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Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution
Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution
Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution
Ebook40 pages38 minutes

Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution

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She was ambitious determined and smart enough to succeed yet she felt she was not getting the promotions and opportunities she deserved within the company.
During a company motivational training course she manages to catch Martin's eye. Is this just the opportunity she has been waiting for?

Release dateJun 17, 2014
Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution


Born on the 2 June 1971 in Donetsk , Ukraine. Sheherezade is only my pename. I am a singer and singing teacher. I have appeared in many Opera's from Macbeth, La Traviata ( my favorite) Nabucco and Aida. Studied music and languages at the State University of Minsk , currently living in France with my English husband. I am blonde! I enjoy fine food and wine,music,fishing,writing and travelling. We have between us a very large family!

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    Betrayal. Revenge and Retribution - Sheherezade

    Betrayal, Vengeance and Retribution

    A short story



    Copyright © 2014 by Sheherezade

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    Martin opened the driver’s window of his car as he did every single day before reversing out of his driveway into the street.

    Gail, his wife, lent in and kissed him.

    I love you. She said tenderly.

    I love you too! Martin answered.

    Be good! Gail lovingly threatened.

    I will. Martin dutifully replied, as he did every day.

    See you Sunday! Call me? Gail said as Martin reversed the car into the street.

    Today’s drive was not to his office in Chelsea but to a luxury Hotel just near London’s Heathrow airport. His Boss, John Stone, had decided that a weekend seminar for all junior sales staff was necessary and despite John being present for at least half the day it would be Martin’s job to run the sales motivation seminar.

    Martin was senior vice president of Goldstein and Stone, a London based Real estate Company with over 40 offices in the wealthy South East of England, offices in Monaco, Marbella, Geneva, Rome, Paris and Moscow to name just a few. The business had grown over the 33 years since its creation with just John, his first wife and Martin to over 500 employees. Martin was extremely happy working for John, he had all the benefits of being John’s longest serving employee, but also of being John’s closest friend. Many times over the 33 years John had offered Martin a share in Goldstein and Stone, which Martin had never accepted. John had created the business using a telephone kiosk in London as his office telephone, this was of course before mobiles had been invented!

    The advertisements would read , Superb 2 bed apartment, overlooking Hyde Park, call Goldstein and Stone between 12 and 13.30 on 01 451 3772 .

    The kiosk telephone number of course. There had never been a Goldstein but John thought the Jewish name gave them street credibility.

    Martin was still at University when he started working for John, his job was to scour the advertisements of luxury properties for sale, try and find out where they were and then persuade the owners that Goldstein and Stone were the only agent able to sell their property at the highest price!

    It was hard, very hard, even when he found the property and contacted the owners most were very reluctant to give Goldstein and Stone a chance.

    Over the first six months John managed to sell two or three properties and the SOLD by Goldstein and Stone signs outside luxury central London properties began to appear. Martin’s share of the commission was astounding, so by the end of his first year helping John he had made ten times more than his

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