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Such a Rush
Such a Rush
Such a Rush
Ebook362 pages5 hours

Such a Rush

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From acclaimed bestseller Jennifer Echols comes a sizzling tale of a young airplane pilot torn between two brothers

When I was fourteen, I made a decision. If I was doomed to live in a trailer park next to an airport, I could complain about the smell of the jet fuel like my mom, I could drink myself to death over the noise like everybody else, or I could learn to fly.

For Leah Jones, reality is life in a rundown trailer park with an irresponsible mother. But there’s one escape. With an after-school job at the local airstrip, she manages to afford cut-rate flight lessons. At the controls of a small plane, she leaves the trailer park far below, swooping out over the sea in the ultimate rush.

By her senior year of high school, Leah’s dreams come true: she snags a job flying for an aerial banner-advertising business. Then the owner dies suddenly, leaving everything in the hands of his teenage sons: golden boy Alec and adrenaline junkie Grayson. Though Leah has crushed on Grayson for years, she tries to stay clear of the apparently doomed business—until Grayson digs up her most damning secret. Holding it over Leah’s head, he forces her to fly for secret reasons of his own, reasons involving Alec. She’s been drawn into a battle between brothers—and the consequences could be deadly.
PublisherMTV Books
Release dateJul 10, 2012
Such a Rush

Jennifer Echols

Jennifer Echols was born in Atlanta and grew up in a small town on a beautiful lake in Alabama—a setting that has inspired many of her books. Her nine romantic novels for young adults have been published in seven languages and have won the National Readers’ Choice Award, the Aspen Gold Readers’ Choice Award, the Write Touch Readers’ Award, the Beacon, and the Booksellers’ Best Award. Her novel Going Too Far was a finalist in the RITA and was nominated by the American Library Association as a Best Book for Young Adults. She lives in Birmingham with her husband and her son. Visit her at

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Reviews for Such a Rush

Rating: 4.030726252513967 out of 5 stars

179 ratings19 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a good story with some slow and hard to read parts. Some readers wish it were a little sexier. The book explores the theme of rising above stereotypes and finding something worth living for. It is a sweet story with a predictable ending and not very interesting characters. Overall, it is a good quick read.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I went into this book blind. I hadn't read any descriptions but had seen where it received a lot of great reviews; so when I came across it in a bargain bin, I had to buy it. This was a great romance. There was lots of tension and humor. I loved Leah and Grayson. Actually, I loved most all the characters. At times the story was heartbreaking and other times it was heart warming. I had a warm, gooey feeling in my stomach when I finished this book and wanted to read it again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Originally posted on Lovey Dovey BooksI've always been a fan of Jennifer Echols' novels and while I certainly enjoyed Such a Rush, I can't say that I favor it over her previous dramatic romances. Leah becoming a teen pilot is the most unique part of the plot. I wasn't captured by the 'love-triangle', but I did feel my heart race from the sizzling chemistry between Grayson and Leah.Telling the story from the beginning of Leah's interest in flying is really what sold the story to me. I was getting the depth of Leah's dreams and insecurities and not just being told how she feels about her life. I was seeing the impact of her mother's neglect and their style of living on Leah. The first few chapters were all I needed to gradually make up my mind about Leah's character. The final verdict? She has a strong will and her ability to make up her mind about her future at a rebellious and tender age makes her stand out among many contemporary female leads.I wasn't particularly happy with the main cause of tension during the story. Grayson feels that in order to keep his twin brother, Alec, from making the biggest mistake of his life, he needs to enlist Leah to date Alec. There are so many complications that arise because of his plan that one would expect for a big blowout towards the end, but when every lie and secret comes out in the open the story feels rushed and the drama anti-climatic. The fact that Leah doesn't really want to go along with the plan casts a dark cloud over the parts of the story that I would have otherwise enjoyed. The story line felt a little similar to Echols' romantic comedy, The One That I Want where the characters are in mismatched relationships, the most obvious difference being that Such a Rush is written for an older audience.The hope of a happy ending is strong while reading Such a Rush, and all in all, Jennifer Echols doesn't let her readers down. She brings on the heat and searing glances, giving Such a Rush just a touch more maturity than previous romantic novels.*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    After The one that I want I was a little hesitant to read this book as much as I was excited. I didn't hate The one that I want, I just really disliked the best friend in that book. However Such a Rush was gripping and realistic. Leah was a little different then some other characters that I have read, she was in charge of the family or what excuse she had of a family forcing Leah to grow up very independent. Flying is just a way for her to feel a connection and to finally be herself. Jennifer Echols created a cast a characters that is funny, sexy, sweet, and will pull the emotional strings. A book that should be picked up!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great Read! Having never read anything by Jennifer Echols before, I didn't know what to expect going into this book, but I ended up loving it! It was much more than just a romance book, it was also a touching and inspirational story of a young girl's struggle to rise above her terrible upbringing through her love of flying.

