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The Chocolatier's Wife
The Chocolatier's Wife
The Chocolatier's Wife
Ebook298 pages5 hours

The Chocolatier's Wife

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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When Tasmin’s betrothed, William, is accused of murder, she gathers her wind sprites and rushes to his home town to investigate. She doesn’t have a shred of doubt about his innocence. But as she settles in his chocolate shop, she finds more in store than she bargained for. Facing suspicious townsfolk, gossiping neighbors, and William’s own family, who all resent her kind – the sorcerer folk from the North -- she must also learn to tell friend from foe, and fast. For the real killer is still on the loose – and he is intent on ruining William’s family at all cost.

The Chocolatier’s Wife is a truly original, spellbinding love story, featuring vivid characters in a highly realistic historical setting.

Release dateJul 11, 2012
The Chocolatier's Wife

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tasmin and William live in a country where marriages are arranged by magic: at birth, a spell is cast to see if the child's most suitable mate has been born yet. If they have, the parents make contact. If not, the spell is repeated yearly. After seven years, William's future wife has been born - unfortunately, he lives in the nearly-unmagical south, and she lives in the magical north.

    Despite the fact that neither of their families are happy with the match (the author has a certain amount of fun with the fact that the north and south of the country - which were once divided by war - each believe almost identical evil things of each other) Tasmin and William exchange letters throughout their youth. We get to read the letters throughout the story, so you do have to get used to a bit of back-and-forthing in time, but it's a good touch which helps us to get to know the two main characters. William is a merchant sea captain in his family's business; Tasmin is a herb-witch with a possible high-status future in front of her at the university - but only if she manages to get out of the betrothal to William.

    Then William gives up his position in the family business and buys a shop intending to sell chocolate. Swiftly after that - within the first week of the shop opening - he is accused of the murder-by-chocolate of the local bishop. When Tasmin's family hear about this, they are thrilled - of course this is a reason to repudiate the betrothal. Tasmin, however, immediately packs her bags and leaves for the south to support William and try to find out who the real killer is.

    There are many ways that this scenario could have been written; as it is, in many ways this is more of a love story than anything else. There are many issues that the author touches upon: arranged marriage (the advantages and disadvantages of), the problem of being married to someone you hardly know (even if you do know that s/he is your best match), and the problems of infertility in a society that values the ability to pass on property 'down the line'. There is deceit, and the question of what is honourable conduct. However, I never really doubted that Tasmin and William would win through in the end. This is not a book that puts you through the emotional wringer. Nor is it particularly deep. But it's a pleasant read and the author has constructed an original setting. I enjoyed it, and I've now read it more than once. I'll almost certainly read it again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I got this as a LibraryThing Early Reviewer as an ebook. A great romance that kept me reading right to the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Magic and murder, what more could I ask for? I really enjoyed this. My only minor complaint is that occasionally the author used expressions which were too British for the fantasy world -- why would the people of Berengeny refer to bedlam as madness for example? I will look for more books by Speer!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I won this from the Goodreads giveaway.

    This is an interesting mystery/fantasy book, but the heroine was too pushy and rude. She was insanely jealous of any other woman, which is ridiculous. The book kept mentioning how she was plain, and I guess she felt inferior.

    The book did seem to drag on and on. The ending was quite cliched, like a bad soap opera episode. Overall, it was a decent story but nothing spectacular.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good story. Interesting culture clashes (at least three ways, plus the sprites). The way neither of them wanted to admit they were actually happy with the planned marriage was a little annoying, but it didn't actually derail anything so OK - and it was much better than the standard romance tropes of sudden attraction and instant love. The reasons for the plots were - weird. Secret babies and magical artifacts - and what exactly did the Bishop intend to do with it, hiding it that way? But it all made sense as I read, eventually. I kind of agree with William about his brother - he could try harder. Though they found a good solution by the end. Lots of good characterization, description, and plot - I think I'll be looking for more by Speer. I got this as an ER book, I've no idea why it took me so long to read it. Glad I finally got around to it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a darling fantasy/mystery novel following a young couple's adventure involving poison, infidelity, and wealth. William is a young and prosperous sea captain about to throw all that away to open a chocolate shop. He ends up getting blamed for the murder of the local bishop. His fiancee, Tasmin, comes to his rescue in a whirlwind of magic. The reader gets to enjoy the wonderful tale of seeing these two fall in love with each other despite numerous things trying to drive them apart. I found the novel to be filled with the right amount of humor, romance, and intrigue. The author does a wonderful job developing the relationship between the main characters. The fantasy world in the novel is interesting but rarely touched on. There are tidbits of magic and fantastical, but not really enough for me to see this as a fantasy novel. I kept hoping the Sprites would play a more central role in the couple's adventures. The mystery of who really kills the bishop is much more the focal point. As a mystery novel it succeeds. As a fantasy novel, it's nice but not thrilling. Overall, it's a delightful novel perfect for a weekend read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fantasy, murder mystery and love story.Tasmin's fiancé is accused of murder; Tasmin does what she can to save him from execution and uncover the real murderer.I really enjoyed this novel, it was well-written and the story of Tasmin and William is worked out very well. I liked how Tasmin and William meet and fall in love, even though the circumstances and their families are against it. The mystery surrounding the murder case kept me guessing up to the end, when Speer ties up all lose ends and everything falls into place.I also very much enjoyed the combination of the murder mystery and love story with fantasy; Speer's descriptions are lively and made me feel like I was part of the universe where Tasmin and William live. For me, this gave the story the bit extra that turned it from an ordinary murder mystery into something more enticing.A very enjoyable read, I'd definitely be interested in reading more of Speer's work.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a really sweet book (good to read myself to sleep with).

