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Dracula's Guest: Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection
Dracula's Guest: Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection
Dracula's Guest: Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection
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Dracula's Guest: Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Varla Ventura, fan favorite on Huffington Post’s Weird News, frequent guest on Coast to Coast, and bestselling author of The Book of the Bizarre and Beyond Bizarre, introduces a new Weiser Books Collection of forgotten crypto-classics. Magical Creatures is a hair-raising herd of affordable digital editions, curated with Varla’s affectionate and unerring eye for the fantastic.

Published in 1914, several years after Bram Stoker's death by his widow, Dracula's Guest is one of several stories that Stoker had wished to publish as a supplement to his most famous novel. Dracula. Join him as he drags the reader out into the hills outside of Munich, Germany, into the dark of the night on one of the most terrifying nights of the year-- Walpurgisnacht, or The Witches Night. A wild storm, a city of the dead, werewolves and vampires all convene on this horrifying journey to the brink and back again.

Release dateDec 22, 2011
Dracula's Guest: Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection

Bram Stoker

Bram (Abraham) Stoker was an Irish novelist, born November 8, 1847 in Dublin, Ireland. 'Dracula' was to become his best-known work, based on European folklore and stories of vampires. Although most famous for writing 'Dracula', Stoker wrote eighteen books before he died in 1912 at the age of sixty-four.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a collection of stories written by Bram Stoker, published throughout his life. It is divided into two sections. The First is a collection of assorted stories, the Second all center on a particular land and have a more fairy tale quality.First Section: Best tales include The Judge's House, The Coming of Abel Behenna, and The Burial of the Rats.Second Section: The only take worth reading was the Invisible Giant. The rest were sacarine, moralist, preachy tales full of nonsense.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Firstly I'm not a Stoker fanatic. Dracula's Guest, however gave me the bone marrow I needed from Abraham's mind. I wish I'd read this before the great vampire story. Dracula was not the horror story my macabre mind wanted. Dracula's Guest drives the wooden pin into your chest and burns the eyes. A maniacal Judge, reincarnated as a huge rat, torments a visitor into dreadful rage. Another paradigm is a possessed Black Cat.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dracula's Guest is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker which includes: Dracula's Guest The Judge's House The Gipsy Prophecy The Coming of Abel Behenna The Burial of the Rats A Dream of Red Hands Crooken Sands and The Secret of Growing Old. In Dracula's guest you follow a young Englishman who is in a town and on Walpurgis Night leaves his carriage to wander off and see an abandoned village. The village was deemed unholy which sparked his interest to begin with. While there he sees a tomb and tries to take cover in the doorway while there is a terrible storm. Later he is found by some military men. They say they went to search for him because they had received word from his host Dracula that he may have been lost. It is rumored to have been Jonathan Harker before his visit with the count but that is not certain.

    My next favorite was the story of the Judge's House. It has a young scholar who is seeking some peace and quiet and rents a house that locals feel is bewitched. It is mostly infested with rats. However when I read it and got to the end I had goose bumps! It was great. I completely recommend this to Stoker fans!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dracula's Guest is a collection of short stories by Bram Stoker which includes: Dracula's Guest The Judge's House The Gipsy Prophecy The Coming of Abel Behenna The Burial of the Rats A Dream of Red Hands Crooken Sands and The Secret of Growing Old. In Dracula's guest you follow a young Englishman who is in a town and on Walpurgis Night leaves his carriage to wander off and see an abandoned village. The village was deemed unholy which sparked his interest to begin with. While there he sees a tomb and tries to take cover in the doorway while there is a terrible storm. Later he is found by some military men. They say they went to search for him because they had received word from his host Dracula that he may have been lost. It is rumored to have been Jonathan Harker before his visit with the count but that is not certain.

