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Piper's Game
Piper's Game
Piper's Game
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Piper's Game

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About this ebook

Things have been solid and amazing between Piper and her girlfriend for months, and it looks like their relationship is only getting better... but the school year is over, and summer looms. Isabella has yet to make a decision about where she's spending the next three months. For Piper, the decision isn't hard - she is going wherever the girl she loves is going - but that choice means more to her girlfriend than she can possibly know, prompting a new level of closeness, a deeper bond... and the start of a sex-charged new game.

Content advisory: contains strong themes of domination and submission, first times between girls, and a long, salacious buildup and payoff.

This is Part 13 of "Steps to Submission", following Piper's descent into sexuality and depravity at the hands of her roommate.

PublisherLexie X
Release dateMay 24, 2014
Piper's Game

Lexie X

Lexie X is an author of erotic fiction interested mainly in first times, domination, and seduction. You can follow more erotic works by her at her blog at

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    Book preview

    Piper's Game - Lexie X

    Piper's Game

    A Kinky Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance

    By Lexie X

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Lexie X

    Follow more of my work at,

    or at my Smashwords author page.



    Twitter: @AuthorLexieX

    This is part 13 of Steps to Submission.

    Steps to Submission

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Isabella's Desire

    Piper's Craving

    Isabella's Game

    Loving Piper

    Isabella's Secret

    Piper's Game

    For updates on new releases, follow me at my blog,!

    Also by Lexie X

    Serena's Submission




    Breaking Nicole

    The Locket

    Emma's Hypnosis

    Lydia's Hypnosis

    Gwen's Hypnosis


    Lynn's Craving

    My Roommate’s Girlfriend

    Seduction Games

    Sorority Seductions

    Tempting Jennifer


    Virgin Lesbians: Erotic First Time Stories

    Virgin Lesbians II: Erotic Stories of Seduction

    Virgin Lesbians III: Sapphic First Times

    Virgin Lesbians IV: Kinky First Times

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    About the Author

    Works by Lexie X

    Free Preview: Lynn's Craving


    Chapter 1

    Disappointed, Piper slumped against the couch and gave up her controller. I'm out. She sighed. Again.

    Marlene took the controller from her and smiled. "We're really just dead weight for her. It's a wonder she lets us play at all."

    Watching the game intently, her tongue sticking slightly out of her mouth as she concentrated, Jessie nodded absently. A wonder indeed.

    On the other couch, one of Jessie's housemates sat looking at random Facebook posts on her laptop. Past her, the open door let in traces of light breeze that only barely lifted the slow, oppressive heat that otherwise filled the house. It was a beautiful day, technically, but Piper found herself regretting all her unspoken wishes for winter's end. The serious heat of summer had only been in full force for a few days, yet she was already daydreaming about snowy chills and long shivering walks between bars.

    She longed for chilly darkness as an escape from the heat, but the feel of those nights also ran inextricably intertwined with the wild ride that had been her unconventional courtship with her girlfriend. The several months since then had been a happy blur, but the school year was two days over, and people were filtering off campus in droves, leaving the area feeling increasingly empty…

    Speaking of Isabella - a golden goddess appeared at the door. Tan, sweaty, and dressed in tight, skimpy running clothes, the gorgeous blonde took two earbuds out and turned off her music. Hey, what's up?

    Jessie continued operating her controller, trying to keep her eyes intently on the game - but she glanced over quickly once, her gaze brushing Isabella's impressive and sweat-glistening cleavage.

    Marlene noticed, and slapped her girlfriend's arm teasingly. Nothing. Just hanging out and dying over and over while Jessie wins everything.

    Catching her breath and recovering from her run, Isabella stood and watched for a moment. So, the usual. Has Piper gotten better than you yet?

    At that, Piper laughed. Not likely!

    The blonde shook her head, her swept-back hair emphasizing the motion with a bounce. Just a matter of time before you're the best. Doesn't matter what it is you're doing. You'll kick ass soon enough.

    I think your faith is misplaced, silly.

    No, she's right, Jessie chimed in. Everyone sucks the first few times. But you've been over here playing this off and on for what, two weeks? I've played every night all year… but you're catching up.

    A warm blush crept along Piper's neck, adding to the heat's subtle redness. Not sure what to say, she pressed her lips together to hold down an embarrassed smile.

    Mind if I sit even though I'm sweaty? Isabella asked.

    Jessie gave her a leering smirk, and a quick look up and down her body. "Please do." Her teasing creepiness earned her another smack from Marlene.

    Plopping down on the end of the couch next to her girlfriend, Isabella stretched her legs, sank into the cushions, and let out a deep sigh of satisfied exhaustion. Super nice day out.

    Really? Piper asked. "Because I am melting."

    It's only hot if you're trying to cool off. Be okay with sweating. You gotta be one with the heat. Let it fill you.

    Jessie snickered.

    Fine, Isabella responded. I could use a drink, though… She popped back up and headed around the corner into the kitchen.

    A moment later, Piper frowned, stood, and followed her. She entered the kitchen to find her sweaty girlfriend filling a glass with water. Leaning back against the opposite counter, she chose her words carefully and quietly. So… finals are over…

    Yeah, Isabella responded, keeping her eyes on her filling glass.

    I can't help but notice we haven't talked about the summer at all, Piper continued, taking a deep breath to remain calm. Or next year. Jessie's talking about finally being cool with her housemates and probably living here next year… but what about us?

    Her girlfriend froze up for the barest moment,

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