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Second Chances
Second Chances
Second Chances
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Second Chances

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Ryder Gallagher hates summer time at the Gallagher Dude Ranch because it brings in the city slickers who think they want to experience ranch life. His parents had decided to turn the family ranch into a dude ranch five years ago. Which in turn, makes a great profit but that didn't mean Ryder had to like it. When Ryder was competing in Professional Bull Riding circuit, he wasn't at the ranch. But since tow years ago, when Ryder was hurt from a bull and couldn't compete anymore, he was at the ranch full time.
Kendra Williams is a widow who lost her husband to cancer a year and half ago. She lived day by day just existing. Her best friend, Megan James decided to book them a vacation at the Gallagher Dude Ranch in Loveland, Colorado for a relaxing get away hoping to get Kendra out of her depression.
As soon as, Kendra steps on the ranches bus, sparks fly between Ryder and herself. Kendra tries to resist Ryder's southern charm. He is complete opposite of her late husband.
Ryder has never had a woman attract him like a magnet before. He can't seem to stay away from Kendra wanting to get to know everything about her.
Kendra tries to resist Ryder feeling disloyal to her dead husband for feeling interested and sexually attracted to another man. Ryder makes her feel alive and desirable again. Can Kendra give life and love a second chance or stay loyal to her dead husband?

PublisherSally Lovell
Release dateJun 13, 2014
Second Chances

Sally Lovell

Live in small town in Michigan. Owned Hair and Tanning Salon for 15 years. Decided to try my hand at writing e-books. Which has been a trip. It is exciting and frustrating all in one. But I love it. With the help of my family, which is two teenage daughters and my husband and two dogs, they have been vary patient with me. It especially with all the frustration of the formatting of the book.

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    Book preview

    Second Chances - Sally Lovell

    Second Chances

    Gallagher Ranch

    Sally Lovell

    Second Chances

    Gallagher Ranch

    Sally Lovell

    Copyright Sally Lovell 2014

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please support the authors and do not participate in piracy of copyrighted material.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to a person's living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Chapter 1

    1 year earlier, Kendra Williams left the hospital in a daze with tears streaming down her face. Her best friend Megan James was half holding her up, so she didn't fall to the ground in despair of grief. The two women slowly moved together in a fog. Megan had her arms linked through Kendra's, giving her the support she needed to walk straight.

    They both were quiet except for the sniffling of their noses from the tears that continued to fall without slowing down. Megan knew she had to get Kendra home before she completely broke down from grief. As they passed the nurse's station, a few nurses gave them a weak smile and a nod of their heads. Megan's heart hurt knowing what was to come yet from Kendra. She knew it was going to be gut-wrenching watching her best friend grieve for the loss of her husband.

    Megan led Kendra to the elevators. She reached out to push the down button and then tugged Kendra into the elevator after the doors opened. They slid inside, moving to the back. Kendra let out a small whimper as her body shivered and the doors closed. Megan squeezed Kendra's arm. Kendra looked at Megan with eyes full of tears.

    I can’t believe Travis is gone, Megan, Kendra cried.

    I know, love. I know, Megan whispered.

    Before Kendra could say anything else, the elevator door opened. They moved out of the elevator towards the exit doors. Megan breathed in the fresh, brisk air as she led Kendra to her car. Megan unlocked and opened the door for Kendra. Megan untangled her arm from Kendra. Megan watched as Kendra slowly got into the car. Once Kendra was settled inside, Megan shut the door.

    Megan wiped her eyes as she proceeded to walk to the driver's side of the car. She opened the door and climbed inside. Megan glanced over at Kendra. Kendra had her head hanging down, her hands covering her eyes, and she was crying. Megan reached over and patted Kendra's arm. Megan could physically see Kendra's whole body shaking.

    I will have you home in a few minutes, Megan stated. Kendra nodded.

    Megan started the car, put it into gear, and pulled out of the parking lot. Kendra's house was about 15 minutes from the hospital. Nothing more was said as Megan drove to the house. Megan thought it would be better to go to her house instead, but Kendra refused the offer. Kendra wanted to go home to the house she had shared with her husband.

