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8 Sexy Shorts
8 Sexy Shorts
8 Sexy Shorts
Ebook98 pages1 hour

8 Sexy Shorts

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About this ebook

A steamy collection of eight erotic short stories, sure to set pulses racing and get you in the mood. Featuring threesomes, couples and al fresco sex, there's something for everyone. From house-hunting couples to perfect strangers, hairdressers to accountants, everyone's getting it on. Strictly 18+.

PublisherT R Miller
Release dateJun 8, 2014
8 Sexy Shorts

T R Miller

T. R. Miller lives in a town in a valley, which gives plenty of inspiration for an active (and often dirty) imagination. Interests include cake, sex, historical romance and messing about on boats. Sometimes in that order.

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    8 Sexy Shorts - T R Miller

    8 Sexy Shorts

    T.R. Miller

    Published by T R Miller at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 T R Miller

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters in this work are over 18 years of age. This book is almost entirely adult-only content.


    1. Something For The Weekend

    2. The Best House-Hunting

    3. Working The Morning Shift

    4. A Bit Of Skirt

    5. Working Lunch

    6. The Eating-Out Bench

    7. The Test-Drive

    8. A Girls' Night Out

    1. Something For The Weekend

    He was a pleasant change when he first came into the hairdressing salon; Abi liked to have something nice to look at while she was working, and the last customer hadn't fitted the bill. She supposed he couldn't help being her granddad's age, but it did mean she had to amuse herself. She'd only clocked the new arrival for a second before going back to the old guy, and then didn't pay him much attention until she'd finished. With the other girls out until after dinner, she'd have to get through these three customers herself.

    It was a warm day, with the sun still pouring in through the half-frosted windows of the salon. Abi was glad she'd worn the top that fell off her shoulder and allowed her some movement and ventilation. It was going to be a hot afternoon.

    She glanced at the clock, above the new customer's head, and felt a flicker of hunger. With a slight flush, she realised that hunger wasn't just for food: the new customer was cute. Her own age, and very good-looking. She snapped her eyes back to granddad; he'd looked back at her! She carried on snipping, feeling his eyes on her, burning into her.

    As the old guy left, she stole another look. He was relaxed in his chair, eyes idly wandering about the room, nipples just visible under his tight t-shirt. Again, he glanced over at her, eyes dropping below her face and taking her all in.

    She caught herself licking her lips as she indicated for the next customer to take the chair. This was the ginger guy she'd had in a few times, she remembered. She made idle chit-chat about his job - which his mucky boots showed he'd come from that morning - while trimming his hair and trying to keep her mind on the task at hand. In the mirror, she could occasionally see the new customer looking over at her, his eyes moving up and down while he smiled ever so slightly. Her heartbeat quickened, and she felt her face flushing again as she tried to concentrate on Ginger.

    It was nearly lunchtime when she'd finished with Ginger and she followed him to the door. The new customer's eyes, she could feel, were on her, and she desperately wanted to know where and to feel his hand there. She glanced over at him, and turned the door sign to show 'Closed'. He cocked an eyebrow at her.

    Um, I don't want anyone else coming join the's nearly my dinner. He nodded. Her heart hadn't slowed down. With one hand, she indicated the chair, and when he turned to walk over she realised her other hand had slid down and turned the door latch. No one was going to join the queue now. Sorry about your wait. She said, brushing by him on the way to the chair.

    Not a problem. His smile melted her a little bit, and that accent - not local - had a hint of something she couldn't quite place. Whatever it was, it was making her heartbeat pick up another notch. She hoped he didn't notice her wipe slightly sweaty palms down her skinny jeans. She wafted the cape in a tight arc around his shoulders, breathing in the smell of him from above, and tucked it into the back of his collar, letting her fingers brush against his bare skin.

    So, what, erm, what do you want doing?

    I don't know, I'm quite enjoying where I am right now. His laid-back, almost cocky response surprised her. She was more surprised when she realised she'd leaned forward so far that his head was resting between her breasts.

    Oh, sorry! Her cheeks were red as she stepped back, Sorry, I hadn't -

    It's problem. There was a moment while they looked at each other in the mirror. Maybe next time you should do it to the front of my head instead.

    Maybe I will. She heard herself say, letting her top fall off her shoulder a little. Her heart hammered in her ears. She stepped forward again, running her fingers through his long, dark hair and whispered, But, until then, what am I doing with you?

    He cleared his throat, grinning as he did so.

    What would you like to do to me?. The temperature went up a degree or two.

    I meant with your hair.

    So did I. So, he was going to play innocent, even though that smirk told her he knew exactly what she meant. She stroked around his scalp a bit more, waiting for his answer.

    Just, er, I just want it trimming, please. Getting out of my eyes, y'know? She pulled some of his hair up between two fingers - it was long and straight and something smelled great, either him or his hair, she wasn't sure which. It was making her stomach flutter and her heart race.

    How much off? This much?

    A big bit, take a big bit off. She locked eyes in the mirror again.

    That is a big bit.

    You think that's big...? Those boys have been having you on, my dear. She dropped her eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice the flush across her face. Trying to regain some professionalism, some composure, she looked him in the eye again.

    Would you like to show me what you think big is?

    I'll show you anything you want. She couldn't think of an answer to that. Her mind wandered down to what she wanted to see, and those nipples of his came to mind. She snapped herself out of the brief daydream and asked him some trivial question about himself, hoping to calm herself down with small-talk.

    For maybe ten minutes, it worked. She gradually felt more in control as she snipped and clipped and combed, and his hair fell to the floor. Her heart slowed a little, and she stopped blushing. But she noticed that she let her fingers brush against his skin for longer than was necessary, she laughed a little bit longer than his jokes really deserved, and her skin stayed hot. Normally, when her top fell off her shoulder, she'd hoist it back up to cover her bra, but today when she noticed that he'd seen it she left it on show. Luckily, she'd worn her black lacy one, and - she remembered with a slight flush across her stomach and thighs - matching knickers. Occasionally, a breast brushed his head or rested on his shoulder, which he didn't seem to mind, so she let it happen more often.

    They were talking about his work when he said something that threw her self-control completely. She'd been trying to guess his job, and when she finally got it, he heaved a theatrical sigh of relief and said, I'm glad you got there in the end - I didn't want to be keeping you up all night with it. That cheeky look was on his face again; he knew what he'd said, and that he'd made her blush again.

    I wouldn't have let that happen.


    No...I'd have locked the door and not let you leave until I got it out of you.

    I'd like to see you try. Her blush deepened as she remembered that she'd already locked the door.

    Would you?

    I think I could handle being locked in here...with you. She could feel her hot skin tingling more, getting clammy in places she hadn't

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