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Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2
Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2
Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2
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Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2

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John and Sarah Twait are living the retirement life to its fullest. Escaping death just weeks before their last day at the Hillsville Police Department the aging couple now has a different lookout on life. Clambakes, and relaxing nights on the beach are penciled in for the couple’s foreseeable future. The aging retired couple have a do nothing life, where coffee and beer are in perpetual rotation. A relaxing atmosphere and an open afternoon make for a healthy relationship environment. The harmony is slowly rebuilding in their blistering relationship and finally the Twaits may be honorable.
The burning hot Bermuda sun has changed the pale Nebraska raised Sarah Twait into a gorgeous golden goddess and John Twait is loving every minute of it. He would let nothing come between him and his cowgirl. John, softened by the constant beer intake and lack of an alarm clock, continues his lust for women. Although he puts forth less effort to chase them, so long as Sarah remains by his side. Intimacy and love has returned with a vengeance and the time could not be worse for an alarming phone call from back home. Hillsville Nebraska has a problem that only John Twait can solve. Half-heartedly, he packs a bag to save an old friend.
John and Sarah’s erotic wishes are on hold. They must take with them their rekindled love hoping the flame continues to burn in a cold Nebraskin winter. Mike Yeager, John’s replacement as Hillsville Chief of Police, is in trouble. The Twaits’ young friend is being held on the charge of first degree murder in the death of Rose Tiddle, John Twait’s former mistress.
The evidence only leads to one prime suspect. Micheal Yeagger has been demoted from Hillsville Police Chief to a common county jail thug. With their friend's life in danger John reluctantly returns to Hillsville to save the day to continue his retirement.
Follow the former Chief as he tries to unweave a mystery woven in betrayal and deceit.

PublisherTony Rehor
Release dateMay 24, 2014
Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2

Tony Rehor

I was born and raised in the Midwest, Missouri, and Illinois. I live with the love of my life. We have 5 children, 2 girls, and 3 boys.

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    Return to Hillsville. John Twait Mystery Series v2 - Tony Rehor

    Return to Hillsville


    Tony Rehor

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published by Tony Rehor at Smashwords

    Return to Hillsville

    Copyright 2014 by Tony Rehor


    92 degrees at 2pm on this Tuesday at KMWA, Scorching clear day here in the Caribbean. Remember to always hydrate and wear your sunscreen people. In local news…’

    The sound from the radio begins to melt with the approaching sound of female laughter as John Twait captures the sight of exposed breasts on the strategically located west of his position.

    Twait quickly places his bottle in the sand turning his attention to the sound of laughter, carelessly tipping his drink into the sand.

    Hey handsome. The bustier of the two nude women said.

    John reaches back retrieving his beer as he stood to greet the two tall, tan nudes as the voluptuous women approached. Unaware of the large protruding bulge in his trunks from his earlier voyeurism, John takes the women's facial reaction as affirmation that his tan taught body tempted them.

    What can I do with you ladies today? John slyly asks.

    The oncoming woman points at Johns cooler.

    Got any beer you can spare?

    John stands erect, takes a slow, deep breath to extend his chest, presenting his aging six pack with a stimulating glare, looks the pair over sensing his trunks silently, slowly stretching from his arousal. As he knelt down to retrieve drinks for the women, punching in his code on the keypad the lid malfunctions. Twait tries his entry key again to no avail.

    Problem? the second women asked as she knelt down next to John resting her hand on his knee.

    Damn electronic piece of shit is the bane of my existence.

    Nevermind, we will go to town. The woman replied and rose to her feet, placing her body mere inches from John’s face, causing a great flush in his face as he raises his drink to his mouth eyeballs glued to the wondrous sight.

    What the… John spits his liquid gold on the ground wiping his tongue with his large forearm.

    Problem with your tongue, tiger? The smaller women quipped.

    "No, it works just fine, would you like to give it a whirl? John proposed, wagging his tongue in a circular motion with full intent.

    You’re a creep. the nearest woman replied as they walked quietly away from John.

    John wipes his bottle and takes a drink to rinse his mouth as he hears his wife awake from her lonesome tanning nap.

    Chapter 1

    The Easy Life

    John Twait is now desperately trying to save his wife Sarah from what she perceives will be a painful death brought on by deadly heat and dehydration, and possibly his own early demise. The burning afternoon sun relentlessly beats down on the white sand aiding to blind John as he frantically attempts to open the large container resting in front of him in the hot grains.

    Come on John, I’m dying over here, please hurry? Sarah requested with the sound of dehydration cracking her voice.

    "I am doing my best; just hang on a few more seconds. Piece of shit, I did it!" John Twait screamed loudly.

    John Twait reaches inside the blue container grabbing Sarah’s antidote as the sweat continues to burn his eyes like lemon juice.

    Ten minutes to open a beer cooler, really? Sarah voiced sarcastically reaching for the container in John’s hand.

    It has an electronic lock and it kept saying wrong number. John snarled.

