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Triton the Aegean Chronicles
Triton the Aegean Chronicles
Triton the Aegean Chronicles
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Triton the Aegean Chronicles

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What happens when your ancestor, who happens to be a pedophile, a rapist and a cold-blooded killer, tries to kill you? Even stuffs his daughter into a box and throws them into the sea?

Luckily for Ariadne Phillips, Triton, god of the sea, travels across the ocean to protect her. Reluctantly you might add.
Sent by his father to watch a silly mortal, Taz plans to ship her off to No Man’s Land, so he can go back home to max and relax.

When green eyes meet hazel, it’s a done deal. Taz wants to keep the only mortal who can make him laugh and cry at the same time, while Ari gets a dream trip to Greece, to be a model and finally use her self-defense training to kick some butt.
Happily ever after can’t be reached without Taz discovering his mortal flaw. Gods can and do die. Ari can’t join the immortal ranks without fighting the crockety Fates for her soul.

PublisherYelle Hughes
Release dateApr 26, 2014
Triton the Aegean Chronicles

Yelle Hughes

Yelle Hughes, mum of three and now a proud grandparent, is an avid reader as well as author. She enjoys canoeing, studying the Greek myths, watching action and western movies, and is an unpaid movie critic. Her work is written from the heart and from the people who have passed through her life, just as the seasons pass each year.

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    Triton the Aegean Chronicles - Yelle Hughes


    Table of Contents















    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21


    CHAPTER 22




    Triton (The Aegean Chronicles)


    by Yelle Hughes

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by: Yelle Hughes on Smashwords


    Copyright 2014 by Yelle Hughes

    ISBN: 9781310983313

    All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, this copy is intended for the purchaser of the e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Yelle Hughes.

    Cover Artist: Yelle Hughes

    Created in the United States

    This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events and locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


    I’d like to dedicate this to my family, especially my mom, Carol. It was her ideas that laid the groundwork for my debut novel. I would also like to thank my wonderful author group, ASMSG. Without your support, I would have never finished. So, for all you Greek Mythology fans, welcome to my world.

    Hope you enjoy!

    P.S. A head’s up; this is an adult book for grown folks. Just because we’re older, doesn’t mean we don’t like to have fun.




    Humans for the most part, don’t have a clue…They don’t want one and don’t need one neither. The ‘person’ is smart…the ‘people’ are dumb, dangerous and panicky animals. ~Agent K, MIB



    Acrisius, the arrogant, narcissistic, and all-around son-of-a-bitch King of Argos, sat on his throne. Torn between pride and a bitter betrayal, he mumbled to himself, How could she have done this to me, my own daughter? If she hadn’t betrayed me, she’d be sitting behind me, paying homage to the glory of her father, as any princess should. He gazed lovingly at the small wooden throne. Placed on the seat, was a combing brush with a woman’s long, curly lock of dark hair wrapped around it.

    A member of his guard approached him warily. Then, per the king’s commandment, kneeled on both knees. He announced, Prince Perseus of Seriphos and his mother have asked your permission to seek shelter for the night. They also brought you gifts, for your kind generosity.

    The king had heard of this island. Visions of diamonds and pearls danced before his eyes. Send them in. He flicked his fingers toward the door. Ahh…this is how it should be. Subordinates who understand that their true purpose in life, is to bow to me. Acrisius’s fist slammed against the golden arm of his throne, Danae, you bitch!

    Two figures, a tall male and a smaller female, walked into the throne hall, an area opened to the ocean air, so the king could view the sea from either side. Each in dark cloaks with their hoods raised to cover their faces. Behind them, his men wheeled in a wooden cart carrying gold, silver, pearled shells and other brilliant treasures.

    The kneeling soldier stood, and then growled, Kneel before Acrisius.

    As the two complied, Acrisius’ attention zeroed on the bright silver bag held in the man’s hand. His private guard surrounded the couple as they came closer to the king’s throne. In the event, they pulled a sword or dagger to slit Their Majesty’s throat. He imagined the young, nubile slaves he could buy, the better for his new "diadido-aetos rafi". His eyes alighted with greed and lust, as he thought of them being held against their will…as he penetrated every orifice he so desired.

    Uncover yourselves; I want to see the people who receive my generous hospitality.