    Tamsin was matched to William shortly after her birth by a mating spell cast by the village Wisewoman (he was seven at the time, surely an indication he'd be hard to live with). The spell didn't show your true love (such foolishness), it showed your best match. The thing was that Tamsin was from the North (you know, they're savages! Just think of what they did in the war) so it wasn't exactly a usual match.

    William was happy enough though
    I suppose she'll do. I'm just glad 'tis over, and that I can go on with my life

    They started a correspondence and got on with growing up. Then William didn't send for Tamsin when she turned 18 (other things to do for both of them) and they kept on living apart. Then, William was arrested for murder.

    Based on his letters Tamsin didn't believe it so she gathered her wind sprites (befriended as a child) and rushed down to see what could be done.

    I needed to suspend disbelief a touch (she seemed awfully trusting and the authorities were either astoundingly dim or extremely well bribed) but I really enjoyed this book. There was the whole mystery not only of who did it but why (revealed just in time for the climax)? Who's honest? What about other possible murders?

    Basically I really liked it. I don't know if the author wrote more books in this universe but I intend to read more of her work when I'm in the appropriate mood again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received this book as an Early Reviewer and I'm glad I did because I absolutely loved it! The writing was lyrical and reminiscent of the very best fantasy tales. The characters felt real, with depth and layers continued to unfold about them all as the story progressed. I found myself wanting to go to bed early so I could read and find out what was going to happen next! :-)The story takes place in an imaginary world where life mates are found through a yearly Mating Spell that begins when they are born. A wise woman, with a drop of the infant's blood, some herbs, a bowl of water, and a magical ritual, eventually the intended life mate will appear on the liquid's surface. For William, the male protagonist, it takes more than a few years, but eventually his bride-to-be is revealed, much to his Mother's dismay when she learns that the girl resides in the dreaded North where magic is abundant and they are all "barbarians". And so begins the relationship between William and Tasmin, through letters and gifts as they get to know each other through their words while they grow into adults, William a captain on a merchant ship sailing dangerous seas, and Tasmin a Mistress of herbal magic and teacher at a magical university. When Tasmin receives a letter from William that he has given up the sea to open up a shop that makes chocolate she is somewhat surprised, but it's the next communication that throws things upside down when her family receives word that William has been arrested for murder and that Tasmin is free from her obligation to marry him if she so chooses. Her family is overjoyed, not happy that she was bethrothed to one of those "barbarians from the South", but Tasmin has grown to know William through his letters and decides that the man she knows is not guilty of what he is accused and she sets out to go to him and help prove his innocence. What follows is a story of of humour, romance, magical creatures, loyalty and deceit. Twists and turns made me want to keep turning the page (the virtual page, as this was an ebook - my first!), and Speer keeps the story flowing in all directions from a love between two soul mates to the twists and turns of murder and greed. Filled with whimsical and creative inventions, I found this book a true delight to read and would not hesitate to recommend it highly! In fact, Speer firmly takes her place among my most favourite writers of fantasy, Diana Wynne Jones, Nina Kiriki Hoffman and Robin McKinley. In a world filled with so many fantasies that seem duplicates of each other, The Chocolatier's Wife stands out as something different and imaginative. I am definitely going to pick up the author's other books and I can only hope that she will write more about William and Tasmin. I miss them already!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was fortunate enough to receive an Early Reviewer's copy of this book. I found it very enjoyable. It was light and easy-to-read, but not boring as it contained many original ideas. It combined mystery, romance and fantasy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a good story. I think it was a little slow, a bit long-winded, but was still a good book. I love the mystery book aspect and the love of the two main characters. I loved that she included thier letters to each other; it gave great background info on both characters without feeling like there was an interruption in the story. In fact, they actually enhanced the story and I felt like I was getting to know them in a personal way. I will definitely reread the story sometime, though it's not a favorite.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tasmin is a Herb Mistress from Tarnia. She is destined to marry William of Almsley, as evidenced by the marriage spell cast at William's seventh birthday. Unfortunately, in Tarnia magic is a part of everyday life, while in William's part of the country, magic is not looked upon favourably. Tasmin and William converse through letters throughout their life, Tasmin waiting until William calles her to him. Then she gets a completely different message: William is accused of murdering the Bishop and she is released from their engagement. She's not having any of that though: she packs up her things and her loyal wind sprites, and leaves to go to his aid. What follows is a pleasant read while Tasmin and William play detective to find out who has committed the murder. They uncover quite a few family secrets in the process, meanwhile getting to know each other. The chocolatier's wife was not brilliant, but it was entertaining. I rather liked the beginning of the book and I liked how each book begins with one of the letters Tasmin and William wrote to each other before they met. I would have preferred it though if this had been more a fantasy book, rather then a detective in a fantasy-coat. I would have like to know more about the magic and the wind sprites. The wind sprites were really one of the more enjoyable aspects of the book. As it was, Tasmin applies a bit of judicious magic here and there, but other than that (and the magic object that pops up later on) the magic doesn't play that large a role. This is not necessarily a problem, but in this case the book felt a bit like an extended short story, despite the convoluted plot that was at the heart of it. Don't get me wrong though; it was definitely an entertaining story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I got this as an ebook, through the Early Reviewers program. I had several books out of the library, so I planned to read this as soon as the library books were finished. It was sent to me in an email, and I downloaded it to my computer so I could upload it to my ereader. I opened it up to make sure the file was OK, and before I knew it, I was several chapters in. Excercising some self-control, I got it uploaded to my ereader, but then opened it up and continued reading. I put it on hold long enough to get into bed, then finally shut off the lights at about 2 am. I finished it before work the next morning. Who needs sleep, anyway? I really liked the blend of fantasy and mystery with a touch of romance. I liked the characters, I liked the world, in which magic arranges marriages, and I enjoyed the way the older letters between the two main characters (William and Tasmin) gradually built up the back story. I did notice a few errors that got missed in proofreading, but not more than I have seen in some other published works, and they were not obtrusive. I would really recommend this to anyone who enjoys fantasy, particularly fans of Patrica C. Wrede, Tanya Huff, and Robin McKinley. I look forward to more books by Cindy Lynn Speer, especially if she does more in this world.