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The Barbarians: Sarah's Landing Series, Vol. III
The Barbarians: Sarah's Landing Series, Vol. III
The Barbarians: Sarah's Landing Series, Vol. III
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The Barbarians: Sarah's Landing Series, Vol. III

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A Crlllion Armada is detected heading toward Earth. And a single battlecruiser, with the last of the civilized captives fleeing from Crlllion on board, is aiming to stop them.

The newly-launched Plieades is vulnerable Can the Pleiades stop the madman’s apparent suicide attempt? the fate
of Joshua’s two sons weighs in the balance. If they fail, can Earth survive?

Release dateJun 19, 2014
The Barbarians: Sarah's Landing Series, Vol. III

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    The Barbarians - Elena Dorothy Bowman


    Sarah’s Landing III

    The Barbarians

    by Elena Dorothy Bowman

    Published by Write Words, Inc. at Smashwords.

    © 2007 . All Rights Reserved Elena Dorothy Bowman

    © 2007 David Bowman

    ISBN 1-59431-514-0


    To my beloved husband Jim who encouraged me every step of the way and whose critiques were invaluable in the writing of this series.

    And to my parents, our children, our granddaughter, and our brothers and sisters who wondered what I was doing but in spite of it all, stayed the course with me.

    And as always, to my brothers Tommy and Bobby, who are in Heaven watching over us.


    In the third episode, due to the unprecedented development of a highly secretive and selected relationship between the planet Earth and the Planet Theon, the new Ruler of Theon, an Earthman, is being confronted with problems he had not anticipated or desired.

    Dissension began developing on Theon when the former Earth residents, from the ill-fated Starship, and earlier abductions, learn of the arrival and sudden departure of Alexandra without her three-year-old son Andrew. Seven years would pass before Joshua would allow Andrew to return to Earth.

    Meanwhile, tensions were building slowly. Since Joshua was now Ruler, it was up to him to convince those seeking repatriation to Earth that their safety and the safety of Theon must be assured before he could let them return. Three more years of delaying tactics on the part of the Council would pass before violence finally erupts.


    In order to prevent Andrew from joining his brother and father on Theon again, once he returned to Earth, Alexandra contemplates the destruction of the botanical garden, which had been their focal transportation site, thus cutting off all means of communication with Theon. Joshua banishes the leaders of the revolt and allows the childless couples to return to Earth. For the safety of both planets, the decision is made to sever contact between the two planets for two or three decades. Joshua sends a former astronaut, a Theonian contact, who was instrumental in the starship’s disappearance, to accompany the returnees and to assist surreptitiously in Earth’s space exploration.

    * **

    Andrew, Joshua’s Earth son, enters the space academy at an early age and several years later enters Earth’s space program. As the years pass, he moves into leadership and assumes command of the spaceship, Pleiades. But on Theon, Adam, Joshua’s alien son, has developed traits of the long-forgotten warrior class. Meanwhile the Crlllions, forgotten by the Theonians, continue to hunt for people to conquer, and for slaves to serve them. Unrelenting surveillance tracks signals directed toward Earth, coming from empty space, so the Crlllions launch an inter-planetary battlecruiser against Earth.

    An explosion destroying one orbiting platform, manned by humanoids, catches Earth by surprise. All manned platforms are placed on alert. Station #3, near India, is being pulled into space by an unknown force. Earth launches the Pleiades under Andrew’s command. Andrew fires Nuclear-tipped missiles in the direction of the unseen enemy. Station #3 is suddenly released after explosions in deep space. They wait for a counter-attack but it does not come.

    The death of the Crlllion ship does not go unnoticed on Earth, on Theon, or on the Pleiades.

    All of the witnesses were bonded by a ‘communion of spirits’ to one another, to the scene that exploded in their minds, and to the instinct for survival.

    The Theonian assisting Earth’s Space Program asks for Theon’s capability. Joshua sends the weapons to Earth with his Theonian son Adam. Another Crlllion Armada is detected heading toward Earth. And a single battlecruiser, with the last of the civilized captives fleeing from Crlllion on board, is on an intercept course. Joshua decides it is time to neutralize the dark planet, Crlllion.

    As the alarm is triggered in Space Command the Pleiades roars off the launching pad. Andrew learns that Adam is on board and is his weapons officer, and with that, knows what type of weaponry he now has. Andrew changes course as an explosion rocks his ship. Adam fires back. Blinding explosions light up the darkness of space as one Crlllion ship after another vaporizes.

    Two ships from Crlllion survived the explosions. One with the madman in command, bent on savagery and destruction streaking toward Earth and a confrontation with Andrew and the Pleiades; the other, unknown to Andrew, Adam and the Earth Defenses, commanded by a leader fighting for survival and refuge, was rushing to intercept and protect the vulnerable Earth ship and in so doing, Earth.

