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The Sixth Extinction: The First Three Weeks – Dr Lazaro’s Story.
The Sixth Extinction: The First Three Weeks – Dr Lazaro’s Story.
The Sixth Extinction: The First Three Weeks – Dr Lazaro’s Story.
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The Sixth Extinction: The First Three Weeks – Dr Lazaro’s Story.

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The Sixth Extinction Series is an apocalyptic tale about a pandemic that sweeps the globe, decimating the human race, leaving humanity struggling to survive. Within three weeks, everything has changed. Social structure has collapsed. The police are non-existent, and the army concentrates on the cities. Gangs of yobs rule the streets.

Melanie was a child prodigy, miles ahead in her classes. At the age of thirteen, she was one of only four people ever to be accepted into Cambridge University at such a young age. At twenty-three, she is now a renowned scientist in Exeter University's Microbes and Disease Department. Her work has been published in science journals all over the world.

However, life isn't perfect; she's had her problems, and her parents are a little distant and eccentric – her mother cares more about her plants, and her father locks himself away in the basement, and due to bad choices, she still lives at home with them.

Then everything changes. A virus starts to ravish the world, country by country, and as it gets closer to Great Britain the government sends in the army to take over the university's facilities, using everything at their disposable to try to create a vaccine.

Doctor Lazaro has no choice; she is drafted in to run the scientific side of the university while the army barricades it off from the rest of the city.

As she works around the clock, unable to leave, she wonders what the General in charge is keeping from her? Why isn't she allowed to contact to her parents? Why is there a battalion of soldiers walking the perimeters? And why is there screaming coming from the out-of-bounds university's large gym?

She has only a short time to work miracles, because as soon as the virus reaches the shores of England, it will already be too late.

PublisherGlen Johnson
Release dateJun 5, 2014
The Sixth Extinction: The First Three Weeks – Dr Lazaro’s Story.

