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The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3)
The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3)
The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3)
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The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3)

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A serious fantasy series that doesn’t take itself seriously.

Get ready for more mayhem from the castor world with undead camouflage, cannibalistic zealots and...coconuts. Trust me, they’re useful. This latest installment has Fred and Co. unleashed on the world as they jump from one evil stone to the next in their quest to destroy Canavar’s power. Why go to all that trouble? To save the world!

PublisherHeidi Willard
Release dateJun 10, 2014
The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3)

Heidi Willard

Born near the last wilds of northeastern Washington state, Heidi Willard now resides in the lower state with her husband and insane cats. She writes in the paranormal and fantasy (and sometimes both) genres. She always enjoys a good chat with fans and book junkies, so feel free to drop her a line.Visit her at her website at heidiwillard.comSign up for her newsletter at

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    The Unwilling Ambassador (The Unwilling #3) - Heidi Willard


    Slow down, Fred! Pat shrieked as she clutched the boy's waist.

    Why? he yelled over the wind that whipped past them.

    Because you're going to get us both killed! she snapped back.

    The pair were on Fluffy and making patrols around the mountains of Tramadore. It had been five days since the battle of Tramadore, and they were stuck on guard duty during the evening. There were few horses to spare, so Fred had suggested they use Fluffy to scout the northwest region in the direction of Galaron. The undead creatures that inhabited the once-proud city were the greatest threat, but there'd been no sign of the shambling undead anywhere near Tramadore.

    Fluffy climbed a mountain and they found themselves on a flat slab of rocks. The scouts looked out on the beautiful scene before them. The plains were green with tall grass, and a soft breeze blew by them and softly touched their faces. A few columns of smoke still rose from the direction of Galaron, but the road leading to the dead city was, like the city, empty.

    Pat slipped off the saddle, and glared at the boy and his cantankus. You two are crazy.

    Fred smirked and leaned down to rub Fluffy's chin. No, we just work well together so we can go that fast. Isn't that right, boy? Fluffy barked and drooled.

    Thank Phaeton I wasn't with you in the cavern... she muttered.

    Yeah, we might not have made it with another person on his back, Fred agreed.

    Are you calling me fat?

    Um, no?

    Good. Pat stepped up to the edge of the flat rock. She looked out towards Tramadore and the black scorch marks where the battle had been fought. Do you- she began, but shook her head. Never mind.

    Do I what? he asked her.

    I said never mind, she bit back.

    Fred leaned his face against Fluffy's ears. Girls are very strange, he whispered to the beast. Fluffy gave a nod, but both stiffened when Pat swirled around.

    What did you say? she questioned them.

    Fred waved his hands in front of him. Nothing! Nothing! he replied.

    Pat scowled at him. That's what I thought. She slipped back into the saddle and nodded at Tramadore. Let's get back and change the guards. Their duty was only for the evening; the gargoyles took care of all night patrols.

    Fluffy galloped back to the city just as the sun set, and they passed by the camp that held the people of Galaron. Semi-permanent structures rose up from the numerous tents, and many people wandered aimlessly through the temporary city. Fred glanced over his shoulder at Pat. Have Ned and Lord Tramadore found anything about the stone in Galaron? he asked her.

    She shook her head. Not a thing. The secret may be in the library at Galaron's castle, if it survived, she replied as they rode through the city gateway. The defenses were fully repaired and gargoyles guarded the walls. The pair stopped at the guardhouse and were met by Sampson with Ruth at his side.

    Good evening, he greeted them.

    Good evening. Going for a practice flight? Pat guessed.

    Yes. Ruth's flying is excellent, but her landings are a little rough, Sampson told them as he glanced at his daughter. Ruth stared at the ground and blushed.

    It's a perfect night. We have nothing to report from the direction of Galaron, Pat replied.

