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Waiting for Justina Volume 3
Waiting for Justina Volume 3
Waiting for Justina Volume 3
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Waiting for Justina Volume 3

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Waiting for Justina Volume 3 is the third of a five-part erotica series for men.

In Volume 1, readers met Evan, a shy, awkward, lonely physics student and Justina, a smart and beautiful woman ten years his senior. Though a decade apart, the 29-year-old Justina felt deeply attracted to Evan, and the two instantly began an intense sexual relationship with a time limit. Justina planned to keep the relationship as casual as possible so that Evan could go away to college with no commitments at the end of the summer.

In Volume 2, readers learned about Evan’s first two years of sexual exploits at college, and Justina was right: college was every bit exciting as she promised it would be.

In Volume 3, Evan has returned to Paradise Park to work for the summer. Despite all of the fun he had in his first two years of college, Evan would do anything to reconnect once again with Justina, who has been unreachable since they initially parted. Throughout his vacation, Evan meets plenty of interested parties looking to celebrate summer with him. But can he handle all of the attention? And the most important question remains: Will he ever find Justina?

This is the third book of a five-volume series chronicling the sexual adventures of Evan, Justina, and the extensive cast of friends and lovers who come their way.

PublisherIona Baros
Release dateMay 26, 2014
Waiting for Justina Volume 3

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    Waiting for Justina Volume 3 - Iona Baros

    Waiting for Justina Volume 3

    Iona Baros

    Copyight 2014 by Iona Baros

    Smashwords Edition

    Table of Contents










    There is something different about you, Evan’s Mom announces decidedly, balling up her napkin and gently letting it fall beside her.

    Evan’s parents collected him from the train station earlier, and now, he and his family are eating dinner at their small table in Paradise Park.

    What is different about him? his dad asks to no one in particular, scrunching his face a bit and then laughing. He blinks into Evan’s face.

    Evan looks up from his plate. I don’t know, he says. He laughs, too. He looks out the window. It is still light outside. He wonders how much longer he should sit here before taking a walk to Verses Avenue Beach.

    You definitely look tired, his mom continues.

    Yeah, that’s true. Exams were pretty trying. And I went to a party the night before. Wait. Last night. I went to a party last night, he says, correcting himself as a dangerous image of Bee and Kerry tiptoes into his mind, threatening to give him a hard on at his parents’ dinner table. He can still smell the two of them on his skin.

    It looks like you didn’t sleep at all last night, his dad remarks.

    I slept a bit on the train.

    In Paradise Park, there is one artery street running north and south: Paradise Street. Verses Avenue is just one of the east/west roads crossing Paradise Street. Those who walk west on Verses will see old, glamorous, Havisham-style two and three flats contrasted with 19th century-modeled farm houses peppered here and there throughout. Pedestrians working their way east on Verses will find the beach and Lake Michigan. Verses Avenue Beach is just one of the ten named beaches in the one-mile stretch of beach in the Paradise Park community. Tonight, Evan counts exactly six people on Verses Avenue Beach: two college kids, a young Somali couple, and a middle-aged, meditative man practicing Karate. The city’s major population resides in the muggy west-ends of the city or inward south of Paradise Park, which is a neighborhood with an unsupported reputation of being dangerous or undesirable in some vague way. Evan will never understand why people in the larger city to the south would want to live anywhere but Paradise Park. Why they wouldn’t all be at Verses Avenue Beach in their every waking moment.


    After concluding his first day back at the factory, Evan admits to himself that canning vegetables was easier in 1998 when he had just graduated from high school and hadn’t had any other work experiences. Walking home, he daydreams about the tutoring lab: how fulfilling it was to use math and physics at work every day, how rewarding it was to solve students’ academic problems. Unpredictable work. Varied work. At the lab, he never knew what his day would be like, which is in direct contrast of what his experience is like at the canning factory.

    The first week is relatively quiet at the factory; no one has ever been too talkative there, and Evan only vaguely recognizes a few faces from his time there after high school. Roy, his former and now current boss, is the only person he knows past a nod.

    Walking home on his third day, he hears someone rushing up behind him.

    Hi! a young woman says to him.

    Evan, deep in his longing to be back at Benson College, forgets to really look at this woman who has just spoken to him. Hey, he responds.

    Is this your first day? she asks, knowing it isn’t.

    No. My third.

    I’m Clara. So how is the world of canning working out for you? she inquires with a mock seriousness.

    Evan laughs. Hi, I’m Evan. And oh, God. Canning is the worst. I worked here a few years ago after graduating from high school. Really, back then it didn’t seem as…


    That’s the word. It was bad, but never this bad, you know?

    Clara laughs, nodding in agreement as they walk. So you’re just home from college for the summer, huh? she asks.

    Yep. How about you?

    I’m from the city but moved up north to Paradise Park to go to Picen College. I live on Verses Avenue on the block west of the beach. She throws her hand ahead in the general direction of Verses.

    Evan’s stomach turns for a second. This, of course, is a street Evan knows very well.

    Clara continues. Thankfully, I only can part-time during the fall and spring semesters. Summer is a different story. The full-time kind.

    Evan feels better again. He likes Clara and looks at her closer now. She has short cropped hair, ears that stick out, and huge eyes. She wears a soft flannel and fitted Levis. Evan can’t help but want to touch the flannel. Lift it up a bit near her waist and run his fingers along her back.

    So, you’re working tomorrow, right? she asks.


    I’ll look for you then. I’m this way, Clara says, motioning again down Verses Avenue. Nice to meet you! she calls, before losing sight of Evan.

    Evan watches her walk down Justina’s old street before he turns east.

    There are 11 people on Verses Beach today. There are four musicians who are presumably together but playing different songs. Others include a guy with a boom box, a crystal worshiper, a young mother reading. Two guys throwing a football back and forth. A man from Russia or one of those former Soviet States serenading an angry-seeming woman sitting on the dock with her back turned to him.


    Evan gladly accepts Clara’s daily offers to sit with him at lunch. One day, while

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