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The Thought
The Thought
The Thought
Ebook41 pages32 minutes

The Thought

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About this ebook

One stray thought. A thought from WAY out of left field. Does someone who has a c*ck know better how to really give amazing service to one? That thought leads to another and then another... and all of a sudden a very, very straight guy might give himself a chance to see if he can rock his world harder than he thought possible... that is, if he can convince his gay best friend to cooperate with what might be a belief-busting plan.

PublisherM. J. Roberts
Release dateAug 10, 2013
The Thought

M. J. Roberts

Mariah J. RobertsWith 2 million copies of her stories in circulation worldwide, Roberts is known for witty dialogue, stunning metaphor, exciting plot twists, fast-paced action, and scenes that sizzle.Award-winning author including first place in the prestigious Summer Lovin’ Romance Literary Contest 2015 for Risk Your Heart.Roberts’ creates characters who feel like your most cherished friends. She has written sixteen novels, an erotica anthology, a movie screenplay, twenty short stories, and a collection of poems.Roberts is from New York but lives in the South for endless comic material. A self-proclaimed nap expert with constant cravings for hot musicians and cool superheroes, she’s married to a professional drummer (A.K.A. The Rock and Roll God). She's too busy tormenting imaginary characters and counting her blessing to pursue her longtime dream of Rock n’ Roll stardom herself. Her ‘I’m with the band’ status and access to a bunch of real-life alpha bad boys means she’s always saying ‘Anything you say can and will appear in print. Names will be changed to protect the guilty.’

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    Book preview

    The Thought - M. J. Roberts

    The Thought

    M. J. Roberts

    Published by M. J. Roberts at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 M. J. Roberts

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    Table of Contents

    The Thought

    Writer’s Fantasy Links

    Donna’s Neighbor Links + Offer

    Patio Sex Links + Preview

    Discover other exciting titles by M. J. Roberts at

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    Writer’s Fantasy

    or the Writer’s Fantasy Complete Collection

    Donna’s Neighbor

    Donna’s Neighbor # 2

    Patio Sex

    Warning Explicit:

    Contains explicit sexual language and graphic depictions of sexual acts. (Yeah, yeah, the more explicit the better.)

    Please only read if you are biologically an adult (your mind is another matter, that’s hard to judge….)

    Mature Content:

    This story contains sexually explicit and deliciously interesting material, and is intended only for persons over the age of 18. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. All of the characters involved in the sexual situations in this story are intended to be 18 years of age or older (or close to it), whether they are explicitly described as such or not.

    Read to the very end for valuable coupons, links, and sneak peeks.

    Without any further ado, here’s the story, enjoy…


    It all started with a thought. One thought. Three weeks ago. When my girlfriend, who, let’s face it, was never very good at blow jobs, was actually giving me one. It started with me looking down at her and thinking, ‘you know, I bet someone with a dick would probably know how to totally rock at this’.


    That’s how it started.

    The thought that maybe, a man, someone who had a cock, might understand his way around a cock. One thought, and then the rest of the thought. There’s nothing I love more than a good blow job. And the rest, rest, of the thought. With your eyes closed a mouth feels like a mouth, right?

    All of which led to a sickening

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