    My next favorite was the story of the Judge's House. It has a young scholar who is seeking some peace and quiet and rents a house that locals feel is bewitched. It is mostly infested with rats. However when I read it and got to the end I had goose bumps! It was great. I completely recommend this to Stoker fans!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Published in 1914 two years after Stoker?s death this collection of short stories are masterful tales of horror and the supernatural. Readers may well be familiar with some of the stories which have been plagiarised over the years, but reading the original versions in this collection will open some eyes to the quality of Stoker?s writing. He had the ability to create an atmosphere of dark, dense danger that his characters are unable to see for themselves. A dreadful happening seems to be lurking just around the corner and yet when it does there is no feeling of it being forced: we see it coming and are not disappointed. There are nine stories in this collection, five of which are first class examples of late gothic horror.?Dracula?s Guest? opens the collection and it is a concise tableau of the Dracula legend. Like many of the stories it is written in the first person; in this case a young Englishman who is exploring the countryside around Munich in the company of his German guide and in their carriage and four horses. They come to a cross roads; it is Walpurgis Nacht, but the Englishman is keen to follow the road down into a valley. The horses are already disturbed, the guide looses most of his English in a frantic attempt to persuade the Englishman that this is a very bad idea. He will not go down the road under any circumstances and the stand off is only resolved by the Englishman getting down from the carriage and walking down the road on foot.?With a despairing gesture, Johann turned his horses towards Munich. I leaned on my stick and looked after him. He went slowly along the road for a while then there came over the crest of the hill a man tall and thin. I could see so much in the distance. When he drew near the horses, they began to jump and kick about, then to scream with terror. Johann could not hold them in; they bolted down the road, running away madly. I watched them out of sight, then looked for the stranger and found that, he too, was gone.With a light heart I turned down the side road through the deepening valley??????..?The intrepid but foolish Englishman is soon in a horror story all of his own involving; a wolf who is not a wolf, a stake driven through the marble of the top of a tomb and a tornado like storm and it soon gets worse. A classic horror tale with a surprising twist at the end.?The Judge?s House? is the second story and it is equally as good as the first. A student studying for his maths exams rents a house in a quiet village to get on with his work. The house (the Judge?s house) has a sinister history, but the villagers keep this to themselves. Alone in the house the student is disturbed by rats that become more confident as the nights pass. He is astonished one night when a rat considerably larger than the others is sitting opposite him across the table staring at him balefully. Stoker builds up the atmosphere and tension as the student battles with the rat who is reluctant to move. A haunted house story that has the expected tragic ending. ?The Squaw? follows and is another excellent story involving a cat out for revenge on a human that accidentally killed her only kitten. There is a torture chamber in an old castle and an iron maiden that we know is going to feature.?The Secret of Growing Gold? is another revenge story, a revenge from beyond the gave perhaps. A woman has been murdered by her lover while on holiday in the Alps. Her lover soon replaces her with an ideal wife, but the ravaged figure of the former mistress reappears.?The Gipsy Prophecy? is a neat story of a young couple who are seemingly doomed by the Gipsy Queens prophecy that the husband will be found standing over the prostrate body of his wife with his hands running with blood.?The Coming of Abel Behenna' is the story of two young men in a small Cornish coastal village who fall in love with the same girl. The girl?s mother arranges things so that her daughter will profit from delaying her decision to marry, this results in tragic consequences for the men and the tale takes in a shipwreck and a drowning.?The Burial of the Rats? is my favourite story in the collection. Again it is told in the first person by a young man exploring the rag pickers hovels that surround an area of Paris. His curiosity leads him into danger as he goes deeper into the dust heaps where the rag pickers live. He becomes conscious that his diamond ring may be too tempting a prize for the residents of this shanty town and Stoker is able to ratchet up the tension for the readers who feel a growing menace from the young man?s surroundings. The elderly sub-human residents, together with a thriving rat population become more oppressive, until the young man explodes into action in an attempted escape. He is hopelessly lost in the shanty town of dust, but must run for his life and Stoker describes a breathless night time chase in an environment that is increasingly hostile. ?A dream of Red Hands? is a story of a man who cannot escape the nightmares from a murder that he committed in his youth. He must pay full retribution for his deeds and Stoker brings this about with a cleverly told tale.?Crooked Sands? rounds out the collection and it ends on a high note. A wealthy London merchant takes his family on holiday to a Scottish seaside town. He kits himself out in full Scottish chieftains dress, much to the amusement of his family. He finds himself ridiculed in the village but his stubborn vanity will not allow him to back down and he takes to walking out alone in the evening on a beach where there is danger of quicksand. One evening he sees a mirror image of himself on the other side of the quicksands and he cannot resist stepping forward.A very fine collection of horror stories that at their best create real tension and suspense. Stoker?s fine descriptive writing enable him to quickly place the reader inside his story and once inside you will want to read until the sometimes gruesome end. Four stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 ?

