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Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)
Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)
Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)
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Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)

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With tensions up, the Orimyr gather a Guarding Circle to protect against the rogue magicians threatening the clan, and a brush with danger has them requesting that Marla either leave the clan, or promise to stay with them, and keep out of the city until the threat can be neutralized. But when her sister calls begging for Marla to come to her aid, sounding more distressed than she ever has, Marla's request to leave temporarily is rejected by the Guarding Circle, and her commitment to the clan, and Toke, is brought into question. Will she be banished from their home, or will Toke's desire to take her as a permanent mate prevail over the protests of his peers?

Book type:  A 24,995k  Paranormal romance novella/ Steamy urban fantasy (approx 108 pages) - Final installment of the "In the Arms of the Dark Elf" tale

PublisherWNR Media
Release dateApr 24, 2013
Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)

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    Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance) - Willow Nonea Rae

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    Bride of the Dark Elf - In the Arms of the Dark Elf #3 (a paranormal romance)

    Bride of the Dark Elf | (In the arms of the Dark Elf #3 / paranormal romance)








    Bride of the Dark Elf

    Willow Nonea Rae

    ©D.E.W./Willow N. Rae 2013

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    Bride of the Dark Elf

    (In the arms of the Dark Elf #3 / paranormal romance)


    With tensions up, the Orimyr gather a Guarding Circle to protect against the rogue magicians threatening the clan, and a brush with danger has them requesting that Marla either leave the clan, or promise to stay with them, and keep out of the city until the threat can be neutralized. But when her sister calls begging for Marla to come to her aid, sounding more distressed than she ever has, Marla's request to leave temporarily is rejected by the Guarding Circle, and her commitment to the clan, and Toke, is brought into question. Will she be banished from their home, or will Toke's desire to take her as a permanent mate prevail over the protests of his peers?

    Book type:  A 24,995k  Paranormal romance novella/ Steamy urban fantasy (approx 108 pages)  Final installment of the In the Arms of the Dark Elf tale




    The attendant wrapped each section of Marla's dark tresses around the curling vines, humming an unknown melody. Her tone was slightly off-key, but it had its charm. She'd been exacting with each measure of hair, and her cat eyes flicked now to check the powder she'd dusted on Marla's skin. An approving quarter-smile appeared then quickly faded from her face as she reached and lifted the last section of Marla's hair to wrap into a larger curl.

    The petite Orimyr female tapped Marla's wrists next, signaling her to lift her hands from the silvery liquid the attendant immersed them in ten minutes before. An impressed grin spread Marla's face as she looked over the softened texture of her hands and the slight reflective violet green hue her nails took on. They looked like pau shells emerging from her fingers.

    Her filmy, green gown hung from a hardened root hook to the side of her, its ends woven from a kind of moss and teensy, chartreuse flower heads. Its beauty had almost taken her breath when she'd first laid eyes on it. As nerve wracking as the Presentation already was, the elaborate preparations appealed to the sense of pageantry that most, if not all, females felt at one time, many times, or another. It was very near to overwhelming for Marla, but she knew she'd need to grow accustomed to this sort of thing very quickly if she intended to stand at Toke's side.

    Both the females and males in Toke's clan were gorgeous, varied, and possessing of their own talents, but Marla would blend in well with the exceptional Orimyr and allies who appeared to demonstrate their talents for Dek's consideration.

    It seemed they all wanted a place in the Guarding Circle being constructed as a protective measure against the rogues and other threats that might emerge. From the small bit Marla was able to pick up in passing, most people were already considering it a position of prestige, despite it being an idea only as old as the recent dinner with the Guiding family. Marla had already been selected, but she'd continue to undergo training while the way to best utilize her energy was decided upon. The binds that had been used to overcome Dek were still more of a mystery than any of them liked, and a completely different power like Marla's might be needed if a danger emerged before the Orimyr knew how to overcome the rogue's advantage, or at least neutralize it.

    A genuinely dazzled smile spread Marla's dollish face as the powder fully seeped into her skin, leaving a glow that made her look like she was covered in moon dew. It flushed her cheeks and lips just enough to accentuate her caramel complexion.

    Her eyes twinkled with approval, and the long eared attendant loosed Marla's hair from the ivy vine curlers, freeing the now large curls to tumble down, and frame her face  as she set to pull strips of her hair into an upsweep that arranged her shining, black curls like flowers on display.

    Toke has an eye. For a human, you're a work of art, the Orimyr girl told her.

    A humbled expression flashed Marla's face.

    Thank you.

    The for a human bit wouldn't be considered flattering under normal circumstances, but it held its weight when Marla considered how breathtakingly beautiful the Orimyr clan was. Even the least attractive could easily be model material in the human world if long ears and the occasional slips of vine or root flower emerging from some of their skins were commercially viable.

    Now, the dress, the attendant told her with an anticipating gleam in her eyes.


    The root hall the Presentation was held in was large enough to accommodate ample seating on a variation of mushrooms that hardened and stacked like stadium seats in different spots around the room.

    It was slightly odd to Marla at first, looking like something straight out of a fantasy film, but she adored the hall's charm instantly. The concaved center of the floor was indented and paved with a smooth green stone she didn't know the name of and gave a wide expanse of room for the event's participants.

    She sat on the high seats flanking the very back of the room, like the others of the Guiding family. Today, the only Guiding family member who wasn't seated on the high seats was Dek. His mushroom chair sat at the edge of the circle at the floor's middle, and he had his head bent over a book opened on his lap with a kind of stick-quill poised over it. Whatever he was looking at had his attention seized; he didn't look up even once as various members of the Orimyr community and other forest kinds entered the space.

    It wasn't until a rail thin Orimyr crossed over the room to him and whispered something in his ear that he raised his head, a smile covering his face. His eyes swept the crowd. Giving them a wink, he offered a slight nod, to the dancers flanking the room, signaling them as a flutey, drum-heavy music resounded the air.

    The crowd straightened, their gazes following the dancers around the room with interest as they twisted through the crowd, showing off their acrobatics and precision.

    Marla's eyes caught sight of the clique who'd made her stay feel much less welcoming than it needed to, and she flicked her eyes up from them almost immediately with a twinge of irritation. They seemed annoyed when their eyes passed from Toke to Marla, making it clear she wouldn't want to engage them with her attention a second longer.

    It was difficult for her to consider that anyone in the court had the right call for the Dream walk trial that would ultimately prove

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