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Captivated by Love
Captivated by Love
Captivated by Love
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Captivated by Love

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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“You know how it is. What happens overseas stays overseas.” The words from the man Stephanie Foster had given her heart to just shred it to pieces. With the touchdown on U.S. soil she was discarded and replaced by a wife she didn’t know existed. Stephanie allowed herself to be vulnerable and ended up being used. Never again. One look at Edward and he threatened to change all her rules on ever dating a white man again.

Edward Ryan returns from Afghanistan to find out his fiancé is not only pregnant but leaving him for his commander. He’s heartbroken and feels he’ll never find the right one for him. From the moment Stephanie joins his unit he knows there’s something about her that he just has to get to know better.

The arrival of Stephanie to a male dominated unit stirs up animosity with the soldiers but slowly passion ensues and breaks down the bob wire to Edward’s heart and soon Stephanie’s silly rules on dating outside her race, allowing them both to be captivated.

Release dateMay 12, 2014
Captivated by Love

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another fab read from Joanna A Haze. My main problem remains the editing/proofing problem! I enjoyed Edward and Stephanie's story so much that I would've given it a 5, were it not for the typos. There's also the downright stupid stunt Stephanie pulled on Edward after Julianna claimed she was carrying Edward's baby. Are these women stupid???!! Why would she trust Julianna, a total stranger's word over Edward's; a man she's come to know and love?! I mean, she never even gave him the chance to give his side of the story, instead calling him all sorts of names under the sun, and kicking him to the kerb! It's a very bizarre thing that these women in romance novels ALWAYS do, behaving like bimbos. In real life, you normally ask questions then if not satisfied with the answers, drop the bastard like they're hot.

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Captivated by Love - Joanna A. Haze

Captivated by Love


Joanna A. Haze

Smashwords Ebook Edition

* * * * *


PWP Romance

Passionate Writer Publishing

in association with PWP Media

Captivated by Love

Copyright © 2014 by Joanna A. Haze

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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Also by Joanna A. Haze

The Missing Piece

Fateful Reunion

Military Romance

Training Session

Desert Love


PWP Romance

You know how it is. What happens overseas stays overseas. The words from the man Stephanie Foster had given her heart to just shred it to pieces. With the touchdown on U.S. soil she was discarded and replaced by a wife she didn’t know existed. Stephanie allowed herself to be vulnerable and ended up being used. Never again. One look at Edward and he threatened to change all her rules on ever dating a white man again.

Edward Ryan returns from Afghanistan to find out his fiancé is not only pregnant but leaving him for his commander. He’s heartbroken and feels he’ll never find the right one for him. From the moment Stephanie joins his unit he knows there’s something about her that he just has to get to know better.

The arrival of Stephanie to a male dominated unit stirs up animosity with the soldiers but slowly passion ensues and breaks down the bob wire to Edward’s heart and soon Stephanie’s silly rules on dating outside her race, allowing them both to be captivated.

Captivated by Love

Joanna A. Haze

Chapter One

Stephanie lay in the tiny bed not wanting to move. The removal of body heat next to her sent a shiver up her spine and she pulled the covers around her. Kyle’s naked body flashed before her slightly cracked eyelids and slowly faded as he dressed. His muscular torso, sculpted from numerous ruck marches and training, was covered with a tan t-shirt. She frowned, knowing full well she needed to follow suit.

I can’t wait until we’re able to lay in our own beds again. She glanced around the small room. It reminded her of the college dorm her sister lived in, but hers didn’t have a huge wall locker in it with a uniform marked with her last name and US Army in front.

About that. Was it her, or was he purposely not making eye contact? He continued on while lacing up his boots. My wife will be at the airport when we land.

Wife? She’d been with him for nine months and not one mention of a wife. I’m confused. When did you get married?

Five years ago, he said nonchalantly.

Her gut churned and a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding choked out. Five years? Then what the hell was this? What have we been doing these past few months?

Kyle finally dared facing her, his expression not the loving man she’d just given her body to but a callous gray eyed stare. Come on now Staff Sergeant Foster. The use of her military title drove the knife in further. We’re overseas. You know the rules. He opened the door. What happens overseas stays overseas.

Every ounce of her body wanted to take her combat boot lying next to the bed and fling it at the back of his head before he closed it behind him. Only her military bearing and his higher rank of Sergeant First Class prevented her from doing so.

That rule only applied to the soldiers running around jumping from bed to bed. Not to those who’d spent time together prior to getting to the sex, and surely not one she’d given her heart to. Doesn’t it? How many times had he’d told her how much he cared for her? He’d never used the word love, but she’d felt it.

A wife? How did she miss that one? How many times had they’d hung out with others and no one else even dropped a hint? Last night…oh man. The things he’d done to her. Her sweet spot was still sore from taking him all in. He made her feel so good—all the while having a wife at home. She should have known better. Stephanie was the outsider to the unit. They’d grown a bond from years of training as an infantry unit and there she was an intelligence analyst attached to them. She’d been pulled from the safety of her vault and sent out with the wolves.

