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Setting Boundaries: Part of the Coming Storm series
Setting Boundaries: Part of the Coming Storm series
Setting Boundaries: Part of the Coming Storm series
Ebook81 pages2 hours

Setting Boundaries: Part of the Coming Storm series

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After centuries of war an uneasy peace has finally been negotiated between Elves, Dwarves and Men, thanks to Elon of Aerilann, Elven councilor to the High King of Men. One final task yet remains, one final bone of contention - to set the boundaries between their lands. It's a task that will be easier said than done. Although most of the lesser Kings signed the Alliance, not all wish to see it succeed, and some are willing to oppose it. Violently.
For journeyman wizard Jareth it's the opportunity of a lifetime. Unlike many he's long admired the calm, seemingly aloof Elves, especially Elon of Aerilann and his paxman Colath.
What he doesn't know is that the journey will test him to his limits and forge a friendship that will last for centuries.

Release dateFeb 23, 2011
Setting Boundaries: Part of the Coming Storm series

Valerie Douglas

Valerie Douglas is a prolific writer and a genre-crosser, much to the delight of her fans. A fan of authors from almost every genre, she writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, horror, and, as V.J. Devereaux, erotic romance. Happily married, she's companion to two dogs, three cats and an African clawed frog named Hopper who delights in tormenting the cats from his tank.

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    Setting Boundaries - Valerie Douglas

    Setting Boundaries

    A novella, part of The Coming Storm Series


    Valerie Douglas

    Setting Boundaries Copyright © 2010 Valerie Douglas

    Cover art by V. J. Douglas

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    Discover other titles by Valerie Douglas


    The Coming Storm Series

    The Coming Storm

    A Convocation of Kings

    Not Magic Enough

    Song of the Fairy Queen

    Servant of the Gods Series

    Servant of the Gods

    Heart of the Gods


    The Last Resort


    Nike’s Wings


    The Millersburg Quartet

    Irish Fling

    Dirty Politics

    Directors Cut

    Two Up


    To the inspiration for Daran High King, and all those who inspire writers to continue writing, my thanks.

    Chapter One

    Jareth hurried up the cobbled street - the long skirts of his formal robes hampering his long strides. It probably would have helped if he hadn’t put on his rough wool working trews beneath them but it seemed best to be prepared in case they wanted to leave right away. Elves were rarely unprepared and he wanted to make a good first impression. His travel pack was slung over his shoulder, fully packed.

    He passed the plaza where the new Council Chamber was under construction, just as the Dwarves set the great crystal dome in place. Their magic crackled in the air - the sense of it sharp, stinging, like striking flint on steel. It seemed oddly fortuitous to him to walk by just at that moment.

    Sunlight glinted from the crystal and the gold and silver veined marble of the columns. His breath caught at the beauty of it all. Trust the Elves to design something both functional and beautiful. Well, especially one Elf in particular.

    The Council Chamber was a chamber in name only. In truth it was a great open plaza designed by Elon of Aerilann himself, so the people of the Kingdoms would be able to come see their laws being made. The massive granite and marble building behind it was for the offices of the Councilors - of which Elon was one - both the High and Low and for standing space on the verandas outside.

    Dwarves swarmed all over both. Dwarves in the High King’s city of Doncerric, imagine!

    No one could remember a time when Dwarves had walked the streets of the city. Jareth could feel the prickle of their magic as they set each stone in place with Dwarven precision.

    He couldn’t dawdle though; they’d be waiting for him in the castle.

    So many changes had taken place in the last few years! The Agreement had been signed and a new government - one that represented everyone, men, Elves and Dwarves - set in place.

    For the first time there was hope in the air, real hope that perhaps there might be a lasting peace between the three races. This time offered by Men, by Jareth’s own people. By High King Daran no less, with the aid of Elon of Aerilann. And he, Jareth, would be a part of securing it!

    Jareth hurried his steps, looking up at the towering granite walls of the High King’s castle high above where they surmounted the city itself. The damned skirts of the robes kept tangling around his shins as he strode up the causeway, beneath the Great Tower with its murder hole, and then into the courtyard.

    As always, the courtyard bustled with people rushing to and fro on the High King’s business, presenting petitions or making demands.

    The chatelaine waved him on with a smile - knowing him from prior visits - shaking her head at him in fond amusement. He’d visited often in the company of the Master of wizards, Dorcet.

    He smiled back but his stomach locked up even tighter as he strode toward the doors of the High King’s Hall. Huge ironbound doors that those brought before the High King’s justice had named The Crack of Doom for the sound they made when they closed - a deep resounding boom.

    They weren’t closed now, they were open wide. Reflected sunlight from the marble floors beyond poured through them, the light glaring.

    Jareth let his pack slip from his hands to set it beside the door out of the way.

    Throughout the Kingdoms the High King’s Hall was noted for its remarkable beauty, for the white marble walls, the dark marble floors and the expanse of rare glass windows that made up the length of one wall. Windows that could actually

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