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Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale
Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale
Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Cody Parker hates the nickname Bully Buster. It was given to him when he beat up a kid in the seventh grade who was picking on a girl. Even so he would step forward anytime he saw anyone being bullied.

It's not that Cody had any trouble fighting bullies. He was well trained in martial arts so sometimes it was just a matter of him saying something and the bully would walk away.

What he never expected was that a bully ring in the area might prove to be his downfall.

It's one thing to fight a bully but it's another thing entirely to fight a bully who has evil powers and punches that deliver an electrical charge that can temporarily paralyze you or even kill you.

When Gage Tank entered the picture, things changed. A bully with evil powers is a threat to Cody and everyone. Although Gage didn't know it, he had an unearthly evil who had supplied he and the others with a power that even Cody could not beat.

Cody would find he had a mythical mentor but he doesn't exactly give Cody all the help Cody feels he should.

Cody would need help defeating this bully ring. His mentor informed him he had powers he needed to learn how to harness but that until he learned how to use those powers, fighting one of those in the bully ring could result in his death. He also learned there was a girl with the same powers but she would not come forth.

Would he have to fight alone?

This is a fantasy story that has some romance, comedy and magic. Young adults will find it a fun story they will have a hard time putting down.

PublisherB.D. Knight
Release dateJan 28, 2014
Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale

B.D. Knight

I write scary stories as well as rewriting and fracturing popular fairy tales. I warn you that when you read my stories you need to let loose your imagination. Anything can happen.

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    Book preview

    Bully Buster - Supernatural Tale - B.D. Knight

    Bully Buster

    Young Adult Fantasy Stories

    B.D. Knight

    Copyright © 2014 by B.D. Knight

    All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    This book is fictional. Any names, characters and/or places in this book that remind you of yourself or someone are purely coincidental. 

    I apologize to any fictional characters for having possibly written about you in a different manner than what you are accustomed to. I assume that since you are fictional you will understand I may have taken some liberties but I can’t apologize to you directly because first of all it would give away some of the surprises in this book.

    Second of all, you’re fictional.

    Table of Contents

    1 - Wed


    3 - Th



    6 - Fri

    7 - Sa



    10 - Su

    11 - M




    15 - Tu



    18 - Wed





    23 - Th

    24 - Fr






    30 – Sa

    31 - Su




    1 - Wednesday

    It’s one thing to fight a bully but it’s another thing entirely to fight a bully who has evil powers and punches that deliver an electrical charge that can temporarily paralyze you or even kill you.

    I don’t know why but I had the feeling from the moment I got out of bed that the day was gonna end up sucking big time and it didn’t have anything to do with me rolling over and falling out of bed. That’s happened before. I told my mom I needed a double bed but no. That wasn’t happening.

    I was scarfing down a donut when my mom walked in and poured herself a cup of coffee and sat next to me.

    You look like you had a rough night, she said.

    She took a healthy sip and leaned back to savor the taste, as she liked to tell me.

    Not really. But I think my woman’s intuition is kicking in.

    I scrambled out of the way as coffee spurted from her mouth. I rushed behind her and patted her on the back to stop her from choking.

    Your woman’s intuition, Cody? Those are words I never thought I’d hear coming from you.

    We both laughed.

    I don’t know how else to put it.

    That worked just fine. It’s nice to start the day with a laugh. It would be even nicer if I didn’t have to clean up all this coffee.

    I’d help, mom, but I gotta get to school.

    I grabbed my backpack and tore out the door before she would notice I was leaving a half hour early.

    I no sooner got to school and to my first class when my history teacher pulled me aside to tell me I was flunking her class. She rambled on telling me I better start taking history seriously and that I better start doing it pretty darn quickly or I would be ineligible for sports. I wasn’t that worried since football was over anyway so I had time to fix my grade.

    It’s not my fault history sucks. It’s boring and who cares what happened a gazillion years ago anyway? My other grades were decent, at least decent enough to pass, so one stupid subject shouldn’t ruin my life.

    I guess history wouldn’t be so bad if the teacher wasn’t always tossing out dates and warning us we needed to remember them or spend our summer vacation learning them again. I would spend so much time trying to remember the date something happened that I couldn’t really get into the lesson. Memorize a date and totally forget it once the test ended.

    History is an important subject, Cody. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

    Mrs. Marsh was always rattling off quotes. She looked older than my grandma so she had plenty of quotes stored up.

    Yes ma’am.

    Someone needed to find a way to teach history in a way that didn’t make you want to lay your head on your desk and take a nap. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be in my best interest to tell her that.

    Of course if my mom found out I might flunk history that could be bad. I was almost held back last year but I swore to her I would study harder and keep my grades up. She had figured my dad being killed had something to do with my grades dropping. Probably did.

    I would highly recommend you take the project I gave you and do some serious research. You need a high grade, Cody. I don’t mean you just need a passing grade on it. Do you understand?

    I nodded. I’d need my best friend to pull me out of this but he sat on the opposite side of the room so I wouldn’t see him until lunch.

    I was in the hallway between classes when one of my friends pointed out a new kid in school. The new kid was pretty big and seemed to be sucking in his gut and shoving out his chest when he passed a group of girls.

    We get new kids in school all the time. Ohio is becoming a hot spot. My dad had told me it was because our cost of living was pretty low compared to other states. Whatever? I would think it would be tough for a new kid to start in a new school in March when the school year was winding down.

