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The Black and White Knight part 1
The Black and White Knight part 1
The Black and White Knight part 1
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The Black and White Knight part 1

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For decades the lands of Elleghane lay dormant, her fields fallow. Her men had gone to war and come back broken or not at all. Her women had died; of age, disease, childbirth and loneliness - all save one.

Enarrah, grand-daughter of Alicia the Sighted One was the driving force of normalcy at Castle Strathenham. All looked to her for guidance, healing and hope since Lord William took ill grieving for his beloved wife Violet.

She had hardship at every turn but faced each trial with a dignity and courage far beyond her nineteen years. Now she faced a true dilemma, a strange-clad knight dressed in black and white had appeared from nowhere wreaking havoc and bloodshed, but her gift of sight could only find good in him.

After thirteen years of dangerous travels, the carnage of war and living by his wits Luke Wynnewood was a man adrift in a sea of emotional turmoil. His best friend had died in his arms, his lady fair was sent away from him by her father, and his king lay buried in foreign soil.

His wandering had now led him to the Isles of Britain, to a new king and a quest.

He had resolved that he would never share his feelings again. Then he looked into the soft green eyes of the plain dressed girl with the fiery spirit and his resolve was gone.

Now these mythical lands must be reborn and a kingdom saved by the marriage alliance of this legendary knight and this girl of destiny. Together they must find their love and their courage to overcome all adversity, or the House of Elleghane will suffer and fall at the hand of a usurper possessed by an ancient evil.

The Elleghane Saga by Honey Myers consists of twenty proposed volumes covering a time span of 1150 years from 1134 to 2184 AD. The saga will take you across the Continent, the Middle East, The New World, modern day America; and, in Book 20, to the far side of the galaxy.

The ultimate historical romance series, The Elleghane Saga is a cross-genre blend with elements of folklore, fantasy, mystery, action-adventure, mythology and religion. We strive for excellence in our books, to entertain, enrich and capture your heart and imagination with drama, humor, hope and most of all love and romance. The men and women of the saga empower themselves and each other to be a force for good in their world and we hope they will inspire you to be a force for good in yours.

We cordially invite you to join us and continue the journey through time and places with the brave men and incredible women of The Family Elleghane.

The next books in the Elleghane Saga:

"The Black and While Knight part 2"
"Freedom for Lady Annabella"
"Caledonian Ocean and the Princess of Tara"
"Lady Elizabeth of Kraigsleigh"
"Sir Philburt and The Borders Maiden"
"Lord Carlton Returns"
"Faerie Princess of Cornwall"

PublisherHoney Myers
Release dateJul 20, 2014
The Black and White Knight part 1

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    Book preview

    The Black and White Knight part 1 - Honey Myers

    The Black and White Knight - Part 1

    By: Honey Myers

    A Novel of Life, Love and Justice.

    Book 1 of The Elleghane Saga

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 R. A. and H.W. Honey


    This book is dedicated to all the caring and decent men and women that work in every public safety agency in The United States of America and throughout the world.

    Thank you for helping to make this world of ours a better place.


    This is a work of historical fiction. Literary license notwithstanding, we have attempted to maintain the overall historical accuracy as much as possible. In general: besides those referenced in the Historical Persona and Historical Notes; names, characters, places and incidents contained herein are the product of the authors' imaginations or are used by in large fictitiously; and, resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, circumstances, events and/or locales may be entirely coincidental.


    Dear Reader,

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. We would like the whole world to join The Family Elleghane where love and justice prevail. We appreciate you purchasing the eBooks for your own use; and, thank you for respecting our earnest efforts by doing so. Coupons, updates and sneek peeks can be found on fB at HoneyMyersBooks and soon at

    While all due care has been has been taken in the preparation of this book, the authors and publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions. However, any and all errors or omissions that are found will be rectified as soon as possible.

    Thank You & Welcome to The Elleghane Saga,

    The Authors


    Cover Background Layout by Michelle Lee Designs

    Cover Print Format by Rebecca Ann Honey



    Enarrah looked into his eyes; she and Luke were locked into a place where only they existed. A flood of emotions passed between them.

    Her heart raced and she felt a need within her she had never known before. It was his eyes, those violet eyes looking deep into her spirit that beckoned and called to the very core of her.

