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Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3
Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3
Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3
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Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3

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About this ebook

A boy, a girl, a beach, a mystery. Could there be magic in the air or something far more sinister?
Newcomers throw everything into confusion and menace and nightmares abound in the final instalment of Sunshine & Shadows.

PublisherRD Le Coeur
Release dateApr 23, 2014
Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3

RD Le Coeur

ROY LE COEURWebsite: www.rdlecoeur.netWelcome to my page folks & thanks for stopping by.Roy was educated at a minor English boarding school and groomed for a life out in the British Empire possibly as a junior official, probably somewhere hot. Unfortunately by the time he graduated the British Empire had expired twenty years prior and no one had told the teachers!Roy is divorced and lives with his two boys and a pedigree Dalmatian dog in South Wales, UK. He has always had a passion for literature, history and for the ridiculous.

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    Sunshine & Shadows-Book 3 - RD Le Coeur




    Book Three


    RD Le Coeur

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Published in 2014

    Copyright © Text R.D. Le Coeur.

    The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

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    Published by RD Le Coeur

    Look for me online at:

    Originally published as The Sunshine Chronicles by Firedrakes Weyr LLC.

    Rights reversion to the author 2010.

    Other books by this author:

    The Spartacus Prophecy

    New Shoes

    Dragon's Heart


    Vengeance (Book 1)

    Vengeance (Book 2 Troubled Times.)

    Vengeance (Book 3 Dragon riders.)

    Strata Florida-A tale of the Grail

    A Nun's Tale

    Catcher of the Wry


    In a time, not long ago, before tablets and smart phones...

    Chapter One.

    Is he breathing? shouted Astral.

    Yeah and he's still warm. Go get help, I can't lift him he's too heavy. Jen shouted back.

    Do you wanna stay down there or for me to pull you back up?

    Guess I'd better stay down here… just in case like.

    Keep him warm, Jen. I'll get Geronimo and a rope.

    Be quick. I don't like it down here. squeaked Jen.

    Well, do you want me to come down there and you go for help?


    What planet these "ding a lings' came from was a mystery to Jen. There was no sense of urgency. Moonbeam and Astral could do with a good slap if you asked her. She looked at the slumped body of Sunny again. Poor lad she thought. How on earth he had come to be in the bottom of this pit she could not calculate. She'd have to wait until he came round. She stroked his face, it was quite hot. That was a good sign then as far as she was concerned. If he had good body warmth then he could not be suffering from exposure, could he?

    The fact was that she did not actually know and she was a bit annoyed with herself for not knowing. She instantly decided that she would read up on that later and find out for sure.

    Why had someone dug such a deep pit? Surely if you were just metal detecting, then you would only bother to dig a shallowish hole, not a monstrous five foot deep trench.

    It was claustrophobic in the hole. There was barely room for her to stand, Sunny had taken up most of the room. There were signs of worms but thankfully no creepy crawlies. She kinda wanted to move him a bit to get more room but she remembered that you should never move an injured body until expert help arrived. She noted whilst she waited that the outer wall of the fort went a lot deeper than what was currently exposed. It must have been quite high in its day she thought. Sunny mumbled.

    Sun, Sun… it's me Jen. she shouted at him, but there was no response.

    Then she noticed he was lying on a plastic bag. She tugged and tugged "til it came free.

    It had some paper, a pen and a battered torch in it which must have been stuck in him from where it had lain. She looked at the paper but it was blank. What on earth was he doing making notes in the dark she wondered? She sighed. It was boring down here. There was nowhere to sit and now just to cap it all she needed a pee.

    Astral ran as fast as she could back to home meadow, but no one was home. Should she go to the caravan site and raise the alarm or try and find Moonbeam and Geronimo somewhere on the beach? Decisions, decisions….. Eventually logic dictated that she go to the caravan site and they could phone for help. The people at reception were most helpful and told her to return to the fort and await assistance. She hurried away and although pleased with her choices she had already decided that running was for youngsters. She went via Home Meadow to leave a note and run-walked up the hill to the fort. She could hear the sounds of a siren as she approached the final fence. She waved to the ambulance guys as she got nearer and pointed to the hole. She actually arrived at the trench at the same time as the ambulance guys leapt from their truck ready for action.