    The first to pull back his hood was a handsome young man with dark curling hair. My name is Prince Perseus, adopted son of Dictys, King of Seriphos. My mother and I give you many thanks for granting us shelter and an audience with you.

    It did not matter that the man looked vaguely familiar, the king’s thoughts moved toward young Perseus visiting him later in his private bedchambers. Preoccupied with picturing the prince twisting in agony and strapped naked to his marbled bedpost, he failed to notice that the woman had not shown her face as ordered.

    With our gratitude, I present to you the riches of Seriphos! Prince Perseus’ arm swung toward the cart moving forward for the king to view. While the king and his men busily stared, Perseus and the women stood quietly. The woman removed her hood. Acrisius looked up to see identical sky blue eyes staring into his own.

    Stunned, Acrisius stared at the person he thought long dead. By the gods! Danae!

    It was his daughter, the beautiful woman-child he condemned to die along with her newborn son. She belonged to him and him alone. The king locked away his child to protect her young burgeoning body for his use and for those he approved. That did not stop her deception. No,…she gave her virginity away to another and bore his son. That day, raging with disappointment and jealousy, Acrisius screamed at his only offspring, Why did you betray me? Have I not provided you with a golden palace? A wooden throne placed behind mine, to observe my subjects? I would have given you as many lovers as you wanted, without being judged or shunned.

    Acrisius stood yelling down at his daughter, while she cowered on the stone floor, clasping her son to her breast. Spittle flew from his mouth to land on her dark flowing hair. All I asked in return for my generosity, Danae, was to obey and give your body only to those I have given permission. And now, you have given birth to some stranger’s son? That is unforgivable! He reached, grabbed her by the shoulders, and shoved her towards the high archway that led to the sea. "Guards, bring me a wooden chest and carry it out to the cliffs…now!

    Dana pleaded with her father, Please, you don’t understand, my son’s father is not a normal man!

    "Shut your whorish mouth, before I run you through with my sword! Be glad that I am showing you mercy, by only throwing you into the sea! When they reached the cliff, his men had the box open and ready for its cargo. He shoved Danae inside. Acrisius screamed to the heavens, and then looked at his daughter one last time, You have broken my heart." Before slamming the lid shut over her screams of mercy.

    Acrisius came back from those unpleasant memories to focus on his child, who stood beautiful and alive, before him. Hate and sadness marred her words Acrisius, the day you placed me and my son in that chest, I tried to tell you that you were making a grievous mistake with your actions, and that one day, the gods would repay you for killing your own blood. You refused to listen to me then, but you will listen to me now. Perseus is not just a man but also a Demi-God, part mortal son of mine and immortal son of Zeus, Lord of the sky and thunder. By condemning his child, you will be punished.

    When she turned her back on her father, Perseus opened the silver bag and pulled out a decapitated head. Shocked, the king leaned forward in horrible fascination, as well as his men. Perseus held a writhing mass of snakes, high over his head, staring at his grandfather without emotion. Suddenly the lids of the creature opened to reveal startling blue eyes, peering menacingly at King Acrisius. All who were watching…froze. Unable to move or look away, the evil gaze enthralled the king and his men.

    Perseus kept his eyes trained on the king as his flesh and skin turned gray, and then began to solidify into stone. Crackling interrupted the quiet as fingers and bones snapped. The blue eyes of Acrisius turned into dull, lifeless granite, as his spirit was evicted from the statue. Perseus returned the head of Medusa to its protective carrier.

    Silently, mother and son turned and walked out.

    The souls of Acrisius and his men stood on the banks of the River Styx, waiting for Charon, the Ferryman. This ghostly apparition carried spirits across the river to either, Elysium or to Tartarus. Charon would not carry any souls across that did not have the exact fare needed for passage.

    Hecate, Goddess of Death, Rebirth and Necromancy, had been enjoying the evil exploits of Acrisius’s life. She studied them for centuries as they waited for the boatman. The time had come. She appeared before the dilapidated soul of Acrisius, My dear Acrisius, I have a bargain for you. I will grant you and your men a chance to a new mortal life, if you do something for me. The lifeless entity barely lifted his head, I’ll do anything to get my life back. What would I have to do? Lifting her hand, the ghost was able to follow the movement and stare at her lips, as she spoke. You shall worship and pay homage to me, for all of your days. You shall come to me when I call and do my bidding. All agreed except one, and his fate was to sit forevermore in purgatory.