    The romance aspect of the book was definitely not lacking either. Grayson & Alec scream for attention with their all-American good looks and toned physiques. Alec is sweet & social. While Grayson is more of the bad boy, always getting into trouble (can you guess who I was rooting for her to end up with lol).

    Leah's character was really likable and I know I really felt like I connected with her. She is such a strong young woman. Her outlook on life might be somewhat jaded but she is completely honest with herself and I really admired that.

    Overall, it was an excellent read and I would definitely recommend it! If you're looking for your romance with a healthy dose of realistic drama, then this book is for you.

    ***Book won on GoodReads First Reads***
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was such a sweet story! More review to come :D
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    * fun read
    * fluffy, teen romance

    * situations/scenes escalate and end in 3 pages
    * characters switch emotional gears in seconds

    Hot twins, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks with gritty determination and a spring break setting makes for a quick read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was ok, predictable ending not very interesting characters. Was ready for it to be over about three quarters of the through the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Leah has always lived in run down trailer parks that happened to be near the airport. Her mom--when she bothers to stay home longer than a few hours--never stops complaining about the noise, but Leah can’t get enough. She takes advantage of her proximity to the airport and lands a job in the office at the age of 14. But still, this isn’t close enough. She doesn’t just want to watch and listen to airplanes take off and land, she wants to fly. She saves up as much as she can, forges her moms signature, and makes a deal with Mr. Hall for flying lessons. Three and a half years later she is able to get her commercial pilot’s license and can now be paid for doing what she loves. Unfortunately, Mr. Hall passes away before she is able to start working for him. His reckless son, Grayson, who is also just 18-years-old, decides he’s going to run the family business and he wants Leah to fly for him like she promised his dad. Leah refuses, but he isn’t taking no for an answer. He blackmails her into not only working for him, but also into dating his twin brother, Alec.Such a Rush sucks you in from the start. Jennifer Echols just knows what she’s doing when it comes to contemporary YA. I loved reading about the whole flying and being a pilot thing. I think airplanes are amazing. Being able to get on and, a hand full of hours later, get off in a completely different country or continent is Echols describes everything really well and it wasn’t at all that confusing. I had no idea just how dangerous flying one of those things actually is! But it does sound like a great adrenaline rush and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t love to try it.Leah is a great MC; she is strong, smart, and driven. She has an irresponsible mother who thinks she’s the child which has forced Leah to grow up faster than she should have had to. She actually pays most of the bills, including half the rent, because her mom can’t keep a steady job. All of this is done without complaint as she spends every free hour she has working. With help from Mr. Hall she is able to find a way out of this life; becoming a pilot allows her to fly literally and figuratively. I almost wish there were a sequel so we could see where Leah ends up. And, of course, we also have Grayson who I found to be quite pleasant when he wasn’t intentionally trying to be a douche. His feelings are obvious from the beginning and he says some really harsh things to Leah throughout the novel mostly because he is trying to push her away. I think she forgave him a bit too easily at the end...I would have made him grovel a bit. The tension between them was great. I read this so quickly because I HAD to know where their relationship was going. Besides these two and Mr. Hall, I didn’t really like any of the other characters. Alec was a bit too boring for my taste and Leah’s best friend, Molly, seemed shady from the start. 4.5 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good story, slow at parts and hard to read at others. I do wish it were a little sexier I will admit.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I didnt read any reviews on Such A Rush before I picked it up. Im a daredevil like that. I loved the cover and while you should never judge a book by the cover, I unabashedly admit it: I totally did.

    Cover Judger McJudgington

    I know what you're thinking, her hair must have taken a load of shampoo to get out all that AquaNet.

    After reading the back blurb, I nearly put the book back. My inner teenager - the one that tirelessly watched Top Gun - first at the theater, then burning a hole in my VHS tape - is still hooked on planes of any kind. How could she not be? My inner flygirl made everyone call her "Charlie" for a year and got mad when her Mom wouldnt let her wear seamed hose....well, "Charlie" won, and got her book even though I am NO fan of the overdone Love Triangle.


    Im so glad I gave it a try. i read it in a day's time while my inner Charlie put on her wedgie, sporty, two-piece suit and went to play beach volleyball in the Danger Zone with Iceman, Slider, and Hollywood. The hussy.

    Such A Rush fits in the New Adult genre but is set as YA. I'd say mature YA. I discovered immediately, this wasnt your average Erhmehgerd-I-Just-Met-You-This-Is-Crazy-Im-Struck-Stupid-I-Love-You-Forevar! when they all first meet. Good Lord, I hate that. Authors need to stop doing it. Take notes from Jennifer Echols.

    This is a love triange...that isn't one.