    The responsibility of guarding the area was passed on to Sampson and his clan, and Fred, Pat and Fluffy walked up to the castle. Candles in the windows welcomed them to their temporary home. Fluffy was left in the courtyard, and inside they noticed the study door was ajar. Fred and Pat peeked into the room and found the place in the usual mess of the past few days. Scrolls and books littered the floor, bookshelves and furniture while the two researchers, Lord Tramadore and Ned, poured over the contents.

    The room was lit up like the sun with floating candles enchanted by Ned. Fred shuddered when he thought about doing such a magic trick. The whole castle would burn down and only the living silverware would rise from the ashes to destroy the rest of the town. Fred glanced at the corner to their left which fronted the castle. He thought he saw a shimmer of movement against the wall, but his attention was caught when Tramadore sighed and collapsed onto a stack of books that lay on the nearest chair.

    I'm afraid I'm stumped, old friend, he admitted to Ned. Tramadore wiped from his hands and face dust accumulated from the ancient writings. There doesn't seem to be anything about the treasure of the Sterning region.

    Ned's own face was grim. I, too, must admit there isn't a clue to the item to destroy the region stone, he agreed.

    Pat stepped into the room and dragged Fred with her. Is there any way we can help? she offered.

    Tramadore smiled at the pair. Only if you have the knowledge of the ancient castors and know where they hid the other five treasures.

    No, but we both have eyes and-

    -and I can't read, Fred reminded her.

    Reading is poor substitution for working with your hands, Canto's gruff voice spoke up as he walked into the room.

    Which is his way of saying he can't read, either Ned translated to the others.

    Canto plopped down on a stack of books and scowled. What are ya reading these things for when legends are more useful? he countered. Take dwarves. We pass our tales down through the woman's line. A very practical method except when there aren't any females in the family, or when we've made them mad enough to shut them up. Then it's a curse and a blessing.

    Tramadore and Ned jumped up at Canto's suggestion and looked to each other. That's it! Tramadore shouted. He pulled a nearby chord to call a servant.

    Canto raised an eyebrow. What's it?

    Ned jumped forward, grabbed Canto's hands and danced the dwarf around the room in a fast jig. The answer to our question, you brilliant dwarf!

    Canto sprang from Ned's grasp and brushed off the dust from his hands. What are ya going on about?

    A servant came at the chord's beckoning. You rang, my lord?

    Yes, would you please fetch Sampson here? Tramadore replied. He may be on the walls watching the city.

    He's at the gate, Pat spoke up.

    Tramadore smiled at the young woman. Excellent. Hurry to the gate and bring him here.

    The servant bowed and hurried off to perform his task. Canto glared at the two men. What mischief have ya two planned?

    No mischief, only answers, and you'll know soon enough, Tramadore assured him.

    The servant promptly brought Sampson with Ruth to the study. The gargoyle leader was understandably curious and cautious at the outset of the interview. His clan was still precariously new to the city and even after their help in destroying the stone he feared they would be banished. Tramadore smiled at the gargoyle, easing some of his unease. You sent for me? Sampson asked them.

    Ned nodded. Yes, we wish to know if your people passed on any legends of Galaron, specifically anything to do with a treasured item that needed protecting.

    Sampson raised a brow. Yes, my people know of such an item. We were entrusted with its care a very many years ago by a king of Galaron.

    The four humans and dwarf sprang to life at their breakthrough. Tramadore eagerly stepped forward. And do you still care for this item? he asked him.

    The gargoyle nodded. Yes, it was one of the few possessions we took with us on leaving Galaron.

    But why would you keep protecting it after the king betrayed you? Pat asked him.

    Sampson turned to her with a deep expression of seriousness. That king was kind to us, and one's duty doesn't end until the work is finished.

    Can you bring this item to us? Tramadore requested.

    Very well, Sampson agreed. In the space of half an hour a box darkened and worn with age was brought by Sampson to the study. The seal of the Galaron royal family, a hunter standing tall, stood out on the lid and Sampson gently set it on the desk. It was a small box about a foot long and half a foot deep. There was a lock on the front, and Sampson turned to Ned. The words of the king passed down through our clan tells that only a castor can release the lock.

