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Dragons of the Dark
Dragons of the Dark
Dragons of the Dark
Ebook222 pages3 hours

Dragons of the Dark

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Jayco is a young boy who believes that dragons live among us. He has spent years gathering evidence to support his theory and prove that all modern day dragons live in caves. When he moves into a new neighborhood, he gets lost deep inside a commercial cave. There he meets the Dragons of the Dark. These dragons have an elaborate set of laws that keep them protected and hidden from mankind. Jayco's intrusion into their world has violated those laws and put his own life at risk. Deathlock is the dragon that comes to his defense. However, Deathlock's old adversary Maelstrom will stop at nothing to make sure he fails.The dispute between the two dragons opens old wounds and threatens to tear both worlds apart. As a rescue party races to find Jayco, Deathlock fights all odds to ensure Jayco's safety while keeping the Dragons of the Dark hidden from mankind.

PublisherT.R. Duff
Release dateJun 19, 2014
Dragons of the Dark

T.R. Duff

T.R. (Tina Rayna) Duff is a freelance writer who lives in Virginia and works in the technology field. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Tina's education culminated when she earned her Master's of Information Technology degree. She has worked for several tourist attractions including a commercial cave. While working for the United States Department of the Interior: Parks and Recreation Department, she received an outstanding achievement award. She resides in the lovely Shenandoah Valley Virginia with her son.

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    Dragons of the Dark - T.R. Duff

    Dragons of the Dark

    Copyright 2014 T.R. Duff

    Cover Art created with photos from: - dragon-2 by Piotr Siedlecki

    Published by T.R. Duff at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1: The Move

    The light is dim as he crawls along the floor of the cave. Strange shapes shift on the walls. His flashlight flickers. Oh no, he whispers as he crawls faster toward the light. Jayco smacks the flashlight with this hand. It cannot go out now. He is still deep in the cave of eternal darkness. Losing his light here will mean the end of everything. The light begins to grow dimmer as he crawls faster and faster. The flashlight flickers again, his eyes widen as he races for the entrance. The flashing ruby, gripped tightly in his hand begins to slip. He tries to rearrange his fingers in order to obtain a better grip but this allows the ruby to slip from his grasp, rolling into the darkness.

    Oh no, he mumbles. I must go after the flashing ruby. It is the only thing that we can use to reverse the curse placed on the world by the evil overlord.

    The crevice seems to tighten around him as he goes for the ruby. It is almost in his reach when his fingers bump it. The touch sends the ruby hurtling into a deep gulch. He is not to be out done. He throws a pebble down the gulch to see if there is a bottom. After a few minutes, he hears a tink, tink, tink as the pebble bounces on the floor of the cavern.

    Okay, he says. Time to climb down there and get the ruby. He looks around for somewhere to tie off the rope that he takes out of the backpack. Not far away, he sees a stalagmite. He sighs, it will have to do for now. Quickly tying off his rope, he pulls hard testing the strength with his weight. He wraps the rope around his waist, getting ready to plunge over the edge. Testing the rope one more time, he pulls hard. The stalagmite snaps. The sudden release causes him to stumble backwards. His back foot teeters on the edge of the cliff, as he struggles to regain his balance. His arms flap, as he leans forward trying not to fall into the gulch. Lurching forward away from the yawning pit, he loses his balance. He throws himself forward landing on the smooth, hard floor of the cavern.

    Whew that was a close one, he says, looking behind him as his back foot dangles over the gulch. Slowly, he carefully rises to his feet. Let's try that again, he says, Hopefully with better results this time.

