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Turtle Dolphin Dreams: A Metaphysical Story
Turtle Dolphin Dreams: A Metaphysical Story
Turtle Dolphin Dreams: A Metaphysical Story
Ebook74 pages45 minutes

Turtle Dolphin Dreams: A Metaphysical Story

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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What if we shared planet Earth with other intelligent species?
What if inter-species communication were really possible?

Seek out some answers in Turtle Dolphin Dreams

Raves for Turtle Dolphin Dreams
"A pearl is a small thing, and yet it is as precious as any jewel. So is this little book."
--Robert Rich, Ph.D.

"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is a wonderful little book. Not since Gibran's The Prophet or Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull has a book come along so inviting, refreshing, and relevant."
--James Clifton, Ph.D.

"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is lovely! ...somehow this strange book hangs together and holds the reader's attention. Very inspirational indeed."
--Susan M. Phillips, Spiralthreads Reviews

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Release dateDec 1, 2005
Turtle Dolphin Dreams: A Metaphysical Story

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Marian K. Volkman has written and illustrated a beautifully imaginative scenario with this book. We have no problem with trying to learn to communicate with other cultures, and even imagine what it might be like to communicate with beings from other worlds, but how often do we think of those other worlds as being right here on Earth?A fable in the true sense of the word*, the story is introduced by a turtle, named Turtledove for the benefit of humans who think every being should have a name. Turtledove speaks of a time when dreamtime, in winter for turtles during hibernation, became shared dreaming, inter-species, in this case with a specific group of dolphins. The dolphins in turn have been sharing dreaming with other aquatic species but required a species both aquatic and land-going to bridge a gap to humans, hence contact with the turtle.Whimsical and thought-provoking, inspiring in it's creative message, Turtle Dolphin Dreams was originally written in 2005, but with recent events it may hold even greater meaning here in 2010. The reader is taken through metaphysical voyages of delight, a balance of nature, while remaining earthbound but connected. A truly unique book with several messages presented, a journey worth taking.*Definition from, fable: A short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters who speak and act like human beings.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In this unique book the reader gets a chance to imagine having an interspecies discussion among turtles, dolphins and humans. Are humans all that different from other species that we share this planet with? Are we the only species that express love, loss and possibly…. Dream?Humans through research have discovered that dolphins like humans live in family units, mourn the loss of those they love and enjoy discovering the world around them. I have read many books on dolphins. I think they are truly amazing creatures! They display a higher intelligence than some people I have encountered. In this story Turtledove serves as a translator between a dreaming dolphin and an enlightened human. I think turtles were a perfect translator of experiences between dolphins and humans. They share part of their lives on land with humans. They also share a portion of their lives in the water with the dolphins. Marian Volkman did an excellent job getting the reader think about how other species are affected by our actions or lack of. We take away or ruin habitats. People keep animals captive either for our entertainment or because of destruction. Some of our species believe that others are here for our benefit only and do not respect other creatures. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. Although some of the material might be a little confusing for younger audiences. I think even kids would enjoy the story. It sent my imagination into over drive thinking about the lives of other species on our planet. If we could all communicate what could be learn from each other? Then we might realize that we are not all that different. I’d like to share some of my favorite quotes from this book:“We are, each and all, interconnected with every living thing on this planet. ““The belief that you are the only truly intelligent creatures on this planet has gotten in the way of your receiving their communications.”From this work I have come to the conclusion that it is okay to let ourselves explore our dreams both at night and during the day. It is okay to engage in play and one shouldn’t feel child-like. An adult should also take every opportunity to discover their world as if through a child’s eyes. Children try to understand and make friends with every creature they meet. Somehow as we get older we stop doing this. I only wonder how I can recapture this ability. This story was excellent and well worth the time to read :)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The concept of being able to communicate with other species on our planet has long intrigued and baffled the human race. None verbal communication with our own kind is almost unheard of. If a species was able to psychically connect with it’s own parents, siblings and mates, would they ever be able to connect to another species? How would that connection begin? How would different species be able to understand each other? Would there be a way for a creature of the ocean (like a dolphin) to ‘talk’ to a creature of the land (like a turtle)? Can a human ever dream of being a part of all that? The information that could be shared and passed along to each participating group could be beneficial to that species and to the world. If only someone was able to ’talk’ to the animals. What can a hibernating turtle named Turtledove tell us about the life of a dolphin? What would we say? This book caught my attention because of the possibilities. The desire to be connected to others of our own species as well as others. It has been labeled as: Fiction, New Age, Visionary & Metaphysical, that says to me that it is suppose to be a story that describe imaginary people and events, originating not in the physical world, a study of nature and the nature of beings. That being said, this book reads like a memoir of the dolphin as translated and dictated by the turtle to the intended recipient, the human. At times it sounds like a ‘how-to’ in the ways of connecting with other species, while at other times it shows the differences in the way each of them lives their lives. The concept of the ability to connect to others is to me fresh and new, exciting and beautiful. For some people, the way this book is written will be considered quick, easy and straight forward, but for others (like myself) it lacks a personal connection to each of the contributors of the story. It is cut and dry, an exchange of information on an impersonal level. It is fiction with a non-fiction feel (I am not a big non-fiction reader). Still it is a quick and easy read with a beautiful concept.