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When the consolidation of the Euro fails to stabilize the local economy, the Council of 12 known announces the Blue Chip Credit to be the global cashless currency.
Mining on the Moon and Mars destroys the value of precious metal as the economic standard undermining the value of the credit.
Conversion to both the Blue Bank Credits and Basic Credit eliminates cash.  Cash no longer exists. The government can track every small exchange.
With taxes abolished, unused credits revert to the government coffers after one year. The peoples own hours of labor become the standard for the new world currency.
Can the Spencer family use the very oppression designed to financially enslave them and set them free?
Watch for Crucible III as you keep this this amazing secret ending close to your vest.

Release dateDec 20, 2013

Robert Stetson

I am a retired person living in Massachusetts. My background is extremely diverse. I have worked a Computer Systems Design Engineer, an Auxiliary Police Officer, and many other jobs. I have been a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer working for 3 different fortune 500 companies, served as a representative at ANSI, ECMA and other standards organizations.. I was/am a licensed Private Detective in two states, a Licensed Real Estate Broker and now write as my full time occupation in books on a variety of fact and fictional topics.

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    THE CRUCIBLE II - Robert Stetson


    I am Marc Spencer, grandson of Park Spencer. I’m 36 and lean in stature.

    I stand 6 foot 2 inches and have black hair and eyes so dark the irises look black. It runs in the Spencer Family.

    I was often mistaken for my father. It’s as though we are all clones.

    Judy Spencer was my dearly departed grandmother.

    She was a beautiful lady, but she died of leukemia, which sadly enough was not curable then, but is completely curable now.

    The government declared that she was above the threshold age for any form of treatment.

    I was with her when she passed away.

    Grandma was a small, frail eighty nine year old woman with white hair and blue eyes that would blaze in the slightest light.

    In order to control the rapidly expanding population, the government has deemed that anyone over the age of eighty is no longer eligible for life saving treatment.

    They say that ninety percent of the cost of medical care is expended in the last ten percent of life.

    Unless you are a member of the Council of 12, you are living on borrowed time after eighty years of age.

    My father and mother are retired now and living in Sacramento California.

    I haven’t seen them in over 15 years. My dad promoted me to his job when he retired early.

    He was never as keenly committed to the job as he could have been.

    My grandfather was a great man, responsible for a lot of The Polygon’s progress.

    The elders in our family work hard all of their lives and burn out from the hard work and the stress that comes with being part of the Polygon.

    They retired right after Derek’s funeral.

    An Elite Company Executive approached them with six guards and expressed their regret that we had lost a valued member of our team.

    It’s a new dawn in the evolution of humanity.

    The Council of 12 has announced that the economy is no longer going to be a problem.

    We were once told that adopting the Euro as a currency would stabilize the world market.

    It was supposed to fix all the trade issues and having the dollar do this, and the yen doing that, and the Mark drive down the dollar, and the yen surging on the market and so on.

    They lied.

    We were told that the global economy would bloom when we adopted the Global Elite central government.

    The state of the economy has been up and down since Global Elite money was first invented, but now the Global Elite Council of 12 has again announced that they have found a way to free us from the tyranny of countless recessions and depressions.

    Even better than that, the preliminary news is broadcast on every channel across Earth and on the Moon.

    All taxes are going to be abolished at the end of their five year plan, would you believe it?

    The Council of 12 has won the overwhelming approval of the gullible people.

    Fortunately, we have had the good council of our financial firm Al Akken & Company and our law firm Buggs and Eats, PC.

    The last names of the principal families have remained the same after over two hundred years.

    Much of our money is sheltered in the Credit Union, tied up in construction equipment or stored in gold and platinum back in the Credit Union vault.

    Al Akken & Company is urging us to convert the gold and platinum into credits before the space exploration discovers vast deposits of the ores on the new worlds they are beginning to conquer.

    The downside of space exploration is that discoveries of rich deposits of rare metals can undermine the rarity and therefore the value of the substance we base our economy on.

    We still have the gambling chip conversion receipts and the purchase receipt for the gold and platinum, so we put Al Akken to work selling off the precious metals and converting the revenues to credits.

    Our early planning has paid off.

    We don’t know what the catch is with regard to the government abolition of taxes, but we’re not that stupid.

    The real kicker is coming soon. People are dancing in the streets, but we’re looking worried.

    Yes, taxes will be reduced over the next five years until there are no more taxes. The SRS (Solar Revenue Service) said clearly, Read my lips. No more taxes.

    Russell construction was just awarded the contract to finish Peri after some secret work was completed four years ago.

    Things normally move a little slower when the project is as big as a small planet and located millions of miles from the supply depot.

    Peri is beginning to look like a natural planet now.

    In this case work is progressing at a more rapid pace due to the progress in technology.

    Much like air travel in the ancient Earth, once the technology made it practical, it became commonplace and very comfortable in less than fifty years.

    The planet Peri is located in orbit about forty percent of the way between Mars and Earth.

    Art Buggs is in his office on Peri in the eastern sector twenty degrees north and forty four degrees west of Peri’s Zero Meridian.

    Art and his two sons, Phobos and Deimos are seated at the council table. Art is what you might consider elderly.

