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Kinky Mom: Lost & Found
Kinky Mom: Lost & Found
Kinky Mom: Lost & Found
Ebook50 pages27 minutes

Kinky Mom: Lost & Found

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About this ebook

Yes, it's finally time to leave the strange little town of Serenade Springs.
But when Molly loads up her family and heads out of town, she finds the road blocked by a 'bridge out' barricade.
But no bridge has washed out. In fact, there's no bridge at all.
Only a vast canyon, where a road had once been...
Yes, it's another Kinky Day for our Kinky Mom, Molly.
As she tries to escape the strange little town of Serenade Springs.

PublisherMolly Prude
Release dateApr 16, 2014
Kinky Mom: Lost & Found

Molly Prude

Molly Prude is the star of her own erotic fantasies, she wants you to star in them, too.A native of Philadelphia, a mom and an avid writer, Molly's adventures have recently taken her to the erotic, supernatural community of Serenade Springs. She's always looking for company, so why not tag along and see how kinky a Kinky Mom can really be...

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    Book preview

    Kinky Mom - Molly Prude

    Molly Prude's

    Kinky Mom

    Part 5:

    Lost & Found

    Copyright © 2014 by Molly Prude

    Smashwords Edition

    Chapter 1

    About frickin' time! Kelly exclaimed, climbing off the breakfast stool.

    Okay, that would be how Molly would break the bad news: later, when they were all safe, well-and-truly safe, free of Serenade Springs...

    Just let me find Cory, and we'll get the hell out of here, Kelly went on.

    ...and like that, Molly realized her folly.

    Honey... Molly began, letting the word hang heavily in the air.

    What? Kelly shot back, suddenly worried. Her eyes darted rapidly between the solemn faces encircling her: from Molly's to Claire's, between Angela and Rebbecca's frowns. What's wrong?

    It's Cory, dear... Molly tried again, but she was unable to conjure up any more words.

    He's not Cory, Claire finally said, breaking the painful silence.

    What? Kelly balked. Of course he's Cory.

    No, Kelly, Angela added. He's been...replaced.

    Replaced? Kelly laughed. He's a substitute Cory? Pimples and all? 'Will the real Cory please stand up'?

    Kelly, Molly said sternly, trying to derail Kelly's flippancy. "You have to listen. Cory-that Cory, isn't your Cory."

    Then, who is he? Kelly asked, the weight of her mother's words beginning to frighten her.

    It's not who, Rebbecca said. It's what.


    Yes, Molly nodded. All the men in this town, they're not human.

    That's insane! Kelly tried to laugh.

    What about this town isn't? Angela sneered.

    There's no time to discuss this, Molly commanded. We're all leaving. Right now. Without Cory." Molly reached for Kelly's arm.

    Kelly didn't fight her. She was too shell-shocked to disagree it. Molly led Kelly to the front door, outside and to the back passenger door of the Explorer. Wordlessly, the others followed.

    We're getting out of this town and we're stopping for nothing, okay? Molly said as she climbed into the driver's seat. Rebbecca sat beside her, Kelly sat between Angela and Claire in the back. Okay? Molly asked again and the car gave her a pensive, collective nod.

    Molly turned over the Ford's engine, threw it into reverse, and pulled out into Pennydale Lane with no heed for traffic. Putting it in drive, she burned out the rear tires and accelerated towards the town's square.

    Molly wasn't sure exactly who she feared might attempt to stop them leaving town: the Librarian, the Woman in Green...perhaps the whole male population of Serenade wasn't beyond belief. Molly could only focus on her driving and the road ahead. That she knew she could control. Everything else about Serenade Springs...

    She hit the center of town doing about fifty. She flung the Explorer hard to the right and circled the park, throwing her rear passengers hard to the left. She didn't slow down as she hit the gravel of the country road out-of-town, with the Sports Complex and its pool receding behind the car. She wasn't going to slow down until she reached Philadelphia, Molly told herself.

    Or the nearest police station.

    Cory... Molly heard Kelly murmur from the back seat. Molly glanced up at her rear

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