    About 15 minutes later, Megan pulled into the driveway. She looked at Kendra, who still wept quietly in the passenger seat. Megan took a deep breath and gently caressed Kendra's arm.

    Honey, you are home, Megan whispered. Kendra slowly lowered her hands from her face and raised her head. Then, looking over at Megan with red, watery eyes, she nodded.

    Are you ready to go inside? Megan asked gently. Again, Kendra nodded.

    Okay, let's go, Megan replied, reaching out and grabbing the door handle. Kendra did the same.

    They both climbed out of the car just in time for Kendra to slightly stumble. Megan again linked her arm through Kendra's, giving her the needed support. They slowly walked to the house's entrance. Kendra opened her purse and started fumbling through it for the keys.

    I can't find my keys, Kendra mumbled as her hands shook, rifling through her purse.

    Let me. Megan grabbed Kendra's purse. She found the keys and unlocked the door, and Kendra followed Megan through.

    Kendra stopped inside the entryway, dropping her purse on the stand next to the front door. Then she slipped off her shoes and headed into the house without stopping, straight to the bedroom Travis and she had shared for twelve years.

    Kendra's grief was so heavy she needed to hold something of Travis's. She opened the bedroom door, walked through it, and closed it behind her. She needed to be alone without anyone hovering to ensure she was alright, but she wasn't right now.

    Megan watched Kendra walk to the bedroom. She stayed back and turned towards the living room. Megan sat down on the couch and started to cry, feeling the hurt and loss of her best friend's husband. Megan knew her grief was nowhere near the heart-wrenching pain of Kendra's. Megan wasn't sure what to do for Kendra except be here if she needed her.

    Megan could hear Kendra's anguish from the bedroom but decided it was probably best to leave her alone for a while. She knew that was what she would want if the tables were turned. Megan knew Kendra had stayed remarkably strong through Travis's ordeal and had never once broken down until now. Megan was impressed by Kendra's strength and willpower. Now, it was Kendra's time to be weak and despairing.

    Kendra rushed to the laundry basket, grabbing one of Travis's shirts. She lifted the shirt to her face, breathing in Travis's scent. She rubbed the soft shirt against her cheek. Tears pooled in her eyes, making it hard to see.

    Kendra fell onto the bed in a heap, clutching Travis's shirt to her face. She curled into a fetal position. Every part of her body hurt from the pain of losing her soul mate. She bawled harder, and her body shook with gut-wrenching sobs.

    Travis, Travis, Kendra sobbed with a sore throat. Why did you have to leave me. I can’t do this alone. I have never been by myself. Oh god! I can’t do this. Kendra pounded her fists into Travis’s shirt on the bed in anguish.

    Travis, please come back to me, please! Kendra cried.

    Several hours later, Kendra finally cried herself to sleep from exhaustion. She fell asleep with Travis’s shirt wrapped around her.

    Two years earlier, Travis Williams had been having painful headaches that made him sick. He would black out from painful headaches and then vomit. He finally went to the doctor. They ran a bunch of tests on him. The diagnosis that came back wasn’t good. Travis had a tumor on the left side of his brain. The biopsy came back with brain cancer.

    The tumor was inoperable. The news was a devastating blow to Kendra and himself. The only option was chemotherapy and radiation. There was no guarantee that either one would work to shrink the tumor. The odds were not in his favor. The only positive was it could go into readmission for a period of time, but it would still be there.

    Kendra had stayed positive and strong even when Travis wasn’t. She would not let Travis give up without a fight. Travis knew he was going to die at the age of 30. He needed to make sure Kendra would be financially settled without him. They had been high school sweethearts.

    Travis had married Kendra right after high school. They had met at the tender age of 16. It was love at first sight. Neither of them bothered to date anyone else. They had been inseparable. They had been each other’s only for fourteen years.

    They had a great marriage. So, Travis feared leaving Kendra alone. Kendra's parents lived in Chicago. She really didn't have a great relationship with them. Kendra was an only child.

    Travis decided to up his life insurance policy to $1.5 million when he started to have severe headaches. He had not told Kendra the headaches had started almost a year before he went to the doctor. He had hidden the headaches well from her. Kendra found out something was wrong when the blacking out started. She talked Travis into going to the doctor. That was when their life fell apart.