    The Space Command could not launch any missiles without endangering the Pleiades. Could the Pleiades stop the madman’s apparent suicide attempt? The fate of Joshua’s two sons lay in the balance as well as many lives on Earth if they failed.

    Chapter 1

    On the Hills Outside Star City, Theon

    Memories stirred deep within him as Andrew swept his eyes across the boundless deep green valleys and plush hills. Behind him, Star City glistened in the background in mute testimony to the existence of life in a seemingly otherwise silent world. But for the dying echo of his call, which shattered the eerie stillness, not a sound could be heard.

    Where did he disappear to now? Andrew demanded frowning. I’ll bet he’s off somewhere with Maia.

    His thoughts turned toward Ballard’s younger daughter and his frown deepened. If she was missing as well, then Adam discovered another hiding place where they could be alone. He would only be wasting his time searching for them. Andrew knew he would never find them unless and until Adam wanted him to.

    Maia is all Adam thinks about these days, Andrew thought. Guess he doesn’t have time for anyone anymore, including me. But then he didn’t know I was coming. How could he? I didn’t know myself. Well, maybe next time. He remembered a time when it was different. When no one could come between them—not even his mother.


    He was three when his mother left him on Theon and several happy, carefree days passed before he realized she was gone. He cried when he could not find her, when he could not remember the coordinates, which would take him back to Earth. He begged Joshua, his father, to help him. But his father held him tightly in his arms and explained why it was necessary he stayed. Adrianne, Adam’s mother, tried desperately to comfort him, while his brother, Adam, begged him not to cry, as he awkwardly tried to pat his arm.

    You’ll see. You’ll like it here Andrew, Adam said, his eyes glistening with tears as he spoke. Please Andrew, don’t go away and leave me alone again. I want you to stay here with me forever. Please Andrew, please want to stay. Adam pleaded as the tears streamed down his face.

    Andrew looked down at his brother from the height of his father’s arms and bravely tried to brush away his own tears.

    But Adam, Andrew sobbed haltingly, my mother needs me. I have to take care of her. She’s all alone now.

    No she isn’t Andrew, honest! Father will tell you. Won’t you Father? Tell Andrew you found Harry and Harry’s with Alexandra now. Please Father, tell him!

    You’re doing a good job of that yourself Adam. You tell him, Joshua smiled as he gently lowered Andrew to the floor.

    Adam grabbed Andrew’s hand and led him into their room, while Joshua and Adrianne, standing side by side, watched them go.

    It will be all right Adrianne, don’t worry. Adam will bring Andrew around.

    I hope so Joshua. I really hope so, she answered doubtfully.

    But Adam did bring Andrew around. It was Adam who told Andrew about Joshua’s promise. Joshua would let both of them visit Earth when Andrew adapted to Theon and progressed sufficiently in his studies to allow it. But Andrew had to understand it would be a few years before their father would let them make the journey.

    It will be like being in school, Andrew. Only we get to start earlier ‘cause we have more to learn than the others. And when we go to Earth to visit your mother and Harry it will seem like a long vacation…see?

    Uh-huh, Andrew said, but he did not. He could not understand why they could not go anytime they wanted to.

    You’ll be too busy, his father would only say, when Andrew asked him why.

    His father had been right, he was too busy. First and foremost was the task of changing his molecular structure to adapt to Theon’s environment. Since he was already part Theonian, it did not take as long as it had for the other Earthmen.

    Adrianne began the process almost immediately upon Andrew’s arrival on Theon. While Adrianne showed Alexandra Star City, everything Andrew ate and drank was aimed at changing him, but Alexandra was only given nourishment to sustain her. After the first few carefree days on Theon, the process was begun in earnest. Andrew was becoming a full-fledged Theonian.

    The months and years passed swiftly and both boys grew mentally as well as physically. Adam had a slight edge on Andrew to begin with, but Andrew’s telepathic games with his father and brother across the vast expanse of space while he was still on Earth fared him well. He soon caught up to Adam and both boys became the pride and torment of Theon.

    Joshua decided both of his sons would undergo the rigorous training necessary to take his place as Theon’s Elder. He was not going to choose one over the other. And if it turned out Theon would have two Elders, so be it. Time alone would tell if one outshone the other. As it was now, they were both equal — so much the better for Theon, Joshua thought.

    They were inseparable, Adam and Andrew. Where one went, the other would follow. When one was in trouble, the other would be right in the thick of it. Together they did everything. Mischievous, inquisitive, intelligent boys behaving as any normal boys their age would, with a seriousness to them, which belied their tender years.


