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Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica)
Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica)
Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica)
Ebook68 pages57 minutes

Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica)

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It was supposed to be just one night of wicked fun, of being touched, spread and used by her boyfriend Jun and his two best friends. Alice lets herself dream of doing it again, but she's given up on getting Jun to discuss the idea without teasing her about her constant, shameful hunger to be dominated by all three men.

When Jun finally admits his taboo desire to share her again, Alice feels torn between anger at his hypocrisy and a seething, all-consuming lust. Will she resist her urge to give in, or will she let him and his friends give her the rough treatment that she craves?

This 18,000-word novella is the second story in the Shared series. It is suitable only for adults.

PublisherFiona Coulby
Release dateMay 15, 2014
Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica)

Fiona Coulby

Fiona Coulby is an erotica author that writes delicious little stories that are equal parts filth and romance. She often defaults to laid-back sci-fi and fantasy settings because she is of the staunch opinion that every story can be improved by the judicious addition of robots, magic or an odd mixture of both. There is nothing she loves more than writing about people in sticky situations of their own making. Her stories combine slow-building, character-focused tension with intense climaxes and satisfying conclusions that will leave you craving more. If you enjoyed her work, have some criticism to offer, or have any other questions, feel free to email her at

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    Claimed by His Friends (Explicit M/M M/F Erotica) - Fiona Coulby

    Claimed by His Friends

    (Shared Book 2)

    Published by Fiona Coulby at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Fiona Coulby

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This story contains graphic depiction of various taboo sexual acts, and is suitable only for mature audiences. All characters portrayed within the story are consenting adults.

    Table of Contents

    Claimed by His Friends


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    Claimed by His Friends

    Stop it, I murmured, squirming out of Jun’s greedy grasp. Really, we’ll be late.

    Who cares? he said, stepping forward, trapping me against the cool, plastic surface of my wardrobe door. It’s not like it’s the actual wedding. He stroked down the naked column of my back with his thumb, making me shiver, then reached around to my front, cupping my left breast in his large, warm hand. It’s just a party. No one will mind.

    Sighing, I pushed my hand into the space his arm left around me, using leverage to force him to let go. It’s bad enough that I couldn’t get enough time off to be at the real wedding, for goodness’ sake, I muttered. Diane’ll never let me live it down if we can’t even get to the reception on time.

    And you care what she thinks because…

    It’s not just that, I said, defensively. Everyone’s going, you know? There’s people I’ve been dying to see that’ll only be popping in at the start or swinging by halfway through, and I don’t want to miss meeting anyone.

    Right, Jun said, his breath warm on my neck, his stubble prickling against me as he pressed a damp little kiss against my cheek. People you’re dying to see.

    Yeah, I said, hoping I sounded firm. So if you could just wait a bit, till when the main bit of the reception’s all done, I’ll be yours. Good and drunk, just the way you like.

    Good and drunk and already used, you mean, Jun said, reaching down to rub my arse, his fingers straining the fabric of my thin boyshorts. Now, if you’d just bend over…

    Rolling my eyes, I wriggled out of his caress, fending him off with a small slap when he tried to grab my arse again. As flattering as it was to have him so eager that he couldn’t wait a couple hours to do me, I hadn’t been lying when I’d said there were people I wanted to see at the reception.

    Even though Diane and I had never really been the closest of friends, we’d grown up in the same little pocket of New London, sharing a lot of friends in common. With how widely our old school circle had scattered, casual reunions were a tall order, and a wedding was just about the only thing that was important enough to dredge our old acquaintances up from whatever corner they’d run off to.

    Sure enough, in the comments to Diane’s wedding announcement, there had been responses from people halfway ’round the planet, up on the space station, or in another system entirely, all of them promising to try and swing by the wedding reception if they couldn’t make the ceremony. I’d already missed seeing Priya and Lily, who were one of the few couples that were only able to make the ceremony, and I’d be damned if I was going to miss catching up with anyone else.

    Spoilsport, Jun said, when I slapped him away again. Do I really have to wait?

    Yes, I said, forcing open my wardrobe door, ignoring the token efforts he was making to keep it shut. It won’t take more than half an hour to talk to everyone I really miss, okay? Surely you can wait that long.

    Be serious, he said, leaning against the door, his fingers dipping into my boyshorts from behind. You know it’ll take you at least an hour. When I ignored him, devoting my attention to picking out the dress I wanted to wear, he drew his fingers up and out and let go, snapping the fabric against the skin of my arse. And then there’s the drive up—another fifteen minutes.

    I can give you a quickie, I said, without turning around. Suck you off. As much as I’d said that I didn’t want to be late, the thought of sucking him off had me squirming, wanting to drop to my knees and service him the way I didn’t often get to. It would be fast. Hard. Messy. If you want me to do that…

    No, Jun said, firmly. I don’t want anything quick. He drew me back against him, forcing me to feel his hard-on, which felt hot and thick despite the layers between us. Sorry, he murmured. I know I’m being a pest.

    He didn’t sound sorry at all. Surely he knew the effect his proximity would be having on me; he knew how my mind worked, how much I liked to be teased. He knew that just grinding against me like this was enough to make me imagine him sloughing off his trousers, freeing his cock from his boxers, dragging aside the gusset of my boyshorts and forcing his way in.

    Stop it, I said, trying to

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