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Decoys, Inc.
Decoys, Inc.
Decoys, Inc.
Ebook231 pages4 hours

Decoys, Inc.

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Decoys, Inc. is a lighthearted story about a young woman putting her sleuthing skills to work as she helps the female population test whether or not their men will cheat if given the opportunity.

Deeva McCoy is floundering in a less than satisfying job when her life seems to go from bad to worse when she's fired. While consoling herself at home, she's sucked into the daytime drama of a popular talk show where unsuspecting men are set up by a sexy decoy on live television. This gives Deeva an idea, and soon she unleashes an entrepreneurial brainstorm and is running her own business—DeCoys, Inc. Soon, women are paying her to see if their men are potential cheaters.

After meeting Tristan Savage and spending what she believed to be an incredible weekend together, her world seems to shatter once more when Monday morning the woman sitting across from her has requested her services to investigate him. Unable to fight her mutual attraction, Deeva finds herself breaking one of her primary rules of business as she continues her relationship with Tristan. But when Tristan finds out about her line of work and the possible reason behind their meeting, the passionate relationship they've developed is at risk.

With all the style, colorful characters, and unforgettable moments that readers love, Decoys, Inc. exposes the danger of mixing pleasure with business.
PublisherStrebor Books
Release dateOct 21, 2008
Decoys, Inc.

Shonda Cheekes

A native of Miami, Florida, Shonda Cheekes got her start in the publishing industry as a freelance publicist in 1997. Her novels include Another Man’s Wife, In the Midst of It All, and Decoys, Inc., along with two short stories: “Lessons Learned,” featured in Zane’s, and “Silent Suffering,” featured in Zane’s Breaking The Cycle, winner of the 2006 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work. Shonda now resides in the Metro Atlanta area with her husband and two children.

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    Decoys, Inc. - Shonda Cheekes


    Deeva, it’s not personal. We’re going through a tough time right now, with the economy being the way it is.

    The more Evan talked, the louder the ringing in my ears seemed to get..

    We haven’t taken on any new accounts in months.

    Was he kidding me? Did he suddenly forget I was the one responsible for setting up any new files that came through the door, fax, or computer? I’d done three of them the previous week alone.

    If business picks up we’ll—

    Evan, don’t waste your time. Better yet, don’t waste mine. You think business has slowed down? Wait until I let all of my contacts know how you tried to bamboozle me. You’re about to find out what slowed down really means.

    Deeva, there’s no need to—

    "No, Evan, there was no need for you to attempt to force feed me this bullshit excuse. I’ve been at this company for five years. For five years, Evan, I’ve sat patiently by and watched everyone else get promoted. I listened to you, when you told me to wait; that my time was coming. I remained loyal to you and your company. Helped you bring in new business." By then, I was on my feet, my anger having propelled me from my seat. I pulled at the different things I’d brought in to personalize my space over the years and threw them in the box.

    Deeva, as I said earlier, this was not an easy decision for me to make.

    Really, Evan? Then why is it that I seem to be the only person being let go?

    Evan tried to divert his eyes from my face.

    Exactly! Don’t think I’m going to go away quietly either. Expect a call from my lawyer.

    The look of fear on Evan’s face was payment enough; even though I’d never let him know it. Not one for confrontation with the proper authorities, Evan realized I had enough dirt to bury his ass more than the suggested six feet. Surely my severance package would be laced with a lil’ something extra, once we worked it out.

    I sat in my car for a few minutes, wondering what my next move should be.

    A letter of recommendation? He can shove that shit where the sun don’t shine. I angrily shoved the key into the ignition.

    A few hours later, the girls arrived at my home to participate in my pity party.

    Damn, Deeva, Cara said. I can’t believe his black ass would do you like that. You practically helped Evan build his business. Now he wants to go in a different direction? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    Before I could reply, Ebonee chimed in. I’ll tell you what it means, Cara.

    What does is it mean, Eb?

    By now, we were all a bit on the tipsy side.

    It means his blacker than Wesley Snipes ass wants to have Becky’s ass as the face of his business now.

    The face of his business? Cara asked.

    Yes. She’ll be the first face people see when they walk through the door. Right now Deeva’s face—even though it’s not as dark as his—is a bit too brown for the caliber of clientele he’s going after.

    It’s not like Deeva’s ghetto or something, Lisa slurred.

    Being ghetto has nothing to do with it, Eb continued. Deeva puts the ‘P’ in professional but, at the end of the day, what people see is what matters to some folks.

    And, on that note, I’d like to raise my glass, I said, my words slightly slurred.

    Cara, Ebonee, and Lisa all raised their glasses; each looking at me expectantly as they waited for my next words.