    Travis started with radiation with no results of the tumor-shrinking after six months of treatments. The doctor decided it was time to get more aggressive. Travis had five months between the treatments. Travis tried to prepare Kendra for the worst, but she wouldn't listen and kept up with the positive attitude for which he was grateful.

    The day finally came a year later when the doctors explained there was nothing more they could do. Travis had already known the outcome before the meeting. He tried several times to tell Kendra, but she ignored him. Travis knew it was time to ensure she had nothing to worry about financially. The house and vehicles would have been paid off in the event of his death. His life insurance policy would be enough to carry her through life.

    The doctors did give him a choice of exploratory drugs to try, and Travis said no. He was done trying to stop the cancer. Kendra tried with everything in her to change his mind. But Travis didn’t budge. Travis made peace and was ready to end the pain. The only thing he would take was Morphine.

    After six months of stopping chemotherapy, Travis was bedridden. Kendra had to take care of him twenty-four-seven. Travis hated it. He saw the stress take its toll on her. Her life had always revolved around him by choice, but now it was a demand. Due to his weakness, Travis couldn't even get out of bed and attend to personal needs without help.

    He finally made Kendra sit down one night and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Travis told Kendra about the extra life insurance policy. He also told her the house and vehicles would be paid off with his death. Kendra was grateful but didn't care because he wasn't going to die.

    Travis was slowly dying in front of Kendra, and there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. There were times when she felt so helpless but wouldn't give up. The cancer was winning. Travis always tried to make her promise to find someone to love after he was gone. Kendra refused to make the promise. Travis even went as far as involving Megan in his awful plan.

    Travis and Megan went on dating sites to pick her out another man. Kendra was furious with them. That was the last time she had seen a sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his beautiful face. Even on his deathbed, Travis tried to make her promise she would remarry and find happiness with another man. Kendra refused to make the promise.

    That was the last time it was ever mentioned again because Travis had gone into a coma. The days slipped by, and Travis deteriorated. He was put on a life machine until there was no brain activity left. Kendra was told that she had to make the decision to pull the plug to end Travis’s life. Technically, Travis was already gone. The machine was breathing for him.

    Kendra watched the beautiful man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with shrink into a skeleton. They were supposed to have children and grow old together, but life had played a dirty trick. Kendra would have to go it alone.

    Megan stood up, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She looked at the clock. It was now 8:00pm, and the house was quiet. Megan became concerned about Kendra and walked to the bedroom. Reaching out, she slowly turned the handle, opening the door. She peeked inside, seeing Kendra curled up on the bed.

    Megan quietly walked over to the bed, noticing Kendra wrapped up in one of Travis's shirts. Her heart clenched at the sight, and tears again flooded her eyes. Megan backed out of the bedroom, not wanting to disturb Kendra. The poor girl had cried for six hours and needed the rest.

    Present day

    After a year of mourning, Kendra was ready to start living—she just wasn't sure how. For the last year, she had gone to work and then come home to a silent house. Kendra was lonely, but she didn't think she had the right to enjoy life without Travis.

    Kendra felt that if she was happy, it would be a betrayal to Travis. She was not sure if she could follow through on her promise to find happiness, as Travis had taken part of her heart with him when he died.

    For months after his death, Kendra wanted to go with him. She had never been alone before, leaving her parents' home and marrying Travis. For the past year, Kendra has lived daily without making any plans.

    Now, she had to learn to live without Travis and for herself. Kendra just had her 30th birthday. Her best friend Megan James had brought them a seven-day stay at Gallagher's Dude Ranch for her birthday.

    Kendra was nervous and excited about going to the ranch and being away from home. She was also anxious about the ranch being in Colorado. She had not left the house in over a year except to go to work. Kendra had felt closer to Travis here and couldn't bring herself to leave the house.

    Kendra was initially furious at Megan for buying the vacation. Megan said she needed to get away and learn to live and enjoy herself again. Kendra finally agreed with them.

