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Artemis Rising
Artemis Rising
Artemis Rising
Ebook400 pages4 hours

Artemis Rising

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Eva must accept the tragic fate her mother has chosen for her. Tristan, the boy she loves, has willingly chosen another destiny, one fraught with danger and sorrow. Diogo, driven by a mysterious power, will force them further apart if they cannot break the curse of their fates.

Set against the lush backdrop of 1890s Azores Islands, Artemis Rising is a seamless blend of two ancient mythologies: Tristan and Isolde & Alpheus and Arethusa.

A First Place Winner in the Chanticleer Cygnus Awards and E-book Category Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

PublisherCheri Lasota
Release dateJun 13, 2014
Artemis Rising

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I always love mythology, and it could only get better with a dose of Christianity…The story is moving and I cried along with Arethusa, I can completely feel myself being in her shoes, and all those horrible things happening to her..I find myself surprised at each turn of the story, things which I didn’t know would fall into…I especially appreciate the ending, I was thinking the same lines all along, but I was still surprised how perfect it ended. A complex yet highly engrossing read…It’s really thrilling and horrifying what accepting other’s names would mean accepting their fate too… I really love this combinations of stories…The book is a combination of fast and slow, it got slower at the part when they are growing into maturity, it’s just it jump to a couple of years, and I really want to know what happen in those missing years. The beginning is engaging and pack of twist… the middle not so much.. but the end says it all, I even felt my breathing stops at every words I…I love how the author presents the philosophical thought between fate and choice, and how at the end, fate depends on our choice..(:D)…, the nature of true love and plain lust, and the danger of believing something and letting your mind be engulfed in things which are not true…Ms. Lasota beautifully combined Greek myth, Arthurian legend, Christianity into a wonderful tale, any romanticist would love.A book- Any reader could be carried away…Highly recommended!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found this to be an interesting novel. Set against the myth of the classic story of Tristan and Isolde, the characters struggle with oaths, promises and superstition in a tale that is a breaking away of previously held beliefs and the subsequent coming of age. The text is well written and the tension is maintained throughout.This was novel was received in eBook format as a Member Giveaway from the author in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As I was thinking about what I wanted to write for this review, my brain keeps calling up that oft quoted line from Romeo and Juliet, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." But what if the name really did matter? In Artemis Rising, those who adopt these new names also adopt the fates of their namesakes. When Eva fully accepts her mother's belief system, and adopts the name Arethusa, she very quickly finds her life paralleling that of her namesake nymph. I love a good myth, but this was the first time I've come across that of Alpheus and Arethusa. Upon looking up the myth after finishing the book, I was impressed on how well the myth was translated to fit the life of a teen in the turn of the century Azores yet keep the parallels. The Tristan and Isolde legend I was more familiar with, and I found that inclusion was a bit more subtly done. The result is a love triangle and triangle of ideology. I always enjoy a lead female character who can take care of herself, even if she needs help from the guys sometimes. Eva/Arethusa certainly fills this role. All the characters are strong characters and well written. This is a great addition to the increasingly popular mythology adaptation genre. This is Lasota's first novel, and I look forward to more from her.I received a copy of this from the author for review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the story of a young girl named Eve who is raised in the US by a catholic father and a pagan mother, they are on a boat at sea when Eve’s mother Arethusa does a ritual to give Eve her mother’s name and to promise her to the moon goddess Artemis but things don’t go as planned, as tragedy strikes Eve’s/Arethusa life will never be the same.This is a mix of 2 myths Tristan & Isolde and Arethusa & Alpheus and how your beliefs can set you on a path of tragedy and/or love and how outside forces can affect everything you do until you take control of your own life and stop living for others.I enjoyed this book very much it has a mythical fairytale quality to it, and I thought it was well written. I found myself cheering for Arethusa & Tristan; it is a love story yet so much more. I was afraid at first it would be to romancey (I know maybe not a word but there it is) but I was pleasantly surprised by the story and the atmosphere her descriptions of the coastline & the sea made me feel like I was right there and could feel the wind. There are some scenes that made my stomach knot in fear for our heroine and that is the mark of a good book.I will definitely read more by this author.**I received this book from the Member Giveaway Program on Librarything**4 StarsP.S. To Publishers I would really love a paper book of this for my library
