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Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels)
Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels)
Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels)
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Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels)

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From the Publisher that brought you popular short story series Earthbound Angels, The January Morrison Psychic Files, , Ralph's Gift, Come With Me, A Halloween Awakening, One Wrong Step, Shadow Stalkers, and Friend Zone. and now the prequels of...

Earthbound Angels Celestial Stories Collection!

Dark Knight in Disguise - The Prequel

What do you do when you wake up in a different body... and a different life?

Erick falls into a world where light is corporeal light and most beings are walking blind in spiritual darkness--Earth.

Why does he have to be one of them just because he questioned their importance? He could not understand this punishment: being turned into a human. His questions are valid--he thinks it is true that humans have always been the weakest link among his Father's creations.

What does he do? He's down, and angry, and worse of all, his wings are clipped--literally!

This is the beginning--the prequel to the first book of Earthbound Angels.

Angel at Law - The Preview

When an angel falls from heaven, does he also fall from grace?

Simon Draco is an angel.

Or he was an angel — before his wings were clipped and he becomes a human being, one of God's beloved creations that he feels he will never be able to understand. He is given a chance to gain knowledge by being one of them—breathing the air that they breathe, getting bruised when punched, healing slower than a turtle's crawl, and feeling emotions he was too magnificent to feel before.

Simon happens to be one of the most magnanimous angels there is, and this is carried over to his new life as a human being. Erick Angell, one of the angels that fell to Earth first, finally found him. And when he does, he helps Simon make things happen. He helps him find his own special niche on the hell-hole they used to call Earth...

Angel Private Eye - The Origin

He has to find himself, and his worth...

Graeme St. Paul has issues. Big issues. He is turned into human and thrown to their world. He is as disoriented as a swan thrown in mud from a sparkling pond. There is no way out.

But he tries to learn. After a short while of wallowing, he comes out and investigated this world of humans. He observes them—what they like, what they eat, what they do. It is taking much for him to adapt. He is not ready to call himself human. He does not care about that.

But as he watches, he sees the signs. A smile. A caring hand on another's shoulder. Laughter. Delicious food. Camaraderie. Friendship.


How can he be not drawn to humans? Riddled now with their every qualities including their faults , how can he avoid to care?

When one helpless female is kidnapped and is missed, Graeme finds that he has the power to instinctively know where she is.

And his first act of caring is the first step that takes him to finding himself.

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateFeb 5, 2014
Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels)

Sandra Ross

The moment Sandra Ross held her first romance novel when she was ten, she knew she was going to write romance. At thirty now, a prolific reader and a freelance writer, she's since then expanded her preferences from just romance to romance with a dash of now trending sub-genres—paranormal , fantasy, sci-fi even, and erotica. She loves challenging herself and would write on a dare. On a normal day, she would be found in her herb garden collecting spices for her kitchen or ingredients for her potions; in her huge eclectic Provencal kitchen with the big modern oven cooking pots and pans of food for her family of one husband and three kids (an ardent daughter and two boisterous sons) that'll probably last for weeks; in her library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and an e-reader in her hands as she reads the latest erotic hit; or scribbling pages upon pages of different erotic lifestyles, searching for the one that feels like it was inspired by just the right mix of passion, story line, and sex. Aside from these activities, the rest of the time she'd be found in front of her laptop typing the latest Sandra Ross concoction for her readers.

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    Book preview

    Earthbound Angels (The Heartthrob Fallen Celestial Stories, Prequels) - Sandra Ross

    Chapter One

    HE OPENED HIS EYES carefully because there was something bright that hurt them, something he was unaccustomed to seeing. It took a few seconds for the blurriness to leave him and to allow his vision to clear. Even then, things didn't make a lot of sense. Where was he? What was this thing he was lying upon? Why was there only silence interspersed with loud displeasing noises? There should be the soothing and uplifting sounds of the most beautiful music ever made. What happened? His mind was still very hazy on that score.

    Are you awake, my son?

    A soft yet strong voice emanated from across the room. Lifting his head just enough to see who spoke to him, he could just make out the shape of a man sitting in the chair by the small table placed under a large window.

    Where am I? the man asked. Who are you?

    Everything will become clear to you very shortly, the man chuckled. There seemed to be somewhat of a sad quality to the sound.