    Megan was coming over to the house today. They were going shopping for new outfits for the ranch. Kendra just got out of the shower. She stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring at her naked self.

    The woman in the mirror, looking back at her, had an hourglass-shaped body. She was a little too slim, with slightly flared hips. She had long, nice-shaped legs, and her breasts were medium-sized, nicely shaped globes. Her face was heart-shaped, with high cheekbones.

    Kendra had nicely shaped lips and a perky nose. Her curly blonde hair hung in curls to the middle of her back. Her eyebrows were nicely shaped, and her almond-colored eyes were framed by long black lashes.

    Kendra thought she was all right looking but was not drop-dead gorgeous. He never paid too much attention to her looks. Travis had always told her she was beautiful to him. Her eyes never traveled to other men to see if they were checking her out. She only had eyes for Travis. Travis had been her life and soul mate. No one else mattered to Kendra.

    Kendra gave a sigh and walked over to her closet. She grabbed a white V-neck shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Kendra grabbed a white bra and white panties out of the drawer. She put on cotton panties and a plain white bra. Kendra slid on jeans and a white T-shirt. Kendra knew Megan would tsk at her for the way she dressed.

    Megan was always happy and dressed in colorful clothes that matched her vibrant personality. She was a good friend, and Megan could always pull her out of her sour puss moods. They had been best friends since high school.

    Megan had been by her side through Travis's cancer. Megan gave her a lot of support and a shoulder to cry on when needed, which had been a lot in the final days of Travis's cancer.

    Megan had also promised Travis that she would ensure Kendra found happiness and love. Travis and Megan would even pick other men for her on different dating sites. Kendra would get pissed off and leave them. They would laugh at her. She didn't find it funny that they were looking for a replacement husband for her.

    What hurt the most was Travis was serious about her finding another man. He was desperate to know Kendra would go on without him. Travis wanted to love again. Travis and Kendra had not had sex in a year. He knew how sexual she was.

    They had sex just about every day before Travis got sick. He felt terrible that he was too ill to give her what she needed. Kendra reassured him that she didn't care. She was just happy to be near him and hold him at night.

    Kendra knew Travis had a hard time accepting that he couldn't have sex with her. That was when he started going to the dating sites and looking for a man for her. At first, she would laugh, then pick out men and say she would do them for fun. Travis got more serious about finding her another man.

    Travis and Megan started doing it together. That was when Kendra began to get pissed off. It wasn't funny anymore. Travis finally stopped when he got too sick and couldn't get out of bed anymore. Kendra was relieved that he couldn't do it anymore.

    A year had passed since Travis's death, and Kendra was ready to move on a little with her life. She didn't know if she was prepared for a relationship with a man, but she was ready to get out and find herself. Her life had revolved around Travis, and they had been inseparable. Kendra needed to figure out who or what she liked in life, and now was the time to start finding out.

    Kendra was all dressed and ready to go shopping with Megan. She walked to the kitchen, grabbing her tennis shoes from the hall closet. Kendra sat at the kitchen table and slipped them on. She just got them on when she heard a horn honk. Kendra stood and looked out the window.

    Kendra saw Megan's car in the driveway. She smiled and grabbed her purse. With a skip in her step, Kendra walked out the door to Megan's car with a huge smile. She opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat.

    Hey girlfriend, I'm excited about shopping for the dude ranch. I can't wait to get you into some sexy clothes, Megan said happily, looking at Kendra's outfit. Kendra laughed.

    I don't know about sexy clothes on a dude ranch. I do need some new things, Kendra replied, smiling.

    Oh, we are buying you some sexy stuff, so don't even think about fighting me on this, Megan said, snickering. Kendra shook her head, laughing.

    I wouldn't dream of it. You will if I don't buy it, Kendra replied smartly.

    Damn right, so don't fight me, Megan replied, smiling.

    I am nervous about the ranch. I have never done anything like this. I hope I don't get homesick, Kendra said softly.

    The ranch is so big that you won't even have to get homesick, Megan replied.

    God, I hope not, Kendra said.

    The ranch is a working business. I am sure the cowboys will keep us busy, Megan said.

