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Hiroshima, Dark Secrets
Hiroshima, Dark Secrets
Hiroshima, Dark Secrets
Ebook46 pages39 minutes

Hiroshima, Dark Secrets

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Hiroshima, Dark Secrets, is the third book in the four story collection. The adventure continues in a flurry of fire and rage. When all that had been safe is gone, Hiro and Soul leave in search of a new home. Their cross-country adventure ends abruptly when Soul's health fails. The misadventure brings them aboard a train, but what was supposed to be a trip to freedom becomes a nightmare when one of Hiro's old enemies shows up for a visit. The vacation is ruined and the two find that luck refuses to stay. As the story unfolds they are faced with obstacles around every bend. Soul's own secret comes to light and what hope they thought they had fades to nothing.
Hiro's mission is left in the balance as he struggled to decide what is more important. Keeping himself safe, or securing a future for Soul. All he knows for sure is that they were almost out of time.

PublisherE. Mendell
Release dateJun 13, 2014
Hiroshima, Dark Secrets

E. Mendell

I am a Fiction Author that writes what I would love to read. My interests in writing are many and I take time to write and experiment with all types of genres and book sizes. Anywhere from short stories to thick novels, Horror to Science Fiction, I've written all kinds. I've been writing since I was able to put words together and my first published book (Eysheus Saga, book one, Blood River) Is the beginning of my greatest work so far. I was home schooled and with my free time studied and advanced my writing abilities. My stories have been sitting and waiting for the chance to see the light of day so here I hope to accomplish that.Writing is my reason to live. Ink is my blood, inspiration is the oxygen I breath. I hope all readers will see that in every story I publish here and above all I hope my stories are enjoyed.

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    Book preview

    Hiroshima, Dark Secrets - E. Mendell

    Hiroshima Book Three

    E. Mendell

    Published By E. Mendell at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 E. Mendell

    Table of Contents

    Dark Secrets






    About the Author

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    - Dark Secrets -

    Hiro did not sleep. He feared his nightmares and what they would remind him of next. He sat by a crackling fire, leaning back and watching the sky. His golden eyes reflected the firelight and the silver threads in his black hair shimmered. Curled up on the other side of the fire was Soul. Her blond hair cut nicely with long ringlets at the base. They would be mashed out of shape by the time she woke, but Hiro knew Soul wouldn’t care. She was a strong woman, even though she acted like a kid and had a fatal heart condition. Her life itself was proof of her strength. She had experienced a lot and had many questions, mostly about Hiro. He had apparently been present at her parent’s death and Soul thought he was the reason they died, but for the life of him Hiro couldn’t remember the fire Soul spoke of. As he watched her sleep he wondered if she was lying to him about it.

    Shaking his head, Hiro passed his fingers over the fire, allowing the heat to singe his fingertips. He pulled his hand away, looking at the reddened skin. He wondered why the scientists had allowed him to have fleshly limbs. Why fill his torso with mechanical parts and leave the rest of him human? If they wanted him to be a weapon then shouldn’t they have made him fully metal so he wouldn’t be weak? The more Hiro thought about it the more the plans of the scientists seemed twisted and flawed. Why would they make him into a weapon? What were they trying to accomplish?

    Hiro looked at the sky grimly. He wasn’t sure what to think. All he knew was that he had to find a new place to live since both of his worst enemies had caught up with him.

    Enimito and Red Assassin.

    Hiro shut his eyes. He couldn’t risk getting into a real fight with either of them. Already Soul had seen a glimpse of his other self. Hiro didn’t want to risk her seeing what he really looked like.

    When will morning come? He whispered, looking at the sky again. He could only feel fear, pain, and sorrow. At that moment he felt sorrow, but he wasn’t sure why. Something about the sky full of stars made him sad.

    ~ One ~

    Soul awoke to Hiro dousing the fire and rolling up his blanket. She sat up, stretching and yawning widely. Hiro glanced at her and she looked back with a sleepy gaze.

    Morning, she said, smiling.

    Hiro nodded and lifted his head, blinking in the dawning sunlight. He looked towards the horizon with his eyes squinted. Nearly seven in the morning, he said. We slept in later than I predicted.

    Seven o’clock is sleeping in to you? Soul yawned again, covering her mouth with her hands.

    No, but I pretend it is, said Hiro, standing up. He kicked dirt over the remaining embers of

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