    Mike was being nice when he sent that cooler John, even if it is smarter than you.

    Whatever. John whined, kicking the dry white sand like a disgruntled child.

    Drink your water and lay there looking beautiful, I am going for a swim. John said with a grin as he quickly trotted toward the inviting clear blue water.

    This is so beautiful, we are never leaving this paradise, Sarah spoke aloud as she put the refreshing bottle of cold water to her parched lips.

    Sarah watched John as he continued to play in the clear blue water like a child on spring vacation. Sarah has not seen her husband this happy and relaxed in years and she was going to do her best to keep it this way.

    The Twaits have been in relationship hell in the past two years and now it’s their turn to relax and enjoy each other’s company. John is not an easy man to love with his gruff womanizing ways, but Sarah was holding on to her cowboy.

    Let’s go John, I’m getting hungry. Sarah yelled as she stood up to wave at John.

    Guess what tonight is sweetheart? John yells cheerfully as he runs up to Sarah. It’s clambake night! He tells Sarah as he does his horrible happy dance.

    Harry assured me the clams are perfect for tonight. John said, holding a thumb up still dancing.

    Have fun. Sarah returned and began to walk away, putting a shake in her hips to get Johns attention.

    Have fun? I am seeing what I want to have fun with.’

    Stop right there. John said.

    John starts a slow trot through the blistering white sand to catch up with Sarah.

    Sarah raises her left hand high above her head, gives a one-finger salute, and begins to run. John slows to enjoy the view of Sarah’s firm cheeks bouncing in unison with every step she takes.

    Upon entering the small brown cottage located at the edge of the beach, Sarah quickly removes her top, exposing her firm tan breasts and turns to face John entering the cottage.

    Holy shit Sarah, John blurts out, staring at Sarah’s glistening breasts.

    Clambake or these, what’s it going to be? Sarah demanded, shaking her assets up and down with her hands.

    Both! John answered with a wide grin.

    Screw you John, the last time we went to a clambake in your friend’s house I was sick for three days. Sarah said.

    That was because the clams were spoiled honey. John explained.

    The seafood was spoiled because they sat in the sun all afternoon and half the evening while you and Harry drooled over the college girls that were here on vacation. Sarah said her hands resting on her hips standing in a dominate position.

    John stands silent.

    Whatever! Sarah remarks and begins to put her top on hiding her bargaining chips.

    Ever since you started that stupid erection drug you’re like a dog in heat. Sarah stated, shaking her finger in John’s face. Personally, I think you’re fine without it and Harry is full of shit when he says it’s for better health.

    John Twait started the ED drug therapy to satisfy his wife in the bedroom and to quench his own insatiable sex drive. The erection problems developed after a brutal knife attack his last day on the job that has caused a more than a few ripples in the couple’s marriage.

    Bend over. John said to Sarah with a chuckle.

    Fuck you John. Sarah replied, giving John the bird.

    It will be different tonight I promise dear and we can come home early and cuddle. John offered looking down with his puppy dog eyes.

    Sarah seductively walks over to John and slowly stroke the inside of his right thigh with a light rubbing motion causing noticeable arousal in John.

    I eat a burger, and we are home early. Sarah spoke softly as she continued to rub John’s thigh producing a visible erection.

    I promise dear, you eat a burger and we will come home early, right now I need a quick shower.cold one at that’ John mumbled to himself, walking to the bathroom.

    This is just another day in paradise for the Twaits after years of service in the Hillsville Police Department. Their retirement plan all but destroyed by the Eye Twitch Case that almost cost them their lives.

    Still recovering from the mental and physical wounds, the Twaits are trying to enjoy a life of fun and adventure in the Bahamas and breathe new life into their failing relationship.

    Chapter 2

    From Good to Bad

    ‘Slick Harry’ as John refers to him, is a hard charging small little man standing a mere five foot, five inches and is a retired New York detective the Twaits met their first day on the island.

    Harry knows all the right places to go and enjoy the land. Everyone knows Harry as the go to guy when you need something. The small muscular man has one plan for his own retirement and that is having clambakes, beer parties and having sex.

    The outspoken Harry, who has had the pleasure of being tossed out of every bar in the area at one time or another, takes every chance he can get leaving no stone or skirt unturned. Harry is a harmless horny old man that likes to stare at women and on occasion will drool causing local female bar patrons to feel uneasy which in turn usually puts an end to the little man’s fun for the evening.

    Are you ready? John asked Sarah, checking his gold retirement watch.

    Yes, John, I am ready for the big clambake. Sarah sarcastically said, as she entered the room wearing the sheerest blue blouse she could find in her modest selection.

    Maybe we should just stay home. John said with a wink, as he took in the view visibly excited.

    Upon hearing, the words stay home, Sarah walks over seductively and gently grabs at his waist with a lustful look in her eyes, as she feels flattered and aroused by his interest. Slowly she unzips his pants and begins to stroke him steadily.

    John bends down to Sarah covering her mouth with his own and driving his tongue deep into the back of her throat

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