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Artemis Rising is a charming story of a young woman on a quest for identity. Eva, raised a Catholic by a domineering and abusive father, is persuaded to adopt the religion of her pagan mother. But when her mother is killed in a shipwreck, Eva is left to face the world alone, to decide for herself what she is to believe, what stories and legacies to hold as her own, and how, most importantly, she is to give her heart. In a world where the canons of social behavior have been determined for them by those that have come before, I think young people will relate to the battle for self-definition and to find happiness in a world fraught with danger, prejudice, malice and manipulation, and where the rules, if written, are unclear.I found Artemis rising a refreshing read, taking me to places I've never seen and seldom read of. The characters are engaging and believable and the writing lyrical and at times poetic. The story is fast-paced and filled with allegory and analogy--which I love--and successfully draws the reader into a time past but still relatable, a world both beautiful and intriguing. Artemis Rising was a true pleasure to read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A compeling story with many twists and turns along the way. The main people were well fleshed out and intriguing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting book but there was some times I was wondering what now. The book itself has a good story but can be slow at times. Things are just a bit unbelievable at times which, for me, makes it harder to stay involved in the characters. BUT don't take my word for it, read it for yourself and ENJOY!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Artemis rising tells the story of Eve who was raised catholic by her father and secretly converted by her pagan mother in the US. The story takes place in her mothers home of the Azores. Eve must decide who she wants to be and be with. She is exposed to two seemingly dueling myths/legends that she those around her feel she is fated to live out. Is she Arethusa meant to be with Alpheus or Isolde meant to be with Tristan and who are Alpheus and Tristan? This was a interesting concept and well told story, though i did get a bit confused at the end. I had never heard of the Azores islands before and felt compelled to research this series of islands out in the sea.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In compliance with FTC guidelines, I received this book through the Early Reviewers Program at When I first saw this book as a giveaway I was immediately intrigued by it. The cover art was beautiful, the name and summary promised something new and exciting, and it seemed to be well written. It seems this is one of those rare occasions where 'first impressions' ring completely true. This book is filled with a complex yet fluid retelling of two separate myths that have been intricately weaved together in a way that it pulls you head-first into the story. Throughout it all I found myself completely entranced by this, and I had a hard time putting down my Kindle once I got started. Only for the need of sleep did it take me two days to finish. The plot itself is one that is beautifully written and well thought out, though I will admit if you are reading this halfheartedly you may become confused at times. I adore mythology and I really like when authors come up with a creative way to integrate them into their own stories, and I can honestly say that I found this to be completely original and fresh. I was familiar with the story of Tristan and Isolde but not that of Alpheus and Arethusa, and even now that I've become familiar with both I can see that they have no true connections. However Lasota managed to pull these two stories together and combine them in such a way that I'll probably never looked at them the same again. After all the emotions that pulled me back and forth and though I was sad to see it over, the ending was perfect to me as it felt complete.I really liked the main character Eva. She was strong willed and determined despite her troubled life, and even in the toughest of times she attempted to keep her chin up and keep moving forward. She made mistakes of course but she learned from them. The growth of her character is wonderful and believable. She goes from being a girl who is scared and alone, to a woman who knows exactly who she is and will not allow anyone else to tell her otherwise. Tristain is just as lovely, and he grew just as much as Eva throughout the story. The relationship between them is sweet and yet so frustrating, which is exactly what the characters feel. Diogo was very easy to hate and very easy to be deceived by in the beginning. Overall Lasota did a wonderful job of creating characters that were truly human in their decisions and desires, and the way she wrote the story really gave you a sense of every emotion that coursed through these people.Now on to the warnings and notices for others. This book contains Spainish phrases throughout. However if you are not familiar with the language there is a glossary and phrase guide in the back that tells you the meanings. I personally had no trouble figuring out what the meanings of things were, or at least coming close to the meanings, thanks to Lasota's descriptions and explanations. Also there is a some violence that plays a part in the story as well. It is nothing terribly gory but it is present.I would recommend this book wholeheartedly to anyone though of course those who enjoy romance, re-tellings, and mythology will probably enjoy this more.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    *i won this book from member giveaways program*Artemis Rising is is wonderful book that lures you to a world both beautiful, magical and would definitely transports you to a world that quite never existed though you wish it is. the storyline is well-written and full of surprises..the characters are unique and leaves footprints in your heart and soul..the words are poetical which is so nice..The story is fast-paced and filled with allegory and analogy..Cheri Lasota succesfully combines fantasy, history, travel, magic and romance!i highly recommend this book..great read!Torn between her father’s Catholicism and her mother’s Pagan beliefs, Eva finally chooses Paganism. She accepts the name of Arethusa but learns too late that her life will mirror the Greek nymph’s tragic fate. When they sail to the Azores Islands, her mother tells her that her destiny rests with Diogo, the shipowner’s son. But Eva sees a vision of another . . .When the ship founders off the Azores, Tristan, a young Azorean, saves her. Destined to be with Diogo yet aching for Tristan’s forbidden love, Eva must somehow choose between them, or fate will soon choose for her.Artemis Rising is a beautiful, seamless blend of two mythologies: the Arthurian legend of Tristan and Isolde, and the ancient Greek legend of Alpheus and Arethusa. It is a story filled with young romance, tragedy, forgiveness and attempts at redemption.