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Key To My Heart: Only You: Key To My Heart, #2
Key To My Heart: Only You: Key To My Heart, #2
Key To My Heart: Only You: Key To My Heart, #2
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Key To My Heart: Only You: Key To My Heart, #2

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When twenty-four year Demi Brown finds out she's pregnant she also comes to the realization that she's unsure how she feels about the father of her child. What she has never been unsure of though, are her feelings for Gavin Black. But being pregnant only makes things more complicated. Will Demi be able to forget Gavin and move on with her life for once and for all? Or will he forever haunt her as the man that got away?

Release dateDec 16, 2014
Key To My Heart: Only You: Key To My Heart, #2

Misty Reigenborn

Misty Reigenborn has been writing poetry, short stories and novel length work since she was nine years old. She is the author of twenty titles: romance novels A Twist of Fate, Better Left Unsaid, Run to You, Better Left Unsaid: Alternate Ending, Crestview Academy: Tory, Crestview Academy: Molli, Crestview Academy: Mellenda, Girls of Gabe's Place 1: Brandy, Girls of Gabe's Place 2: Robyn,Girls of Gabe's Place 3: Ami, Run From You, Key to My Heart: Stay, Key to My Heart: Only You and Temptations, fantasy novel Mind over Matter, short story collections Second Chance, This Song Reminds Me of You and Love and Other Tales, poetry collection From the Heart, and non fiction title A Broken System: Examining the Clark County Department of Family Services. She loves to connect with her readers and appreciates an honest review.

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    Key To My Heart - Misty Reigenborn

    Key To My Heart: Only You

    Misty Reigenborn

    Copyright 2014

    By Misty Reigenborn

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover Image courtesy of stockimages


    Demi Brown was nervous. She held a positive pregnancy test in her hand and she wasn’t sure how she felt about being pregnant, let alone how her boyfriend was going to feel. She had only been with Del for three months, and though they were seeing each other exclusively, she had a sinking feeling in her heart that he was going to run for the hills as soon as she told him they were having a baby.

    She sighed as she checked the time on her cell phone. Del would be there in fifteen minutes or so to pick her up, and she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to find the courage to tell him about the baby. She suddenly missed home like she hadn’t missed home since her first night away almost six months before. Mostly she missed her sisters, though only the oldest, Acasia, now lived in the small town they had grown up in.

    Nakiesha, the middle sister; had married her high school sweetheart the day after they graduated and the two lived three hours away from what Demi still thought of as home. She sometimes loved and sometimes detested the small town of Clinton, but right now she wished she were there. Acasia would know what to do, because though she was grown her sisters were still easier to talk to than their mother.

    But she wasn’t going to go running home to her mother and her sister she told herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She met a pair of defiant hazel eyes and wondered again how Del was going to react when she told him the news. She ran a brush through her dark hair and returned to her tiny bedroom, leaving the pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom counter without thinking.

    As she dressed she wondered how she wanted him to react. She wasn’t in love with Del. They had amazing sex, but it had begun to dawn on her more and more that their relationship seemed to be mostly about sex. On the nights they spent together, they seemed to spend more time in bed than out of it, and that wasn’t the kind of relationship that Demi wanted. But she wasn’t sure she had ever really been in love, unless you counted Gavin Black and she wasn’t sure that that could be counted as love since it had never been returned. Demi wasn’t sure Gavin had ever loved a woman, though he and Acasia had dated for her sister’s last two years of high school.

    The Black brothers had grown up down the street from the Brown sisters and it had seemed natural that childhood friendships turned into teenage love. But things had only worked well for Nikki and Jayden, though the two of them had always been closer than the others. Acasia, Nikki and Demi had always been close, but Nikki and Jay had always been the best of friends. They fit so well together that Demi had always been a little jealous.

    Her sister had recently had a baby and she supposed that it would seem more logical to turn to Nikki for advice, but it would be Acasia she called first. It was a little embarrassing to be pregnant with the child of a man she wasn’t in love with when her sister had given birth to her husband’s child. There had been excitement and joy all around with the news of Nikki’s pregnancy.

    Garett, the youngest Black brother and the closest to her age, had had a thing for her in high school, but while he was funny and handsome and smart, she had never felt that way about him. The only spark she had ever felt for one of the Black boys was for Gavin. And that had ended in disaster. She had carried a torch for him since she was thirteen. Her heart had felt like it was breaking the whole time he was dating Acasia. Then he and Acasia had parted ways.

    Demi had been thrilled, though her sister had been heartbroken. She had never had the courage to tell her sister the way she felt about Gavin. She had never told anyone who it really was that she had lost her virginity to at fifteen, because he had left town the next day. A part of her still hadn’t forgiven him for leaving her.

    Rumors went around Clinton now and then about Gavin was up to, and Demi had always listened with interest, while trying not to seem too interested. But the only things people seemed to say about the oldest Black brother were less than charitable. He was said to be chasing after one woman after another, and never seemed to settle down.