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I received an early review copy of this book and just dove right into it. The premise, that a magical spell is used to identify the "best possible mate" when a child is born (spell is repeated annually until successful), and then are obligated to marry that person and no one else, although you are discouraged from seeking each other out until you are 18. It makes for a strange society, but it is a pretty cool idea and this story explores it well.The story itself is a mystery in a fantasy setting, which is a lot of fun. The characters are interesting and fairly believable, and the book gets off to a very nice start so it is easy to keep reading. While I enjoyed the plot and characters, I got fairly frustrated by the style - it really felt as though the book had been through about 10 revisions, and really needed one last serious edit for consistency prior to publication. Often the adjectives used to describe a character's emotional reaction to an event seemed out of whack with what was occurring. There was a fairly big deal made about the two main characters seeing each other prior to their marriage, and yet they were constantly going off together and spending time alone together - sometimes sneaking off, but other times quite openly. The whole prohibition on their seeing one another seemed fairly contrived.Overall though I did enjoy this book, and would recommend it to anyone who likes a good atypical romance and isn't expecting a great work of litterature.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a really sweet fantasy novel that has some definite room for growth. Without too many spoilers, the main characters (Tasmin and William) are mysteriously paired through a bonding spell intended to show who the other should marry, despite living on different sides of a country divided by an almost-forgotten war. Both of them choose unconventional paths, with Tasmin becoming a Herb Mistress and William abandoning the family sea trade business to become a chocolatier. When William is arrested and accused of murder, Tasmin comes to help him, flaunting tradition and scandalising just about everyone. This is well worth the read (at about 280 pages, it's a quick one!), especially if you like romantic fantasy, but I wouldn't term it a fantasy novel. I hope it's the first in a series, because there's a lot more depth to the world Speer has started to build.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a darling fantasy/mystery novel following a young couple's adventure involving poison, infidelity, and wealth. William is a young and prosperous sea captain about to throw all that away to open a chocolate shop. He ends up getting blamed for the murder of the local bishop. His fiancee, Tasmin, comes to his rescue in a whirlwind of magic. The reader gets to enjoy the wonderful tale of seeing these two fall in love with each other despite numerous things trying to drive them apart. I found the novel to be filled with the right amount of humor, romance, and intrigue. The author does a wonderful job developing the relationship between the main characters. The fantasy world in the novel is interesting but rarely touched on. There are tidbits of magic and fantastical, but not really enough for me to see this as a fantasy novel. I kept hoping the Sprites would play a more central role in the couple's adventures. The mystery of who really kills the bishop is much more the focal point. As a mystery novel it succeeds. As a fantasy novel, it's nice but not thrilling. Overall, it's a delightful novel perfect for a weekend read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderfully executed blend of fantasy, pseudo-historical, romance and mystery! Characters were likeable, with interesting quirks, and the plot kept moving along with none of the great leaps or gaps so often found in early works. Kudos to the author/editors: I did not encounter a single typo or grammatical error in the entire book, something very rare nowadays!I read this story in almost one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it. Fans of Patricia C. Wrede should pick this one up for sure.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received this book through LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program, so huge thanks to LT and the author. In the world where The Chocolatier's Wife is set, marriage is not left up to chance: every newborn is brought to a Wise Woman, who casts a spell to find out who that child's destined spouse is to be. This doesn't guarantee Twoo Wuv; it also doesn't guarantee happiness. In fact, I think I need to go back and read that bit again to see if it guarantees anything. Regardless, it's considered binding; it just isn't done to marry someone other than the person who shows up when that spell is cast. When small William of Almsley is brought for the spell … nothing happens. Not to worry, his mother is told; his wife-to-be hasn't been born yet. It's when this sequence is repeated year after year that everyone does begin to worry… And when I settled in happily, pretty sure I was going to enjoy this book: "This did not mean, as years passed, that the boy was special. It meant that he would be impossible to live with." Heh. William's not impossible, though; stubborn, yes, and not Speshul, but not impossible. He's rather sweet, as is revealed through his reaction to the eventual discovery that his intended is from - *gasp* - the barbaric North. Everyone knows how wild and bizarre those people are – they use magic, and probably eat their dead, and oh dear, couldn't you try the spell again? Meanwhile, a good ways North in Tarnia, the parents of a baby girl named Tasmin are having much the same reaction as the same spell is cast for their daughter: Not - *gasp* - the barbaric South! Why, everyone knows how uncivilized and bizarre those people are – they have hardly any magic at all, and they probably eat their dead, and … oh dear. William, however, is sanguine about the whole thing, and starts off by writing to his wife-to-be right away (even though she won't be able to read it for a while). And this begins a correspondence (one-sided until Tasmin is able to respond) that lasts some twenty-four years as William grows into his place as the eldest son of a well-to-merchant, eventually captaining a ship of his own through pirate-filled waters, and then – to the bafflement and indignation of his family, gives over his place in his father's company to his younger brother Andrew in order to open a shop selling chocolates ("I've never liked anything half so well as I like chocolate." – See? He's not impossible! He's wonderful). Meanwhile, in the North, Tasmin grows into her abilities as an Herb Mistress – and waits for William to send for her. Which he doesn't. Years pass after she comes of age, and their letters continue back and forth, often accompanying gifts both large and small, but he doesn't call for her to come and marry. And then suddenly