and even death itself?

Release dateApr 29, 2014

Robert Barclay

After graduating from Colgate University with a B.A. in economics and a minor in art history, Robert Barclay enjoyed a successful career in business, also serving as chairman of his industry-related consulting group. After selling his business, he devoted his time to writing. His previous novels include If Wishes Were Horses and More Than Words Can Say. He lives with his wife in Florida.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really wanted to enjoy this book. Unfortunately, I just couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. The cover is gorgeous, the summary enticing - but the writing was just too dramatic and over the top. I found the characters to be too unbelievable, and the dialogue...insane. No man would speak like Garrett, who sometimes sounded like an old Victorian lady or something. On top of it all, the two main characters were boring and stilted. All the problems seemed to be neatly sewn up in a sentence or two, here and there.On the surface, I thought this would be a good book. Once I started reading it, it just wasn't.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm categorizing this as SciFi/Fantasy because of the time travel. Architect Garrett has always been drawn to Seaside, and when it goes on the market, he snaps it up to renovate it back to it's pre-civil war glory. Only it has a sort of ghost that only he can see. Constance is caught between this life and the next, and apparently only Garrett, with the help of one of his university colleagues can release her...but it might mean that he gets caught in the nether world himself.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    In 1840, while waiting for her husband to come back from the sea, Constance Canfield falls from the widow’s walk of her home is in limbo for 170 years. She spends all this time staying on the property until Garret Richmond, buys the house and starts to renovate it. First he has dreams of Constance, and then actually sees her. Constance is surprised because nobody has ever seen her in the years since she died. What develops is a mutual love for one another but yet they must deal with the forces of nature.I really wanted to like this story, although the premise has been done before. I knew from the beginning why Garrett could see Constance when no other person could, so the ending wasn’t much of a surprise. As the story developed, I felt no connection with the characters. Although, I like the setting, that was about it. Even my wife wondered why I was taking so long to finish the book. It dragged on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is sometimes said that a select few hear the call of the past in the songs of old and in the works of art that decorate museum walls. They are a people that respect the legends of past generations that help create an architecture of both brick and bone. This book is about one such person that both loves and respects the past. He is a man named Garrett Richmond and he has decided that he will restore a dying historical landmark called Seaside. Not knowing why he wishes to possess such as place, he puts both forth massive amounts of sweat and blood; for he see the potential that Seaside could be. Little to his knowledge does he know that Seaside holds a secret. Garrett is not alone in his new home, nor will he will he ever be as long as he remains there. A woman named Constance Canfield resides in the home somewhere in between the living and the dead. A place where heaven and hell has forgotten about her. For Constance seventeen long decades have passed as she has watched the only place she has called home wither away. Curiosity and desperation has caused her to be bold and have her act out of turn. Can Garrett help Constance understand why she is still alive in Seaside? Why is it that only Garrett can see her? How can she break the curse that she is under?I have to say that I found this book to be very enjoyable. It was very different for me and I don’t think I have ever read anything quite like it before. I liked the character development and enjoyed the history that was brought into the story as well. It allowed me to get to know both Garrett and Constance a little better. I was actually surprised by the ending, which is good for me. I usually am able to predict the ending and was wrong on this one. I was pleasantly surprised by that and that was fun for me. I highly recommend this book and have no doubt most will enjoy its uniqueness.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The long, unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once unknown that may not become known. Nothing is impossible. SophoclesGarrett Richmond has been drawn to the Seaside mansion for as long as he remembers. Now as its official owner, his plan is to restore it to its former glory. The only hiccup is the presence of Constance Elizabeth Canfield, a previous owner of the estate and someone who should have been dead over 170 years ago. Garrett can't be sure if she is a ghost, an apparition, or just his mind going over the edge. What he does know is that he is falling in love with her and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Overly melodramatic with characters reacting and talking in away that is not only unbelievable, but also ridiculous. It reminds me a bit of dreams we have that make so much sense when we are asleep, but once we wake up, everything that occurred seemed completely preposterous. I think I would have been more forgiving if it was marketed as a YA book, and even then, probably not. Not worth your time or mine.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was definitely a light, leave your world and join another read for me. I thought at first it would be the predictable guy meets ghost and lives with her, but the story took a different bend in the road and the change was out there, but made an enjoyable ending.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Somehow, while I knew this story has been told a million times, I thought there was a glimmer of hope that it would ride to the top. This was certianly not the case I read it rather quickly because to be honest I skimmed through a lot of it. I hate to do that. With such weak charactors and plot, it was the only way I could make it through to the end. If I paid attention, I would have remembered that I have attempted to read Mr Barclay before. I am so sorry. I was given the book for an honest review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a sweet book, no other way to describe it. Constance was no where to be found when her husband was lost at sea, over 170 years ago. She has since roamed her house, named Seaside,trapped between worlds and not knowing how to escape her fate. Now, present day and Garrett Richmond buys the dilapidated old mansion, to restore it. After all this time, finally someone can see her and speak to her...they are both freaked out , in the beginning. Like I stated, the book is light, no depth of characters, and predictable. Just sweet.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There’s an interesting premise behind this fantasy / paranormal romance, but Barclay unfortunately just doesn’t have the writing chops to pull it off. Shallow characterizations, wooden dialogue, and an unfortunate number of homophone errors keep this novel from ever really satisfying.When architect Garrett Richmond gives in to a long-held desire to buy and renovate a New Bedford home dating back to the early 1800s, he hardly expects a ghost to come along with it. Constance Canfield fell from her home’s rooftop widow’s walk in 1840, as she watched for the return of her whaling captain husband. But Constance, for some reason, has been trapped between life and death for 170 years, invisible to the successive owners of Seaside – until Garrett Richmond appears. Once Garrett accepts what seems to be impossible, he finds himself developing strong emotions for Constance, and – most frightening of all – each of them separately seems to be coming unmoored in time, flashing back to incidents in Constance’s history.The why and how of the phenomenon doesn’t really get much attention until the last hundred pages. Only when Constance and Garrett are told of the frightening attempt they must make to resolve the situation, does the book develop any drive or suspense. It’s a nice last-ditch effort, but really can’t overcome the book's clunky beginnings