    It's like Echols took a yawn-boring, overdone, love triange, threw it in the cockpit and out came this story of loyalties and love that isn't anywhere near predictable. And then throws you for another corkscrew loop. Corkscrew...get it?

    ~woohoo, arms in the air, airplane reference!~

    There is plenty of piloting planes, not fighter planes, but still airplanes nonetheless. The reader is plunked into the life of this everyday girl who has made some silly or stupid choices to roll with the turbulence of life. She can fly a plane but cant drive car. She's dealt with a flakey parental, encountered swoony boys, gave up fighting assumptions and gossip, found herself embroiled in family dramas, learned deep loyalties, deepened friendships, and had some LOL's.

    Such A Rush reminds me a bit of one of Shakespeare's plots: What you thought, isn't. How you see it happening, doesn't. But it all connects for a more interesting, twisty plot where it all works out well in the end.

    Like the beauty of an F14, inverted, 4G dive."Say cheese."

    ~woohoo, buzzes the airport tower~
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So I wasnt so sure about this book when I read the intro, but tried it anyway and man did I like it or what. I was unsure about the trailer park idea of this book, because it has some stereotype that's not pretty to think about, and it was really sad for me to read about all the bad stereotypes people were putting on her. But she stayed true to herself and found a way to rise above all those horror people talking about her. The story in itself was sweet, as the outcome for both Leah and Grayson to finally find something worth rising above the pain and dismay in their lives to move on and live life with something each of them didn't have before. Good quick read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh my goodness, people, this is such a good book! Leah is a fantastic main character, so strong in so many ways but at the same time entirely sympathetic. Also, flying, two best friends, and a seriously hot romance. One I will re-read and re-read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I just adore Jennifer Echols. The whole "please date my brother" plot line was always a little awkward, but the big reveal really did make it fit (teenage boys don't always have the best plans).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oh I loved this one! Leah was just so... Spunky. I honestly didn't think I would like this book, and I only bought it because of the pretty cover, but I am SO glad that my shallow cover whore-ness lead me to this book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    My love of the gorgeous cover is the extent of my love for this book. It was slow paced, trashy, and full of annoying characters.I couldn’t stand the main character of the book, Leah. While I admired her trying to make a better future for herself and get out of the trailer park life she’d grown up in, I just couldn’t stand her. She was always whining and complaining about being called the school slut (harsher word used in book), but does nothing to change it. In fact, she purposefully acts/dresses the way she thinks people expect her to. She gets mad at other people for thinking of her that way but thinks it herself. If I could use two words to describe the romance in this book I would say messed up.This is not your typical love triangle since Leah doesn’t actually have feeling for both guys. Leah’s been in love with Grayson since they were fourteen years old, but Grayson has never given her the time of day until now, when he blackmails her into dating his twin brother Alec. While Leah & Grayson’s feelings for each other deepen, they start to see each other in secret, while Grayson continues to make Leah go out with Alec, which made me furious!The one part about the book I did enjoy was learning about the planes and details of flying. While I myself am terrified of heights and am afraid to ride on a plane, never-mind fly one. I found it really fun to read about someone as brave as Leah and her flying experiences.As for objectionable content, there was an abundance of foul language as well as some sex scenes.Overall, I wish I hadn’t wasted my time with this one. It was all very trashy in my opinion. I definitely won’t be adding any of Jennifer Echols other books to my TBR.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is definitely a hot love story that will keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for the character to just kiss all ready! But besides that, I thought the story kind of dragged a little. I enjoyed reading about Leah working at the airport and the whole romance side to it (because that why I picked the book up to begin with) but I really didn't like reading about Leah's life at home. I don't know why I don't like the whole trailer home, dead-beat mom who jumps from boyfriend to boyfriend kind of story, but I just don't. And that was a turn off for me, just because I feel like it's been used a lot and I'm tired of reading about it and I don't like the atmosphere overall.But, other than that, I did enjoy the story, I just wasn't completely enchanted by it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Overall I enjoyed this book and thought it was a good read. The story was realistic and engaging, the characters were well developed, and the novel was appropriately paced. On a personal note, I did not agree with the way that the author portrayed the “pit bull” throughout the story. Her inclusion of the dog was to stress the poverty stricken life that Leah endured as this type of dog is often found in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. In her story this dog would be considered a property or resident dog. These abused dogs are normally used for protection purposes and not companionship. They are often not properly socialized, untrained, abused, and often bred. Contrary to what she portrayed in the novel, pit bull type dogs (pit bull is not a breed of dog) are wonderful family pets, stable, and loveable. To support that, the ATTS has been collecting data based on evaluations on many types of dogs. They point out that pit bulls fall within an acceptable range of temperamental soundness and are no different than the average dog when it comes to human interaction. The way that Echols continued to refer to the “pit bull” as vicious and lunging at the characters without acknowledgement of its circumstances only demonized and stereotyped these great dogs. This truly saddened me as I read this book. Echols is a great writer and I enjoyed her novel; however, I hope that she considers her choice of dogs and they way that she refers to them in her future books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    ~After takeoff this one is sure to land your heart~ This is a book that is hard to put down & you won't regret buying for your shelves at home* Reesa***
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Okay, seems a bit dramatic doesn't it? Well things are dramatic when you're a teenager and I think Jennifer Echols catches that very well. I've only read Going Too Far by her before this and it's along the same vein as this one. Troubled, strong female MC. Sex isn't an issue, it's in the book. So be prepared along with some strong language and some pretty bad parenting and other things that people might object to. None of it is stuff that doesn't occur on the news nightly or isn't written in the papers. It's just that Jennifer Echols isn't afraid to write it down in a book about teens for teens. And I think she should. Leah has been raised in trailer parks next to airports her entire life. So, at the age of 14 when they move to Heaven Beach, South Carolina, she ducks under the fence and gets a job at the airport. She watches the planes come and go. She listens to the old pilots shoot the breeze on the front porch of the small airport that doesn't even have a flight control tower. And she eats it up. It's about the only thing she's got going right in her life. And so what if she's got a huge crush on Mr. Hall's of Hall Aviation son, Grayson. Nothing will ever come of it. They don't know she exists. The boys don't. But Leah figures out how to get flying lessons from Mr. Hall and he takes her in as a daughter, his sons are too busy to come visit after the divorce. By the time Grayson, Alec and Leah are all 18 they have their commercial pilot's licences and plan to spend Spring Break and the summer flying banners for money for Hall Aviation. But bad things happen and those plans go down the drain.Now, I'll say this about Jennifer Echols characters- they are complicated. I thought I had Leah figured out. She lived in a trailer and wanted to get out of it. But she wasn't going to be handed anything, she was going to earn it. And if people thought she had been handed something because she was sexy and knew how to use it, well they could think what they wanted to, she wasn't going to correct them. But Leah was also fierce to me. And I didn't expect her to take certain things that she did. I thought she acted a little out of character in certain parts of the book.Grayson, he was exactly who I thought he would be. Cocky, self assured, good looking and always had to have everything his way. Alec, was probably the easiest to like because he wasn't in the picture that much. And Molly, well let's just say, I don't want a best friend, if that's what I have to have. They all seemed to be good and wholesome and caring, but Leah just didn't see them for who they really were. She never let her own feelings out. She had a crappy mother who was always leaving her. She rarely had food. She didn't have a car to get food. No one ever offered to take her to get food and she never asked. Her reasons were stupid.But you know what, I loved this book. For all the flawed characters, I still loved the book and I will buy my own copy. I stayed up all night with a bad eye to read this one. I guess it was because the characters didn't fit a mold. They changed up when I thought I knew them. And I had to think about them for a few days before I could even write this review. They're still swimming around in my head. I really loved this book!It's definitely for older teens. It contains, strong language, sex, drugs, drinking, and other suggestive things regarding sex. I can't say what age, my teen is old enough for it. Use your best judgement.I did read the ARC of this book supplied by Southern Book Bloggers ARC Tours. I was not compensated for this review.