gossip reaches her family that – lucky girl! You're off the hook! Your barbarian intended is sure to be hanged for murder, so – such good fortune! – now you never have to go into the wilds and marry one of them! Far from the relief of her parents, Tasmin's reaction is to pack a couple of bags and enlist the aid of the tribe of air sprites who have adopted her to whisk her southward. The William she has come to know from his letters can't be a murderer – and she plans on proving it. There were some minor typos (I remember "gigging" instead of "giggling" (which I kind of liked), and a minor amount of punctuation abuse), but all in all far better than most Kindle books I seem to be reading lately. The writing is just this side of lyrical, with a sense of humor underlying it that reminded me – yes, it did: it reminded me of Robin McKinley. If you take a look at the ratings I've given Ms. McKinley's books, you'll see that this is high praise indeed. Cindy Lynn Speer was able to make characters unpleasant and unlikable without turning them into cardboard cutouts or one-note things constructed of a few ugly tics and nasty characteristics strung together. William's mother, for example, is thoroughly un-live-with-able, but there's something behind it, a love for her family and reasons for her crankiness ("still, that don't make it right") which rounds out her character and gives her weight and depth in the narrative. The Bad Guy of the story could easily have been two-dimensional, but is neatly saved by clever writing. On the flip side, Tasmin isn't perfect, and nor is William, and the doubts and pettinesses and impatient moments and so on make them more three-dimensional as well, and I was very fond of both of them. Ms. Speer is also very good at keeping things from her readers. It's a skill, that, or an art; it takes a fine touch to reveal a little bit of something, pique a reader's interest, and then evade the topic for a while without ticking the reader off – and then do it again a couple more times before paying off the built-up suspense. That happens here: there's a reason William gave up the sea besides a deep and abiding love for chocolate, and it's not told until William is good and ready to explain it to Tasmin. And that takes a little while, because (skip this part if you want to remain utterly spoiler-free, because this might impact your enjoyment of their relationship, and I don't want to do that >>>) … … these two don't succumb to Insta-Love. I love the way their relationship is handled. They have been writing back and forth for years now, and may – may, mind you – have fallen in love through the correspondence. If so, neither is about to admit it, being as nobody's ever confessed to loving the other, and so neither is really sure how the other feels. Also, Tasmin is at least a little injured by the fact that it's taken so many years for William to send for her, and while she admits even to herself that she was happy at home doing good work that she loved, still: he could have sent for her when she turned eighteen, and that was a while ago, and it went unacknowledged. And that he made a major life decision without telling her first. He is a little uncertain about how she feels about leaving that good work that she loved – does she really want to give it up to come live an unmagical (or at least less magical) life with him? And then of course the whole circumstance of their finally meeting face to face – through the bars of a jail cell – are … awkward. He says he didn't do it. She says she believes him (and that's why she's there). Does she? He says she can consider herself released from their contracted betrothal, and go home and fulfill her potential free of the shame of being attached to an accused murderer… She says she'll do no such thing. But why? I was so happy with the landmine these two had to negotiate before they came anywhere near a happily-ever-at-all. And here's something I haven't said much lately: I like the cover very much.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In the Kingdom of Berengeny, a long time ago, no one chose their spouses.William Almsley’s parents took him to find his future wife. Unfortunately, it took more than one attempt. On his 7th birthday, the wise woman finally found his mate, her name was Tasmin Bey, and she was not from their area. Those in his area called her a hag, but he was determined to write her early on and introduce himself, hoping to create a bond for their future life together.Tasmin wrote him back, and their correspondence continued over the years. While William was away at sea, not only did he write her, he also sent her gifts that she kept. William did not want to continue his life at sea, he wanted to open a Chocolate Shop, where he would sell an assortment of chocolates. His family was not pleased with his decision.His plans for their future together came to an abrupt halt when he is accused of murder, and not just any murder, murder of the Bishop. Tasmin could not believe he was guilty and journeyed to his hometown to discover what really happened and prove William’s innocence.Their letters to each other are interspersed throughout the story, starting with their very first letters, making the story quite an interesting read. Not only do you need to keep turning pages to the end to find the real killer, you’ll feel for Tasmin being an outsider and having a future family that is not very pleased with her. Quite a mix of characters to add to the plot. Murder, mystery, adventure, romance and chocolate, who could ask for more.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    NaNoLoMo #11 Nov 12The Chocolatier's Wife by Cindy Lynn Speer(c)2012 Dragonwell PublishingISBN-13 978-1-4524477-6-6Part mystery, part magic, with a measure of old fashioned romance make The Chocolatier's Wife a delightful sweet. In a world where marriages are arranged in infancy by use of a 'Mating Spell' William, of the House of Almsley, was looking like a forever bachelor when he went to see the Wise Woman on his seventh birthday. Finally, his perfect mate appears, but to his proper Merchanting family's horror, she is from the North Country. After the end of a war 500 years before there has been little communication between the North and the South. All 'proper' Southerners know that the people of the North are Hags who eat their dead and 'just anyone' can practice magic. Barbarians, indeed – but are they... ?Over the years William develops a relationship by correspondence with his intended, while progressing in the management of the family business and becoming a fine captain of his own merchant ship. When the time comes to marry he shocks the family by announcing he intends to quit sailing and open a chocolate shop. Appalling!Miss Tasmin Bey has grown up with William's letters and gifts and developed an affection for him, but is teaching Herb Lore at the University (!!?!) and wondering if he will ever come for her when she learns that he has been arrested for murder! Her family, who are not much inclined to have their daughter marry on of the 'barbarians of the South' see this as an opportunity to void the marriage arrangement. Instead, Tasmin resigns her post at the University and flies (after a fashion) to his aid. It is quickly apparent that William didn't commit the crime, and up to Tasmin to get to the bottom of it.A well constructed story with murder, magic (and pirates!!!) there are some clever sub-plots and a few completely unpredictable twists. Speer writes a fast paced tale that engages to the very end.(****) Four Stars