    Travis would never have wanted to go on a working ranch. He thought he would get bored looking at livestock because they don't have the right horsepower, Kendra said softly.

    Well, it's just you and me on this ranch. We're going to have a blast with horses and cowboys, Megan shouted. Kendra laughed.

    I always have a great time with you, Kendra replied, swatting Megan's arm.

    It will be just like we are in high school again. Girlfriend, we are going to party hard until we drop and then get back up and do it again the next day, Megan said, laughing. Kendra nodded and laughed.

    Party until you puke, Kendra said, smiling.

    You got that right, Megan replied. Partying, I mean no puking. Plus, I am going to fuck until I can't walk straight. Rid the cowboy, save the horse. Kendra laughed at Megan's crude comment.

    Megan, you have such a dirty mouth sometimes, Kendra said, slapping Megan's arm.

    Hey, I am tired of my vibrator. I want the real thing. I intend to get it, too, Megan said, smiling.

    I have to admit, I do miss not having sex. It has been two years for me, Kendra said softly.

    I know it has been, hon. Maybe you are ready to try dating, Megan replied sincerely.

    Oh, I don't know about that. I still feel loyal to Travis, Kendra replied softly. Megan looked over at Kendra with concern.

    Kendra, Travis has been gone for a year now. He wanted you to find happiness, Megan stated.

    I know, but I don't know if I am ready, Kendra replied firmly.

    Okay, let's not bring our party down. We are going shopping, and we are going to blow holes in our accounts, Megan said enthusiastically.

    Hell, yes! Kendra yelled. Megan looked over at her, laughing.

    That is my girl, Megan replied, laughing.

    Chapter 2

    Ryder Gallagher hated this time of the year on the ranch. It pissed him off that his family opened the ranch up to the tourist who had no business being on a ranch.

    The Gallagher Ranch was located in Loveland, Colorado. It was an hour from Denver, in the foothills near Rocky Mountain National Park and Ester Park, and just minutes from Loveland and Fort Collins.

    The Gallagher Ranch invited guests to experience life on a working cattle and horse ranch. Up to six people were accommodated in comfortable lodges. The package deal, which costs $2500.00 per guest, included all meals, lodging, and ranch activities.

    Horseback activities included working and moving cattle. Guests could work alongside the wrangles if they chose, experiencing a full range of the rancher's daily work. They were invited to join the cowboys as they monitored the herds' health, checked, and fixed fences, irrigated farmland, and assessed pasture conditions.

    The guests could swim in the heated pool or relax in the hot tubs if they chose to relax for the day. Ranch hands were also available to take the guests shopping or hiking.

    The Gallagher Ranch made a great deal of money during the four months it opened to tourists. It was booked solid for the next four months, bringing in about $1,500,000.00.

    After four years of running a dude ranch, the Gallaghers had expanded. The ranch had lodges built for tourists to stay at, which allowed the ranch to charge much higher prices. The ranch's business now made a healthy profit.

    Roy and Caroline's sons worked hard on the ranch. Trevor was the oldest at 31, Ryder was 27, and Samuel was the youngest at 24. The Gallaghers also had about 30 more ranch hands who helped during their busy season. Caroline had about 10 other women besides herself to help make and prepare meals for the guests.

    Trevor and Samuel enjoyed the tourist time of the year. Ryder was the one who hated it. To him, it was a pain in the ass to entertain people who had no business or respect for ranch life. Usually, after the first full day of teaching tourists how the ranch runs day by day, they grow bored. The tourists would start complaining about the smell of livestock. Most would usually want to go to Loveland to go shopping and do other activities.

    The tourists would find out how hardworking a ranch was. It wasn't just riding horses and sitting at a campfire roasting marshmallows; it involved hard work every day. A few tourists would be interested in how the ranch worked, but most were there to have fun and be entertained.

    Ryder knew the ranch made damn good money for the four months. But he didn't have the patience for city slickers who wanted to try to be cowboys for a week. Ranching was his life, and they made a mockery of it. Ryder would not change being a rancher and bull rider for anything.