    From the beginning they were leaders, with the other children of Theon following their every lead. More than once exasperated parents would demand the Elder’s sons be reprimanded for their mischievousness. More than once, Joshua threw his hands up in despair at their antics. While Adrianne stifling her laughter tried to be serious, and only sent them to bed without any dinner. But these two resourceful boys never went hungry for long.

    It was not until the ‘Morgan Boys’, as Theon’s parents were wont to call them, led a number of Theon’s children on a wild journey into space that Joshua finally had to curb their adventurous spirits. They were ‘grounded’ in the literal sense of the word and forbidden under penalty of the Elder’s punishment to teleport anywhere for two solid months. This was a fate worse than death for both of them. For days they moped around Morgansphere complaining constantly about having nothing to do. Adrianne finally capitulated under their relentless pleadings and allowed them to play in the botanical garden. Almost immediately, she sensed she made a mistake.

    She heard the sound of the garden starting to rotate moments after the boys stepped into it, and smiling nervously, shook her head at what her two ‘angels’ might be up to.

    Growing impatient with its slow movements, both boys decided simultaneously to set the garden spinning at higher and higher speeds. Faster and faster it went, straining against the gravitational pull of the biosphere.

    Adam and Andrew, laughing and giggling, hung on to the fragile trees, bushes and shrubs in a valiant attempt to keep from being tossed around. Ultimately, the centrifugal force, generated by the spinning garden, tore them loose and flattened them against the transparent garden dome, affording them an unobstructed view of swirling lights intertwining a profusion of color into the whirling garden.

    Screams of delight reached Adrianne’s ears just as the entire biosphere began to shudder beneath her feet. Instant panic seized her as her mind visualized the outward tilt of the garden. The whole area seemed to be moving away from its berth, with her two sons held fast against the fragile dome. Her horror-stricken screams reverberated throughout Star City as her mind transmitted the scene she was visualizing.

    Unable to cope with the impending disaster, Adrianne froze, totally unaware of Joshua’s instantaneous appearance in answer to her cry. She was still screaming long after the garden was brought under control.

    Adrianne! Stop it! They’re alright! Adrianne! Do you hear me? Stop it! Joshua ordered shaking her, gently at first, then more forcefully until she stopped staring at the horror within her and looked up at him.

    Joshua! she cried, burying her head in his shoulder. I didn’t know what to do. I could see them sailing off into space and I didn’t know what I could do to stop it, she cried softly.

    There isn’t any reason to cry, he said gently, trying to comfort her. It’s all over now.

    Raising her head she looked into his eyes. I panicked, she tried to smile. I was frightened and I panicked.

    I know, he nodded smiling reassuringly.

    A sudden look of horror crossed her face. Joshua, she gasped, they could have been killed! If it wasn’t for you, they would have been killed! I shouldn’t have let them go in there alone. I wasn’t watching them close enough…it’s all my fault!

    No it isn’t your fault, it’s theirs. And in spite of what it looked like, they couldn’t have been killed.


    But nothing; I know they’re only eight years old, but they didn’t have to do what they did. I don’t know why they would have wanted to in the first place. It’s not as if…, he hesitated then quickly added, they could have teleported out anytime they wanted too. They may have gotten a few bumps and bruises, but they wouldn’t have killed themselves.

    But the garden was tilting and moving away…

    It may have seemed that way to you, but it couldn’t have happened. The computers would have shut it down long before it reached the critical point. The garden never would have attained ‘lift-off’ velocity, he grinned slowly.

    But I thought…

    I know what you thought, so does everyone else on Theon, he said laughing softly down at her.

    You knew the computers would stop it?


    Did they?


    Who else knows?

    As far as I know, the entire male population of Theon knows. He was laughing at her now and she could hear her boys giggling in the background.

    And you think it’s funny…the whole damn planet thinks its funny…, she stormed at him angrily.

    No, not really, he smiled. "Only those who know what the computers will do are grinning. She did not believe him.

    You’ll have to admit though, it’s one sure way the boys can have some innocent fun.

    You mean at some unsuspecting girl’s expense? she fumed.

    C’mon honey, you know as well as I do that sometimes girls, big and little, like to be frightened once in a while. And sometimes, boys, big and little, like to frighten them…once in a while, he answered grinning sheepishly.

    That’s not the point! she bristled. It isn’t fair…only the male population knowing, she chided. Well, maybe I have accomplished something out of this after all.


    Now, the entire female population of Theon knows what the male population knows about the computers’ effects on the ‘spinning’ garden!

    Not necessarily, he said slowly.

    What do you mean?

    He wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer to him before he

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