Book preview

The Chocolatier's Wife - Cindy Lynn Speer

Cindy Lynn Speer


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2010, 2012 by Cindy Lynn Speer

Cover art by Howard David Johnson

Design by Olga Karengina

Published by Dragonwell Publishing

ISBN 978-1-4524477-6-6

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any printed or electronic form without permission in writing from the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published.

Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Chapter 1

Time was, in the kingdom of Berengeny, that no one picked their spouses. No one courted—not officially, at any rate—and no one married in a moment’s foolish passion. It was the charge of the town Wise Woman, who would fill her spell bowl with clear, pure water; a little salt; and the essence of roses, and rosemary, and sage. Next, she would prick the finger of the newborn child and let his or her blood drip into the potion. If a face showed in the waters, then it was known that the best possible mate (they never said true love, for that was the stuff of foolish fancy) had been born, and the Wise Woman could then tell where the future spouse lived, and arrangements were made.

For the parents of William of the House of Almsley, this process would turn out to be less than pleasant.

The first year that the baby William’s finger was pricked and nothing showed, the Wise Woman said, Fear not, a wife is often younger than the husband.

The second, third, and even fifth year she said much the same.

But you see, since the spell was meant to choose the best match—not the true love—of the heart the blood in the bowl belonged to, this did not mean, as years passed, that the boy was special. It meant that he would be impossible to live with.

On his seventh birthday, it seemed everyone had quite forgotten all about visiting the Wise Woman until William, who knew this of long habit to be a major part of his day—along with cake, a new toy, and a new set of clothes—tugged on his mother’s skirt and asked when they were going. She stared at him a long moment, tea cup in hand, before sighing and calling for the carriage. She didn’t even bother to change into formal clothes this time, and the Wise Woman seemed surprised to see them at all. Well, we might as well try while you’re here, she said, her voice obviously doubtful.

