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Moving Earth (Earthquake #2)
Moving Earth (Earthquake #2)
Moving Earth (Earthquake #2)
Ebook56 pages43 minutes

Moving Earth (Earthquake #2)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Now that Charlie Turner has control of his life again after ten years of watching out for his mom and younger brother—Damon—his eyes have re-opened to his buried wants and needs. His late father always told him to go after what he wants in life—to move heaven and earth to get what’s important to him—and what he wants now is Amos Greene.

Amos Greene screws like a god, loves art and money, and figures that’s all anyone needs to know about him. Until he meets Charlie Turner and the earth moves under his feet. The walls he’s built around his heart are no match for Charlie’s huge, open spirit.

After listening to Damon and Amos set up a plan to catch a group of teen psychos-in-training, Charlie finds himself on the ass end of an amateur stakeout—but what he discovers could change Charlie’s—and Amos’s—life forever.

PublisherT.A. Webb
Release dateApr 30, 2014
Moving Earth (Earthquake #2)

T.A. Webb

T.A. Webb is the writing name for the Mean Old Bear That Could. By day, he's the director of finance for a non-profit agency. He's worked with people living with HIV/AIDS and with children in the foster care system for over twenty years, and takes the smaller pay for the chance to make a difference for those who can't help themselves. After hours, he's the proud single papa of four rescue dogs, was born and raised in Atlanta, where he still lives, and is a pretty darned good country cook. His sister taught him to read when he was four, and he tore his way through the local library over the next few years. Always wanting more, he snuck a copy of The Exorcist under his parents' house to read when he was eleven and scared the bejesus out of himself. Thus began a love affair with books that skirt the edge, and when he discovered gay literature, he was hooked for life. T.A. can be found at Facebook under AuthorTAWebb, tweeted at #TomBearAtl, or if you really want to, you can email him at

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    Book preview

    Moving Earth (Earthquake #2) - T.A. Webb

    Now that Charlie Turner has control of his life again after ten years of watching out for his mom and younger brother—Damon—his eyes have re-opened to his buried wants and needs. His late father always told him to go after what he wants in life—to move heaven and earth to get what’s important to him—and what he wants now is Amos Greene.

    Amos Greene screws like a god, loves art and money, and figures that’s all anyone needs to know about him. Until he meets Charlie Turner and the earth moves under his feet. The walls he’s built around his heart are no match for Charlie’s huge, open spirit.

    After listening to Damon and Amos set up a plan to catch a group of teen psychos-in-training, Charlie finds himself on the ass end of an amateur stakeout—but what he discovers could change Charlie’s—and Amos’s—life forever.

    Pulp Friction presents…

    Moving Earth

    Earthquake #2

    T.A. Webb

    Smashwords edition published in the United States

    Copyright © March 2014 by T.A. Webb

    About Pulp Friction 2014

    Laura Harner ~ Lee Brazil ~ Havan Fellows ~ T.A. Webb

    The Pulp Friction 2014 Collection. Four authors. Four Series. Twenty books. One fiery finale. Spend a year with an eclectic group of strangers brought together through circumstances, as they are tested by life, and emerge as more than friends.

    The strongest bonds are forged by fire, cooled in air, smoothed by water, grounded in earth.

    Although each series can stand alone, we believe reading the books in the order they are released will increase your enjoyment.

    Round One:

    Firestorm (Fighting Fire: 1)

    Cold Snap (In From the Cold: 1)

    Blown Away (Whispering Winds: 1)

    Higher Ground (Earthquake: 1)

    Round Two:

    Controlled Burn

    Cold Comfort

    Blown Kisses

    Moving Earth

    Round Three:


    Cold Feet

    Blow Hard


    Round Four:


    Out In The Cold

    Blown Chance


    Round Five:

    Radiant Burn

    Cold Day in Hell

    Final Blow

    Terra Firma

    Mountain Shadows Campground


    Moving Earth (Earthquake #2) is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2014 by T.A. Webb

    Cover photograph from

    Cover Art by Laura E. Harner

    Edited by Jae Ashley

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-310924-866

    Warning: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any many without written permission, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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