    Ned smiled and pulled up his long, floppy sleeves. They slid back down immediately. Stand back, this may take some time.

    Canto scoffed. Why? It's only a lock.

    Ned hunched over the box and inched the tip of his staff toward the lock. The ancient castors were masters of magic. They created the stones, devised the use of wands, and- His staff tapped the lock and the lid sprang open an inch.

    -and knew as much as a child about lock spells, Canto finished for him. A dwarf child can make a better lock.

    Ned straightened and coughed. Yes, well, they couldn't master every skill. Everyone crowded around him as he flipped open the lid. Inside, laying on a velvet pillow, were two halves to a coconut, along with a piece of paper attached to the inside of the lid. Ned took the note while Tramadore lifted out the ancient relics.

    The lord looked from one piece to the other. These are coconuts, he informed everyone.

    We can see that, Canto quipped. But what Ah want to know is how are these going to help us against that undead army in Galaron.

    Ned answered that. It seems the items resonate with the stones through sound. When Captain Hawkins jabbed the hairpin into the stone he created a vibration that cracked the exterior and broke the whole thing into pieces.

    So we need to resonate these two pieces of coconuts with the stone in Galaron? Tramadore guessed.

    Precisely, Ned replied. He folded up the paper and stuffed it into his cloak. The ancient castors left instructions on how to use the pieces. Let me demonstrate. He took the halves from Tramadore and held them a few inches apart from one another. They go like this. He gently knocked them together to create a noise like the clapping of horse's hooves on hard ground. See? Nothing to it.

    Except for the undead army surrounding the stone, Canto reminded them. He nodded at the coconut pieces. If that pony sound needs to reach the stone someone is going to have to be standing next to it clapping those things together like an idiot.

    I never said the task would be easy, Ned countered. We'll need a very detailed and careful plan-

    We could fly to the stone, Ruth suggested. Everyone stared at her and she blushed beneath the attention. I thought perhaps it would be a good idea... she murmured.

    Sampson put his arm around her shoulders and smiled. That would be a perfect idea, Ruth, he told her.

    Ned chuckled. It seems with this group that I'm outmatched in wits.

    Pat patted him on the shoulder. But not in abilities. We'll need your power to fight off any of the undead around the stone.

    Well, that's one comfort, Ned chuckled. He turned to Sampson. We'll need your peoples' help for another dangerous task.

    The gargoyle leader gave a nod. We will help however we can. The people of Galaron may have rejected us, but the city was our home for many centuries. It deserves better than to be tainted with the filth of Canavar.

    Then it's agreed, a voice spoke up. Percy walked into the room with a bright smile on his face. We'll travel the distance with horses, and have the gargoyles carry us over the undead to the stone.

    You're coming with us? Pat asked him.

    Of course, he cheerily replied. I wouldn't want to leave such a lovely lady to face the dangers of the world alone.

    She's hardly alone, Canto interrupted. He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at the young man. And how useful would you be? You don't even know how we're going to destroy the stone.

    Percy nodded at a corner of the room that had first caught Fred's attention. I have my sources. At his words a cloak was pulled aside and Deadly Sins the assassin revealed himself to the party.

    Fred was less surprised than the others, and caught Ned staring at him. Canto glared at the unwelcome intruder. Ah've dealt with many people in my lifetime, but we don't need his kind around.

    Percy walked over to the tall assassin and set a hand on his shoulder. The young man turned to the others and shrugged. I'm afraid he's my personal bodyguard, and I've found him as invaluable as my father found him, so I must insist he come with us. I'm sure we can find some use for his unique abilities. Fred shuddered. Lord Sturgeon had found Sins most useful in almost assassinating him.

    Canto opened his mouth to argue, but Ned put a hand on the dwarf's shoulder. We would be glad to have you both come with us, and we'll leave tomorrow night. Will that work for you and your people, Sampson?