Book preview

Such a Rush - Jennifer Echols


Jennifer Echols

The Nora Roberts of the YA fiction world.

Narratively Speaking

A tremendously talented writer.

RT Book Reviews

Going Too Far     Forget You     Love Story

Romantic dramas you will never forget!

Superb.Chick Loves Lit     Searingly sexy.Girls Without a Bookshelf     Brave and powerful. —author R. A. Nelson     Mesmerizing.Parkersburg News     Edge, tense, and seductive.Smart Bitches Trashy Books     Has everything a teen love story should have.Book Loons     Deeply rich.YA Reads     Unique and captivating.Confessions of a Bookaholic     Emotional and expressive.A Good Addiction

A sexy and poignant romantic tale of a young daredevil pilot caught between two brothers.

When I was fourteen, I made a decision. If I was doomed to live in a trailer park next to an airport, I could complain about the smell of the jet fuel like my mom, I could drink myself to death over the noise like everybody else, or I could learn to fly.

Heaven Beach, South Carolina, is anything but, if you live at the low-rent end of town. All her life, Leah Jones has been the grown-up in her family, while her mother moves from boyfriend to boyfriend, letting any available money slip out of her hands. At school, they may diss Leah as trash, but she’s the one who negotiates with the landlord when the rent’s not paid. At fourteen, she’s the one who gets a job at the nearby airstrip.

But there’s one way Leah can escape reality. Saving every penny she can, she begs quiet Mr. Hall, who runs an aerial banner-advertising business at the airstrip and also offers flight lessons, to take her up just once. Leaving the trailer park far beneath her and swooping out over the sea is a rush greater than anything she’s ever experienced, and when Mr. Hall offers to give her cut-rate flight lessons, she feels ready to touch the sky.