    Demi let herself get lost in a daydream of the night she had spent with Gavin, though it felt pathetic, especially now when she carried the child of another man; and the memories of their night together comforted her until she was startled out of the daydream by a knock at the door.

    She was sure that it was written all over her face that she had a secret. She’d never been able to keep her emotions off her face and had often wondered why no one had noticed her feelings for Gavin. Though she supposed that maybe they had but had always felt that it was better not to mention them. Acasia had known something was up the night Demi had come home after Gavin had made love to her, but Demi had managed to convince her sister that she had lost her virginity to a boy that was in town for the summer.

    She knew that her sister would have gone after Gavin if she had known that he had taken Demi’s virginity only three days after he had broken up with her. It wouldn’t have mattered to her that Demi had made the first move, or that she had given herself to him willingly, even at the tender age of fifteen.

    She had cried when Jay had called Nikki and told her that Gavin had left town, feeling like her heart was breaking in her chest. She’d felt that her first time couldn’t have been more perfect. Gavin had made love to her, and she had seen in his eyes that he loved her when she’d been lying in his arms afterwards. Or at least she’d thought so then. Now she was sure that she had only been seeing what she’d wanted to see.

    Del embraced her, seeming not to notice that anything was unusual. Can I use your bathroom beautiful?

    Of course.

    As he entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him, it dawned on Demi that she had left the pregnancy test on the counter. Well, she mused, hiding a sigh, I guess I don’t have to worry over how I’m going to tell him that we’re having a baby.

    She couldn’t read his expression when he reentered the living room. Demi.

    Yes Del?

    Is it real?

    Knowing that he could only be talking about one thing, she said Yes.

    A smile broke out over Del’s face. Demi, we’re having a baby.

    She felt a smile rise to her own face, feeling better than she had since she had seen the results of the test. Yes, we are.

    Let’s celebrate.

    They spent a nice night out on the town, and Del spent the night at her apartment. She was content when she woke up in his arms, excited about the prospect of calling Acasia and telling her the good news.


    Twenty-eight-year old Gavin Black was tired of his life, tired of pretending that he was happy when he felt that he would never be truly happy without her. Her was Demi Brown, the youngest Brown sister. He had loved her with all his heart since she was fourteen years old, but his love had felt inappropriate then since he had been eighteen at the time, not to mention the fact that his feelings were made even more inappropriate by the fact that he had been dating her oldest sister Acasia.

    He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. He thought that he looked older than his years, and always tired because he rarely slept well, though women he had never met before still stopped him on the street and told him how handsome he was. He had used his looks to talk women into bed plenty of times, but it had always been empty sex. Few of them had meant a thing to him, and while he didn’t want to think about the number of women that he had gone to bed with, he could count on one hand how many of them had truly mattered to him. And two of them shared the same last name.

    His brother Jayden was married to the middle Brown sister Nakeisha. Nikki was just as beautiful as her sisters, but he had never thought of her in anything other than a sisterly way because Jay had been enamored with her since she hit puberty and she with him. The close friendship that Jay shared with Nikki had always made Gavin a little envious. Women were like a different species to him, so emotional and complicated.

    Acasia had broken down when he’d dumped her. And he had dumped her, even though it had made him feel bad, because he’d given her some bullshit line like it’s not you, it’s me, too afraid to tell her the real reason he couldn’t see her anymore.

    He had known that Demi had a thing for him. He’d thought it was cute for a while and dismissed her. He’d figured that his brother Garett looked enough like him that she would eventually turn to him as a safer alternative, though Garett had chased Demi to no avail.

    It was shortly after her fourteenth birthday that Gavin had begun to see Demi in a different light. She was beautiful, had matured beyond her years. She was so young but made even younger by her wholesome innocence. She had been such a refreshing contradiction. She took his breath away, and it made his heart hurt even now to picture her face.

    He’d tried to set his feelings for her aside, telling himself that they would go away. But they never had. She’d haunted him years after he’d made love to her, stolen her innocence. She was the only woman he had ever made love to, though he had loved Acasia in his own way back then. It had just never been the same as the way she’d loved him. Acasia had pictured them getting married, having children, growing old together.

    Marriage had terrified nineteen-year-old Gavin. He was the only one of his siblings that knew that his parents even with as steadfast as their love for each other remained after almost thirty years, had once almost broken up. If his parents could go through such a rough patch that his mother almost left his father, he was afraid that he would never be enough of a man to make a marriage work.

    And now when the big 3-0 was coming up all too quickly, he was beginning to think that he’d never get married. He’d had hope for a while when he’d been dating a girl named Britini a few years before, but he had gone and screwed that up in typical Gavin fashion. She had told him she loved him, and though he’d fallen for her as well and had wanted to return her sentiment, he had tucked his tail between his legs because he was scared, stayed silent and gone home from the bar the very same night with another woman.

    He had begged her forgiveness like the drunken idiot that he was afterwards, and when she had told him to leave he had seen a look in her eyes that had reminded him of Demi. He’d been too afraid to say goodbye to her before he left Clinton, afraid that she would say something to make him stay when he knew that he could never really have her.

    He had always felt like a coward for taking

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