    They were very professional and knew in an instant what to do. It seemed like only a minute had passed before Sunny was stretchered and into the back of the truck.

    They assured both Astral and Jen that Sunny would be all right. He was unconscious due an injury he had received to the head.

    Do you mean someone hit him? asked an agitated Jen.

    No, no looks like he banged his head when he fell in. Dai the ambulance guy replied.

    That's a relief. said Astral.

    We can only take one with us to the hospital, I assume that will be you, Madam? he asked Astral, before continuing, the police'll meet us there to make sure there was no foul play.

    No, I'd better stay here and tell his parents, said Astral, take Jen, she's his girlfriend.

    Right o' Madam. he said and gave a red faced Jen a lift up into the back of the ambulance.

    Jen had to embarrassingly admit that the ride in the ambulance was cool. They whizzed around the country lanes, occasionally sounding the siren to get people and vehicles out of the way. Sunny's eyes remained resolutely closed, but she was no longer as worried. He was in good hands and they had assured her it was nothing more than a bang on the head, probably some severe bruising and maybe a twisted ankle. The X rays would tell them more.

    Jen had wondered if he was in a coma, but they either did not know or they wouldn't tell her.

    They were at the cottage hospital in no time and Sunny was wheeled away for examination.

    If there was ever a time you needed a mobile phone this was it she thought and then thought again if both her and Sunny had a mobile phone then he wouldn't have been missing in the beginning. She would speak to Jeremiah about getting one and hide the thing from her parents. Sitting in the waiting area she wondered what she was supposed to do. She wondered if Astral had found Moonbeam or not and why did Astral put her in the ambulance and not herself? She was supposed to be the adult wasn't she? She fretted on this for a while and then decided that Jeremiah or Gertie would be the best help in the short term, at least they had access to a car.

    Using the payphone she telephoned directory enquiries and phoned the parsonage. Gertie answered and immediately got Jeremiah on the line. Jen went through the whole story and a very concerned Jeremiah said he'd pop over to home meadow pick up the hippies and take them to the hospital. Jen thanked him very much and then wished she'd told him to tell her mother that she was all right and not to worry. She sat down again to wait. Seeing some magazines she leant over and got one to read. Prince Charles to marry Diana? read the headline. Sheesh, she thought, just how old were these magazines? She got another and was expecting to read, "Titanic Launched' when a doctor arrived.

    You came in with Sunshine Halliday? he asked.

    Yeah, I'm Jen.

    "Sister? he asked.

    Well erm no. I'm his girl… well what I mean to say is that I'm his friend.

    Any sign of the parents?

    They are on their way. Any news? Is he going to be all right?

    He's come around now. He's very confused and keeps asking who his master is.

    Strange. observed Jen. Can I see him?

    Sure. Follow me.

    Jen followed the doctor along a corridor and into a small side room.

    Sunny looked quite forlorn and lost in a large bed swaddled in white linen. He was not on a drip and did not appear to be plugged into anything, so that was a good sign she thought.

    Hiya Sun! How you feeling? she asked with a bright smile.

    ‘Lo, Jen. Feeling a bit pooh at the moment. Can't seem to get my bearings. I was having this huge complicated dream. It was all so real and then I was here.

    What on earth were you doing up at the fort?

    I was so pigged off by my parents I decided to confront you know who. So I went up the fort. The moon came out in full and it' was there again, pointing. I followed and then it was all this big dream, see?"

    Not really. You'll have to explain it all again when you feel a bit better. What's the damage?

    Bang on head, bruises and a twisted ankle. Waiting for X rays, I may have done me ribs in.

    Jeremiah's gone to collect your parents and I've got your plastic bag.

    Cool. I don't s'pose I'll be in here for long. More for observation I think. Bang on head and all that.

    Excuse me, Are you all right to talk? asked a policeman who had snuck unobserved into the room.

    Yeah. s'pose so. said Sunny.

    About the incident…were you two up at the fort together? he asked with a wink.

    No, protested Jen.

    Unusual. said the policeman. Up there all on your lonesome was you?

    Yes. said Sunny.

    What were you doing all on your own up at the fort at night?

    I was mad with my parents and went for a walk that's all. replied Sunny in a half truth.