William obediently held out the ring finger on his left hand and watched as the blood dripped into the bowl. She has dark brown eyes, William observed, and some hair already. He shrugged, and looked at the two women. I suppose she’ll do. I’m just glad ‘tis over, and that I can go on with my life.

For you, perhaps, his mother said, thinking of what she would now have to accomplish.

Do not fret, mother, I shall write a letter to the little girl. Not that she can read it, anyway. He petted his mother’s arm. He was a sweet boy, but he was always charging forward, never worrying about feelings.

The Wise Woman rolled out an elegantly painted silk map of the kingdom and all its regions, his mother smoothed the fabric across the table, and then the Wise Woman dipped a brass weight into the bowl. Henriette, William’s mother, placed her hands on William’s shoulders as the Wise Woman held the weight, suspended, over the map.

Henriette held her breath, waiting to see where it would land. Andrew, her younger son, had his intended living just down the street, which was quite convenient. At least they knew what they were getting into immediately.

The plumb-bob made huge circles around the map, spinning and spinning as the Wise Woman recited the words over and over. It stopped, stiffly pointing toward the North.

Tarnia? Not possible, nor even probable. You must try again!

For once, William’s mother wasn’t being stubbornly demanding. Tarnia, a place of cruel and wild magic, was the last place from whence one would wish a bride. They did not have Wise Women there, for anyone could perform spells. The Hags of the North ate their dead and sent the harsh winter wind to ravage the crops of the people of the South. Five hundred years ago, the North and the South had fought a bitter war over a cause no one could quite remember, only that it had been a brutal thing, and that many had died, and it led to the South losing most of its magic. Though the war was long over and the two supposedly united again, memory lingered.

I have cast it twice. The Wise Woman chewed her lower lip, but there was naught else she could do.

Not Tarnia, please? Henriette, usually a rather fierce and cold woman, begged.

I am afraid so. The Wise Woman began cleaning up; her shoulders set a little lower. I am sorry.

William, staring out the window at the children playing outside, couldn’t care less. What did it matter where anyone was from? She was a baby, and babies didn’t cause that much trouble.

Only you, William, his mother said, shaking her head. Why can you not do anything normal?

This was to be the tenor of most of their conversations throughout their lives.

Chapter 2

The Thirteenth day of Jarien, Sapphire Moon Quarter 1775

Miss Tasmin,

Since we are eventually to be married, and now that I have set forth on my own in order to secure our future, I suppose that it is my duty, as well, to get to know my intended a little more than I do now. So I have taken it into my head to write to you, and it is my hope that you will reply to my missives as best you may; the letters, and my receiving of yours, may be a bit sporadic since I will be at sea a great deal of the time, but it is better than nothing at all.

Now, if memory serves me, it is near the day of your birth, and since, again, if memory serves, you are soon to begin your seventh year, I have enclosed a doll. My sister-in-law-to-be favors this type a great deal, and so I believe that you might, as well.



It was not, in fact, the first letter she had ever received from him, though it was far more eloquent than those that had come before. She kept the first missive with the others, but she never mentioned it for fear of embarrassing him, for it went, rather simply:

Hello. My name is William Almsley. I am seven years old today and I found out that we are getting married. I hope you are well, though being a baby I suppose you don’t really know. I like animals and the color blue. You shall have to tell me what you like when we see each other. Until then I hope you are happy.


While it was the one she read the least of all his letters, she still liked it, because as far as she could tell from its predecessors, he’d never really changed.

The fact was, Tasmin Bey did not mind her husband-to-be at all. She knew she was luckier than most, for few received anything at all from the one with whom they would spend their lives, as if they were all trying to forget the inevitable. William’s missives came four times a year, like clockwork. The ones that were meant to come around the Light Day celebrations and around her birthday brought with them a present wrapped in good cloth, though the other two often held some trinket, such as an unusual plant or flower pressed in between thin slabs of preserving wax, a stone, a feather, whatever William thought she might find interesting. One had held a ring of coral that she wore still, on her smallest finger.

And she liked his letters. They were straight to the point, just like the very first, practical. He never wrote anything flowery or romanticized their match, but she thought he was kindly disposed towards her, and so she was happy enough.

She would have been quite content, if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone around her was quite determined to hate him.

He’s from the Azin shore! Do you know what kind of people live at the Azin shore? her uncle asked, accusing her as if she’d had a say in it.

"They used to eat their dead, according to Apercus’s Dictionary of the Peoples, her father said. Can you imagine such barbarity? And we’re sending our little girl into that that world? It’s disgraceful!"

I suppose at the time there was a practical reason for them eating their dead, Tasmin observed. If William is any example of his people, practicality is quite his main motive of being.

This, she found, was not a popular argument, and they finished their meal—an unfortunate choice of roast, considering the topic of conversation—in complete and disapproving silence. That was not the first word on the matter, nor would it be the last.

You are determined, her mother said, scrubbing bleaching oils (meant to counteract the effects of Tasmin spending hours in the sun) into her skin with a slightly less than careful vigor, to give your father a heart attack. And me! What about me?

