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Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare
Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare
Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare
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Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare

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Snow White is not the naive beautiful girl you might think she is. She is beautiful but she turns into quite the dynamo when the evil queen tries to kill her father.

Certain scenes might make this story more suitable for young adults but my 10 year old grandson and a few of his friends certainly enjoyed it.

Snow White's stepmother was definitely a meanie. That doesn't change in this story. She was evil but maybe she would never have been obsessed with finding out who in the land might be fairer than her had Rumpelstiltskin not made an appearance.

He introduced her to the magic mirror but not the magic mirror we are all familiar with. This was a magic mirror with a serious attitude which angered the queen.

A magic mirror with an attitude is only the beginning.
Who was the huntsman?
Where are the dwarfs?
Did . . . really give Snow White the poisoned apple?
What other girl does the mirror tell the queen is fairer than her?
What happens when Prince Charming kissed Snow White?
Why is the Gingerbread Man in the story of Snow White?

There are a lot of questions that need answers. Rather than spill the story line trying to entice you to read the book, I suggest you open the free preview and skip reading the table of contents and go directly to chapter 1 to see if this story interests you.

If you decide you want to see who all appears in the story, read the table of contents. There are plenty of fairy tale characters and lots of surprising twists and turns.

By the way, Snow White is a fictional character. Or is she?

PublisherB.D. Knight
Release dateJun 23, 2014
Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare

B.D. Knight

I write scary stories as well as rewriting and fracturing popular fairy tales. I warn you that when you read my stories you need to let loose your imagination. Anything can happen.

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    Book preview

    Snow White - The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare - B.D. Knight

    Snow White

    The Evil Queens Worst Nightmare

    Knight’s Fairy Tales

    B.D. Knight

    Copyright © 2014 by B.D. Knight

    All rights reserved worldwide.

    No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

    This book is fictional. Any resemblance to any living or dead person is coincidental. I hope I didn’t hurt the feelings of any fairy tale characters when writing this.

    Snow White

    You’ve never experienced a Snow White story like this one. This is an action adventure story with lots of your favorite fairy tale characters appearing. Snow White might start off as an innocent young girl but . . . Sorry, I can’t give away too much.

    Snow White has the evil queen, her stepmother, to deal with. The Queen is evil enough without help from Rumplestiltskin, but he presents her with a gift that promises to doom Snow White and possibly other young girls.

    There are no seven dwarfs here. There are, however, another group who tries to help protect her. Not to mention Robin Hood and Hansel and Gretel and . . . I’ve said too much.

    Sit back and read the story and be prepared to laugh and worry at the same time.

    The Queen

    The queen wasn’t in a particularly good mood as she greeted the weird little man.

    Who are you and why are you bothering me? she asked.

    Your Majesty, my name is Rumplestiltskin and I have a present for you.

    She stared for a moment. He was strange looking and had a high pitched raspy voice. There was something about him that bothered her.

    Why would you be bringing me a gift? You must want something in return? I don’t want anything from a strange looking man such as you. Speak quickly or I shall have my guards behead you.

    He waved his hand and grinned. Apparently the prospect of losing his head didn’t bother him.

    You shall want this, my lady. It’s magical.

    She rubbed her chin. She liked magic. She used it to her advantage. She pointed her finger at him and wiggled it.

    This better not be a waste of my time.

    Rumplestiltskin laughed even more and turned to the guards and clapped his hands.

    Bring my gift in.

    The guards looked at the queen and she nodded. One of them walked out of the room and returned pulling a cart with something in it which was covered with a sheet.

    My lady, I believe you will want to see this without the guards present.

    The queen raised her eyebrows.

    The guards stay. Why would you presume I would trust you?

    This gift has magic which I believe you would not want known to others. But if you insist –

    He grabbed the sheet. She waved her hands.

    Stop. Guards, wait outside and if I scream, return immediately and destroy this creature.

    Rumplestiltskin appeared offended that she called him a creature and began to say something until she pointed at him to be quiet. The guards left the room.

    I have magic which I can use to destroy you and I shall not hesitate to call the guards to take your head should you try any trickery.

    There was a strange smirk on his face. Somehow she had the feeling she wasn’t the only one with magical powers. She would be sure not to turn her back to him.

    You need not worry about me, Queen. Allow me to unveil my gift.

    He walked to the cart and yanked the sheet to the ground.

    A mirror? You bring me a mirror? Is this your idea of a joke?

    Rumplestiltskin bowed.

