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Ebook65 pages51 minutes


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About this ebook

Three young, successful women compete against each other on a hit game show, where the losers must face elaborate penalties that can alter their bodies and minds alike!

This 16,700 word tale includes a little of everything, from breast expansion, mind control, body modification, tattooing, piercings, to public diaper changes, humiliating speech impediments, and slutty wardrobe changes!

PublisherTabitha Kohls
Release dateApr 29, 2014

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    Ro-Sham-Bimbo - Tabitha Kohls


    by Tabitha Kohls

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014

    * * * * *

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with other people, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without direct permission from the author.

    This ebook is a work of fiction and the characters are purely productions of the author's imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

    Adult Reading Material

    * * * * *

    - The Show Begins -

    Welcome everyone, to another exciting episode of-- The host bellowed the show's opening line, just as the television cameras went live.

    Daphne shivered with exhilaration as the studio audience finished the line, roaring, Ro-Sham-BIMBO!!!

    Don, the show host, immediately turned from the cameras, and faced the set. Daphne and the other two contestants already stood behind their podiums, waiting for the game to begin.

    And today we have three lovely contestants, Don went on, smarmily. He walked to the center of the stage, a raised dais between the three podiums. He turned to the blond girl, standing to Daphne's left. Our first contestant is Andrea, a twenty year old coed currently attending local Herculeum University--

    Don's charming voice was immediately drowned out by a roar from one end of the crowd. Daphne glanced up at the hooting young men seated there; clearly they were Andrea's supporters.

    The blond girl smiled and blew kisses up to the loud college boys, before leaning toward her podium, and speaking into the microphone. Thanks for the support, guys! Go HERCS!!!

    The hooting college students roared back at her, and she blew more kisses into the crowd.

    Daphne sighed, and wished the game could just get started already. She'd been standing on stage, under the harsh stage lights for nearly a half-hour. And they hadn't even began the first round yet!

    At least on television the broadcasts were always edited, to ensure everything got moving quickly, and wrapped up by the end of the hour. But live broadcasts available on pay-per-view could often break the two hour mark.

    She ran her hand nonchalantly through her shoulder-length brown hair, subtly sliding her lochs back out of her face, and sighed. She hoped this episode wouldn't take two hours to film; she was starting to sweat already.

    As the hooting wore down, Don continued, not missing a beat. And our second contestant is Daphne, a twenty-three year old research assistant from the nearby town of Paddington. I believe you work at the Paddington College of Science?

    That's right Don, Daphne said, smiling at the smarmy man. She waited for applause, but no one hooted for her. Clearly there were no PCS students in the crowd. She sighed, and started to say more, but Don had already moved on, approaching the final girl. Daphne glared at his back for a few seconds, feeling peeved, before turning her attention to her final opponent.

    This woman wore her jet-black hair very long, draping nearly to her round bottom, and appeared to be the oldest of the three of them. She idly tossed a strand of hair from her face, and gave a very curt smile to the host.

    And our final contestant of the night is Isabella, a twenty-five year old mathematics teacher at Walpers High School. The woman smiled fully now, and waved at the audience. Too late, Daphne realized she hadn't.

    Damn! I hope no one noticed... Her sudden pang of fear was well justified; the studio audience got to pick virtually all penalties allotted in the game. Keeping on their good graces could mean the difference between going home with a minor lisp, or a new set of bulbous, bouncy tits!

    Thank you, Don, Isabella said. I am truly looking forward to today's game.

    Daphne narrowed her eyes. The woman's tone was commanding like a teacher's, but also extremely succinct. Almost too proper, really.

    Don said the woman was a teacher at Walpers High School. She certainly sounds like it; that has to be the wealthiest little town in the state.

    Out of the corner of her eye she saw Andrea rolling her eyes as Isabella and the host continued making small talk. Well, there's a pot calling the kettle black, Daphne thought. Judging from her outfit, the little blond twenty-year old wasn't exactly poor. And Herculeum University isn't exactly low-brow either.

    Finally, Don pulled himself away from the black-haired woman.

    Now, before we begin, let's go over the rules one more time. The audience groaned, and so did the three contestants. They'd all heard the rules enough to memorize them, but the show format wasn't about to change now.

    Daphne only half-listened. In preparation for today's show, she had

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