    Ryder dreamed of having his own ranch and raising ferocious bulls for the PBR rodeo. He loved being a Professional Bull Rider. There was nothing like having a 1500-pound touch animal buck and snort between the legs. The eight-second ride was the biggest adrenaline rush a man could have. The feel of a bull's raw power was indescribable.

    Ryder had been riding bulls since the age of 15. He consistently placed in the top 5 money slots. Two years ago, Ryder was in the first slot of every rodeo. He was at the top of his game and attended the championship.

    On Ryder's last ride of the night in Cheyenne, Montana, which would make him some serious money and the championship, he rode Mean Ripper. Mean Ripper was a prime stock bull with a lot of power and muscle and a mean son of bitch, thus how he got his name.

    Mean Ripper was pure black with a glossy coat and sharp horns. They had been cut down for bull riding, but Mean Ripper would rub his horns on anything to sharpen them back up. He weighed in at 2000 pounds. Mean Ripper had yet to be ridden for more than four seconds by any bull rider.

    In the gate, he would toss his head, snort, and paw the ground. Unable to buck, he would stand up on his back legs, put his front legs on the bar, and rear up, trying to throw the person off his back. The more confided he was, the angrier Mean Ripper got.

    Ryder got ready to ride the bull. He was excited and a little nervous riding a bull no other bull riders could stay on. The other bull riders slapped him on the back, wishing Ryder good luck. Ryder smiled and thanked them. He walked over to the slot where Mean Ripper was put in. He could hear and see the bull moving around restlessly. Mean Ripper was pawing the ground and snorting in displeasure.

    Ryder appreciated the beauty and size of the bull. He was a magnificent animal. Ryder slowly approached the pen and climbed up in the shoot. Ryder was now above the bull, looking down at the massive bull. Mean Ripper was in the cage with barely enough room to move. The bull still looked intimate with the pure size of him.

    That is one magnificent animal, Ryder stated.

    He sure is, Tom replied. He was a retired bull rider who helped out at the PBR.

    Someone has yet to say on Mean Ripper longer than four seconds.

    I am hopeful that will be me today, Ryder stated.

    Maybe you are having a great run this season, Tom said, smiling.

    Yes, I have, but I don't want to get too cocky.

    No, that could turn on a person. You always must have respect for the animal you are about to ride, Tom stated.

    Believe me, I am not about to try to outsmart this big guy. I am going to hold on with everything I have to stay on him. It’s going to be a wild ride, Ryder laughed.

    You are right about that, Ryder. Mean Ripper will twist and turn like his ass is being stung by a dozen bees, Ryder chuckled at Tom's statement.

    Are you ready to ride this mean bastard, Ryder? Tom asked, smiling.

    Ryder nodded and climbed over the fence bars. His legs were spread wide, each foot on a bar over the bull's back. Ryder was standing in midair, not yet lowering himself on the bull's back. Mean Ripper was moving around, snorting in anger at being confined inside the small area. Ryder took a deep breath and exhaled before lowering himself down on the bull's back.

    As Ryder lowered himself on Mean Ripper's back, the bull lunged up, putting his hoofs on the bar, and standing up. Ryder slid back to the bull's rear end. Ryder grabbed the bars, lifting his body back up once more. The bull moved sideways, pinching Ryder's leg between the bull and the gate. The move hurt Ryder's leg, giving him a jolt of pain. Tom was right beside him, pushing Mean Ripper with his foot so Ryder could get his leg out.

    Fuck! Ryder yelled as the pain shot up his right leg. He quickly pulled his leg out from between the gate and the bull. He was going to have a nice bruise on his leg.

    You, okay, Ryder? Tom asked, concerned.

    Yeah, Ryder replied, steadying himself on the bars. He had heard the crowd get wild when the stunt bull was pulled.

    Let’s try this again, Ryder said. Tom nodded in agreement. Ryder lowered his body down on the bull.

    Once again, Mean Ripper started to move, pinching his other leg between the bull's massive body and bars.

    Shit! Ryder hollered. You mean son of a bitch. Once again, Tom was there helping Ryder get his leg out. Ryder roped his gloved hand down, clinching it nice and tight.

    Let's do this, Ryder yelled, tired of Mean Ripper games.

    Ready to go? Tom asked. Ryder nodded.