By the time she’s a high school senior, Leah has become a good enough pilot that Mr. Hall offers her a job flying a banner plane. It seems like a dream come true… but turns out to be just as fleeting as any dream. Mr. Hall dies suddenly, leaving everything he owned in the hands of his teenage sons: golden boy Alec and adrenaline junkie Grayson. And they’re determined to keep the banner planes flying. Though Leah has crushed on Grayson for years, she’s leery of getting involved in what now seems like a doomed business—until Grayson betrays her by digging up her most damning secret. Holding it over her head, he forces her to fly for secret reasons of his own, reasons involving Alec. Now Leah finds herself drawn into a battle between brothers—and the consequences could be deadly.


Jennifer Echols

is the author of teen romantic dramas for MTV Books and teen romantic comedies for Simon Pulse. She lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her family. Please visit her online at











Other romantic dramas by Jennifer Echols

Love Story

Forget You

Going Too Far

Available from MTV Books

title pagepub

Gallery Books

A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Echols

MTV Music Television and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of MTV Networks, a division of Viacom International, Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Gallery Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

First MTV Books/Gallery Books hardcover edition July 2012

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Designed by Ruth Lee-Mui

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

ISBN 978-1-4516-5801-9

ISBN 978-1-4516-5805-7 (ebook)

For my dad and my son,

whose love of flying inspired this book.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Reading Group Guide


Heartfelt thanks to my brilliant editor, Lauren McKenna, for her enthusiasm; my incomparable agent, Laura Bradford, for making this book happen; my dad and my brother, both pilots, who patiently explained how to fly (and crash) an airplane; my partner in crime, Erin Downing, for reading it and getting it; and as always, my wise critique partners, Catherine Chant and Victoria Dahl, for their unwavering support.




In each South Carolina town where I’d lived—and I’d lived in a lot of them—the trailer park was next to the airport. After one more move when I was fourteen, I made a decision. If I was doomed to live in a trailer park my whole life, I could complain about the smell of jet fuel like my mom, I could drink myself to death over the noise like everybody else who lived here, or I could learn to fly.

Easier said than done. My first step was to cross the trailer park, duck through the fence around the airport, and ask for a job. For once I lucked out. The town of Heaven Beach was hiring someone to do office work and pump aviation gas, a hard combination to find. Men who were willing to work on the tarmac couldn’t type. Women who could type refused to get avgas on their hands. A hungry-looking fourteen-year-old girl would do fine.

I answered the phone, put chocks under the wheels of visiting airplanes, topped off the tanks for small corporate jets—anything that needed doing and required no skill. In other words, I ran the airport. There wasn’t more to a smalltown airport than this. No round-the-clock staff. No tower. No air traffic controller—what a joke. Nothing to keep planes from crashing into each other but the pilots themselves.

My reception counter faced the glass-walled lobby with a view of the runway. Lots of days I sat on the office porch instead, taking the airport cell phone with me in case someone actually called, and watched the planes take off and land. Behind the office were small hangars for private pilots. In front of the office, some pilots parked their planes out in the open, since nothing but a hurricane or a tornado would hurt them when they were tied down. To my left, between me and the trailer park, stretched the large corporate hangars. To my right were the flagpole and the windsock, the gas pumps, and more of the corrugated metal hangars. The closest hangar was covered in red and white lettering, peeling and faded from years of storms blowing in from the ocean:






In August I had watched the tiny Hall Aviation planes skim low over the grass beside the runway and snag banners that unfurled behind them in the air, many times longer than the planes themselves. By listening to the men who drank coffee and shot the shit with Mr. Hall on the office porch, I’d gathered that Mr. Hall’s oldest son was one of the banner-towing pilots. Mr. Hall’s twin sons my age were there to help too some Saturdays, piecing together the movable letters to make the banners. Alec was smiling and blond and looked like the nice, wholesome guy Mr. Hall seemed to think he was, whereas Grayson was always in trouble. He was slightly taller, with his hair covered by a straw cowboy hat and his eyes hidden behind mirrored aviator shades. I couldn’t tell whether he was gazing at me across the tarmac when I sat on the porch by myself to smoke a cigarette, but I imagined he was. My whole body suddenly felt sunburned even though I was in the shade.

They were gone now—the twins an hour and a half up the road to Wilmington, where they lived with their mom, and the oldest son back to college. The tourists had left the beach. The banner-towing business had shut down for the season. It was the perfect time to approach Mr. Hall about a lesson. Hall Aviation brochures were stuffed into plastic holders throughout the office for visitors to take. I knew the high price for a lesson without having to mortify myself by asking Mr. Hall in person.