    That’s the new guy, said Rufus. He’s in my homeroom.

    I’d known Rufus for three years and still didn’t know his last name.

    He’s pretty big, said Rufus. I heard he’s a wrestler and knows martial arts.

    Like I care.

    That’s cool, I said.

    Rufus was a good kid but his feelings got hurt pretty easy so I wanted to act somewhat interested even though I could have cared less. Now if he was telling me about new girl in school I’d be into it.

    He shoved Riley Coodle into his locker yesterday when school let out.

    Why’d he do that?

    He told Riley to do his homework for him and Riley said no.

    I didn’t know Riley had it in him.

    Good for Riley.

    Well after the kid shoved him in the locker Riley changed his mind and backed down. Then the bully gave Riley a wedgie for good measures I guess.

    That’s original.

    Not really, Cody. Lots of –

    I was being sarcastic.


    The problem was I knew where this would go. Ever since I kicked a bullies butt back in the seventh grade I’ve been known as the bully buster. I hated that nickname. It was like when a cowboy became known as the fastest gun in the west and gunfighters would come into his town to seek him out to prove they were faster than him. Some bullies would seek me out to prove they were tougher than me.

    It wasn’t like I worried about getting beat up. I could hold my own. My family spent two years in Japan because of some technological project my dad was working on, and while I was there I not only advanced my martial arts skills but also got some ninja training.

    My dad got me started in martial arts training because I use to get in fights for no reason. He figured if I developed my fighting skills I would become more self confidence and would be less prone to fight at the drop of a pin. He was right. I only fought now when I had no choice.

    All that training does make me a pretty bad ass but at least I’m not a bully. I hate bullies. Why do kids have to make themselves feel tough by picking on other kids who can’t defend themselves? What’s so cool about that? It’s lame.

    I mean you’re pretty big, Cody, but he might be even bigger.

    I shrugged.

    It doesn’t matter, Rufus.

    So are you going to fight him?

    I waved my hand.

    I’m not interested in fighting him or anyone else. As long as he stays out of my way we shouldn’t have a problem.

    I don’t think he is going to stay out of your way. He was grunting about being the toughest kid in school. I think someone told him about you.


    Whatever. I gotta get to class. I’ll see you later, Rufus.

    I looked for Billy at lunch to talk about Mrs. Marsh’s project but he didn’t show. That wasn’t unusual for him. He would skip lunch sometimes and do some research at the library. Go figure. I’d have to catch him the next day because I remembered he was attending some lecture that evening.

    School let out with no incidents. No one was home when I got there because my mom was still at work. I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of milk.


    I almost spilled my milk when a puff of blue smoke shot from out of nowhere and a goofy looking man dressed in a wizard outfit was standing before me.

    I know how to put down a smoke screen and seem to appear from out of nowhere from my ninja training. I knew this wasn’t a ninja thing though.

    Not to mention I looked down and could see the wizard, if that’s what he really was, hovering above the ground. I know that David Blaine uses that illusion but I was pretty sure this wasn’t David Blaine. This guy looked like a turd in a wizard outfit.

    So who you supposed to be? I asked. A genie? I didn’t rub any bottles.

    His sudden appearance scared me but I didn’t want him to know that.

    I am Merlin the Wizard.

    I choked trying not to laugh. I put my milk down and stood at attention with my hands on my hips.

    Right. And I am Superman.

    I know who you are. You’re Cody Parker.

    Wow. You know my name. You really must be Merlin the Wizard.

    Don’t mock me, Cody. I’m here for a reason.

    Well if you’re looking for King Arthur, check the bathroom. He said something about having to take a piss.

    I thought it was funny. I had a feeling I was being punked.

    The wizard guy raised his hand. He held a wand and when he pointed it at me, I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. I went flying across the room and slammed against the wall. It freaking hurt. Not just hitting the wall either. It also felt like I was hit by an electric bolt. It pissed me off.

    What the heck, man?

    I warned you not to mock me.

    I’ll do more than mock you, turd face. I’ll kick your butt.

    Like I said, I’m not a bully. I just don’t like to be pushed around. I rushed him and threw a pretty good side kick. It would have knocked down a guy twice my size if it had connected. It doesn’t work too well when it only hits air.

    The wizard was behind me laughing.

    Is that all you got, Cody?

    How-d you . . . No, I got more.

    I rushed him again and this time threw my masterful spinning roundhouse kick. Once again I was kicking at the air and heard laughing behind me. No one could be that fast.

    If you’re though trying to beat up the air, do you suppose maybe you could give me a few minutes of your time to talk? he asked.

    It was pretty obvious I didn’t have much of a choice. I gave in.

    Sure. Whatever. Want some milk and cookies while we chat?

    No, no I don’t. But thank you for offering. You might want to sit down, Cody.

    I’ll stand.

    Suit yourself. Cody. We –

    No one can move that fast. Let me touch you.

    Why do you want to touch me?

    To see if you’re real. You might be a projection or something.

    He rubbed his face and shook his head and sighed. Finally he waved me over. He was real.

    Are you satisfied? he asked.

    I guess. Go on with what you was saying.

    We have a possible situation and you are the only one who can help. Well, you and a young lady you’ll meet later.

    The young lady part sounded intriguing.

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