    Of a sudden she felt lightheaded and stretched out her hands to steady herself on the stone wall in front of her. She would never be the same again, inside those beautiful eyes she felt a depth of emotions she hadn’t known existed.


    "Thank you for all your good words Robert, now I must make haste. Before I do I must tell you what fills my heart. You know I was the 'guest' of Calif Al Jafar at his opulent palace for many weeks. He is a good and decent man. We spent long hours in conversation and meditation.

    One day he stood looking at that which he loved most in all the world and he said to me, 'She is every woman I thought I'd ever have and she is every woman I thought I'd never have. Anam Cara '. I was speechless and in awe of his remarkable words."

    He said, 'If you are truly blessed you will be enlightened.'

    Since looking into Enarrah's eyes a few minutes ago I can think of nothing else."

    I know those words well, Robert said. They are Celtic and one hundred centuries old. They mean you are one with each other, that she will go through all of time with you.

    Luke whispered as he walked away, Would that it were just so.


    Table of Contents

    In this book you will find the brave men and magical women of The Elleghane Saga. They strive to preserve the best principles of humanity for us all, throughout time.



    A Dance in the Darks

    Little Miss Trouble

    The Twins

    Man of Mystery




    And Then There Were Two...

    Back From The Dying



    Reconnoiter and Recollection

    Breaking Fast

    A Visitor of a Different Stripe

    The Covenant


    Love Promised



    Over The edge

    Hope Returns




    About The Elleghane Saga

    Connect with Honey Myers


    Historical Persona

    Major Persona

    Minor Persona

    Ancestral Persona


    Historical Notes

    The Black and White Knight - Part 1


    The Borders of Scotland 1134 AD

    Heatherlyn, it will frost soon and we have to finish gathering the winter's supply of plants and herbs for our medicines.

    I know Enarrah, I know, it's been on my mind to go do just that, but this constant rain makes the task a miserable outing at best, the rain should let up in the a few days time.

    I'm not complaining dear friend, we've all been busy preparing for the winter, you as Stewardess in particular. I have real concern that I may run out of the medicines I need, and even though it seems slow, I think Sir William's health is improving.

    To my way of thinking Sir William will find his legs again in his own good time, but I'll not take away from the help that your tonics have been to him. We will get the gathering done dear lady.

    Walking away Enarrah thinks, Yes...we...will.


    Luke Wynnewood sat in the arched hall by a huge oak door and heard the ever so soft footfalls approach. He could now see that his guide to the king's inner chamber was none other then Lord Damien, whose ramrod back and cold eyes exuded an aura of menace. It clung to him like the stench of decay.

    Come with me Sir Knight, the words spat out like venom.


    Luke Wynnewood of Lamaso stood and looked down into the whirlpool dark eyes of the speaker and saw there arrogance and worse, malevolence.

    This was the first hostility toward him since arriving at Edinburgh Castle, but not his first ever. No matter, his keen senses in mind and body had become a second nature to him. Fine honed, he now embraced his gifts of insight, called upon them and trusted them.

    While rising from the bench outside the main chapel he let his left hand drop to the top of his longsword scabbard. Two inches of moon grey steel glinted in the brazier light by the time he had stood fully erect.

    Lord Damien, how may I be of service to the King’s Advisor.

    Then you know me.

    Let us say I have heard about you.

    You will follow me to the King’s chamber for your audience.

    Young Kendall, Sir Erlich’s Page was to be my escort, we had matters of chivalry to discuss. Where might he be ?

    Chivalry indeed... He is occupied elsewhere performing other duties, I trust you will have no complaints that a lord leads you instead of a mere page. Now come, the King suffers no slackers.

    It was then that Damien noticed the sword and stared at it. I see you don’t trust me, you would draw your weapon upon a defenseless old man ?

    Wynnewood made a show of following the man’s gaze, and watched his pale complexion turn worse and a hint of fear shown in those furtive eyes. Well and good.

    Oh, you mean this, Luke said, gesturing with his sword arm toward his scabbard This is a habit knights and warriors pick up early on, and never loose. Every time we change body position we check that our sword will clear the scabbard. Quite routine.

    Oh... oh... Damian stammered, now mollified and regaining his aloof composure, Thank you for the explanation, now we must go.

    As you say.

    Arrogance seemed to fill Damien, his posture reflected he had been slighted and worse, snubbed. It wasn’t snobbery, it was caution. Luke had no desire to be caught up in Damien’s games. His type were the ne’er-do-wells who clung to the coattails of power to advance their own personal plans.