Mamma, she said, what exactly am I to do about this? He is my chosen, and I think it is good that we get to like each other before... she changed before we start making children to …we begin living together.

I know. Her mother sighed. But they are such awful people. Nothing like us. During the war...

Five hundred years ago, Tasmin interjected.

They took any prisoners they found with the gift and murdered them outright. It didn’t matter if they were Finders or Healers or Beast-Charmers or those with real power, they were all slain before you could pray for their souls. And you know what happened to them after that.

Aye, the Lord in His wisdom made it so that any born in the South lost most, if not all, of their Talents. You’d be hard pressed to find a Fire-Starter among the lot. She took the cloth off her mother and started rinsing off the bleach. I wonder if William has any talents? He never told me if he was tested. I think all of their Wise Women come from Tericia, from the East.

Her mother sighed a great martyr’s sigh, and helped Tasmin rinse her skin. If you put in for the Circle, you will be exempt from having to wed. Alcide herself says that you are gifted with herbs. Think of the life you could have at the university, teaching the craft until finally Alcide passes on and her seat is left open. She will certainly request that you fill it.

The words were filled with their own sort of magic. The University Circle ruled the town, and all the Circles in Tarnia ruled together. Their town was small, and her type of talent would mean that she wouldn’t have a part in any major governmental decisions, but she would be part of the body that created hospices and researched new ways of using magic to improve lives, and then implemented the changes. The King of Berengeny, who ruled all the quarters of the continent, was said to listen very closely to the councils. It was his ancestor who, three hundred years ago, had approved the Mating Spell, which (though most had forgotten, whether by choice or because of propaganda) had been first discovered by a council in the North. In any case, it was a life of comfortable beds and exotic meals, velvet and silk, and more parchments and books than Tasmin would be able to read in three lifetimes, plus access to the best quality herbs, stones, and working materials.

I will think about it, she said to her mother as they washed her hair.

That is what you always say.

But I will. I am nothing if not obedient. Then their conversation ended because her mother had dumped the rinse water over her head.

When her mother was gone, after pinning Tasmin’s hair up to keep it out of the water, Tasmin leaned back against the edge of the bath and thought of William. She had calculated his course, using his last letter to find out heading and rough position, and thought that it was likely that he was in the Sea of Disea by now. She wished she could picture him, but it was impossible. If the persons lived in different locations, it was decreed that they should never see each other before the bride was sent for, to prevent expectations from forming. Her mother had seen him during the spell and was not very tactful about his looks: A sturdy, round-faced boy. Doubtless a chubby man. Tasmin did not mind; she was not, herself, much to gaze upon and it would be better if her husband was not desirable. Well, too desirable, at any rate.

She thought his life quite exciting. He was most fortunate, for he was able to travel the world, going from port to port, trading for goods to be shipped back to his family’s warehouses, where merchants looked over the shipments and bought what they liked best. They were a merchanting family, had been for years, transporting and trading all over the world. William had told her once that he had lists of what people wanted, and he went and found the best places to fulfill them. He told her that he was doing as much of the shipping work now as possible, so that when they were married, if it seemed right, he could spend more time on land. Her letter back had approved greatly of this plan, for she had not wished for herself a life of widow’s walks and worry.

Maybe he likes me, then, she thought, looking at her toes, which were propped on the edge of the small tub.

She hoped so.

Chapter 3

Julait Twenty-Third, Gold Moon Quarter 1786

Dear William,

Allow me to congratulate you on becoming the Captain of your own ship. Your father must have much faith in you to allow you such responsibility, and I am very pleased for you. From your description she sounds quite well armed. Is it habit for a merchant vessel to have so very many guns? I quite wonder where you intend to store your provisions and goods!

Today my mother is quite displeased with me, for I have brought home a gaggle of homeless Wind Sprites. I was wandering near an old castle that is being torn down and heard them, or, rather, felt them, weeping most piteously. How could I leave such frightened creatures alone? I unbound them from the spell that kept them there, and they latched on to me. I will see if I can find a new, safe home for them.

Finally, I must beg a favor. Soon, I will graduate from my training and gain the title of Herb Mistress. At the ceremony, we are presented with our athames, knives that we use in spell casting and naught else. Anyone who is my family, or considered to be family, is asked to give something of brass or gold (for the athame is made of those materials) to be melted down and used to create the knife. My people believe that we are essentially creatures of energy and on everything we touch we leave an imprint of that energy, so something that was worn often has a great deal of its owner’s energy in it. The benevolent energy of those who (I hope) care for me will protect me when I cast or create spells. In this vein, I beg that you will give me but one of your brass coat buttons.

Yours, eventually,


His parents sat stiffly upright across the table from him, their tea untouched, as they tried to absorb what their normally obedient and practical son had just said.

William waited, knowing that eventually someone would break the silence, and that it would be better if it weren’t he.

Are you out of your mind? His father, Justin, was quite red-cheeked, displeased beyond reason, but, so far at least, trying to keep his head.

