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Ebook74 pages54 minutes


Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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When Amanda decided to give her marriage with Neil another try she never thought that things would get complicated. Little did she know that she would end up falling in love with Neil and Ashton. While trying to figure out how to be happy with both.
When Amanda entered the room the all eyes turned to her except for the gentlemen standing next to Mr. Maxwell looking out of the large window into the city. His build looked very familiar to Amanda and the feeling she was getting made her a little unsettling.
“We’re happy you could join us Amanda,” Mr. Maxwell said as Amanda came to a stop behind the empty chair at the table.
“It was nice to be invited, Mr. Maxwell. I love this part of the process,” Amanda said smiling.
“I hoped you would enjoy this part of the process. It also might even give you some great marketing ideas. Let me introduce you to the man that will be heading up the remodel for Brookford, Mr. Douglas of Douglas Commercial Construction, this is Amanda Devonshire our Marketing Director.”
“Washington,” Amanda said walking towards the two men.
“Oh, yes I always forget your married name,” Mr. Maxwell said with a smile.
Just as Amanda was taking her last step towards Mr. Douglas with her hand extended, her business smile dropped. The man in front of her was none other than Ashton Douglas. The man with whom she had a brief affair.
As Ashton took her hand he said, “Nice to meet you Mrs. Washington.”
Looking into Ashton’s eyes Amanda seemed to have lost the ability to speak. The feel of him touching her brought memories back to her body that it began to tingle and his smile was still as heart-warming as ever before.
“It looks like we will be working together on this project, Mrs. Washington,” Ashton said. He had planned everything so perfect but it seemed that he was too late. Amanda had married the other man. The feeling of regret was sitting heavy on his shoulders. How could he work with her now knowing that she would go home to another man every night.

PublisherL C Dorsey
Release dateApr 28, 2014

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Reviews for Trusting

Rating: 1.8 out of 5 stars

5 ratings1 review

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a typical cheating-husband-then-later-forgiven book. The lack of a good explanation for the cheating and the protagonist's actions make the story less enjoyable. However, some readers sympathize with the supporting character and feel he deserved better. Overall, the book's portrayal of love and forgiveness may not be convincing to all readers.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This review contains spoilers. please don't read further if you don't wanna get 'spoiled'.

    Typical cheating-husband-then-later-forgiven book but what made this 'not so good' is that there was no good explaination for what he did. Not that I think ANYTHING justifies cheating but Neil didn't even get a little teeny tiny bit of my sympathy. His way of grovelling was sending flowers and sometimes stalking, whoopie! Amanda seemed a promising strong female lead in the beginning of the first book when she took immediate action but one bad decision after another made her look pathetic and needy and a crazy lady who keep going back and forth. Ashton got my sympathy and support as he would to many who read this series. He deserved better. Amanda and Neil's happily ever after didn't look promising. Their 'love' fizzled and he cheated within 4 years of marriage. He'll probably cheat again after another 2-3 years with another bullshit excuse and Amanda would forgive him, again.

    1 person found this helpful

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Trusting - L C Dorsey


The Sequel


L C Dorsey




L C Dorsey


Copyright © 2014 by L C Dorsey

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Look for these other books by L C Dorsey





The Sequel


Chapter 1

As Ashton sat at the board meeting listening to proposals, financial projections and projections for the coming year, all he could think about was Amanda. The way she smelled, her look, the sound of her voice, the way her body moved beneath his and the sweet taste of her was all he could think about. He wanted her more than he wanted anything or anyone in his entire life. But he let her go to be with someone else without even putting up a fight. This was not the Ashton Douglas, CEO and owner of Douglas financial Investments and Douglas commercial Construction and Development.

Ashton knew that he should not have let Amanda leave the restaurant so easily that night. The thought of it seemed to play in his mind daily. He hoped she would have called him by now. It had been several months since he had heard from her. Everyday he fought the urge to go to her office, because just hearing her voice would no longer pacifier him.

Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas.

Yes, Ashton said refocusing his attention back to the meeting.

What do you think we should do with the bid for the new resort for Wyndsor? one of the team leads asked.

What about Wyndor Resort? Ashton asked. The resort’s name had been on his mind everyday for the past month now because it was where Amanda worked.

The bid for the remodeling of a new property they have purchased. They don’t want it torn down just remodeled and add some additional wings, Joseph, head of contracts for Douglas Commercial and one of Ashton’s close friends, chimed in.

Ashton’s mind began to work up a plan as Joseph was speaking. This would be the perfect way to see Amanda again and hear her voice. I will see to the Wyndsor remodel.

Ashton, you never…

I want all the information about the project sent to me by noon today, Ashton said cutting Joseph off.

No one said a word as Ashton spoke and looked around the room. Ashton had not personally worked on any project in three years because he always working at his investment firm. This was a shock to everyone in the room.

Now since no one has anything else to add, the meeting is adjourned, Ashton said rising from his seat at the head of the table.

What the hell just happened? one of the members asked after Ashton had left the room.

I have no idea, Joseph said because all eyes were on him because of his friendship with Ashton.

When Ashton returned to his office an overwhelming feeling of relief washed over him like a wave. For some reason just the thought of seeing Amanda, even in a work environment, was relaxing.

Ashton, what was that? Joseph asked coming into the office.

Do you have the paperwork for the project?

Ashton, are you seriously going to handle the Wyndsor project? You pay people who are good at doing this type of routine project.

This project needs my personal attentions, Ashton said in his stern business tone.

Joseph didn’t say a word at first as he noticed the change in his friends face. The lines of stress that appeared across his friends forehead months ago were now gone. There seemed to be no sign of stress at all on him. Who is she? Joseph finally asked.

Leaning back into his chair Ashton smiled before saying, Setup a meeting with Wyndsor by Friday.


Amanda, they want you in the meeting with the project manager for the Brookford remodeling job, Helen, Amanda’s assistant, said when she returned from her lunch date with her husband, Neil.

Why would they want me in that meeting, Amanda asked.

They didn’t tell me why. Rose called down and said to send you to the conference room when you returned, Helen said handing Amanda her portfolio.

"Well then I guess I am going into a meeting. If Neil calls tell

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