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Book One: Watcher
Book One: Watcher
Book One: Watcher
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Book One: Watcher

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He lifted his hand to her cheek, lightly grazing the edges. His touch was so gentle that it took her completely by surprise. For a moment, she considered letting him continue, loving the absolute warmth of his skin. She fought back this urge and pulled his hand away. It had been a mistake. Heat, loving, calming, accepting heat seeped from his hand through her entire body. She could almost feel him pulling her to him and kissing her passionately. Almost feel herself melting into him, trusting him completely like she had always wanted to do, but had never found the right man. She could feel him wrapping his arms around her and keeping her safe without ever trying to control her. Snapping back to reality, she pulled away. He was watching her intently now, his eyes bearing down into hers as if he was seeing something for the first time.

After a traumatic incident four years ago, Cady Ardel walked away from her duty as a Watcher, protector of the innocent. Suddenly, she is thrust into a new job protecting a werewolf who is about to become Alpha of his pack. Noah Lawson, the charming, easy-going man is determined to convince Cady that she isn't destined to be alone forever. His gentle, playful love may just be the very thing she needs when an enemy from the past pushes her over the edge, exposing a power she's hidden for so long.

PublisherTessa Dale
Release dateApr 16, 2014
Book One: Watcher

Tessa Dale

Hello, I live in a house with fourteen cats, don't worry, only one of them is mine, the big, raccoon looking one named Meeko. I love writing and I hope that you like my stories. Did I mention I was horrible with these biography whatchamacallits? I gave an interview, which pretty much covers what I wanted to get across. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for giving your time to read my book, if all goes well, I'm going to publish more of the series.

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    Book preview

    Book One - Tessa Dale

    Book One: The Watcher in the Wind

    The Ancient Souls Series

    Copyright 2014 Tessa Dale

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table Of Contents

    The Oath of a Watcher

    Chapter One: She’s Back

    Chapter Two: Age Before Beauty

    Chapter Three: The Party

    Chapter Four: Mending Wounds

    Chapter Five: Mama

    Chapter Six: Passion and Fire

    Chapter Seven: Ascension

    Chapter Eight: Answers

    Chapter Nine: Jitters

    Preview of Book Two: Save Me in the River

    The Oath of a Watcher

    To protect day and night is the service of a Watcher.

    I will risk everything I have for the safety of my Charge,

    Even if it means to sacrifice myself to save their lives.

    From dusk to dawn, my job is never done.

    From hell to heaven I will fight for the freedom

    And the right of my Charge to live.

    I will stand by them when no one else does.

    I will defend them when no one else will.

    My Charge is all there is and I vow with my blood

    To do protect them no matter the circumstances.


    N Dad: Born: 1802 Age: 210

    C Mom: Born: 1828 Age: 184

    Noah: Born: 1847 Age: 165

    Darren: Born: 1850 Age: 162

    Cady: Born: 1867 Age: 145

    Maggie: Born: 1926 Age: 87

    Chapter One: She’s Back

    Her back slammed against the wall, but it wasn’t because she didn’t want it to. Arousal flooded through Cady as the man’s warm hands smoothed over her back, spreading fire. Her fingers threaded through his chestnut brown hair, gripping tight. He moaned and lifted her so her legs could wrap around him. His Caribbean blue eyes mesmerized storms of ecstasy swelling in them. His lips descended on her and she melted further into him. His strength steadied her mind and she knew with all her being they were meant for each other.

    He trailed kisses down her cheekbone, nibbling as he reached her neck. She moaned, loving how he tantalized her. He nipped harder, then licked over the affected area. She gasped as his teeth sank into her neck. When she tried to push him away, he pressed closer, suckling even more from her. Kicking and thrashing, she finally tore away from him, falling to the ground. Clutching at the gushing wound, she looked at her attacker, and, instead of finding those startling blue eyes, she found the black pools that had haunted her the last four years. He smirked, licking his lips. I always knew you’d taste good.

    Cady snapped her eyes open and her hand went to her neck. When there was no mark she sighed, thankful it had only been a dream. She frowned and turned on her side, sighing heavily again when the clock read one a.m. She’d been having the same dream for a while now, and she really needed to figure it out or she wasn’t going to get any sleep. Every time it appeared it left her shaking and sweating with her heart pounding. It had been almost a year since she’d gotten at least half a decent night’s sleep and it was only getting worse. She was now faced with the reality that if she wanted to get any sleep, she was going to have to do something about it. And that something was to go see Maggie tomorrow and ask for her help. Maggie always knew how to remedy these things, although Cady wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea. Her one and only friend was determined to get her to go back to work, to her destiny. Closing her eyes, Cady tried to sleep once more, but all the hairs on her body were still prickling, causing more and more goosebumps to form.

    Dammit, he can’t come in. He wasn’t invited, she told herself, but her whole being was still alert. Turning away from the clock, she tried again to sleep, but the sensation of fangs in her neck seemed to grow, threatening to become real. Exasperated, she threw the covers off and went into the kitchen. Her nights always seemed like this now, first, an arousal so intense not even expunging it herself could ease it. She could still feel her body vibrating with desire for the mysterious man who sent heat coursing through her. Then, suddenly, it was slaughtered by a fear she had never known, followed by betrayal that he would cause her so much pain. It ended with thick, suffocating fear when she realized the man had changed into one from her past. She knew they were two different people because the second person and he’d never taken time to whisper sweet nothings like Caribbean Blue seemed to do. It had been a chore; clean the dishes, finish paperwork, have sex, brush teeth, read a page or two and then bed. There had been no feeling where the second person had been concerned and at the time she hadn’t cared. He’d been stable enough of what little they saw of each other and he’d provided her a place to stay for the while… Now everything was different.