    My favorite was Dracula's Guest
    You just can't compete with the aristocratic vampire.

    I found some short stories more interesting than others.
    They had elements of the supernatural , physical terror and always an unsettling
    Since Bram Stoker wrote a number of novels and many short stories, I'll search for more.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    This is a collection of various tales, being Dracula's guest only one of them.

    As for the tales themselves, my absolute favourite would definitely be the Judge's House, followed by the Dracula's Guest (which is a snippet that had been removed from Dracula).

    Other noteworthy tales would also include The Squaw (extremely predictable, but with creepy imagery), The Burial of Rats (the reason for the title is pretty creepy, but lots of plus points for being the most action packed, since it features a chase scene), and The Secret of Growing Gold (reads much like a ghost story). Honourable mention for A Dream of Red Hands, which I found to be more original among the other tales, even if not exactly the most engaging. The rating would go something like this:

    4* The Judge's House
    4* Dracula's Guest
    4* The Burial of Rats

    3* The Squaw
    3* The Secret of Growing Gold
    3* A Dream of Red Hands

    2* The Coming of Abel Behenna
    2* The Gipsy Prophecy
    2* Crooken Sands

    As I said, the stories follow much the same plotline for the most part, which makes them extremely predictable when reading them all in a row. To be honest, the more stories I read, the more bored I became, because I could foresee overall what was coming. By the end, I just wanted to finish the book already, since the only story able to get me out of my 'stupor' in the second half was The Burial of Rats.

    I'd still highly recommend The Judge's House and Dracula's Guest to anyone who liked Dracula however, I found those have the same wonderful eery and creepy atmosphere I loved in that book. Just those two tales alone make this book worth reading.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Short stories dealing with destiny, prophecies and retribution. Some of them are pretty spooky.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An excellent anthology by the Master himself. From the title story through The Signalman to Crooken Sands - all are the classic, chilling tales recognizable as Bram Stokers'.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. For its time it had some very interesting ideas and was easy to read

Book preview

Dracula's Guest - Bram Stoker

The Dead Travel Fast

Now that I am a grown-up (ha!) who seems to be successful in living the freak-life, I can admit the truth about the schoolgirl crushes I once kept secreted away lest the general populace of the high-school hallways attempt to banner the lockers with mockery of my strange ways. While my comrades were hot for the hunky blondes of Hollywood, I was desperate to date ghosts. Most of my affections were for either once-famous-now-dead actors or the dark characters of antiquity. Even from a young age I was drawn to the Addams family types, and anyone who knows me can attest to my obsession with Bela Lugosi. (It was no surprise to anyone when the morbid melodies of Siouxsie and the Banshees and Bauhaus began radiating from behind my closed door.) I loved Edward Scissorhands more than Eddie Van Halen and anyone named Vincent took center stage: Vincent Price, Vincent van Gogh (I just knew if we had met I would have saved him!) Central characters like Frankenstein's monster (I would offer him true love) and Vlad Dracula (Pick me! Pick me!) made my heart race.

This wonderful short story, Dracula's Guest, was one of several shorter works published in 1914 by Bram Stoker's widow, Florence, after his death. In her preface to the original collection she writes:

A few months before the lamented death of my husband—I might say even as the shadow of death was over him—he planned three series of short stories for publication, and the present volume is one of them. To his original list of stories in this book, I have added an hitherto unpublished episode from Dracula. It

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