But saving the money, and screwing up the courage to go with it, had taken me a whole month. I’d finally marched over to Hall Aviation and banged on the small door in the side of the hangar with the oo of SCHOOL painted across it. When Mr. Hall hollered from inside, I’d wandered among the airplanes and tools to a tiny office carved out of the corner. I’d sat in the chair in front of his desk and asked him to take me up. He’d given me the worst possible answer by handing me a permission form for my mother to sign.

She hadn’t been home when I’d walked back from the airport that night. I had lain awake in bed, trying to figure out the right way to present the form to her. She still hadn’t come home when I’d left for school that morning. All school day, I’d worried about what I would say to her. I could point out that flying was a possible career someday. She talked like that sometimes, told me I would make something of myself. I was afraid her support would disappear when she found out I’d been saving money for an extravagant lesson instead of giving it to her.

The scraggly coastal forest out the school bus window still seemed strange now that I’d spent a month in Heaven Beach. As the bus approached the trailer park, I hoped against hope my mom would be home and I could get this over with. Even if she said no, at least my torture would end.

I slid one hand down to touch the folded permission form through the pocket of my jeans. My cash for the flying lesson was wadded beneath that. Losing the money at school would have screwed me, but I’d been afraid to leave the money or the form in my room, where my mom might find them if she got desperate for funds, like she did sometimes, and started searching.

As I moved my hand, I felt Mark Simon watching me from across the aisle. He knew about my money somehow. He could tell that’s what I had in my pocket from the way I fingered it, and he would take it from me. That was always my first thought. I’d had a lot of things stolen from me on a lot of school buses.

But I forced myself to take a deep breath and relax, letting go of my gut reaction. Mark wasn’t that poor. He was riding this bus because he worked for his uncle at the airport after school, not because he lived in the trailer park. And as I glanced over at him, his look seemed less like larceny and more like lechery. He thought he’d caught me touching myself.

I was getting this kind of attention lately, and it was still new. Back inland near the Air Force base, the last place my mom and I had lived, I’d flown under the radar. I wore whatever clothes she found for me. I’d always hated my curly hair, so dark brown it might as well have been black except in the brightest sunlight. It tended to mat. I had broken a comb in it before. Then one glorious day last summer, I’d seen a makeover show on TV that said curly girls needed to make peace with their hair, get a good cut, use some product, and let it dry naturally. I did what I could with a cheap salon on my side of town and discount store product. The result was much better, and I’d made myself over completely in the weeks before we’d moved.

At my new school, my makeover had the desired effect. Nobody felt sorry for me anymore because my mom wasn’t taking care of me and I didn’t know how to take care of myself. I took care of myself and I looked it. The downside was that I’d gotten stares like these from boys like Mark, which prompted girls to label me a slut and stay away from me. But I knew what I was. I held my head high. Exchanging sympathy for pride was a fair trade-off.

Until I actually found myself entangled in a boy’s come-on, and then I wasn’t so sure. Supporting himself against the back of the seat as the bus rounded a bend, Mark crossed the aisle and bumped his hip against mine, making me scoot over to give him room to sit down. He glanced at my hand on my pocket and asked, Can I help you with that?

If he’d asked me a few months ago, I might have said yes. He didn’t have that solid, handsome look of older boys at school who’d gained muscle to go with their height. But for a gawky fifteen-year-old, he was good looking, with sleepy, stoned eyes that moved over me without embarrassment, and dark hair that separated into clumps like he wasn’t showering every day because he stayed out late drinking and nearly missed the bus in the morning. He was the type of guy I always found myself with, the adrenaline junkie who talked me into doing things for a rush that I wouldn’t have done on my own.

He reminded me of my boyfriend from the trailer park near the Air Force base, who apparently hadn’t minded that my hair was matted as long as he got in my pants. He’d convinced me to do it with him in the woods at the edge of the airstrip, with airplanes taking off low over us, exactly where they would crash if something went wrong. Through the sex and the rush and the sight of the streamlined underbellies of the planes, something had happened to me. And I had wanted more of it.

But when I told him I was moving to Heaven Beach, he took up with my best friend the same day. I was through with boys helping me with that, at least for a while. I glared at Mark as I stood up in the narrow space between the seats. Move. I have to get off.

He grinned. Like I said, I can help you with that.

Now I got angry. A nice boy from a good family, or even a not-so-nice boy like Mr. Hall’s hot and troubled son Grayson, wouldn’t make a comment loaded with innuendo to a nice girl from a good family. If I were stepping down from the bus at the rich end of town instead of the trailer park, I wouldn’t have to watch every word I said to make sure it wasn’t slang for an orgasm. God. I tried to slide past him.

Come on, Leah. Why are you stopping here? Why aren’t you staying on the bus with me until the airport? His words were a challenge, but underneath the bravado, I could hear the hurt. I shouldn’t push him too far and let him know I was avoiding him. For hurting his pride, he would make things worse for me at school if he was able.