    Caligula, Emperor of Rome, also known as the insane tyrant. Where murder, sexual immorality, extravagance and perversity were part of his daily entertainment.

    His sister, Julia Drusilla, and her older son had was released from Caligula’s bedchamber after spending the night participating in humiliating and vicious activities with Caligula and his men. Bloody and in pain, she dragged her son back to their chambers. The time has come to rid this world of my brother and his debauched guard.

    Being the sister of the emperor allowed her certain freedoms throughout the household. She had been gathering the poison, water hemlock for some time and the award for her efforts are coming soon. Tonight was to be the initiation of her youngest son, who was to become Caligula’s next butterfly. She would destroy this entire city before allowing her brother to parade her naked child in front of his subordinates, allowing them to do vile things to him.

    She slipped into the wine vault and poured the clear, fast acting and tasteless poison into the wine barrels that would be used for tonight’s celebration. All who attended would ingest the bringer of Judgment and Death.

    The souls of Caligula and his men once again, found themselves on the edge of the River Styx.

    Many more centuries passed before Hecate decided to visit him once again. Acrisius, you have given me much pleasure, but you should have known someone was going to seek revenge. I do not believe that it was a coincidence your lives had been ended by another family member.

    Hecate shook her head, She even had the audacity to kill herself and her children. Julia is now in Elysium with her sons because she prepared for their deaths and you are sitting here yet again. What would you do without me?

    Hecate folded her arms in front of Caligula’s kneeling soul. I will again send you back to the mortal world. This time, I want you to keep your indiscretions a little quieter. Make sure, you do not allow any other blood relatives kill you next time.




    Six am, a golden-brown, slender hand reached out from under her jade green and blue satin comforter. The insistent buzzing of the alarm clock stopped when she smacked it off the bedside table. Ariadne Phillips, known by her friends as Ari groaned, Okay. Why did I set this damn thing in the first place? I don’t even have to get up.

    She eyed the now quiet menace, Thirty more minutes. Dropping her face onto the pillow, she went back to sleep.

    Twenty minutes later, another ring awakened her. She slapped the empty space once more, but the ringing still sounded.

    Crap, who in their right mind would be bugging me this early in the morning? When she threw the comforter off her head, the cold air hit her. Shivering and scrambling to find her robe, she tripped over her feet, while trying to put on her slippers.

    Several curses fell from her lips. Hold on, I’m coming!

    Whoever’s at my freaking door better have a good excuse for waking me up, she thought while taking a quick peek on the way past her vanity mirror. Ari caught a glimpse of long dark hair flying in complete disorder, hazel eyes surrounded by sooty-dark lashes, blurry with sleep.

    Robert, the gorgeous boy toy who worked with her at the medical center, stood at her doorstep, leaning on the doorframe, and looking like a lost puppy. Ten years her junior, he was tall, dark with bulging biceps and freshly shaved head. She intimately knew the lovely six-pack hidden underneath his jersey.

    What are you doing here, Robert? Ari wasn’t wearing a bra so her breasts wiggled with the movement of opening her door. She watched his chocolate eyes slowly looked her up and down. With her purple terry cloth robe hanging open, she was sure he could see the outline of her nipples through her white sleeping shirt.

    Dammit, she just remembered her gray, boy-shorts were so small, and he’d see a lot more than just her knees.

    His eyes narrowed with a creepy leer before he spoke, You wore that outfit because you knew it would turn me on.

    Suddenly Robert’s lips swooped in for an unexpected kiss. Ari only had enough time to gasp, before his tongue slithered inside. He pushed her further in the house and shut the door.

    Ari snapped her head away from his mouth. What the hell are you doing? Pushing him off her, she slapped him hard before wiping his taste off. Stunned, he grasped his face, You bitch!

    Ari walked around him and opened her door again. Robert, I ended things last night for a reason. We…are…through. Got it?

    Robert’s face turned a darker shade of brown, and then he opened his mouth, You don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you been drinking? Ari held up her hand, Look, you crossed the line going to my girlfriends. Telling them they were a bad influence and to stay away from me. You don’t have the right to dictate what I do. You fucked up, and now I’m done…leave!

    Robert stood on the doorstep looking at her angry face, You’re upset. I’ll come back when you’ve calmed down and got some sense.