    Pushing the thoughts away, she set a full kettle of water on the burner and grabbed the only mug in her home. Her kitchen was almost bare as though she’d just moved in. A single plate and bowl sat on a drying rack with a single spoon, fork and knife. There was no coffee maker; she usually just dipped two spoonfuls wrapped in a filter in her hot water. She took it black, which made more room for air in her almost empty fridge. There was half a table, its broken, jagged side was pressed against the wall. The other half had been smashed and Cady had never bothered to get a new one. There were two chairs, one was metal and foldable, and the other wooden with one of its legs from a different chair cut to size. There was no microwave and no other item in the room.

    Sometimes, on nights like these, she would almost feel lonely. Almost wish she had someone who could comfort her. She stared out her kitchen window, which showed the alley behind her apartment. She grunted and went into the living room while she waited for the water to heat. There was no point in wishing for a man. Despite her work, she personally had never been marriage material and she was fine with that… Wasn’t she?

    The chair that was tucked in the corner was worn and lumpy, but her cat, Colonel, curled in it nevertheless. She went to him and scratched his head. At least one of us can sleep, she sighed and scratched his chin. You’re the only man in my life, aren’t you? You’re okay with that, right? Colonel yawned and rubbed his head against her hand. She smiled, but looked out her living room windows. She could reassure herself over and over again, but the fact was she was getting lonely, and not what she assumed was a normal kind. She could feel a hole widening the longer she shut herself off from the world. She sighed again. I really am going to have to see Maggie tomorrow…

    Until then, she turned to the center of the room where a punching bag was situated, rendering the rest of the living room useless. There was no point in sitting around and hoping sleep would take her, she’d had that dream enough to know that it wouldn’t come. So she aligned herself and began to practice the basic fight techniques. Maybe if she tired herself out quick enough, she’d be able to catch a little more sleep.

    It took her an hour and a half, but eventually sleep came again and this time there was no hint of the dream. As morning dawned, Cady was dressed and finishing her coffee. She sat in the wooden chair, sipping at it, staring off into space. She sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. What was wrong with her? Ten years ago she wouldn’t have given the slightest care to the world that she was alone. In fact, she would have preferred it that way. So why did she now feel like she was missing something important? Colonel sat on the table, watching her. The cat had been her companion since before her solitude and she was glad for him. He eyed her coffee and after a minute, she sighed and set it in front of him. Fine, have it. I was finished anyway. She stood and ruffled the fur on his head. Colonel dipped his nose in the mug and began to lap up the liquid.

    Grabbing her purse, she headed out. It wasn’t really a purse, it was a bag and the only thing girly in it was her wallet and her cell phone. The other items were essentials, a couple wooden stakes, a cross, a can of mace, and a couple good sized rocks. As she hoisted the straps over her shoulders, she looked at the sky, the last strands of night clung to the earth as the sun battled for its return.

    She stopped and watched this phenomenon for a moment, breathing in the cool morning breeze. She could almost feel herself relaxing, but all of that was ripped from her as she was hit from the side. She tumbled to the ground and as she tried to catch her breath, the pain intolerable, she was picked up. He pinned her back against him, an arm around her waist and the other across her chest. He squeezed tight. Good morning, Darling, the voice pooled inside her like frozen water. Her heart began to beat like a hummingbird’s and she struggled against him. He held her tight, he chin nuzzling her jaw. Miss me? I can feel your body tremble just by knowing I’m around. He kissed her shoulder.

    Jerking, she swung her bag, hitting the man in the head. His grip loosened and she flung away from him, waving her arm haphazardly behind her. She felt the power flow through the tips of her fingers and knock him away from her to the middle of the grassy yard. Quickly trying to catch her breath, she glared at the man who’d haunted the second half her dream.

    You haven’t changed a bit, he laughed, rising to his feet without using any limbs. You’re still the same useless puppy. I can’t believe I thought that was cute.

    Annoyed, she huffed and crossed her arms. Are you going to try to kill me or are you just going to keep talking? I’m running kind of late as it is.

    He frowned. You still haven’t learned to respect your elders.

    She laughed, her mocking tone all too clear. I hope you don’t mean you! You may have risen to the top overnight Todd, but you’re still a pup. Okay, we’ve done the verbal sparring, can we move along please?

    He eyed her. You’re not being very hospitable, he shrugged. You were always uncivilized though. I could never take you anywhere in public, you always said the wrong thing.

    And you never shut the hell up, pretty boy. Okay, so she was slightly egging him on, but she needed to get this over with.

    Finally, he lunged for her. She dodged, sweeping her hand to send him flying away from her again. He hit the side of a car and crashed to the ground. He got to his feet and attacked again, jumping at her, fists swinging. She blocked easily, raising her arms and stepping away from him. He kicked and she blocked again, keeping her distance. Soon, he took advantage and swung his fist hard, hitting her ribs. She stumbled backwards and he jumped on her, knocking her to the ground where he grabbed her neck. She tried to pry it away, but he only tightened his grip, his body sinking onto her hips. Finally, a position you’re used to, he sneered and punched her hard. Just something to remember me by, he said as he swung his fist a second time.

    The sun was rising higher in the sky and she watched steam rise from his hand. She smirked. Watch yourself, Todd, she choked.

    He looked at his hand and then at the sky.

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