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Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)
Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)
Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Eyes Wide Open is the mind-bending thrill ride from New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker which can be experienced THREE different ways. You choose:

1. As an episodic story. Read Eyes Wide Open as four shorter sequential "episodes" much like your favorite TV show. The ride starts with IDENTITY which is FREE in ebooks. Think of it as the pilot, offered free. If you like the story, continue with MIRRORS, UNSEEN and the grand finale, SEER. Begin the story for FREE now. Or...

2. As a single, novel length eBook. Don't want to read four episodes? No problem. At any point, you can get the entire story in one digital edition that collects all four episodes into one seamless story called EYES WIDE OPEN. Or...

3. As a paperback or audiobook. For those who love the smell and feel of paper, Eyes Wide Open is also available in paperback. For those who love to listen instead, there's also an audiobook.


Who am I?

My name is Christy Snow. I'm seventeen and I'm about to die.

I'm buried in a coffin under tons of concrete. No one knows where I am. My heart sounds like a monster with clobber feet, running straight toward me. I'm lying on my back, soaked with sweat from the hair on my head to the soles of my feet. My hands and feet won't stop shaking.

Some will say that I m not really here. Some will say I'm delusional. Some will say that I don t even exist. But who are they? I'm the one buried in a grave.

My name is Christy Snow. I'm seventeen. I'm about to die.

So who are you?

In a return to the kind of storytelling that made Black, Showdown and Three unforgettable, Ted Dekker drags that question into the light with this modern day parable about how we see ourselves.

Humming with intensity and blindsided twists, Eyes Wide Open is raw adrenaline from the first page to the last pure escapism packed with inescapable truth. Not all is as it seems. Or is it? Strap yourself in for the ride of your life. Literally. (Young Adult)

PublisherTed Dekker
Release dateJan 17, 2013
Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)

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    Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4) - Ted Dekker

    Seer (Eyes Wide Open, Book 4)

    Ted Dekker

    Copyright 2012 by Ted Dekker

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Copyright © 2012 Ted Dekker

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Outlaw Studios

    5141 Virginia Way, Suite 320,

    Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

    Chapter Nineteen

    IS IT just me?

    Austin wasn’t answering.

    Christy tore her eyes from her reflection, jerked her head around, and saw that he’d put on the other pair of glasses. He stared at the mirror, face white.

    A single glance around the room told her that nothing else had changed. Only what she saw in the mirror.

    She turned back to her reflection. She was still dressed in the yellow skirt—still had yellow ribbons in her pigtails, still had on the makeup and black shoes—but that’s where the similarities ended.

    The Christy returning her gaze now wasn’t the gaunt bag of bones who’d had all her fat sucked out, not the ugly pig she’d seen in the bathroom mirrors. She in fact looked identical to the Christy who’d first found her way into the psych ward by way of the old storage room.

    But that wasn’t entirely true, either. Whereas she had thought of that old Christy as too thick, too pimply, too stubby in parts, the Christy looking back at her in the mirror was identical, but she wasn’t too anything.

    Christy blinked.

    Austin, on the other hand, looked like plain old Austin, blue duds and all. He hadn’t changed.

    Do you see me, Austin?

    I see you, he said, voice full of wonder.

    You see yourself?

    He hesitated. I haven’t changed.

    But I have, right?

    You… Yes, you’ve changed. Back to the old you.

    The ugly one?

    You never were ugly.

    But not the fat one.

    You never were fat.

    She glanced at him. Saw him lift his glasses and peer at the mirror, eyes round. Then quickly lower them back onto the bridge of his nose.

    Christy looked down at her hands. Normal. So was her belly and her legs. So the change wasn’t only in the mirror. Everything about herself had changed.

    And without the spectacles?

    Christy lifted her hand to her glasses.

    Don’t! His hand grabbed her wrist and jerked it away from her face. Leave them on.


    Because… trust me. He quickly scanned the room. Leave them on.

    The dejected, rail-thin Austin who’d been wheeled into her bedroom was dejected no longer. He looked the same, she thought, but he wasn’t quite as thin. Or was that her imagination?

    What’s happening?

    I’m not sure, he said. Nothing else has changed. He glanced back at her image in the mirror, as if to make sure it was unchanged. But I have a feeling that we’re looking at reality somehow. Through these glasses.

    So… my fat hasn’t been sucked out?

    Maybe not. No. And that’s what we’re going to believe. Which might mean that the problems we see here aren’t problems.

    What problems?

    "All the problems! Lawson. Fisher. The locked doors…"

    She followed his logic immediately.

    You’re saying that these glasses are helping us see things the way they really are.

    Something like that, he said in wonder, gazing around.

    So then the room is real, but not the way I see myself in this room.


    What do you mean, maybe? How does that help us?

    He faced her, urgent. I don’t know! I don’t know squat, but I’m going with it, okay?

    She blinked at the eruption of emotion. It made her wonder what they’d done to him.

    Fine, she said.

    He faced the door and stared hard.

    We’re going to get out.

    She stepped up beside him. Nothing about the room had changed.


    Just keep your glasses on. Promise me.

    Her heart was pounding. If he was right… Really? Could they just walk out? But that seemed impossible. The guards, the doors… Lawson.

    Promise me, he repeated.

    I won’t take them off.

    Let’s go.

    He started for the door.

    Just go?

    Just go. The authority in his voice sent a chill down her spine. Now, Christy. I can’t go back into that hole.

    He placed his hand on the doorknob and hesitated while she hurried up to him. If he was right, the handle would turn. If

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