Glen Johnson

Glen Johnson was born in Devon, England in 1973. He is the author of 55 fiction and non-fiction books. In August 2014, he gave away all his belongings and bought a backpack and he started travelling around Southeast Asia. While he travels, he helps charitable organizations, writing and releasing books about their foundations, leaving them with all the royalties. His first charity book is called Soi Dog: The Story Behind Asia’s Largest Animal Welfare Shelter and it’s available in ebook and paperback worldwide. He has also started to release a series of books about his travel adventures as they unfold, and Living the Dream: Part One – Khaosan Road, Thailand, and Part Two – Krabi, Thailand is available from all good ebook retailers. He also loves to travel and has spent over eleven years living and travelling around the world – so far, he has explored forty-three different countries. At present, he lives in Bangkok, Thailand, but he has also lived in Mexico, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, and Singapore. He is also the lead writer on the development team for a new computer game called The Seed (2018), from the creators of the award-winning S.T.A.L.K.E.R Misery mod.Why not add Glen as a friend on Facebook. From his author’s page, you can keep up to date with all his new releases and when his kindle books are free on Amazon. He checks it daily, so pop on and say hello. Don’t be shy, he’s friendly and accepts friend and all good ebook retailers.Glen has published 174 books worldwide (via two publishing companies he owns). 55 are his own work; the other 119 are modern-classic-fiction books that can be found on all good eBook and paperback retailers.Books Released by Sinuous Mind Books, and Coming Soon –Books released under his real name Glen JohnsonNON-FICTION BOOKS –CHARITY BOOKS (with Gary Johnson)Soi Dog – The Story Behind Asia’s Largest Animal Welfare Shelter (2015)BEES Elephants Sanctuary: A Haven for Old and Retired Elephants (Coming Soon)TRAVEL BOOKS (with Gary Johnson)Living the Dream 1 – Khaosan Road – Thailand (2015)Living the Dream 2 – Krabi – Thailand (2019)Living the Dream 3 – Penang – Malaysia (Coming Soon)FICTION BOOKS –APOCALYPTIC/DYSTOPIAN/HORRORTHE SIXTH EXTINCTION SERIES (A #1 Best Seller on Amazon UK Horror Short Stories)The Sixth Extinction 1 – Outbreak (2013)The Sixth Extinction 2 – Ruin (2013)The Sixth Extinction 3 – Infested (2013)The Sixth Extinction 4 – The Ark (2013)The Sixth Extinction 1-4 – Omnibus Edition (2013)THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: THE FIRST THREE WEEKS SERIES (A #1 Best Seller on Amazon UK Horror Short stories)The Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks 1 – Noah’s Story (2013)The Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks 2 – Red’s Story (2013)The Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks 3 – Betty and Lennie’s Story (2013)The Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks 4 – Doctor Lazaro’s Story (2013)The First Three Weeks 1-4 – Omnibus Edition (2013)THE SIXTH EXTINCTION & THE FIRST THREE WEEKS SERIES OMNIBUS (A #1 Best Seller on Amazon UK Horror Short stories)The Sixth Extinction & The First Three Weeks 1-8 – Omnibus Edition (2013)The Sixth Extinction & The First Three Weeks & The Sixth Extinction America 1-12 – Omnibus Edition (2014)The Sixth Extinction & The First Three Weeks & The First Three Weeks The Squads Stories & The Sixth Extinction America & The Seven Seeds of the Gods 1-23 – Omnibus Edition (2017)THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: THE FIRST THREE WEEKS – THE SQUADThe Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks – The Squad – Echo’s Story (2014)The Sixth Extinction Series: The First Three Weeks – The Squad – Coco’s Story (2014)THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: AMERICA SERIES (A #1 Best Seller on Amazon UK Horror Short stories)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part One: The Black Spores (2014)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Two: False Hope (2014)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Three: The Pods (2014)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Four: The Long Road (2014)The Sixth Extinction: America – 1-4 Omnibus Edition (2014)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Five: No Turning Back (2015)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Six: A Friend in Need (2015)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Seven: All Aboard (2015)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Eight: New Hope (2015)The Sixth Extinction: America – 1-8 Omnibus Edition (2015)The Sixth Extinction: America – 1-20 Omnibus Edition (2016)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Nine: Keep Running (2016)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Ten: Don’t Look Back (2016)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Eleven: Resurrection (2016)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Twelve: Alliance (2018)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Thirteen: Abandon (2019)The Sixth Extinction: America – Part Fourteen: Burn (Coming Soon)THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: BOOK EXTRASThe Sixth Extinction: The Seven Seeds of the Gods. Book One – Ancient Egypt (2016)The Sixth Extinction: The Seven Seeds of the Gods. Book Two – Ancient Mayan (Coming Soon)The Sixth Extinction: One Year On (England) (Coming Soon)The Sixth Extinction: Clarkson’s Discovery (Coming Soon)THE ENDLESS SERIESEndless: Part One – Sorrow (2019)Endless: Part Two – Fear (Coming Soon)Endless: Part Three - Anger (Coming Soon)THE EVENT SERIESThe Event: Part One – The Last Hope (2019)The Event: Part Two – Crashing Down (Coming Soon)THE HUMAN NATURE SERIES (A #1 Best Seller on Amazon UK Horror Short Stories)Lamb Chops and Chainsaws – Vol.1 (2012)Lobsters and Landmines – Vol.2 (2012)French Fries and Flamethrowers – Vol.3 (2014)The Human Nature Series 1-3 – Omnibus Edition (2014)Backpacks and Body Bags – Vol.4 (Coming Soon)THE EXTREME HUMAN NATURE SERIES (Extreme Horror Short Stories)Condoms and Cabbages (2015)GHOST (Short Stories)Sea of Trees (2017)Child Angels (2018)Tall Ghosts (2020)The Lost Cat (2023)HORROR (Short Stories)Quarantine (2020)Laugh Out Loud (2021)Secrets and Lies (2021)Blood Lotus (With Hathairat Phuekhiran – 2023)HORRORThe Watchers (2014)THE WAR OF THE GOD’S SERIESWar of the Gods 1 – The Devil’s Tarots (2012)War of the Gods 2 – Lilith’s Revenge (Coming Soon)THE SEVEN WORLDS SERIES (with Gary Johnson)The Gateway – World One (2014)The Keystone – World Two (2015)Even Jewel – World Three (2017)The Sleeping Gods – World Four (Coming Soon)The Turquoise Abyss – World Five (Coming Soon)Oceans of Fire – World Six (Coming Soon)Journeys End – World Seven (Coming Soon)THE SPELL OF BINDING SERIESThe Spell of Binding – Part One (2012)The Spell of Binding – Part Two (Coming Soon)THE PARKINGDOM SERIESParkingdom – Book One (2012)Parkingdom – Book Two (Coming Soon)OTHER BOOKSTales from the Lake Vol.2. Short Story: Prime Cuts (A mixed horror anthology with 18 other writers – published by Crystal Lake Publishing. 2016)Books released under the pseudonym J.G. NewtonEROTIC PLEASURES SERIES (#1 Best Seller on Amazon USA and UK Erotic/Suspense)Guilty Pleasures: Erotic Pleasures Series (2014)Dirty Pleasures: Erotic Pleasures Series (2014)Secret Pleasures: Erotic Pleasures Series (2014)Kinky Pleasures: Erotic Pleasures Series (2014)Erotic Pleasures Series 1-4 – Omnibus Edition (2014)EROTIC MONSTERS SERIES (#1 Best Seller on Amazon USA and UK Erotic/Suspense/Horror/Humorous)Frankenstein’s Monster: Erotic Monsters Series (2014)Dracula’s Lover: Erotic Monsters Series (2014)Mummy’s Desire: Erotic Monsters Series (Coming Soon)Werewolf’s Lust: Erotic Monsters Series (Coming Soon)COMPUTER GAMETHE SEEDGlen Johnson is on the development team as the lead writer (eight writers) for a new computer game series called The Seed. The Seed is a story-driven post-apocalyptic video game set in Eastern Europe in 2026. It’s a single-player 2D interactive novel, deeply rooted in HEXACO psychology – it showcases the gravity of choice. It’s by the same team that created the award-winning game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Misery mod.The Seed: Act 1 (2018)The Seed: Act 2 (Coming Soon)The Seed: Act 3 (Coming Soon)If you need to get hold of Glen Johnson, email him on:

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    Book preview

    The Sixth Extinction - Glen Johnson


    The Sixth Extinction is a period of time from present to around 10,000 BCE – where a large number of extinctions span numerous plants and animals, including birds, amphibians, arthropods, and mammals.

    The main reason for the hundreds of thousands of extinctions, which is speeding the sixth extinction along, is due to one mammal – the homosapien. Without intervention, the human race will cause the next mass extinction.

    Set three weeks before


    Part One – Outbreak

    And running parallel with



    Noah’s Story


    Red’s Story


    Betty and Lennie’s Story

    Doctor Melanie Ann Lazaro BSc PhD

    419 Pinhoe Road


    South Devon


    Works at Exeter University in the Microbes and Disease section of the Biosciences Department.


    Doctor Melanie Ann Lazaro BSc PhD

    419 Pinhoe Road


    South Devon


    Saturday 15th December 2012

    The Day of the Outbreak

    Day 1

    Melanie rolled over and stared at the alarm clock. It had green tinsel on it.

    6:15 AM, the glaring red light announced.

    She had to be up in fifteen minutes, but she always woke up before the alarm went off.

    The twenty-inch fan next to her bed hummed. She always slept with it on. The humming and vibrations stopped the sound of the traffic on the busy road next to the house from keeping her awake.

    Melanie stared at the ceiling. Christmas decorations crisscrossed it. She followed the same crack that had been there for over ten years. Her father always promised he would sort it out. However, he was always too busy in the basement, working on his project. Now he was retired, he had more time to spend in the windowless room. Besides, he was too old and unwell to go climbing around on a ladder.

    I need to get a life! It’s Saturday, and I’m still getting up at 6:30 to head into work. I need a...

    She was almost going to say boyfriend, but she stopped herself just in time. It was because of her ex that she was living at home again. Well, that and because she made any excuse to run home to mummy and daddy.

    She had now given up on men and concentrated on her job. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in over six years. She had also had ample opportunity to move out, but living at home was cheap and easy, and she did enjoy living with her parents.

    Due to being a child prodigy – with an IQ of 157 – she spent from the age of ten at a school for the gifted in Manchester. She returned home only one weekend a month. At the age of thirteen, she was one of only four people ever to be accepted into Cambridge University at such a young age. She took her BSc degree in Biomedical Science, and then her PhD, passing at the age of nineteen. And even with her busy schedule she still managed to write extra papers on DNA sequencing, which were published by science journals the world over.

    Parenting Issues, her ex used to shout, when they fought. He said she never had time to grow up properly.

    She thought about it a lot after they argued, and she agreed with him; she was damaged goods when it came to the emotional department. It should be called the Michael Jackson Syndrome; she decided.

    Her ex was called Jack Jenkins, or JJ as his friends called him, or Junkie Jack her parents nicknamed him towards the end of the relationship.

    Her mother used to berate her, You have a brain the size of a country, and yet when it comes to picking boyfriends you act as if you’re a stupid, rebellious love struck teenager, looking for a bad boy. She would then go to walk away, mumbling, Even Stephen Hawkin’s IQ is only three points away at 160, for Christ’s sake!

    Of course, her mother was right. What woman didn’t like the bad-boy element? The dangerous side? However, the boyfriends she ended up with weren’t so much the bad boy, more a dim-witted lowlife.

    She didn’t want to say, and hurt her feelings, but it was because of the way her parents treated her as a child, pushing her harder and harder that she ended up the way she has. She never had her parents around to support her; she was pushed into a routine where strict rules had to be followed.

    JJ looked tough, and was tough; that is, when it came to hitting females. He talked the talk, but never walked the walk. And when the drugs started flowing, she’d best be as far away from him as possible.

    Then she turned up back at home, having to leave wherever she was renting, losing the deposit her parents had given her because she left her ex behind, and they always stayed until they were forcibly kicked out – after trashing the place.

    At the time she was away in university, and instead of living on campus she rented out, and it wasn’t long before the insects started to gather around her

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