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Lady Light
Lady Light
Lady Light
Ebook56 pages46 minutes

Lady Light

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About this ebook

All of their lives, Wylie and Elise had been in orbit around each other without realizing it until one hot afternoon in the bay area of Galveston, Texas. But out-of-control police officer Sean, jealous of Wylie and Elise growing love for each other, will not make this discovery easy for either of them. Will her Uncle Scott help them discover their growing feelings aboard his yacht, the "Lady Light" as they fight against a growing tyranny aimed directly at them?

Release dateMay 31, 2014
Lady Light

J. P. Hines II

I am a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, dealing with subject matter that carries an emotional message. Based in the midwestern United States, I have been authoring both short stories, novellas, and novels since the age of 10 and first became a published author with the release of "Molly" in May 2003. The range of material I write spans drama, erotica, and adventure as well as mixing of each. As a writer of fiction, I thoroughly enjoy creating worlds and populating them with interesting casts of characters, stirring the pot to see what develops. The outcome sometimes surprises even me!

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    Lady Light - J. P. Hines II

    Lady Light

    J. P. Hines II

    Copyright 2013, J. P. Hines II

    Smashwords Edition

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    Chapter 1 Out For A Spin

    Distant thunder rolled as Wylie squinted his eyes up into the hot summer sky. Yet another scorcher, he thought miserably. He had been working on repairs to his fence for nearly a week and yet felt nothing had been accomplished. How he hated days like this! But the promise of a cooling rain eased his tension a little.

    Wylie North had lived in La Porte, Texas nearly all his life. An only child, his parents had both passed away some years back and with no family anywhere nearby, he felt truly alone most times. Having recently celebrated his 34th birthday, he also felt he was aging with little in his life to show for it.

    With no children and never married, Wylie always felt he was missing something. Something big. Important. He constantly had a nagging feeling in his heart that life had to be about more than mending fences, riding his motorcycle, and guzzling a six pack with friends on the weekend. Friends who only seemed to have time for him on the weekends.

    Well hey there! A familiar voice called out. Ya day dreamin again?! Elise Portman was probably his best friend in La Porte. She was a vivacious young brunette with a sexy curvy body and hazel eyes that drove men crazy. She was such a tease and she knew it!

    Hey El, Wylie answered. He always wondered why the hell he had never gotten together with Elise. She was always around. Still, he always felt she kept him at arm’s length, never more than a friend but never less than an acquaintance. He hated that.

    Elise winked at him as she sauntered up, flashing her usual mischievous grin. Feel like a ride? What a loaded question that was, he thought! You or the bike? He asked with a chuckle.

    You know goddamn well what I mean, smartass! she snapped playfully back as she started toward him. Hot day like this…… she mused, trailing off as she walked past him to his Roadking, parked just inside his sweltering garage. She climbed on the enormous motorcycle. How she loved that thing! Come on! she cooed, motioning him over. Get your ass on here and lets go!

    Well hell, he thought. Nothing better to do. Slide back he commanded as he climbed on. The beast roared to life nearly immediately. Yesss! Elise screeched in delight. She was ready to go!

    With a grin, Wylie eased the bike onto the road, glad to have something to occupy a little time, though knowing that little tease behind him would be giving him nothing in return but an earful of screeches and a playful pinch or two of his ass. She’ll never change, he sighed as they picked up speed.

    Across town, La Porte officer Sean Gomez was just setting up a spot to sit and monitor the late afternoon traffic. He parked his cruiser where he was sure he’d not be seen by passing motorists until slamming on their brakes was too late. He thoroughly enjoyed setting this kind of trap, though not for the tickets. He enjoyed giving motorists a hard time before letting them go on their way. Sean had been written up for various abuses of his authority in the past but nothing ever came

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