    Sampson nodded. Yes. The journey will take us more than a night, and we will need to rest at Salaron.

    Then let us adjourn until tomorrow, and meet at the gate of the city, Ned suggested.

    Percy bowed and left the room with Sins, and Sampson resumed his duties as lead guard of the night patrol. That left the three youngsters, Ned, Canto and Tramadore. The dwarf was not happy, and glared at Ned. This isn't wise, old friend. Those in the assassin guild can't be trusted.

    Fred's eyes widened. There's a guild of assassins? he asked them.

    Pat groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. Will you ever not be green? she wondered. Fred sheepishly grinned and shrugged.

    The assassin's guild is a very old group of killers who sell their unique skills for money, Tramadore explained to him. They have their own set of, well, rules-

    -and no morals to bother 'em, Canto added.

    Tramadore smiled and gave a nod. And no morals. Those who hire one of their members usually receive the results for which they pay.

    So tell us again why we can trust this assassin not to kill us all? Canto asked Ned.

    At that moment they heard a horrible roar outside, followed by yelling. Fred's eyes widened, and Pat's head whipped to the door. Fluffy! she yelled.


    They raced outside to the courtyard and saw Fluffy at the base of the dining hall window barking at the castle wall above him. Fred and Pat flew by a chuckling Ned, who's head was tilted back to look up at what the beast was barking. I trust if we keep Fluffy with us we won't find Mr. Sins to be a problem.

    The pair of youngsters dashed over to Percy, who stood a safe ten yards away from the growling and snarling Fluffy. What happened? Pat asked him in a hurried breath.

    Percy shook his head, but kept his eyes facing upward. I don't know. We stepped outside and this beast attacked us. Deadly Sins distracted the beast while I jumped aside.

    Distracted? Ah'd say he had his full attention, Canto quipped as he nodded up at one of the castle ledges high off the ground. Sins sat on the ledge with one leg dangling over the edge. His eyes were narrowed and they all imagined there was a scowl beneath the bandanna that covered his mouth.

    Ned pulled at his beard and stepped toward the group of youngsters. He glanced between the beast and the captive with an amused expression. I would say Fluffy here knows our dark-dressed companion. Ned called up to Sins, you wouldn't happen to know this cantankus, would you? Sins didn't reply, but Ned chuckled and stepped up to the cantankus. He patted the beast on the head and that soothed Fluffy's anger. Well, either way we shall assure our safety by keeping Fluffy close at hand.

    Very close at hand, Canto agreed with a laugh.

    Would someone mind taking this Fluffy away so my guard can get down? Percy requested.

    Fluffy, come here! Fred called to the beast. Fluffy's demeanor dramatically changed, and those dark, sharp eyes turned to pools of softness. He turned and loped over to his boy, and covered Fred in a drool-dripping tonguing. Fred laughed and pushed the beast away, but Pat cringed and stepped away from them.

    That's disgusting, she commented.

    Yeah, want to try it? he asked her.

    Pat rolled her eyes. No, I don't want to pet Fluffy- at the sound of his name Fluffy whirled around and slapped his tongue across her face. When he realized what he'd done Fluffy stiffened, and his tongue slowly slid down to reveal Pat's bright red, slobber-covered face. Pat's fisted hands quivered at her side, and her teeth clenched together. The poor beast whimpered and slunk backwards behind Fred. Get that mangy thing out of here, she growled at them.

    Um, yeah, Fred hastily agreed. He slipped onto Fluffy's back and rode the cantankus out into the city.

    Pat walked stiffly toward the castle doors. Percy matched her steps. I want to thank you-

    Not right now, she snapped. Percy flinched and let her go inside alone.

    Canto shook his head. Nothing like a woman uncomfortably covered in slobber to remind me why Ah never married.

    Tramadore raised an eyebrow. "Was this a common problem in your youth

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