I have served the family concerns for seventeen years now, William said kindly. I think that it is time I turn my life to the future—my wife-to- be, my own little business.

Turn your life to the future? The servants would not have to listen at the door if his father kept to that volume, for they would be able to quite easily listen while working by the kitchen fire. This is your future, you damned ungrateful boy!

And chocolate? his mother said, as if it were a filthy word. Who in his right mind would give up a place as part of a successful family business in order to open an establishment that sells nothing but chocolate? I have never heard of such an ill conceived notion in all my years. I do hope this is your idea of a joke.

I’ve never liked anything half so well as I like chocolate. Besides, Andrew will be fine by himself. If he needs help it’s not like I’ll be on the other side of the world any longer.

I cannot believe my ears. She grabbed her husband’s arm. If this was Andrew I would understand, but this is William. He’s the sensible one. The one you could always depend on to make the right choice!

The boring one, William added with a smile, even though he’d never found Andrew to be exactly the pinnacle of excitement.

Son? This fool in front of me is not my son! William hoped his father would start breathing soon, for he looked ready to explode.

You do realize that, since you are being forced to marry a hag from Tarnia...

Herb Mistress. Hags are different; they focus on different rites or some such. Anyway, ‘tis not generally considered a very kind thing to say, so I hope that when I send for her you shan’t use it in her hearing.

His father slammed both hands on the table. Do you really think that people will want to buy food from one of them? A woman from the North?

It’s chocolate, he said firmly. I think it will do very well.

He left only when he was certain that his parents would be alive the next time he saw them. He did not always particularly like his parents, especially his father, with whom he had slammed heads too many times over the years to ever truly feel comfortable, but he did not—despite his mother’s assertions—wish to be the death of him.

The Almsley property held two houses: a master house, where the head of the business lived and ruled the shipping company with an iron hand; and a smaller house, where the heir to the fortunes and his wife lived. He went past the smaller cottage, all stone and gingerbread, and wondered what Tasmin would make of his choice.

Ah, well, he thought, avoiding contemplating that subject too deeply, the die is cast.

He avoided his brother by the simple expedient of seeing before being seen, turning off into an alley to take the short way to the shop as the younger man came rushing up the street with his limping gait. Of course Andrew must have been summoned, doubtless to be told all about the stupidity of his older sibling and the new things his future held. It would be good for Andrew, William thought, for it was a far better life than hunching over account books and comparing manifests.

William’s shop was part of a neat row of stores on the main market street. Old sailcloth had been hung inside the large display windows that flanked the main door to keep prying eyes from peering in before the he was ready to declare the place open. The iron arm that would hold the shop sign hung bare, which it would until he finally announced the name of it to the world. For now, he called it a chocolatier if he needed anything descriptive beyond shop.

Inside, it was filthy. Once upon a time it had been a bakery, until the local butcher found his wife and the baker (here William paused to think of several suitable and quite scandalous puns involving mating and baking) in an improper circumstance, and murdered them both. He confessed to the crime immediately, and how could he not, covered as he was by blood, and sugar, and flour? No one wanted to take the place over for some time, and then it was bought a few years ago, but never used. Since he’d never met the previous owner, he didn’t know why it was bought; only that it was abandoned until another man—this time William himself—was foolish enough to lay money down for it.

The afternoon sun pushed its way through the sailcloth and painted everything a gray-toned gold, outlining dust-limned counters and display racks in muddy shadows. It was severely depressing, and any thought of begging Tasmin to come and help him right the place was banished. Remember, ‘twas cheap, especially for the district—a steal—and you were lucky to get it. Part of him did not wish to dismay her further than she would be when she heard the news; part of him liked the idea of carrying her across the threshold of the shop on the day of their wedding, presenting the future he was providing for them like a polished jewel.

The door opened, and he turned. Cecelia stepped into the shop, her pretty face falling slack with horror.

You should not be here, my dear. The neighbors will not be very charitable. Indeed, the fact he had hired the pretty young widow of one of his former crew members had caused a bit of a stir, and while he didn’t care what they thought, he was afraid Tasmin would, and that was something he did care about.

That poor, poor woman. She will take one look at this and run for her life and I will be helping her. Iyei! God in his heaven! What have you done?

He ignored her, thinking about the many things that must be accomplished. He wanted to open his shop in six months. You know what this place needs?

A huge fire, after which you can begin all over again?

Sailors. He smiled as if he'd finally found the cure for all of his troubles. No one knows how to clean like a sailor. We shall have the tile up and replaced with a nice, rich wood deck, the counters repaired and repainted. Yes. 'Tis the best answer.

Chapter 4

Setemerio 23rd, Scarlet Moon Qtr. 1786

Dear Tasmin,

I am very pleased that you have asked this of me; please find enclosed all of the buttons from my jacket. If it would protect you, I would send you my shoe buckles and even my sword as well, for the hilt is partly of brass.

You are quite right, that it seems as if my ship is too well armed for its duty, but pirates infest the waters worse

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