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The End
The End
The End
Ebook14 pages7 minutes

The End

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About this ebook

When a love story begins, so it starts to end. The moving story of a young man falling in love for the first time. Told in the second person, this short story spans the life of a love affair over a decade between a man and woman. Told in reverse, the story dies and grows into that moment when love strikes....

Written by Singles author of 'The Last Black Man', MB Munroe.

PublisherMB Munroe
Release dateApr 18, 2014
The End

MB Munroe

I was born in London, Hackney to be precise, and raised by loving parents in the middle of a council house estate. I've always written stories from an early age and always loved reading, for this I thank my father who filled our home with books.I enrolled on the UCLA Writers Program. I learnt from some very talented teachers. I read out my short stories in class and bumped ideas off other writers, some of whom I still know today. I had never lived abroad anywhere outside of England. It was life changing and when I returned I was determined to complete my stories.Five years later; under a ton of writing, one of my stories is published as a 'Single' 'The Last Black Man'. I've also self published a free story via Smashwords, 'The End'.Check out my website for more info.

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    Book preview

    The End - MB Munroe

    MB Munroe

    Copyright 2014 by M. B. Munroe

    Smashwords Edition

    No part of this story may be reproduced, lent or otherwise distributed in any form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted material in violation of authors’ rights.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    For Enid Munroe


    When Sarah arrives you’re already on your third coffee, latte or some other

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