    Not a joke, my lady. This is a magical mirror.

    She blew out a stream of hot air.

    A magical mirror? Just how can a mirror be magical?

    Allow me to demonstrate. I know my lady believes herself to be the loveliest lady in the land. This mirror –

    Believes myself to be the loveliest? I know I am the loveliest. Do you not agree?

    Of course I agree. But the mirror knows for sure. You have only to ask the mirror and it will tell you. It knows all the ladies in the land.

    Why do I need this mirror to assure myself I am the fairest in the land?

    To be certain no one is more beautiful than you.

    That makes no sense.

    Perhaps one day, and I doubt this but things happen, some maiden will reach the age of eighteen and be more beautiful than you.

    The queen raised her hands and sent a bolt of lightning across the room at Rumplestiltskin. He threw his hands in the air and the bolt bounced away and shattered a vase.

    Is everything alright, Your Majesty? asked a guard from the hallway.

    She wasn’t so sure. She was right to fear this little man might be powerful. The guards would probably be of no use.

    Please my lady, said Rumplestiltskin. Hear me out.

    Remain outside, she said to the guards.

    She glared at Rumplestiltskin.


    I said perhaps someday a maiden might be considered more beautiful. I doubt that could ever be but what if it was so? Would you not want to know who she was so you could squash her?

    The queen lowered her hands. She doubted anyone could ever be as beautiful as herself but it wouldn’t hurt to know it was true.

    So how does this magical mirror work?

    You look into the mirror and call it by name and a face will appear. You ask the face who is the fairest in the land and you will get your answer.

    The mirror was lying on the cart and it was hard for the queen to see her face in it. It needed to be upright. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to test it.

    This mirror needs to be hung up, she said. I shall call the guards.

    Rumplestiltskin waved his hand and shook his head.

    No, no. Not a good idea. You won’t want anyone to know of this mirror. Tell me where you want it and I shall hang it.

    I would like it hanging in my powder room.

    And that be where?

    Follow me.

    She opened the room to her powder room and Rumplestiltskin followed.

    Are you not going to bring the mirror with you?

    There be no need, my lady. I too have magic, as you have witnessed.

    She hesitated but she knew her magic was very powerful so she continued into her room.

    I should like it to hang on that wall.

    As you wish, he said.

    He waved his hand and in a moment the mirror was hanging. She eyed him. His magic was powerful. He could be a threat. He must have recognized her concern.

    I am no match for the queen. Besides, I do have a reason to be on your good side.

    What is your reason?

    Please, try the mirror first. You will want to see its power and then we can continue our discussion. If you’re not impressed you can always hope your guards can behead me.

    His grin was devious but she chuckled and walked to the mirror.

    Call it by name to awaken it.

    What is its name?


    She glanced at Rumplestiltskin to be sure he wasn’t mocking her.

    I know, he said. Not very original. Anyway, you call it to awaken it. A face will appear and you ask your question.

    This better work. OK, Mirror.

    Nothing happened. She turned to Rumplestiltskin and raised her hands.

    "The mirror can be stubborn. Try saying mirror on the wall."

    She flashed him a look to let him know he better not be stringing her along. She lowered her hands and turned her gaze back to the mirror.

    Mirror on the wall.

    A green and red smoky haze rose up all around the mirror and a face appeared. The face was tan with deep set eyes, a prominent nose and a twisted mouth. The face looked irritated.

    What is your command?

    You shall address me as Queen.

    The face rolled his eyes.

    What is your command, Queen?

    Who is the fairest in the land?

    The face sighed and lifted its eyes and seemed to be trying hard to see inside its brain.

    In this land wide and far, you are the fairest one of all.

    The queen fist pumped the air and smiled. Then she wrinkled her forehead.

    Was that supposed to be a rhyme? If it was supposed to be, it wasn’t.

    So sue me, said the mirror. I can tell you who is the fairest lady in the land but I ain’t Dr. Seuss.

    Her face distorted and anger flowed through her body.

    You shall speak to me with respect.

    Blow it out your ear Queen. I’m in Mirror Land. Your powers have no effects on me.

    The queen clenched her fists and her jaw and turned towards Rumpelstiltskin. He shrugged.

    I said the mirror would tell you the truth but I didn’t say it had manners.

    You’re on shaky ground, little man.

    I can remove the mirror if you desire, Your Majesty. You have merely to say the word.

    She wanted to tell him to remove it but hesitated. The

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