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Sonia's Curse
Sonia's Curse
Sonia's Curse
Ebook36 pages33 minutes

Sonia's Curse

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This is a short (fantasy fiction steamy romance) story – word count 9,205.

Sonia is a cursed and troubled Princess, on a quest to save her Kingdom, when she meets Prince Kristian with his army of men. The Prince turned mercenary has become weary of battle after many years and he longs to settle down away from warfare to make a new life for himself.
Sonia makes a wager with Kristian, confident that she will win and secure his help on her own terms, but to her surprise, he is not susceptible to her curse and she loses the bet. She becomes obliged to uphold her part of the bargain and allow Kristian to bed her!
Confused by the feelings that Kristian conjures up inside her, she escapes from his campsite, but Kristian will not give up on her that easily. Sonia has bewitched him! When he eventually tracks her down and they meet again, he is prepared to force her to make good on her promise. That is, until he hears about the truth behind her journey. Shocked and surprised by her tale, he ups the stakes and makes her a proposal she will find hard to refuse!

Release dateMay 27, 2014
Sonia's Curse

Elizabeth Reed

As long as I can remember I have always loved everything and anything to do with the romance genre. Enjoying writing, reading and watching a wide range of love stories. I am a true romantic at heart! So after studying for a philosophy degree and then going on to work in a corporate job in advertising, I decided to reconnect with my passion again! I now write mainly romance short stories, with the aim to share all of my ideas with others who also have an interest in romantic fiction. I write in a range of romance subgenres including erotic romance, contemporary, sweet, paranormal/fantasy fiction and historical. I hope to continue writing as long as my ideas keep flowing out from my mind. In early 2014 I experienced my own personal love story, when I married my one true love. I now live together with my husband in London.

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    Book preview

    Sonia's Curse - Elizabeth Reed

    Sonia’s Curse

    By Elizabeth Reed

    Published by Elizabeth Reed at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Elizabeth Reed

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Chapter 1

    Kristian rode his horse hurriedly to the front of his army of soldiers. He wanted to know what all the commotion was about.

    As he got to the front of the crowd, he spotted the back of a small figure, dressed in a long robe and shouting out at his men, asking them to stay away. At the lone figure’s side was the largest black dog he had ever seen. It was almost half the height of an average sized man, and it was growling angrily at the soldiers warning them to stay away, as it protected its master.

    ‘What is the meaning of this?’ Kristian shouted out, annoyed at the distraction to the journey at hand.

    The lone figure turned around at the sound of his voice.

    Kristian was speechless. It was a woman, and a beautiful woman at that! Her long red hair spilled out through her hooded robe; her brilliant deep green eyes were animated with both anger and nervousness. She waved a small dagger in his direction, letting him know she was ready to attack if there were any sudden moves.

    ‘Call your men off now!’ she said to him. Her dog was bent down on his hind legs, ready to pounce.

    ‘Men, fall back,’ Kristian ordered. ‘Give the lady some space.’

    ‘My Lord, we spotted this woman by the stream in front of us. We wanted to capture her and bring her to you as a gift, but before we could get a chance to get our hands on her, this beast jumped out from nowhere. It took two of the men savagely down, so we wanted to kill the monster. We wanted to avenge our honour.’

    ‘Avenge your honour?’ the woman laughed bitterly. ‘What do any of you know about honour? You wanted to lay your hands on me for your own evil ends, and then you tried to kill my dog. Well, try to touch me, if you dare. Don’t say you weren’t warned, but if you do

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