    This one is for you guys. I nodded my head toward them. Thank you for having my back. For dropping everything and rushing right over; with bottles in hand, I might add.

    They all laughed.

    My eyes began to tear up and my voice caught in my throat. I had to get my emotions in check before I could continue.

    Hey, hey, now. We got you, girl. Don’t you ever forget that. Cara reached over and hugged me. The rest followed suit.

    My nowhere job had ended but, without somewhere else to go, I felt lost. I had to figure out something, but what?


    The next two weeks went by in a blur of nothing. I did nothing. Pretty much ate nothing. The couch was starting to get a groove in it from the countless hours I’d spent sitting in the same spot in front of the idiot box, as my dad affectionately called the television.

    The Mandrel Polk Show had become my favorite pastime. I especially loved the episodes where he would hire what he called Sexy Decoys to help prove whether or not a man was cheating.

    Without fail, every man went for the bait and ended up getting caught on tape trying to hook up with the decoy. After this was shown, I didn’t know why he even wasted time reading the results of the polygraph tests the assholes volunteered to take. Obviously, he enjoyed adding more nails to their coffins.

    I was able to get more than my fill of daily drama since the show aired three times a day.

    Girl, when was the last time you ventured outside? Cara turned up her nose as she maneuvered around a pile of clothes; one of many strewn throughout my house.

    I’ve been outside. I go out to get my mail every day. I pointed to the stack of unopened mail on the entryway table.

    You seriously need to reconnect with those of us in the living world. We’re taking you out tonight, and don’t think about telling me no. That’s not an option.

    Whatever! I patted the cushion underneath me. I’m fine sitting right here.

    Cara pulled out her cell phone and started pressing buttons. Umm, hmm, girl. She’s sitting in the same spot. Oh, I told her. Okay. I’ll see you when you get here. Bye.

    Come on now. There’s nothing wrong with me. I don’t need to go out…

    I’ll be in your room finding you something to wear. I’ll turn on the shower so the water’ll be warm enough for you to get in. Without another word, she walked into my bedroom.

    I threw my head back and breathed deeply. There was no use in fighting her, so I did as I was told.

    Now aren’t you glad you came? Cara yelled over the loud music of the live band.

    We ended up at a trendy spot in Atlanta, well known for its delicious food and first-rate entertainment. Two Urban Licks was nestled in a warehouse district, but that didn’t stop people from coming out. The valet line was backed up to the street when we pulled in. Your best bet was to call ahead and make a reservation, if you didn’t want to spend at least an hour waiting.

    I swayed to the smooth sounds of the jazz quartet. The atmosphere was a nice change from sitting in front of the blue light of my television. My stomach was sure to express gratitude for getting a break from the microwave meals.

    I don’t believe this, Ebonee stated as she watched her ex walk in.

    We all looked at one another and burst into a chorus of laughter.

    Willie Walker had been the love of Ebonee’s life during our days at Clark Atlanta University. Every single day for three years straight, we were sure to see him or hear his name.

    I haven’t seen that fool in like, forever. Since I kicked his ass out, after we set his ass up. Deeva, you remember that?

    Umm, hmm. Boy, did I ever remember it.

    Willie’s no good ass is at it again. Ebonee stormed into my room and flopped down on the bed.

    What has he done this time? I asked in a lackluster tone.

    For far too long, Ebonee had been going through the same drama with Willie. I was sick and tired of constantly hearing about it. Like clockwork, Willie did something every other Friday to upset her. She’d sit around moping all weekend, while he went out and enjoyed himself. It was all a ploy. By pissing her off, he didn’t have to worry about her drilling him with questions while he did his dirt.

    Nothing you want to hear about—again.

    I’m glad you know this. I smacked my lips together, after applying a nice even coat of lipstick.

    I don’t think I’m going to go tonight. Ebonee sighed as she played with the floppy ears of the stuffed animal on my queen-sized bed.

    Damn, Ebonee! You do this every weekend. I turned from the mirror to face her.

    Do what?

    I gave her a look that spoke volumes.

    I know, Deeva, but he’s got my head all…all…

    Screwed up! While you’re here worrying about Willie, he’s out getting his jollies off. More than likely with someone else, I wanted to add, but she was my girl and I couldn’t be that cruel.

    She rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling. When I ask him if he’s cheating on me…

    If sound effects could have been added, the sound of a needle being dragged across a record would have been appropriate at that moment. I stared at her in disbelief.

    Ask him? Are you serious? You actually think he’s going to tell you the truth? Girl, please. Your ass is stuck on stupid or something.

    What do you suggest I do then, Deeva? The attitude in her voice almost caused me to cuss her out, but I decided to do one better.