    Soon they arrived at the designated entryway, Luke stood with calm indifference and waited for the next verbal jab from the little man. It wasn’t long in coming.

    A gnarled hand swung through the air and one bony finger pointed straight at Luke. Who are you and what do you want here? Damien demanded.

    The door opened, The King will see you now Sir Knight.

    Damien looked away and the accusing hand retreated into the folds of his robes.

    As Luke stepped through the portal, it closed and he locked eyes with Damien’s malicious glare. An old adage came to mind, 'The goodness of a man can be measured by the number of his enemies'.

    This King had a long list of enemies, men who wanted not just coin; they wanted kingdoms, and used evil savagery to get them.


    Heart of my heart, will the Protectress arrive soon.

    Yes, Mighty One, soon.

    Time grows short and the balance of all things will be in peril.

    O Great Winged One, across the eons all has been foretold and I will welcome the grand-daughter of Alicia the Kind. She will bring with her a warrior of the ages, this time he will come from The Lothian and upon their arrival together all will be made right.


    In the king's private chamber torches and braziers were lit all about and fine rugs covered the stone floor. Tapestries depicting great battles hung on the walls from a vaulted ceiling. Predominate was an immense horseshoe shaped desk-work table behind which, in a high-backed chair, sat the king. He was a striking visage, calm and collected with all the goings-on in his court and his country. His relaxed persona belied the fighter in him.

    Luke watched the king lay parchment atop a stack on his desk.

    Step forward.

    By your command King David, I am here, Luke said as he bent to one knee.

    You are indeed, Wynnewood, rise up and stand easy. How do you find life here at Our court?

    Fine Sire, comfortable and peaceful in some ways.

    Peaceful is it, compared to the tumult of Crusade We can well imagine that it is. In this case however all is not what it seems. You have freely given your fealty to the Crown. You bring honor and decency with you, two things which this country is in need of.

    Thank you Sire for giving me a country to call my home.

    Black and White Knight, We are the envy of every civilized kingdom. The Saracens openly regret they could not convert you from Christianity during your stay with them. This surprises Us not in the least.

    Your Highness, there are good and decent men everywhere. They gravitate to those like themselves, to advance the tenets of freedom and justice.

    We know the truth of that, hence your summons. There is a mission for you, Sir Luke, a quest.

    You have only to ask it of me, your Highness.

    "Hmmm, perhaps... You have been with Us this short time and it may be that you would prefer to remain longer. Be that as it may, both Myself and the Queen find you more restless of late. Your socialization has been desultory with Our Knights, and rare with the ladies of the court, who act quite disappointed I might add. You have arrived here in the wake of a great tumult. Continents and ideologies clash throughout the world, you and those like you are needed now more than any other time in our history.

    A myriad of thoughts went through Luke’s mind, and heart.

    Ahhh, I see you know of what I speak."

    Yes Your Majesty, in light of my recent travels, I do.

    Travels indeed! Legendary feats so say monarchs. We have accounts concerning your chivalry and dedication to the Code of Honor from knights who were there at the same battles in Jerusalem. Each one holds you in the highest esteem for your courage and fairness. The lay-crowd however are fond of bandying about the notion you are a conjuration of war, emerged from a mist, a Ghost shrouded in mystery and therefore to be suspect. The crux of the matter is that these are difficult times in which we live, the old ways of the Earth Mother are fading and fewer heroes now walk these hallowed halls.

    Luke bowed his head and said, I am here Majesty, in flesh and blood, at your service. The lands of my fathers’ are either forfeit or are under control of my brothers.

    We had not heard about the forfeit of Lamasco Lands, but it is possible. Discontent and political intrigue are rife across the Continent. In any case, your being here at this particular time works to Our advantage. With gratitude We accept your fealty and your sword. A place will be found for you upon these isles with lands to call your own. Rewarding good men gives Us great satisfaction. There is something We wish to be found. The elements surrounding its’ existence are like you, adrift in a sea of mystery. It must be located and secured or confirmation received that it is unreachable. There are sinister forces aligned against Us who would use this artifact and what it represents to usurp the throne, assassinate The Royal Family and institute draconian rule.