    No one else around? You wasn't pushed or anything?

    No. said Sunny.

    We've had a bit of a run with grave robbers and antiquities thieves at the moment. I was wondering if you'd stumbled on someone?

    Not as far as I know. said Sunny.

    What's been stolen so far? asked an intrigued Jen.

    Can't say really. You never know what these beggars have dug up. Thought it was buried drugs at first, we did. Then we noticed a pattern, all ancient sites. Must be a gang of them I'd have thought. Anyways if you think of anything or see anything strange, please ring me on this number. he said handing Jen a card.

    Jen glanced at the card. DC Mumford it said and had a mobile number and the station landline.

    Phew! That was a surprise. said Sun.

    The ambulance guys said they'd be round. Jut in case like. replied Jen, do you need anything…cola, crisps, biscuits? There's a vending machine in the waiting area.

    To be honest I don't feel like anything much, thanks.

    Sunny and Jen chatted about Astral for a while until the parents turned up with Jeremiah. The doctor returned with X rays and told everyone that he was a lucky lad. Just severe bruising, he was lucky he did not either break something or kill himself with a fall like that. Moonbeam fussed over him and Geronimo murmured platitudes and Jeremiah said he'd telephone Mr Jones to say that the lad was all right. The doctor told them he'd be in overnight for observation and he could go home in the morning, but to take it easy as he'd be sore for a week or more. Jeremiah offered to take Jen home and come back for Geronimo and Moonbeam later if they wanted. They thanked him most profusely for his help so far but declined and said they'd get a taxi when they were ready to go.

    What on earth was Sunny doing up at the fort in the middle of the night for? asked Jeremiah when he had Jen all alone in the car. Jen told him what Sunny had said about being pigged off with his parents. Jen asked to be dropped at her mum's so she could tell her she was all right and that she'd be back at the parsonage for another of Gertie's exquisite dinners. Jen had a cuppa with her mum and filled her in on the drama's of today. Her mum knew something was up because they had heard an ambulance rush past and also there were loads of rumours going around the site about some over aged hippy chick creating a scene in reception this lunchtime.

    Jen smiled at this and wondered what the rumours would have been if Astral had turned up in that ridiculous poncho. Still if it hadn't been for her, Sunny would still be in a ditch. She felt it only fair to keep her up to date, so she said her farewells and wandered over to Home Meadow to tell Astral the latest.

    There was no sign of Moonbeam and Geronimo as expected at Home Meadow. She called out for Astral but was met with silence. She noticed smoke coming out of Astral's tepee and went to investigate. Astral was inside all right. The tepee was full of smoke and Astral was in some kind of trance, kneeling before her makeshift altar with the artefacts lined up before her. She had that stupid poncho on again and a glazed look in her eyes as if the lights were on but thee was no one home.

    Astral are you okay? asked Jen coughing slightly.

    Astral just rocked back and forth and said nothing. Dappy Muppet, thought Jen and shook her gently by the shoulder. After a few seconds Astral started to return to normal, but Jen was now feeling decidedly giddy herself. The peculiar smoke in here was affecting her strangely.


    Sunny was not sure he liked being the centre of attraction. Moonbeam fussing like an old hen did not help and his father's fidgeting as if a tad bored and itching to get away compounded the issue. He was sure his dad was not bored, but more uncertain of what to do visiting patients in a hospital. Moonbeam packed him off to get some tea and cookies from the vending machine before the commencement of the interrogation that Sunny knew was coming started. He went through it all again, although this time he omitted the part about being pigged off with them and said he couldn't sleep so went for a walk up to his favourite place. He never mentioned anything about shades or his vivid dream. Moonbeam told him to be more careful in future and to watch where he was going. Thankfully that seemed to be the end of the matter as far as the interrogation went. Geronimo returned with tea and biscuits and they drank and munched in a contented silence. Sunny asked for something to read or a book of crossword puzzles. Geronimo returned with a quiz book and the latest copy of National Geographic which he thought he would enjoy, but asked Sunny to remember to bring it home as it had an article on Dadaism and some images of Man Ray in it. No prizes for guessing why he had bought it then, thought Sunny. They promised to pick him up the following morning at about tennish

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