    "I suggest you do a lil’ research of your own. Set his ass up and see if he falls for the bait."

    This made Ebonee sit up.

    Set him up how?

    Since he knows me, it’s out of the question for me to do it, but I have a cousin who dances at a club. We can have her approach him and see what he does.

    You think she’ll do it?

    Think? I know she will.

    The questionable look on her face told me she wanted a little bit of back history.

    "We’ve done it before. I’ve done it for her and she’s done it for me. So, it’s not a question as to whether she’ll do it. The only question at stake is if you want us to do it."

    I could tell she was thinking hard. We all have that need to know cell in our DNA that takes control every now and then. But, at the same time, we wonder if we’re ready for what we may find.

    Exactly what are you going to do?

    I began to explain it to her in a controlled tone. My cousin will approach him and act like she’s interested. If he tries to holla at her, then you’ll have your answer. If he doesn’t, guess that means he’s telling you the truth and maybe things aren’t as bad as you think they are.

    Ebonee processed this information a while longer before agreeing to give it a try. It was on from there.

    I called my cousin LaNasha and set everything up for the following night. Despite Ebonee’s protest, I was able to get her to go out that night and enjoy herself.

    I’m going to ask you one more time. Are you sure you want to go through with this? I turned in my seat to face Ebonee, who was sitting in the backseat of my car.

    She shrugged her shoulders. We’re here now.

    Okay. I turned to LaNasha and told her how our little plan was going to go down. After the five-minute briefing, LaNasha got out of the car and walked into the club. Finding Willie would not be a problem. It was his Saturday night haunt and his car was parked in the lot. She would be able to roll up on him in his favorite hold up spot—near the bar in the rear of the club.

    Do we have to go in? Ebonee asked.

    You don’t have to. On the other hand, I’m going in, just in case Nasha has a problem.

    I waited the planned ten minutes and got out of the car, leaving Ebonee staring out of the window.

    It was Ladies Night so there was no cover. I showed my ID and then eased into the semi-crowded club. Midnight was still considered early for the club scene, but a special performance was scheduled. No one wanted to take the chance and miss the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the hottest acts in the industry.

    I spotted LaNasha, who had wasted no time in finding Willie. She had gotten him away from his crew and he had her hemmed up in the corner. He hovered an inch away from her ear. Playing the part, LaNasha was laughing it up for him, batting her eyelashes and touching him any chance she got. It was all a part of the act. If we were going to nail him in one shot, she had to flirt and flirt hard.

    We’d been in the club for almost an hour when I felt we’d gotten him hooked enough to bust his ass. I took out my cell phone and called Ebonee. She let it ring four times before she answered.


    Well? You need to come in here so we can tie this thing up.

    Tie it up?! she exclaimed.

    It’s a done deal, girl. I hate to tell you this, but… I paused. Ebonee prided herself on their three-year relationship.

    I’m on my way in right now.

    She disconnected the call before I could respond. I looked toward the entrance in time enough to see her charging through the crowd.

    Not like that, Ebb, I said to myself. She was running on pure emotions. I had to think fast or I was going to find myself in the middle of a scene that went from intense to insane in the blink of an eye. I jumped up and met her before she got close enough for Willie to see her.

    Ebonee, you’ve got to be cool about this, or you’re going to come off looking like a fool. Not to mention, you’re going to be putting my cousin out there like that and I’m not about to let that happen. I snatched her by the arm and ushered her into the bathroom.

    Be cool?! Are you serious?!

    Dead ass serious. Look, if you go over there half-cocked, ready to go upside his head, you’ll ridicule yourself. Then, he’ll know he’s got you. But, if you go over there and speak cool and calmly, in the friendliest tone you have, that’s going to rattle his cage. He won’t know what to think.

    He’s in there all over another chick and you want me to play nice?


    Ebonee cooled down a bit from the raging bull I’d pulled in a few moments earlier.

    Ebonee, you’ve got to trust me on this. I’ve never steered you wrong, in all of our years of friendship. I’m not going to start now.

    She gave me a long, hard look and I could see her eyes softening a bit.

    Okay, Deeva. We’ll do this your way. But if he comes out his face wrong, I can’t promise you what I’ll do.

    Cool. Now, let’s go wrap this deal up.

    We both readjusted our clothing and checked our images in the mirror before going back into the darkened club. We were strictly about business now as we approached Willie, who was close enough to LaNasha to be an extra limb.

    LaNasha glanced up and gave us a quick wink before easing back slightly from an unsuspecting Willie.

    Willie? Is that you? Ebonee asked.

    He jerked his head so hard and quick, I thought for sure he had

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