My mom likes to see me between school and work, I flat-out lied. No way would I tell him the truth. He would mess things up just to get a rise out of me. The days I’d made the mistake of getting off the bus at the airport with him, he’d followed me into the office and lingered there, asking for brochures, asking for maps, threatening to set the break room on fire with his lighter if I didn’t pay him some attention, until he finally had to mosey over to the crop-duster hangar or get in trouble with his uncle.

The bus squeaked to a stop on the two-lane highway and opened its door to the gravel road into the trailer park. Ben Reynolds and Aaron Traynor stomped down the hollow stairs. If I didn’t make it to the front in the next few seconds, I’d miss this stop. I’d have to walk through the airport with Mark and backtrack to my trailer. I would die if I found out when I finally made it home that I’d missed my mom.

I banged into Mark again and said as forcefully as I could without the five people left on the bus turning around to stare, Move.

Hooded eyes resentful, he shifted his knees into the aisle, giving me room to slide out. As I hurried up the aisle, he called after me, Smell you tomorrow. A couple of girls tittered.

I felt myself flushing red. I did not smell. He probably did, judging from his hair today. But people expected me to smell. All he had to do was say the word at school, and everybody would believe it. In my mind I was already going through my closet for what to wear tomorrow, making sure it looked as hip and stylish as I could manage on no budget at all.

I took the last big step down to the road and squinted against the bright sunlight as the bus lumbered away. Ben blocked my path into the trailer park. His fingers formed a V around his mouth, and he waggled his tongue at me. Aaron stood behind him, laughing.

Training my eyes on the cement-block washateria that served the trailer park, I started walking. The TV said you should ignore bullies and they would stop harassing you. In practice this worked about half the time. The other half, you ended up with two tall boys shadowing you through a trailer park, their fingers taking little nips at your clothes, like dogs. But today the advice worked. Aaron picked up a handful of gravel and threw it at Ben’s crotch, then took off running. Ben chased him. They faded into the trailer park.

I felt relieved until I touched the permission form in my pocket again. Please be home. Now that the confrontation with my mother was imminent, my stomach twisted. Suddenly I was not in such a hurry. Anyway, if she happened to be home, she couldn’t escape me. There was only one road into the trailer park and one road out. I dragged my feet around the washateria to the side where the mailboxes were set into the wall so they were harder to break into, and unlocked ours with my teeth gritted. I had been checking the mail since I was ten because my mom never did. I’d been the bearer of bad news for the last three evictions, and I always expected that business-size envelope. There wasn’t one today, only junk, which I dumped in the trash. The nicer sections of Heaven Beach placed recycling bins next to the trash cans. The trailer park did not recycle.

Please be home. I fished my cigarettes out of my purse and lit one, relaxing into the first rush of nicotine. Back in our last town, my boyfriend had snuck cigarettes to me. Now that I had to buy them, they were a huge ding in my paycheck. I had tried to quit, but they were the only thing I looked forward to every day besides watching airplanes. Please be home. I entered the dark opening in the woods. Gravel crunched under my feet. Country music blasted from a trailer even though all the windows were shut. At least I knew someone was home. If Ben or Aaron came back, I could call for help if I needed it. Of course, my mom had called for help plenty of times in trailer parks when no one had come. Please be home.

I reached our lot, rounded the palmettos, and stopped short. A car older than me, faded red with a blue passenger door, was parked in the dirt yard. My mom didn’t have a car. A shirtless man with a long, gray ponytail edged out of the trailer, onto the wobbly cement blocks stacked as stairs, holding one end of the TV that had appeared soon after we moved in last month. We were being robbed again. Nicotine pumped through me and made me dizzy as I turned to run for the country music trailer.

Then the man was backing down the stairs, and my mom appeared in the doorway on the other end of the TV. I didn’t recognize her at first. She’d been a bleach blonde the last time I saw her a few days ago. Now she was a bright redhead. I knew it was her by the way she walked.

I exhaled smoke. The man must be my mom’s boyfriend. She’d said we were moving here to Heaven Beach because he was going to get her a job at the restaurant where he worked. But she hadn’t gotten a job yet, and he hadn’t come over while I was home. I’d begun to think she’d made him up. Sometimes we moved because a boyfriend said he would get her a job. Sometimes this was what she told me at first, but I’d find out later we’d really moved because she’d owed someone money.

She must have been telling the truth this time. A TV was the first thing she asked for from her boyfriends because she knew I loved it. It kept me company. It was also the first thing to get pawned because it was worth so much cash and was easy to carry. The refrigerator had been pawned only once.

Hey, hon! my mom called to me. Open that door for Billy, would you?

