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Who Would Know?
Who Would Know?
Who Would Know?
Ebook58 pages48 minutes

Who Would Know?

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About this ebook

Temptation to step away from what is right is often increased by the thought that no one would ever know. Sometimes we are lost because there is no one who knows or cares how to help. This collection of short stories uses the theme 'Who Would Know' to give you a variety of situations, some funny, some sad, some very real.
This anthology is dedicated to David H. Keith, a friend and fellow-writer.

Release dateMay 11, 2014
Who Would Know?

Top Writers Block

Top Writers Block is a diverse and eclectic group of talented writers who decided to write stories together - just for the fun of it! We are happy to announce that authors proceeds have always gone, and will continue to go, to Sea every time Smashwords has made a payment! Thank you to those who have supported the group, independent authors, and Sea Shepherd. Our collections are usually written with one theme or genre in mind. Each author contributes when they have the time, so some of the collections have as many as twelve authors participating. Every collection has something new, with stories and poems ranging from romance, drama, and adventure to mystery, fantasy, and horror. All the Top Writers Block's proceeds will go to Sea Shepherd, so by buying you are helping to keep our oceans alive! Thank You all so much!

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    Book preview

    Who Would Know? - Top Writers Block

    Collection of Short Stories


    Top Writers Block

    on the theme:

    ‘Who Would Know?’

    Copyright©April 2014 Top Writers Block

    Published by Top Writers Block at Smashwords

    ISBN: 978131005844

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.


    Cover design: Suzy Stewart Dubot

    Book cover photo Image credit:


    This collection of short stories is dedicated to David H. Keith who left this world suddenly.

    David was an award-winning author and unrepentant Hippie nature child who firmly believed in such outdated concepts as Peace, Love, sustaining our Earth and Freedom, including the sacred right of the First Amendment.

    Until his death he worked as a writer, editor and medical professional. He had been a newspaper reporter, photographer, Army combat medic*, paramedic and university professor.

    In his life were two phenomenal women: his beautiful wife, Elizabeth and their dog, Belle.

    David’s contribution to the Top Writers Block, whether writing, editing or composing artwork, was invaluable. He was a talented writer in all domains and those works that he planned to put to paper but never got the time, will be a loss for us all.

    It will be a sadder place without him.

    * As a Vietnam Veteran, like many others, he suffered from the combined effects of Agent Orange.

    Table of Contents

    Blocked by David H. Keith

    Who Would Know? by Don Bick

    The Girl Who Loved Cemeteries by Melissa A. Szydlek

    Technology for the Elderly by John Muir

    Graffiti by Suzy Stewart Dubot

    Night Flight by Barnaby Wilde

    Little Red by Melissa A. Szydlek


    ©2014 by David H. Keith

    David H. Keith

    3 January 1948 –2014

    They say it’s easy, all those talking-heads on television. The tenured (and awaiting tenure) professors at all the universities proclaim it a piece of cake. Even many of my fellow-artists preach their gospels of truth and the way.

    "Anyone can do it if you just set your mind to it," they all yammer like those ankle-biters rich debutantes tote around like toys.

    They’re wrong … every one of them. Those who do it, while they are many, are different from the rest of us plodders. They’re the cavalry galloping along in their hubris and arrogance and stirring up trouble with the enemy. The rest of us, we’re just the infantry, taking 30-inch steps at a time into the shot and shell of that enemy’s guns. It’s our blood on the field.

    We wh…

    She knocked on the office door … a tentative, almost silent tap. When she opened it, the squeal of the dry hinges, hinges he’d meant to spray with WD40 weeks ago but had forgotten, ripped through his brain like old Sister Mary Margaret’s claws dragging across his first-grade classroom’s blackboard.

    Yes? He growled, anger barely constrained and fingers poised above the keyboard. He didn’t take kindly to interruptions to his routine at the best of times, and this was a galaxy away from even being a good time.

    No answer.

    Well? Did you want something or not, dammit? Not looking up, eyes fixed on the monitor.

    "It’s been twelve hours, Sweetheart. I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you a sandwich and

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