    Open the gate, Ryder yelled.

    The man maintaining the gate to the shoot nodded his head. Ryder heard the announcer announce the bull's and rider's names.

    Ryder took a deep breath and quickly exhaled, knowing what was to come once the gate opened. The Mean Ripper would be free to do what he wanted to get Ryder off his back.

    The gate opened, and Mean Ripper moved out of the shoot with lightning speed for a 2000-pound animal. Ryder felt the animal's raw strength and power as they bolted out of the shoot. Ryder's focus was on the huge animal he sat on. He didn't hear the crowd or the announcer.

    Mean Ripper twisted and bucked with raw anger. Ryder hung on tightly for the ride. Every muscle in his body felt the bull's twisting and turning. Ryder bit down on the mouth guard as Mean Ripper landed his hoofs on the ground with a slam. Ryder's body moved and jerked with the bull's movement.

    So far, the ride was like riding any other bull. Ryder held on, moving with the bull. Mean Ripper twisted, throwing his back legs up in the air. Ryder felt the cinch around his hand loosen, and he started sliding forward. Mean Ripper kicked his legs back with powerful strength. The cinch gave, and Ryder lost his balance and flew over the bull's head in a painful heap.

    The wind was knocked out of his lungs. Ryder struggled to catch his breath. He knew he needed to get up fast and move. He could hear Mean Ripper snorting in anger not far from him. Ryder struggled to get up on his feet, feeling a little disoriented. Ryder turned towards the sound of the snorting bull. Mean Ripper was pawning the ground with his front hoof, getting ready to charge.

    Ryder stood and knew he had to move quickly. The PBR show clowns were trying to get Mean Ripper's attention, but his focus was on Ryder. As Ryder began to move, Mean Ripper charged in anger and agitation. Mean Ripper moved fast and furious towards Ryder slamming him with his huge body.

    Again, Ryder fell to the ground, knocking his breath out. His head slammed on the hard ground, making him see stars. Ryder consciously knew he had to get up. Struggling to get up to his feet once again, Mean Ripper turned quickly and charged at Ryder again with his head down. Ryder could hear the screams.

    This time, Ryder felt tremendous pain in his side as Mean Ripper plowed into his body with a lot of force. Ryder grunted in pain as he looked at the bull's horn sink into his side. Pain and a burning sensation ripped through his body. Mean Ripper threw his head side to side with Ryder still attached to his horn. Ryder felt the horn sink more profoundly in his side.

    Mean Ripper threw his head up in the air, shaking Ryder off his horn. Ryder slammed to the ground once again. Ryder lay on the ground, bleeding badly from the puncture wound on his side. He was having trouble breathing and felt the warm blood pooling out of him. Mean Ripper stood over Ryder, snoring in anger. Ryder was dazed and confused.

    Ryder could hear screaming and yelling before the darkness took over, and he blacked out. Ryder had to be rushed to the hospital for surgery.

    Mean Ripper's horn had punctured Ryder's lung and ripped his side wide open. The ER rushed him in to do emergency surgery. Ryder had lost quite a lot of blood before getting to the hospital. Mean Ripper's horn had missed his other significant organs but damaged one lung.

    Ryder was going to have to take a lot of time off to heal. His mother wanted to sue the PBR for not having the bull’s horn cut down enough and filed. Ryder was just grateful the mean son of bitch hadn’t killed him.

    Now a year and half later, Ryder was ready to try bull riding again. He wanted the championship. His brother’s thought Ryder was crazy getting back on bull since Mean Ripper almost killed him a year and half ago. Ryder's brothers didn't understand the adrenaline rush of being on a bull.

    Ryder wasn't sure if he would be able to ride as well. He still had pain in his side if he moved just right. Ryder had not been on a bull since Mean Ripper. He hoped he was physically fit enough to ride again.

    Ryder had not told his father or mother of his plans to return to bull riding. He knew his mother would not be happy and would be furious with him.

    Ryder and his brothers Trevor and Samuel woke up at the crack of dawn every day to start chores that continued until sunset at night. Sometimes, they were totally exhausted and had to drag themselves to bed.

    Chapter 3

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