    Walking over to a bigger stalagmite, he quickly ties off the rope. Here it goes, he says. Pulling hard on the rope, he is careful to stay away from the edge of the gulch. The rope holds, so he slowly repels down over the side of the cliff. Looking down he thinks he can see the bottom of the gulch. Suddenly, his feet find no rock to push off from as his body slams into the rock wall. He wraps the rope around his body, feeling for the rock wall with his leg. Releasing his fingers slightly on the rope, he slides down a little further. Holding tightly to the rope with one hand he reaches out with the other for the cliff face. His fingers slide over a distinct curved edge of rock. There is a cave opening on this side cliff. He tries to peer inside but the blackness is resistant to his feeble eyes. He fumbles for his flashlight. Finally, his fingers find it, and nimbly remove it from his belt. Turning the flashlight on, he sees the large entrance to another shaft of the cave. He slides down the rope a little further. Examining the cave entrance, he sees jewels and gold littering the floor. The sides of the cave are smooth, as if something has been scraping the formations off. Turning his attention to the ceiling of the cave, he sees scorch marks. The air makes a whistling noise as he sucks in his breath realizing where he has ventured. This is the cave of the Leviathan. The Leviathan is the most fearsome beast in the entire world. Only the hand of God or a magical flute can soothe the beast once he wakes. He listens for any sound that the beast has heard him, but there is none. Whew, he breathes a sigh of relief. He allows himself to slide further and further down the rope, coming closer and closer to his goal. The time seems to pass slowly as his anxiousness mounts. Finally, his feet hit the bottom of the cave, with a thud. The sound resonates through the chamber, growing louder with each echo. Oh no, he murmurs. He can hear his heart beating as he waits to see if the sound has awakened the beast. The sound finally dies away as silence returns to the cave. A cavalier smile spreads across his face, as he raises one foot to go after the ruby. Then he freezes, as he hears the deafening bellow of the Leviathan. His eyes widen as he looks up the rope trying to decide if he can climb fast enough to race the monster to the surface. There is no turning back now; he quickly crosses the distance to the ruby. His fingers wrap around the ruby tightly, tucking the stone quickly into his backpack. Then he turns to grab the rope, which led to safety. A look of horror spreads over his face as he sees that the Leviathan is sniffing the rope. His massive jaws open, clamping down on this aggravating vermin in his cave. The rope catches between massive, razor sharp teeth as the beast slings his head from side to side. The small stalagmite that anchors the rope cannot take this kind of stress and breaks free from the floor above. The sharp, pointed stalagmite comes tumbling down, bouncing from one side of the cavern to the other before landing right in front of our hero. The Leviathan stops shaking his head, his eyes falling on the intruder...

    Jayco, his mother yells up the stairs. Time for dinner.

    Jayco's head pops out from under the bed, which is his cave of eternal darkness. Okay mom, he yells. He hurries out from under the bed, placing the flashlight on the nightstand beside his bed. He stops by the door to check his hair. The dark brown locks are messy so he combs through them with his fingers quickly. Smiling, his dark brown eyes dance with mischief as he picks up his Spiderman gloves from the chair beside his bedroom door. Slipping them on, he leaves the room.


    His hand is on the banister as he hops down each stair on the way to the dinning room. The other hand is slinging Spiderman webs while he adds the special effect sounds.

    Take that Jay Jamison, he says as he pretends to muffle the character.

    Slinging another web, he pretends to swing between the buildings on his way down the stairs.

    Jayco, his mother reminds him no toys at the table.

    He quickly removes the gloves, leaving them on the phone table by the stairwell. He smiles as he pulls out his chair. He is only seven years old but his feet almost touch the floor when he sits in his chair. He is proud of his height and the fact that most people think he is much older than seven.

    His mother puts the food on the table while asking, Did you wash your hands?

    Yes, he replies, knowing that he forgot. He does not want to go back upstairs now and wash his hands. Then he would be late for dinner, the food would be cold and his mom would be mad.

    She sits down and smiles. She did not hear the water run in the sink, so she is certain that he did not wash his hands. However, she decides to let it go for tonight. In the interest of having a civil dinner for the first time in their new house, she says nothing.

    He wonders if she knows as he smiles back at her.

    She chuckles and says, Okay. Let's say grace.

    When the prayer is over, she fills his plate. So, what do you think of your room? She puts small portions of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans on his plate. They are Jayco's favorite foods. He loves her meatloaf because she uses tomato sauce around the outside. He says it taste like ketchup. Jayco loves ketchup. He would eat it on everything, if his mom would let him.

    It is great mom, Jayco replies as his mom sets the plate in front of him. He loves his new room. He did not have one in the old house. He had to share with his mom. The house was excessively small for them. His new room has space for his bed, his toys, and even room to play in his tent. He loves his new is only missing one thing...his mom. He is still a little scared of the dark, although he would never admit it.

    I told you it would be a good move, she says while fixing her own plate. Living in that old house made her feel terrible. She knew Jayco needed more room to run and play. She worked very hard to be able to afford this new house. It will be great for both of them.

    It is bigger than I thought it would be, he admits.

    Yes. I think we will be able to get used to it...don't you? she asks, teasing him.

    Jayco's eyes twinkle as he laughs. I don't know Mom, he replies. I might have to sleep in the closet. They had just moved from a very small house into a three-bedroom farmhouse. Compared to the old house this one was huge. They both liked to joke about the extra room they had now.

    His mother rolls her eyes as she giggles about the comment.

    Hey, his mom says with a grin Do you know what is just down the road? her eyes twinkle with excitement.

    Jayco can hardly contain his delight. YES! he yells.

    Jayco had seen the sign as soon as they got off the exit with the moving truck. This town has a cave. He has loved caves since he was able to walk. His mother took him down into one when he was only a baby. She has told him stories about how most babies cried in caves but he giggled, loving every minute. The old house was a long way from any cave and he did not get the chance to visit them often. His mom did manage to get him trips on special occasions but now he could go anytime he wanted. It was just too cool.

    Melissa laughs, grimacing from the loud reply. His mother knows how excited he is about living near a cave.

    Guess who got tickets this afternoon..., she teases.

