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Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism
Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism
Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism
Ebook40 pages35 minutes

Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism

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"My intent is to examine and challenge the vocabulary and fairness of the world’s color bars," says the author--and does so vigorously, saying, "We refuse to be your spiritual Gunga Dins, refuse to wipe your asses with our perfumed spiritual tissues." Arguing for universal multiple citizenship, he decries ethnic and regional stereotyping as a form of continuing colonialism and control. The book also contains an entire chapter on Salman Rushdie, including the time that he, Richard Crasta, was mistaken for Salman Rushdie.

The purpose of publishing this book is to give readers a taste for the full "Impressing the Whites", its humor, and its vigorous language.

Release dateJun 20, 2014
Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism

Richard Crasta

Richard Crasta is the India-born, long-time New York-resident author of "The Revised Kama Sutra: A Novel" and 12 other books, with at least 12 more conceived or in progress. "The Revised Kama Sutra," a novel about a young man growing up and making sense of the world and of sex, was described by Kurt Vonnegut as "very funny," and has been published in ten countries and in seven languages.Richard's books include fiction, nonfiction, essays, autobiography, humor, and satire with a political edge: anti-censorship, non-pc, pro-laughter, pro-food, pro-beer, and against fanaticism of any kind. His books have been described as "going where no Indian writer has gone before," and attempt to present an unedited, uncensored voice (James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, and Philip Roth are among the novelists who have inspired him.).Richard was born and grew up in India, joined the Indian Administrative Service, then moved to America to become a writer, and has traveled widely. Though technically still a New York resident, he spends most of his time in Asia working on his books in progress and part-time as a freelance book editor.

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    Monica's Thong, Rushdie, and The New Spiritual Colonialism - Richard Crasta

    Monica’s Thong, Rushdie, & The New Spiritual Colonialism

    Richard Crasta

    Copyright 2014 Richard Crasta

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Richard Crasta

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Author’s website:

    This book consists of three selected chapters from Impressing the Whites: The New International Slavery.

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Disclaimer

    Monica Lewinsky’s Thong Underwear, or Black and White

    Salman and Me

    The New Spiritual Colonialism

    Author’s Disclaimer

    Any resemblance to real persons or books living or murdered is purely coincidental. Void where fatwahed, and fatwahed almost everywhere. Some assembly of facts and intelligence required. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during reading or as a result of heavy drinking. Use only as directed; misuse permitted only to critics who have made up their minds before reading this book. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or a vibrator. Little Ayatollahs not yet proven to be blood relations of the original Ayatollah.

    The facts in this book, indeed any statement in this book, have no bearing on any fact, living or dead. Any resemblance is a regrettable oversight and will be remedied with the next edition or by year’s end, at which point this book will automatically self-destruct.

    Further, in buying this book, you agree that you are purchasing just this book — and not its author. The author reserves the right to revise, reissue, rethink, or repudiate his book, and to sell his pet flea into slavery if offered a fair price.

    This book combines satire with truthful, passionate, sincere, and idealistic observations — a unique mix that has been a trademark of the author’s writing (though more so in some books than in others). It is against any form of racial typecasting. Indeed, the author was helped by sincere, idealistic white persons of integrity in the editing and launching of this book, and wishes to emphasize that in most cases, whites — a term used for convenience, as a kind of shorthand — refers to the power structure that often oppresses powerless whites and colored alike. This book being in the satirical tradition of Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, and Ambrose Bierce, it would weaken the writing to repeatedly qualify one’s statements. Therefore, anyone quoting individual lines out of context, without irony, without acknowledging this statement, and with an intention to mislead others should have his or her height or head examined.

    This 2011 e-book edition is by and large the unpublished 2002 revision, with two short essays on the White Tiger, the Booker, and Barack Obama included as Appendices, along with a

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