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Silent Caller: Warfield's Landing, #1
Silent Caller: Warfield's Landing, #1
Silent Caller: Warfield's Landing, #1
Ebook183 pages2 hours

Silent Caller: Warfield's Landing, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Nic has a phone stalker AND a new guy in her life. 

The good cancels out the bad... Right?

A good read for fans of Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot.

This is a complete novel. In the series, books can be read out of order with only minor spoilers.

Also by Adeara

The Warfield's Landing Series

Silent Caller - Book 1
Hidden Peril - Book 2
Double Secrets - Book 3
Covert Reprisal - Book 4


The Det. Lonnie Mae Moberly Mysteries
In quiet Maybe, bad things happen...

Close Deception - Book 1
Obscure Deception - Book 2
Cryptic Deception - Book 3
Grim Deception - Book 4
Maybe Alone - Book 5
Maybe Forgotten - Book6
Maybe Betrayal - Book 7

A Slice of Life in Maybe, Kentucky

Driving Miss Reba

Previously published as Dreams Claimed, this book has undergone editorial revisions.

PublisherAdeara Allyne
Release dateOct 29, 2013
Silent Caller: Warfield's Landing, #1

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    I loved this book and I couldn't put it down till the very end

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Silent Caller - Adeara Allyne


Washington, DC

Daniel passed the old lady, careful not to jostle her. Yeah, yeah, he said to Luke, his best friend. I'm on the escalator. I should be back at the condo in twenty minutes or so. He stepped off of the moving stairs and strode over to the Metro platform, putting his phone away.

Looking up and over, he glanced at the passengers waiting to travel in the opposite direction.

She was on the other side of the Metro stop.

With a distinct snap, Daniel Sterling jumped back in time from his 35 year old self into his 12 year old self.

True, he was still waiting for the Washington DC Metro, and true, it was still the 21st century, but everything else was different.

As a young teen, he'd had a strong and passionate crush on the young Audrey Hepburn -- her short cropped hair and boyish figure immortalized within the yellowed pages of a magazine decades old. She had been wearing flat shoes, tight pants that ended above her slender ankles, all topped with a large, white man's shirt, the collar unbuttoned to display her lovely neck, the sleeves carelessly rolled up to just below the elbows. She displayed a unique elegance he hadn't seen since... until this moment.

Audrey! He whispered under his breath and then shook his head to clear it. She was still there.

While exquisite and slender, this Audrey was clearly an adult. Mid-twenties, he thought? Maybe even older? Cropped close, her warm dark hair glinted in the dim light. Its severe cut displayed a jawline and graceful neck that should be declared a national treasure.

In a coincidence that had to be significant, like the photo from so long ago, she was wearing tight black pants -- were they called leggings or something? A man's large white formal shirt was untucked and fell mid-thigh. The sleeves were rolled up, revealing slender but strong, capable forearms. Automatically, he checked. Her fingers seemed to be bare.

Multi-colored paint streaked haphazardly down the front of the white shirt. It looked as if she had wiped her hands on it absentmindedly. Even if he hadn't just fallen violently in love, he would have been charmed by this indication of vulnerability.

He could tell from her posture that she was in flats. Rather than the staid black shoes he was expecting, he was entranced with her brightly painted canvas sneakers.

He tried to calculate her height using the wall behind her for comparison... maybe 5'3 or 5'4? And slender... easily under 120 pounds.

From across the chasm of the train line, he watched as she answered her phone. She held it to her ear. Her lips didn't move but the look of distaste on her face indicated that the call wasn't welcome. She pulled the phone away, glanced at it, and dropped it into the large leather messenger bag that hung across her delicate frame. Rummaging in an outside pocket of the bag, she grabbed a small notebook and a pen, made a note, then tucked them away again. He was interested to see that she looked around, slowly. She was looking over everyone on her side of the platform. Hmmmmmm.

He waited and, as he expected, she began a careful perusal of everyone on his side, as well. Instinct had him look away, just before her gaze passed over him. An inner sense told him she was in trouble. He casually adjusted his briefcase and when he looked up again, she was staring intently at the other end of his platform.

He felt like he knew her intimately and could accurately read her body language. While she appeared at ease, the tight set of her shoulders indicated tension. He took the time to look over the waiting passengers on both sides of the stop. If he saw any of them again, he would know them.

Now he needed to find out what kind of trouble she was in and fix it for her.

At that moment, her train arrived and she disappeared from sight. The Metro pulled out, the platform was empty, and with a start he realized that while he knew her from his soul, he didn't know her name. And... he hadn't taken a picture of her.

Well, shit.


Alexandria, VA

Four weeks had passed and Daniel still hadn't found his Audrey Hepburn. He hadn't been particularly resourceful about his failure, either. He figured if he was stupid enough to turn his back on his best friend, Luke might just put him out of his misery.

Tonight, he and Luke were eating Thai takeout, something they did on a regular basis. They were in his Alexandria, Virginia condo. Bentley, his eight year old Golden Retriever, was stretched out on the long black leather sofa, head resting against Luke's leg.

They had purchased condos in the same building years ago, and Luke took care of Bentley whenever Daniel was out of town. Bentley was comfortable in either place, and Daniel was grateful. He had always wanted a dog and this arrangement with Luke made it practical.

Daniel was sitting in a black leather armchair, pulled up to the coffee table. Luke had moved things around so that he could rest his crossed ankles on the low table. He had one arm stretched along the back of the sofa and his other hand was playing with Bentley's ear. Bentley was snoring.

Luke was grinning, his usual expression. In fact, Daniel secretly thought his good friend looked like a comfortable, grown-up Howdy Doody. Not handsome but pleasant. Women seemed to agree. Luke was also one of the nicest people Daniel had ever known.

