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Cat Burglar in Soho
Cat Burglar in Soho
Cat Burglar in Soho
Ebook31 pages21 minutes

Cat Burglar in Soho

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About this ebook

Cat Burglar in Soho - a detective story with a difference! Bad things are happening all over Britain – riots and disturbances are getting more and more widespread and no-one knows why. People normally law-abiding are suddenly becoming physically violent. The situation getting out of hand. The Agency is unable to get to the source of the trouble and Sebastian is called in to put his unusual skills to work.

Sebastian is a very valuable member of the Agency as he can operate in a way that no-one else can. Very soon he is on the track of the criminals responsible for the violent outbreaks and gets an old friend, Jackson, to give him some back-up.

The two friends follow their noses through the streets and markets of Soho and come across a likely clue. Their loyalty to the Agency leads them to investigate further but takes them into dark and dangerous territory.

Cat Burglar in Soho is a detective story for older children and maybe adults too. Be prepared for a little surprise a short way into the book!

Release dateMay 28, 2014
Cat Burglar in Soho

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    Book preview

    Cat Burglar in Soho - Evangeline Auld

    Cat Burglar




    Evangeline Auld


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Evangeline Auld

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For Colin

    With love and thanks

    to my family and friends everywhere


    Chapter 1. Friends United

    Chapter 2. The Reconnaissance

    Chapter 3. A Narrow Squeak

    Chapter 4. What Can I do for Jackson?

    Chapter 5. A Nasty Character, and a Plan is Hatched

    Chapter 6. Sebastian has Twinges of Conscience

    Chapter 7. Jackson Volunteers

    Chapter 8. A Risky Operation

    Chapter 9. Success?

    Chapter 10. A Dangerous Complication

    Chapter 11. What has Happened to Jackson?

    Chapter 12. Eat More Fruit?

    From the Author

    Chapter 1.

    Friends United

    Sebastian growled irritably to himself as he pulled on his grey suede gloves. The weather was appalling, cold, wet and windy, not the kind of weather for the job he had in mind.

    In the background he could hear Tabitha twittering away to the children, trying to quieten the uproar of the three over-excited young ones, rolling and wrestling on the living room carpet. In a way this cheered him a little, at least his job would get him away from all the racket and confusion.


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