    His eyes light up as he drops his fork on his plate with a loud clatter. Clasping his hands together, he says, You didn't?

    I did. she states flatly.

    We are going? he asks, unable to sit still.

    Yes, his mother becomes a little more serious, but you have to finish unpacking first.

    When are we going? asks Jayco.

    Tomorrow at two. she replies.

    I can get the unpacking done tonight, Jayco states flatly.

    Okay, but don't stay up too late. She adds with a smile, If it is still not quite done you can sleep in my room like last night.

    Well if you're still scared I can stay with you again tonight. He grins, relieved that he does not have to stay in that big dark room all alone... yet. He knows the time will come but at least for now his mother will being there.

    Thank you, Melissa sighs. It might take a while to get used to all this space. She motions around the room with her hand.

    Are you done? she asks Jayco motioning to his plate.

    Yes, thank you. He is being polite which he knows she likes. She always calls him her little gentlemen.

    Can you carry the plates to the kitchen? We have a kitchen. His mother winks at him. They both giggle again. The kitchen in the old house was so small his mom always called it a closet.

    Jayco gathers up the plates and utensils as his mother takes care of the food.

    How long is the tour? he asks his mom.

    Uhmmm...45 minutes to an hour I think, she says. I hear they have a lake down there.

    Bouncing up and down, Jayco expresses his exhilaration. He can't wait until tomorrow. Do we have any extra batteries? he asks his mom.

    Yeah, she points to the box by the kitchen doorway leading into the pantry. I think they are in there. She frowns, Why?

    For my flashlight, Jayco says.

    Ahhhh...well why don't you run along and play. I will finish cleaning up the table. She wipes her hands on the dishtowel as she watches him dig for the batteries. He soon finds what he is looking for and heads for the stairs. The caves of eternal darkness wait.


    Ouch, Jayco winces as his mother tries the hat on his head.

    I’m sorry, she says, checking the hat. Is it too small?

    Yes, he says rubbing his head.

    How about this one? she asks, picking up a larger yellow miners hat in the cave gift shop.

    Let me put it on this time, Jayco says.

    Okay, Melissa watches as he fits the hat on his head. It is a little bit too big but there is an adjustment strap in the back.

    Jayco struggles to keep the hat on his head but it keeps falling down over his face.

    His mother tries to keep from laughing but fails. Here let me help, she says taking the hat and adjusting the strap. Handing back the hat she says, Now try that.

    Jayco places it on his head and this time it is a good fit. Perfect, he says.

    His mother smiles at him.

    'You even look like a miner," she says.

    Can we check out the rocks, mom? he asks her.

    Sure, she says, if we have time before the tour starts.

    Jayco drags her by the hand to the section of the gift shop that has all kinds of rocks and minerals. He shows her red stones, white stones, crystals, metal and things that his mother is surprised he can pronounce.

    Okay, Jayco, she says, but which one do you want? Please decide we are going to have to go soon.

    Jayco picks out a crystal that has cool colors.

    They approach the cash register as the voice over the intercom announces that the tour is meeting at the entrance to the cave.

    Do we have time to pay for this? Melissa asks the cashier.

    Yeah, it will be a while before the tour leaves, she replies.

    Good. Melissa pays for the hat and puts the receipt in the pocket of her jeans. She pushes her long blond hair over one ear as she hands the hat to Jayco.

    She winks at him as he puts on the hat and checks out the light. It works.

    They make their way through the gift shop to the entrance of the cave. Several other people gather around the guide and Jayco pulls on his mom’s hand to get closer. He wants to be up front so he can hear what the tour guide says. Soon they are standing directly in front of the tour guide. He is a young man about sixteen but is very tall. Jayco notices that he is taller than his mom is. He wonders how he can get through the cave being so tall. The guide smiles at Jayco and says Hi.

    Hi, Jayco returns.

    Is this your first time in a cave? he asks.

    Oh no, His mother answers before Jayco can get the words out.

    Oh, really? the guide shows his surprise.

    Yeah, I have been in ten caves so far, Jayco, brags.

    Wow, ten caves, the guide acts impressed.

    Jayco starts to tell him about them but he feels the pressure on his hand from his mom. He glances up at her and she has the look on her face. Just then, the guide addresses the group and the tour begins.

    Ladies and Gentlemen...if I can have your attention, please. The tour guide gets everyone to settle down so he can go over the cave rules.

    Let me direct your attention to our sign right here. It clearly lists all the rules that you must observe while in our cave. The rules were created to keep you safe and our cave protected so you can enjoy it again and again. He smiles, making a grand sweeping gesture with his hand toward the sign. The group laughs at his antics. He allows a few minutes for everyone to get the chance to view the sign. "As you can see we only have a few rules, basically just try to refrain from touching the living structures in the cave. We do provide you with some structures that you can touch since they are already dead. Stay up with the tour at all times, I don't want anyone getting left

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