    He’s been a key player at Russell Construction Company for several decades. He’s still spry to say the least. He has a keen eye for business and treats it like a gambling game.

    He’s a strong bluffer when the odds are against him. When it comes to what he does, he is the best.

    True to the family tradition, Art is rotund with a ruddy complexion and walks with a slight waddle. He dresses in suit, white shirt and tie which all tend to be a bit unkempt.

    His appearance might have impacted their business over the years but there is no evidence of that. Like his father, he is known for his ability to take hopeless situations and turn them around.

    Art has two sons. Phobos is the Treasurer of the Polygon and Deimos is the Polygon Guard, commander of the security force that protects the Polygon Foundation.

    These men are twins and like their father. They are both rotund with ruddy complexions and walk with a slight waddle. Much like with the moons of Mars, Phobos is the larger of the two twins. They are both genuinely good at what they do.

    All three men are crowned with helmets that cover their heads down to their noses. Inside the helmet the men are fed with video and audio blending the real with the virtual.

    It appears to each that they are seated at a long table populated by twelve people, nine who are not in the room, much less on Peri at all.

    Conferencing by holography is the most natural way to gather a group of people in a meeting.

    Given the distances between Earth and Peri, shuttling people around isn’t always the most practical solution.

    The Polygon Foundation has existed for over five hundred years because of infallible security.

    The session today is triple encrypted, but financial documents and other sensitive information are never connected via subspace audio or video stream.

    The documents and reports are fragmented and moved by couriers.

    As each fragment is received, the next fragment is sent via courier by an alternate route.

    It can take three weeks to receive an entire message and reassemble it.

    Urgent information is obviously never sent in this manner.

    With regard to finances, only financial numbers are given. Sources and destinations are never revealed,.

    The Guardian Foundation, a nonprofit, was formed to enable a sixth company to be created within the Polygon.

    Because the Polygon is a secret organization it gets a bit complex, but this is a financial shell game. For this reason, the extent of the Polygon’s savings has become the best kept secret of the Polygonites.

    The SRS (Solar Revenue Service) can’t seize what it can’t locate or quantify.

    Prior to the conversion from cash to the credit based revenue system, taxes could only be levied on earnings.

    The total assets and the relationship of the, now five, Polygon companies have always been undetermined.

    The Polygon created the unique sliding resource model which was created as a response to the government tax system.

    In this model, money, people and resources can be shuttled back and forth.

    Phil Akken, President of Akken, CPA & Company clarifies, "These four for-profit companies forming the Polygon can donate fifty percent of each of their profits to those Foundations that aren’t on the client list. They can cycle back the maximum deductible amount.

    In this way the money is partly recycled tax free. While tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is completely legal."

    The Earth, Moon and Peri branches of the universal government is in a quandary, as the Council of 12 believes that companies holding an undisclosed surplus of funds represent a direct threat to their control of society.

    There is a major concern about the amount of money the cooperating companies have managed to amass and then conceal from the Global Elite.

    The Global Elite Council of 12 meets to discuss the problem and determines that it’s time to implement the next phase of their plan early.

    They are going to change the way money is created distributed and tracked.

    The Global Elite Commander of the Council of 12 is calling for the re-coining of all Global Elite currency.

    The recoining is the number two priority.

    The primary concern is for the Council of 12, their holdings and principal partners to restructure their wealth in order to minimize or eliminate tax.

    This strategy will eliminate the effect of the monetary shift in currency on the members of the Council of 12.

    Changes of this nature have always been managed in this way with regard to the ruling class.

    The reorganization of wealth in order to favor the government has always been done in secret to prevent common citizens from preparing for the change.

    This was always the fact, even before the creation of the Euro back in the nineteenth century.

    The Global Elite Commander of the Council of 12 speaks, The general public is never notified of the change until the governing people are ready. The change then has to be swift to be effective.

    When the rich and powerful are ready, they have a final meeting and agree it is time to launch.

    The highlight of the meeting discussing the recoining plan is broadcast on the news for all of Earth, Moon and Peri to see.

    Win Talbert, son of Barry Talbert, the famous forensic scientist, is joining Metro Net Security as a Senior Vice President.

    Win smiles broadly and makes the comment, I think we have the Council of 12’s knickers in a twist.

    As usual, when a new system favors the wealthy the poor are sold a bill of goods.

    The council of 12 issues an explanation, "This action has been anticipated for a very long time and many thought the idea had been strongly considered, planned and then abandoned in favor of our continued dependence on hard currency.

    "With the anticipated advent of mining on the Moon and Mars, the use of mined materials in the form of precious metals as a basis for our economy is impractical.

    We need a basis for our currency that will level the economic playing field and more fairly compensate our citizens.

    A blend of currency, assets and labor exchange is far more equitable. It is important for the success of the new monetary system to convert the existing paper to electronic currency and melt down coinage thereby putting the next part of the plan, involving virtual currency, in place.

    Another benefit of virtual currency is the technological inability of anyone to counterfeit it.

    For the first time, each credit transferred has to be through a bank, so counterfeit currency will fail to transfer on the spot and the attempted perpetrators will be identified in the transaction and

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