    Laying his head back down, the man blinked several times and then realized that a rather odd light coming from the table beside the bed was causing the discomfort to his eyes. Yes, he had figured out that he was on a bed. That light must be a lamp, he decided. But he still didn't understand what was going on with all of those sporadic noises he kept hearing.

    Forcing himself to relax and try to think back to what had happened, the man started to slowly regain his memory, but he still wasn't so sure as to why he was here in this rather uncomfortable and very unattractive place. Finally, he felt well enough to sit up, propping some nearly flat pillows behind him to give him a bit more balance.

    Looking at the man sitting in the chair, he was starting to have a gradual realization as to this man's identity and, at the same time, a feeling of dread grew within him. Something else was also wrong. This wasn't his body. Even though he had not looked in a mirror, he could look down at himself and see that there was nothing familiar about this corporeal form in which he was currently encased. Suddenly, sitting upright, he frantically put his hands behind him trying to touch his upper back. There was nothing there. Crying out, he tried to stand up quickly and failed due to a sensation of severe imbalance and only managed to fall back down onto the bed.

    Something else wasn't right, either. He had a sudden pain in his stomach that he couldn't identify as well as some weird rumbling noise that went along with the pain. Pressing his hand to his abdomen, he looked again to the man sitting across the room. Why hadn't he said anything else?

    Who are you? What's happened to me? he finally addressed the man once more.

    Who I am isn't as important as who you are now, the man replied in that soft, almost melodious voice. First of all, I'll answer the questions that are of primary importance to you. As we go along, you may ask more questions that may come to you.

    The man sitting on the bed nodded in agreement although he still had his hand across his stomach. With an expectant look on his face, he waited.

    You will need to know your name, the man said. From this moment on, you shall be called Erick Angell.

    Erick Angell. The man now known as Erick repeated. But that doesn't feel right.

    That's because for an infinite amount of time, you carried another name. But that name is in the past now and you will be known by this new name.

    Alright, Erick replied rather slowly. Who am I? Where did I come from?

    We will get to the part of your origin in a moment. For now, you must keep in mind that you are Erick Angell. You have been provided with all of the appropriate documents that you will need for identification. Before I depart, you will also be possession with a set of memories that will help you to get by until you have learned it all. Do you understand so far?

    I think so, Erick said. I'm just not clear on where I came from and why I am in this room. Can you tell me?

    Of course, I can, Son, the man replied. The part of you that you feel is missing from your body is something that you've literally had forever. You are missing your wings.

    Chapter Two

    EXCUSE ME? Erick choked out. My what?

    Your wings, the man replied patiently. That is why you had such trouble with your balance when you tried to stand.

    Why did I have wings? Erick fairly shouted.

    They generally go along with being an angel, the man replied. Except in special cases where it becomes necessary to clip those wings. In fact, that's what has happened to you, Erick.

    Wait a minute, Erick said as he put his hand to his head and massaged his temples. So far you've told me that my name is now Erick Angell and that I used to have wings because I was an angel.

    That's correct.

    This makes no sense! There are no such things as angels! Now tell me immediately who I really am!

    The man in the chair sighed deeply and looked down at his folded hands. Then he looked back at Erick.

    There are such things as angels and you used to be one. Do you not remember any of this?

    Erick was about to reply in the negative but, suddenly, a pain ripped through his head and there, an intensely clear vision took place. He was arguing with someone and being quite arrogant. The place where he stood was bright, almost blindingly so. There was the most amazing music coming from somewhere; voices that could not be more perfect in their harmony and beauty. As he looked around in the vision, he could see other beings standing at a safe distance from the disagreement in which he seemed to be embroiled. They were all indescribably beautiful and wearing pristine, pure white robes of some sort. On their backs were folded wings.

    Even though this was impossible to take in, Erick knew that what he was seeing was true. He was an angel, or had been one. At this point, he assumed that the argument had something to do with why he was now in this ugly room in a different body with no wings.

    Ah, I see that you are starting to remember, said the man in the chair. Do you also remember why you are here now?

    Not exactly, Erick replied haltingly. Something about an argument?

    Yes, the man said in sad voice. "It was an argument; one that had been going on for a long time. I finally grew tired and weary

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