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Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem
Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem
Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem
Ebook536 pages10 hours

Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem

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Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem
By Degan Knight
This is my unbelievable but true story. The story of Degan Knight. I am a native “Salt Laker”, and oh my heck! My great, great, great grandfather was flipping born in Salt Lake City when it was still a territory. I am from the old school Mormons. This novel is how I rose to the heights of the Salt Lake City wealthy socialite community. How the S

PublisherDegan Knight
Release dateApr 3, 2014
Mormon Bar Rules or Political Mayhem

Degan Knight

About the Author Degan KnightDegan Knight (Pen Name): Born in Salt Lake City Utah in May of 1965, was born liberal and raised mostly hippy in the Salt Lake Valley, with the echoes of the original Mormon Church’s heritage running through his blood by his Father’s deep Mormon Heritage. Degan Knight is the direct descendent of Vinson Knight the first and controversial Bishop of the LDS Church. Surprisingly, Degan was raised Roman Catholic by his Mother and considered a long shot with a marginal chance to succeed in the Salt Lake Valley. Degan was borne with the fearless crusading hart in a struggling middle class family. Mr. Knight was borne the middle child, placed amongst and within the struggles of a non-Mormon family. Mr. Knight stood openly opposed to any prevalent religious oppression, especially in the Salt Lake Valley. Mr. Knight was allowed to observe over his life time, and more recently a five year stretch into an upper class Social Club (Bar) the greasy underbelly of the Mormon people that inhabit Salt Lake City. Mr. Knight was allowed to witness the Attorneys and Politicians that do the “church honest” dirty business that keep a crusade like control over the factious valley.Mr. Knight is a 25 year health care provider, a scientist at hart with a B.S. in Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology from Weber State University in Ogden Utah. An A.S. in Radiology from Merritt College, Oakland Ca. Degan did not intend to be a writer but fell into a story that was just too good to ignore.Mr. Knight was a Excellent student whom has taken classes in Speech, English Composition, and Creative Writing. Mr. Knight has written a Bachelors thesis on Bio-Degradable Hepatic Biliary Stents for the Common Bile duct in 2000. BORING.Mr. Knight’s first major literary work is: "Mormon Bar Rules of Political Mayhem" 07/24/2013.These are the same group of people that put the Romney's on the map. .

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