    Ari tried to explain it to him in terms that were easier for him to grasp. "It was wrong for us to date because of your age and the fact that we work together. That was my mistake. Well, I’m fixing that right now and if you ever try to interfere with my life again…don’t come back to the job. And yes, I am pulling rank, if you hadn’t pulled that stupid stunt; I wouldn’t have had to go there.

    Now, get out!

    Before he said anything else, she pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face.


    Ariadne and her friend, Sindi Carrington, stood at the side of the studio floor. Along with their fellow classmates, they watched Gail Ice Patterson, give a demonstration on what a female should do, if they were being attacked from behind.

    Gail pointed to Ariadne, Ari, you go first. Now, please show the class what we’ve learned so far.

    Ari looked back at Sindi and they both started giggling. The other students waited patiently and watched as a man walked out into the middle of the practice floor to begin the exercise. Butch, Gail’s volunteer, with his towering beefcake body, allowed the women to practice their self-defense techniques on him. Ari and Sindi renamed him bitch secretly to bring some excitement to an otherwise, boring class. To add more excitement, they consistently did the opposite of what Gail taught.

    After Gail left the Marines, she felt it was important that women learned how to protect themselves, so she started teaching self-defense a few years ago and her best friends had always been a part of her student roster. Gail would be pissed off, because Butch was a volunteer, and worried that he would quit at any time, if her badass students kept messing with him and going off the curriculum. Also, it was hard to find a guy that would let women beat him up on a daily basis.

    The girls didn’t worry, though Butch never knew what they were going to throw at him, he said he liked it that way.

    Gail gave Ari that icy look that always said, You’d better behave and don’t mess this up. Ari, turned away from her other classmates, faced Gail, stuck her tongue out and mouthed, You know I won’t.

    Gail shook her head in defeat. Today’s lesson ladies: What action to take if an attacker grabbed you from behind. First thing, is to scream, and get any bystander’s attention. Break away, using any means. Then run away as fast as possible. Butch nodded in agreement. He waited in his usual protective garb of padding that covered his chest, arms, legs and groin, to protect himself from flying fists and unflattering kicks. Ari walked toward Butch then turned around to present her back to him. When she felt him come close enough to grab her shoulder, she gave him just enough time to place his hand down, instead of breaking and running away screaming as instructed, she grabbed his finger, turned her head, and bit.

    Sindi was on the side, laughing her ass off while the others watched with shocked fascination. Butch yelled, and Ari took the opportunity to kick him in the balls. Knowing she wasn’t really hurting him because of the padding, she worked on getting him down to the ground. She then bent his finger backwards, and kicked her foot behind his knee, knocking him on his ass.

    Gail rushed over, frantically holding her forehead, as if she had a massive headache. Why are you trying to drive me crazy? She whipped around to the rest of the students, Class, this is what you are NOT to do when you’re attacked. What Ms. Phillips demonstrated, is a good way for you to get your asses raped or even killed. Trying to play the hero can easily backfire, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

    Gail stopped long enough to address sister giggles, who was on the side covering her mouth with her hand. "Sindi, this is hardly funny.

    You’re next. Please, try and follow the instructions we discussed earlier."

    Ari watched as her friend walked over to stand in front of the class. Gail stood military straight with her hands behind her back and spoke tersely. The ladies seemed a little scared and they all nodded their heads as if Gail would rain some whoop-ass down on them, but Sindi still trying to stifle her laugh and rolling her eyes obliterated that image.

    Ari was laughing herself; when she reached down to grab Butch’s hand to help him stand. He looked at the hand, then looked at her and chuckled, No thanks. After getting up off the floor, he gave her a stern look then smiled, Good one Ari, you caught me off guard with that move.

    She waved her hand toward the group, Aww, Butch you know I had to go all out and give the ladies something more to see.

    Shaking his head, he went to stand on the other side of the floor, ready to take on the next victim.

    Gail turned stiffly toward Sindi, Now, Sindi, I expect you to follow my instructions and show the class what needs to be done…correctly, and please…no more stunts! Just follow directions and then we can move on.

    She looked over at Ari, who was high-fiving the other students. Do not…copy what this hardheaded woman just did.

    Sindi walked past Ari, gave her a hand-slap and a wink and moved to the middle of the practice floor, to await the attack. She tilted her head to stare up at the ceiling, while whistling and acting like she didn’t have a care in the world. Sindi waited while Butch snuck up behind her quietly and grabbed her shoulder. Sindi performed only one thing that Gail instructed. She screamed…that was it. She didn’t break away from him and she didn’t try to run away, either.