    Luke Wynnewood liked this man and the liking came from concern King David had for his family and his people. His title The Saint was given, but it was also earned. He had done much in his reign to staunch poverty and make the country a better place, and so had the Queen.

    Be not quick to answer until you have heard what it is that you must do. There is no doubt the journey you make will be twisted and dangerous. The King wrote on a small piece of parchment and handed it to Luke. Read this, say nothing and hand it back.

    The paper was offered, upon its’ return the king went to a brazier and threw the parchment into the flames.

    Solemnly Luke said Can this be true?

    Our enemies believe that it is. Therefore, if there is a chance, We must as well.

    Sir Luke stood thinking for a few moments. It seemed as if he were deciding to accept the quest or not, his true thoughts were already miles ahead on the paths he must travel, and where they might lead.

    I do accept Majesty and am thankful for Your confidence.

    "Good! If anyone can do this thing, it is you. We know of your talents in addition to the warrior in you, they will be useful. The only clue to its’ location is that it is to the west, which is fortuitous because you may find an additional reward for your efforts in that direction. There was a shipment of two score casks of supplies 'lost' at sea. You will know if you find them, for they are unique.

    Then west I will go. Do you require periodic reports?

    No, I do not. Spies and schemers are all about. When you have learned the truth, report to The Crown. Keep your own colors, the wearing of mine would serve to bring unwanted notice.

    There are, unfortunately, many knights wandering the land looking for hearth and home. It will seem to others that this is the reason for your journey. It is a personal quest by the Queen to remedy this situation but societal change is oft times slow. Let us be clear. If for any reason you need to invoke the name of The King, do so with conviction. I will be ever there at your back my friend, as long as I still draw breath, and in My stead, The Queen as well.

    As you command Your Majesty, I will leave at first light.

    So soon, eh? To be better at it quick, to have it done.

    This will take care of the costs of your journey, the King said as he handed Luke a purse. Our steward has been notified, see him for whatever provisions you may require..."

    Then by your leave, Your Highness.

    Before he could turn to go the King said, A word Sir Luke, before you depart. Pray tell, what is the one thing that tells best, or worst, of these Crusades.

    For several minutes the king stood as Luke looked around in the great chamber; the blood and carnage of war depicted on the tapestries hung on every wall. His gaze rose higher until he looked at the tall windows beneath the massive timbers of the roof. Night had fallen and he could see stars in the heavens shown against the dark sky.

    Sire, I will tell you a thing. There is no greater enemy to be faced than one who fights for freedom in his own land. Silence filled the chamber.

    We were told you were wise beyond your years, now We know to what extent. Sad, young knight, that all the statesmen, emissaries and ambassadors with their thousands of words could not know insight into these terrible Crusades as you do.

    Replacing a sad tone, the king admonished: Now be off with you Sir Knight! You have a long road and the night wanes. God speed and return safely Sir Luke. We would have it no other way.

    Bowing, Luke made for the great oaken door. A courtier waited in the antechamber to guide him where he wished to go; the knight’s bailey, he said; thinking how Shahjeen would soon be himself again.

    Little did Luke know that even at that moment seeds of mistrust were being sown by a jealous and vindictive man.


    As the king sat down and pondered the words from the remarkable knight that had so impressed, and in truth, awed him; his mind was filled with knowing the worth of such decency and caring in this one man, and others like him, and what good it boded for the kingdom and indeed the world.

    He was rudely interrupted.

    Majesty (loud whisper).


    Majesty (louder insistent whisper).

    Ignored. (surely he would not a third time...)

    You Highness, please, I beg you? (a dog whining for a bone)

    After a few moments: What is it? (calm, composed, no inflection)

    The man stepped from the shadows from the far side of the room and approached the king, now sitting nonchalantly, parchment in hand.

    Your Majesty, I was waiting in the adjoining map room to discuss other matters with you but the door to your chamber was ajar and I could not help but hear that you have placed some important task upon this upstart of a man who claims knighthood. I beseech you Great King, do not do this thing, we know nothing of this man’s time before he came here, it is not even proven that he is a knight.

    Go on Damien. (calm, composed)

    Is it perhaps ill-advised to entrust a matter of such seeming importance to a mere pup, one known to be so indiscriminate as to disregard life. Would it not be of greater benefit to entrust a much older more experienced knight or lordship with such a quest?

    There it was, the one word he had hoped not to hear. Damien had listened to everything.

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