I opened the driver’s door of the car and leaned the seat forward so they could wrangle the TV into the back. They had a hard time of it, cussing at each other. The TV was almost as big as the backseat itself. They propped one end inside. My mom held it while Billy sauntered around the car. While she was bent over like that, it was obvious her shorts were too tight, but she still had a great figure for a mom. She should have, since she was only thirty.

Finally she straightened, left the door propped open for Billy to slide into the driver’s seat, and turned to me. You look so pretty today! Give me a hug.

I walked into her embrace and felt my whole body relax, just like after my first puff on a cigarette. At the same time, I held my lit butt way out so it wouldn’t set her hair on fire. I wasn’t trying to hide the cigarette. I’d gotten over my fear of her seeing me smoking. I’d thought at first that she’d be mad, but she’d walked in on me smoking a couple of times and hadn’t said a word.

She squeezed me and let me go. I’m sorry we have to take the TV. Billy needs to make a car payment.

This was either a lie or just stupid. Who would make payments on this car?

It’ll only be for a few weeks, she said, until he gets paid.

Also a lie or stupid. Pawnshops didn’t work this way. They would give Billy so little money for this TV and charge him such high interest to retrieve it that I would never see it again. Besides, if he didn’t have enough money to live on now, this was not going to change the next time he got a paycheck. I’d been through this scenario with my mom and her boyfriends enough times to predict the outcome. I was never sure whether she didn’t know or didn’t care or simply saw no way out.

She flinched and her eyes snapped skyward as a plane roared overhead. The trailer park was at the end of the airstrip where the planes landed. The prickly forest shielded the trailers from some of the noise, so the planes could sneak up like this. The unlikely piece of machinery suddenly appeared overhead and loomed in the sky as if by magic, slow enough to look like it ought to fall, loud enough to vibrate the corrugated metal of the trailers. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, like nicotine but better.

God, I hate those fucking airplanes, my mom said. Billy’s going to get me that job soon and we’ll move someplace nice, I promise.

Okay, I said with no emotion. She said stuff like this all the time. Occasionally she really did get a job, but the longest she lasted was a month. I watched the plane until it dropped behind a stand of pines. Even after that I could hear the engine, and I looked in the direction of the airstrip where it had gone.

Wait a minute, my mom said. "You have some money you could give to Billy."

My cigarette had burned down to the filter. I took a drag anyway as I turned back to my mom, concentrating on not glancing down at my pocket where all my money was. Exhaling smoke, I asked casually, From the airport? I don’t make very much. They take out taxes. And I’m already paying the power and the water.

The afternoon light glinted weirdly off the creases in her heavy blue eye shadow as she considered me skeptically. You work there every day after school and all weekend long.

Actually… I was horrified at how easily the lie came out. I’m not working half the time I’m there. They won’t give me enough hours. My boyfriend works there, and I hang out with him.

Really, my mom said, raising her penciled eyebrows. What’s his name?

Mark. Mark was the obvious answer, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell that fib. Before I knew what I was saying, this came out: Grayson Hall. His dad owns the airplanes that tow the advertising banners at the beach.

I hate those things, she said. But a boy like that, maybe he’ll stay in school and amount to something.

Maybe, I said, feeling sick.

Sheryl, Billy called from inside the car. This year.

See you soon, hon, my mom said. She air-kissed her fingertips and blew the kiss to me, then shuffled around the car, kicking up dust, and got in on the other side.

Waving to the car as it disappeared into the forest, I realized I was still holding a dead cigarette. Normally I would have taken it inside, made sure the fire was out, and deposited the butt in the trash. Today I tossed it onto the dirt along with countless butts from my mom and everyone who’d ever lived here, then climbed the cement blocks and went inside the trailer.

The wall where the TV had been looked bare, even though it wasn’t. Before the TV had appeared, my mom had hung my first-, second-, and third-grade school photos there in frames. Fourth grade was the year she started saying the school was gouging her and the pictures were highway robbery. My newly exposed smiling faces watched me as I passed through the combined den and kitchen. I escaped down the hall and into my bedroom, where I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out the trailer lease agreement. My mom threw stuff like this away. I tried to snag it from her first. Sometimes having the paperwork helped when a landlord wanted to kick us out. This time it would help me forge her signature.

I pulled the permission form out of my pocket and unfolded it. For something to press down on, I drew the magazine off the top of my dresser: last month’s issue of Plane & Pilot, which I’d borrowed from the airport office. I hadn’t thought much about it at the time. I liked to read the articles in bed at night. They kept me company. I’d always intended to take the magazine back. Suddenly I felt like a thief.

And I wasn’t done. Watching my mom’s signature on the lease, I copied the S in Sheryl onto the permission form. It wasn’t a perfect imitation. My hand shook. But Mr. Hall wouldn’t have her signature on file for comparison like the school did. I copied heryl. I was going to get in trouble for this. It would come back to haunt me, I knew. I copied the

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