Except now... when the ever present grin was taking on shit-eating proportions. With a sinking feeling, Daniel knew that Luke was about to trounce on him in some as yet unidentified game of one-upmanship.

So... Luke's delivery was elaborately casual. Have you found Audrey yet?

Daniel narrowed his eyes. No.

He was being rude, but didn't care.

Luke's grin widened and he reached into his shirt pocket with the hand that wasn't petting the dog. He pulled out a folded and tattered brochure, tossing it across the table.

The paper landed in the green curry with a quiet plop. Daniel lifted it out, knocked it against the cardboard container to get most of the food off and looked at it.

The Torpedo Factory?

Yeah, you know, down on the river in Old Town Alexandria... Luke was using his helpful voice.

I know where the Torpedo Factory is. Why did you give me this... he looked more carefully, class schedule?

Open it and look at the right hand column.

Daniel unfolded the sheet, holding it by the corners while trying to avoid the curry, and looked as directed.

His heart stopped.

It was her!

The picture was small, the printing less than stellar, and smears of their takeout further marred the image, but it was her. The tiny photo displayed that lovely neck and the sassy hairstyle.

Nic Bannerman. He wasn't aware that he had spoken out loud so Luke's reply startled him.

She has a studio there and teaches a basic drawing class in the evening.

Daniel was calculating how soon he could get to the Torpedo Factory when another piece of paper floated across the table. This one landed in the Poh Tak soup.

Dammit, Luke.

Laughing Luke waved a hand in the direction of the rapidly sinking paper. Hey! I did you a favor. Take a look.

Daniel had to do even more mopping on this sheet. As he blotted it with a paper napkin, he looked it over. It was in Luke's handwriting and said -- Gallery 22 with a DC address.

What's this?

I asked around... did a little research... she has a show there.

Daniel looked at the address again... He could walk over from his office.

Teasing, Luke asked him, "Who loves ya, baby? I find her for you and, he stressed the word, I find a way for you to meet her. I think you need to start collecting art. Luke continued. Go to Gallery 22 and buy something of hers... then ask if you can meet her. Maybe even set up an appointment to see more of her stuff."

Daniel considered Luke's plan. Something told him she wouldn't be amenable to a stranger showing up at her studio and saying, Hey! I'm Daniel Sterling and I've been in love with you my whole life. Marry me and have my babies.

He needed a strategy.

Using the Gallery as an introduction made a lot of sense. Buying one of her pieces also made sense. He could afford it, and the condo could use something on the plain white walls. He hoped he liked her stuff.

It wasn't until two days later that Daniel was able to get free during business hours. It had been frustrating. He finally knew who she was and where to find her and he ended up stuck at work.

He was familiar with the world of contemporary art. CeeCee, his other best friend, had married an artist, and he'd made the obligatory appearances at shows and parties, offering moral support.

He saw art he liked and art he didn't like.

He glanced in the widow of Gallery 22. Okay. Pretty pictures. He could live with them, if necessary. He pushed open the heavy glass door and entered.

Looking around the large white space, he took in an attractive red haired young woman in the requisite Artist's Black and nodded politely. Further glancing, he saw more pretty pictures. He started to move around the room. He stood at each painting long enough to be polite, and spent most of his time trying to read the signatures.

They were colorful and innocuous enough that he'd be able to live with any one of them, but none seemed to be signed Nic Bannerman.

Finishing his circuit put him at the desk, where the young woman was talking on the telephone. She ended the phone call with a vivacious laugh, then smiled at him. May I help you?

I'm looking for work by Nic Bannerman. Is she showing here?

Smiling, the young woman, Stevie -- according to her name tag, walked around the desk and led him toward the back of the gallery.

Through the door, for the first time, he understood CeeCee's passion for art. On the wall across from him was a large, vibrant, colorful canvas.

He caught his breath.

He stared.

Hearing a faint buzz, he realized the young woman was speaking. He turned to face her. Looking amused, she repeated what she'd been saying.

This is Nic's latest series. She's a former dancer and the focus of this series is ballet dancers. She has been working with the local ballet company, attending their rehearsals, sketching and photographing them.

He glanced around, seeing numerous paintings, along with some sketches and other less finished works.

Stevie continued, We're the exclusive dealers for this series and this is a long term show. She's still adding work. In fact, I talked with her today and she mentioned that she was in the process of preparing several new canvases. She'll probably be delivering them next week.

That got his attention. On a hunch, he asked... Was that who you were just talking with?

At her nod, he knew what his strategy would to be. From the sound of the conversation, Stevie and Nic were friends. He needed to impress Stevie so she'd give him a good recommendation with Nic.

Well, if you don't mind, I'll like to look around here. After that, can I talk with you about any new paintings the artist will be bringing in?

She beamed at him. I'll be at my desk. I'll call Nic back and get more information about when she plans to bring in her new work.

That would be great! he spoke warmly and smiled. She left the room and he was free to look his fill.

If anyone had mentioned ballet pictures to him before this moment, he'd have imagined fluffy pink tutus, candy box pretty dancers, and toe shoes with ribbons.

Now, he was engrossed in the raw power of practice clothes, sweat, and looking at a close-up sketch of damaged feet... bloody and brutal.

He took his time, looking at paintings and sketches. He found everything riveting.

As he finished his circuit, he did a quick glance around, calculating the purchase prices. He made a very good living and hadn't had any expensive hobbies... until now.

He, Luke, and CeeCee all had trust funds, but in high school, they'd made a pact not to be typical Trust Fund kids. As a result, his trust fund had been sitting there and growing. He knew

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