    Instead, she turned quickly, catching Butch off guard when she practically walked up Butch’s body, using his facemask to pull herself up. She slid her fingers through the wires of his mask and grabbed onto his hair. The combination of her momentum and yanking his hair back, she knocked him flat on his ass…again.

    This time, Ari was on the ground now, rolling with laughter, while Gail ran and pulled Sindi off Butch, who went down with a yelp. The other ladies stood on the sidelines applauding and cheering.

    Later that afternoon, the three best friends were sitting down for lunch at the local café.

    As soon as their food showed, Gail started in on them, Why do you guys keep trying to piss off Butch? I told you, he’s a volunteer and it’s taking me a long time to find a guy that I can use as a crash dummy. She looked around to make sure the other customers didn’t hear her, then turned back to Ari and Sindi sitting across from her, and gave them the eye.

    You know that only works on people who don’t you, right? Ari threw her hands in the air, Oh Gail, believe me, he loves it when Sindi and I throw him curve balls, I talked to Bitch afterward and he’s cool with it. Said he likes the way we surprise him. Ari lightly smacked Sindi on the arm when she giggled at Ari saying the word bitch".

    Gail leaned closer and slammed her fist on the table, Will you stop calling him bitch. Please, that is so mean! I’m sure he’s not cool with that!

    Putting down her cup, Sindi sighed and sat back against the brown and orange booth, Gail, lighten up, you are too uptight. He knows we mean no harm that we secretly call him bitch, because it’s not really a secret. You should talk to him sometime and I’m not talking just about work. He’s a good guy and he’s funny.

    Gail looked over at Sindi, who had a calculating look in her eyes, Um…Sindi you sound weird when you say that, are you trying to hook me up or something?

    Sindi shrugged, Well…you are single and really haven’t been with a guy in…how long has it been Ari?

    Ari stopped the forkful of pasta from entering her mouth, Oh, it’s been about a year since she got any.

    Gail’s jaw dropped along with her fork, Since when do you tricks have the nerve to talk about my sex life? When’s the last time you two went out on a date?

    Both women looked at each other and started giggling, when Ari answered, Ok, you got us there, so what? We are talking about you. You should hook up with Bitch; he’s man enough to put up with your roughneck, Marine ways!

    Gail opened her mouth to protest, quickly closing it, then sheepishly looked at both, We tried and it just didn’t work out, okay? Besides, we are better at working together instead of trying to be lovers. Anyway, you need to be paying attention to your own dry times and let me worry about mine.

    Laughing while looking at her watch, Sindi stood up, We’re gonna hook you up one day I promise you, but hey, I got a client scheduled in half an hour. I have to get back and set up the studio. I have a shoot coming up that’s going to take two days to get done, plus I have my dance class late on Wednesday, so I’ll be at the studio first thing Thursday morning and I promise I will lay off Bitch, if you promise to lay on him. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she laid her money on the table and took off to her photo shoot.

    After finishing the last bite of her salad and drinking her iced tea, Gail, got up as well, Yea, it’s time for me to get back. Another session is starting and I guess I had better make sure Bitch…uhm…I mean Butch, is going to be there. You better not laugh! I swear you girls are rubbing off on me. Will you be in tomorrow?

    Standing up with her, Ari lay her money on the table, alongside the check, I don’t know, I promised my mom that we would clear out Grandma’s house today. Most of its packed already, but the attic and basement still needs sorted and put in boxes. Mom’s been holding off, because there’s a lot of our family heirlooms and mementos in there. No telling how long it’s gonna take me.

    Settling her purse on her shoulder, Ari waved goodbye, I’ll be in on Wednesday for the afternoon class for sure, and then meet up with Sindi on Thursday. See you later. Before leaving, she ordered a cappuccino to go.

    When Ari reached her grandmother’s house, she could see that her mother and brother’s cars were already in the driveway. Walking through the front entrance, she found her mom back in the kitchen, Hey Ma, I’m here, where do you want me to start?

    Looking up from wrapping and packing dishes, Chanel smiled, "Hi sweetie! Your brother has already started in the basement. Can you start on the top floor? All you need to do is start packing the boxes and mark them ‘attic’. Your father and I will go through them later. Right now, we

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