Oh how she wished she could curl up in the fetal position and let out a good cry, but it wasn’t her reality. In her world formation would start in fifteen minutes which meant she needed to be outside standing tall with the rest of her platoon in two.


The doors to the bus opened and Stephanie waited until the rows of combat soldiers in front of her cleared before following behind. Back on U.S. soil. No more carrying an M16 everywhere she went, nor being lullabied to sleep with the sound of gun fire off in the distance.

Stephanie tilted her head to the side, allowing the brim of her hat to block the sun rays shining brightly on them as they descended the vehicle. Family and friends cheered while all three buses of soldiers neared the old hanger.

A beautiful blonde burst through the crowd and ran towards them. Kyle, correction Sergeant First Class Jackass, swooped her up in his arms. A slow spin worthy of the Hallmark Channel ensued. Stephanie looked away and focused on the soldiers with parents or friends awaiting them. She’d been spared at the airport, but not now. Kyle not speaking to Stephanie their last few days in country was hard enough. This was the nail in the coffin. Someone needed to hand her an E-tool so she could start digging her own grave.

Witnessing the wife slapped her with another harsh reality. She’d only been Kyle’s dark fantasy, his concubine. That white man never had any intention on being with a black woman for real.

Chapter Two

Edward’s emotional state was indifferent about the group of people waiting on his unit. He ignored the smiles and hugs. None of them were for him. All he wanted to do was out-process and get home to his girlfriend in South Carolina. The only thing in his way was the mandatory three days of waiting at Camp Atterbury, Indiana.

Months of Skyping weren’t enough. He needed to hold her and take in the apple shampoo she loved to lather her hair with. Julianna had his heart and as soon as he reached home he’d propose to the woman who’d stood by him.

Time seemed to drag on as the Post Commander, Brigade Commander, Battalion Commander, and finally he, being the Company Commander made their speeches. His of course was the shortest. He’d given the troops enough pep talk for the twelve months of running missions. They were the only ones who’d mattered. Every one of them made it home, though many would never be the same. He’d seen the lights of many of them dim out as their time in Afghanistan wore on.

His mind drifted during the process of updating paperwork, being poked and prodded in medical, and enduring the psychiatric evaluation. This unit, his company would never be together again. Yes, most were infantry but they’d all come from different units and combined to make one of the best he’d ever worked with.

Captain Ryan, do you have any thoughts of harming yourself or others? The civilian counselor looked over the rim of his glasses at Edward. I know this isn’t your first tour but I have to ask.

Edward always found this part amusing. Civilian doctors used to evaluate a soldier. Can one even comprehend what one has never experienced? All the training and schooling in the world can’t prepare you for the effects of war. I’m good doc.

That’s great to hear son.

Edward handed him his checklist and the doctor scribbled his initials on the appropriate line. Now all he needed were his orders cut to return back to his home base.


Edward didn’t bother with giving Julianna the heads up. He’d walk right in and surprise her a week early. Thinking of her kept him going. He was a lucky man to have a beautiful woman like her by his side.

Hey baby, her voice sang out to him as she turned the corner to the foyer area. He tried to be quiet, but he’d neglected to fix the lock before he left and it still was hard to maneuver. His key got stuck in the hole and he had to yank it out. No wonder she heard him.

Julianna’s naturally curly brown locks cascaded down her shoulders. Her small hands went to her face. What are you doing home? She hesitated, and then ran to him.

Edward swooped her up in his arms and inhaled. Not the scent of apples but vanilla. No matter holding her in his arms provided all the comfort he needed.

After a long embrace he released her, allowing himself to take her all in again. She’d filled out a little in the hips and butt area and it looked good. The dress she wore fit all her curves to perfection. You going somewhere?

How come you didn’t tell me you made it back? She gave a timid smile.

And ruin the surprise? He pulled her back in his arms. She tensed up. What’s wrong?

She shrugged. You just caught me off guard. I’m so happy you made it back safely.

I’m sorry. My mind was only on you and I wanted this moment to be special. Did I mess up some plans?


Knock, knock, knock. Someone at the door interrupted her response.

Edward opened it. To his surprise a buddy was on the other side.

Doug? I didn’t expect the welcoming committee so soon. Edward gave the taller blonde haired man a nod. At six foot Edward wasn’t short by any means but Doug’s lanky body towered him at six-five. Congratulations on your promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. They went way back. Doug had been his first commander right after Edward completed officer training.

Thanks. Doug’s eyes roamed from Edward to Julianna.

Is there something I should know? Edward stepped back and took a good look at them. They both were dressed for a night on the town. Doug’s button down shirt and slacks were a new look for the man. Any other time he’d be in his Army uniform or hunting gear.

Julianna’s head lowered. "If you would’ve told me you were coming back I could have prepared

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